Koon Yew Yin's Blog

6 states election result is a wake - up call for Unity Government - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Thu, 17 Aug 2023, 03:15 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

The result of the 6 states election shows that within the unity government camp, the total number of seats won dropped from 114 to 80. Apart from DAP's slight drop of two seats, the other parties suffered a sharp decline in seats.

  • PKR 52 —> 26,
  • DAP 48 —> 46
  • AMANAH 14 —> 8
  • UMNO 42 —> 19

Within the National Alliance camp, the total number of seats won rose from 88 to 146, with PAS's strength soaring.

  • PAS 76 —> 105
  • Bersatu 12 —> 40

This is a wake-up call for the Unity Government. Based on 6 states election result, Unity Government will likely lose more votes in the next general election unless it can improve the economy of Malaysia before the next general election in 2027.

Research shows that a country’s economic performance can influence voters. Good economic performance can win more votes. Unity Government must concentrate on economy improvement to win in the next general election.

All politicians especially PAS must know that history shows almost all Islamic countries cannot develop even with oil resources. They are being left behind in social and economic progress as compared with other non-religious nations.

Malaysia was the largest tin, rubber and palm oil producer in the world, bearing in mind that many large oil palm estates in Kalimantan, Indonesia belong to Malaysian Chinese control companies. Moreover, Malaysia has one of the largest petroleum reserve in the world. Yet, Malaysia could not be classified as a Developed Nation.   

In 1970 when the new economic policy or Bumiputra policy (NEP) was passed by parliament, our GDP per capita was about the same as Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

After 52 years,

  • Malaysia GDP per capita is US$ 11,400,
  • Singapore GDP per capita is US$ 60,000,
  • Taiwan US$ 53,500,
  • South Korea US$ 46,000

All these 3 countries do not even have timber to build their houses and they are classified as Developed Nations.

All political leaders including Hadi Awang should put politics aside and concentrate on economy improvement. 

As I said earlier a country’s economic performance can influence voters. Good economic performance can win more votes. Unity Government must concentrate on economic improvement to stay in power.

The chart below shows Malaysia’s annual GDP growth rate has been dropping in the last 2 years.

Malaysia exports to China are the largest among its trading partners. The main products that Malaysia exports to China include electrical and electronic products, palm oil, rubber, petroleum, and chemicals.

Malaysia Exports to China was US$46.35 Billion during 2021, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Malaysia Exports to China - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on August of 2023.

Malaysia's Total Exports to China has been increasing in the last 10 years as shown below:

The above table shows the various products Malaysia export to China in 2021 and almost all the products if not all are produced by Malaysian companies. 

China is Malaysia’s biggest trading partner and Singapore is Malaysia’s 2nd biggest trading partner. Malaysia’s main export to Singapore includes Integrated Circuits, Refined Petroleum and Machineries.

In 2021, Malaysia's exports to Singapore was US$41.85 Billion. Over the last 26 years, the exports of Malaysia to Singapore have increased at an annualized rate of 4.5%, from $15.8B in 1995 to $45.6B in 2021.

That is why the Chinese are paying the most taxes in Malaysia which is used to pay all the civil servants and all MPs including Abdul Hadi Awang, president of PAS. He must not forget this fact.  

All Malaysian companies including oil palm plantation, manufacturing and building construction need more foreign workers to increase production for export to improve Malaysia’s economy.  

I was the Secretary General of the Malaysia Master Builders Association for 9 years. I know all our members are very short of workers especially foreign workers. If you look at any construction site, you can see most of the workers are foreigners and you cannot see any Malay workers because they can easily join the civil service.    

Malaysia Human Resources Ministry must find ways to help import more foreign workers to improve our economy rapidly so that Unity Government can win more votes to remain in power in the next general election in 2027.   

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2 people like this. Showing 12 of 12 comments


Green wave versus Blue Wave???

2023-08-18 09:46


At the end it still depended on how the majority Bumi common sense thinking and what they choose to be.

2023-08-18 14:46


wake up then do what?

2023-08-18 15:20


From Yahoo news -

The Perak legislative assembly is composed of 59 state seats.

>>The Opposition is short of 4 assemblymen to form/take over the State Government.

The state government is currently formed by the unity government, which consists of nine BN assemblymen and 24 PH, while the Opposition is Perikatan Nasional which consists of PAS (17 assemblymen) and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (nine assemblymen).


On Tuesday, Perak Opposition leader Razman Zakaria said PN would like to work with Umno in Perak to form a Malay-Muslim government following the outcome of the six state elections.

2023-08-18 16:51


Insted highlight hadi awang, u better highlight anwar n rafizi to put aside politic n concentrate on economy improvement...who run the goverment? Hadi or anwar? Try again uncle..i don think formula sifu n anwar can improve economy better than najib la uncle..their background n their word full of lies..how can u put all your trust in this kind of people? Kih355

2023-08-18 23:49


I miss all your trash talk before la uncle..semua salah najib. Semua salah 1mdb..najib step down n all of us got shit..all of this coming from your hard effort la uncle...kih355

2023-08-18 23:55


bring back najis, KJ to strengthen unity gomen to counter taliban, najis economy grasp much better than current lousy cabinet, its undeniable najis doing big blunt in 1mdb in many other areas he our-performed. bring back GST but at lower rate. then only MYR can strengthen

2023-08-19 14:16


PRN 15 Popular Vote:
PH+BN = 3,399,472 (49.58%)
PN = 3,382,455 (49.33%)
PH-BN wins the popular vote with a margin of 17017 votes.
Although PH-BN did not win many seats in Kedah, Terengganu, and Kelantan, the votes they gained for each seat was tangible. PH-BN also did not lose their deposit in any seat across the 6 states. PN lost their deposits in 18 seats between Selangor and Penang.
Yes, there is a "green wave". But there was also a huge "unity wall" that stopped it.

2023-08-21 09:39


Good stock market behind PH-BN popularity? Many stocks now on recovery mode.

2023-08-22 03:47


KYY cannot blame Anwar yet. Only 9 months he become PM so should give him more time.

2023-08-22 03:49


Kelantan and Terengganu(and Kedah if base on latest PRN) always look like Pas strong hold. Coming by-election like in Pulai and next in Pahang let see whether Green wave can continue or limit to certain states. Meanwhile GPS Sarawak has reaffirmed to continue support Unity Govn.

2023-08-22 04:04


Very good article to share

2023-08-24 12:22

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