
Trump driving Huawei to the ground..........

Publish date: Mon, 18 May 2020, 11:33 PM

Trump driving Huawei to the ground..........This is the biggest challenge faced by the group.




blocking even TSMC from supplying chips to Huawei............

This will have huge implications.


this is huge....don't play play.




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proactive............what next?

2020-05-18 23:59


Huawei the Apple of China........

no chips, no 5G

no 5G...no AI, bigdata....no Made in China 2025..........

every thing back to drawing board for China..........

all supply chains will be disrupted...............got related shares, sell first talk later..................

2020-05-19 00:15


CCP...that is the government of China..........not a criminal organisation.

2020-05-19 00:16


China will think of a trick......

2020-05-19 00:17


bottomline...........it is tough...........for China for Huawei.

2020-05-19 00:20


this is going to be big issue, no small issue.

2020-05-19 00:41


how u like a war during virus?

2020-05-19 00:52


what is wrong with bear? MCA tell u ?

2020-05-19 01:18


Haha qqq3,
Madman Donald Trump is so desperate to throw his last card to help him win the reelection on November.
He is the world biggest gambler.

2020-05-19 10:30


ATimes got good article

David Goodman is very good.

more important...what is proactive for shares..........?

2020-05-19 10:49


The proactive for shares is spare some ready capital to buy when everyone is selling. Big discount day sales is still on the card.

2020-05-19 11:23


5G cannot go ahead without chips.

This is one hurdle even Huawei/ China will find it very difficult to overcome.

things will get ugly, very ugly....

Trump is attacking China's jugular....China will not kneel down and surrender.

China century will need to over come many obstacles...this is one of those.

Trump has found his hope for reelection is attacking China......losing hope on Dow Jones rescuing his re election..........

2020-05-19 11:39


no law, no international treaties, no WTO, America is just about Trump and Fox News.........

yet..........so many anti CCP people, even in Malaysia.....

the disruption to world trade has similarities to the 1930s..........

2020-05-19 11:45


Huawei design the chips, and pass over to chip manufacturers like TSMC as OEM.
TSMC bought certain components from US company to setup its factory.
Simply because some components are from US company, TMSC cannot produce chips for Huawei.
With similar logic, no parts are not manufactured in China.
US company buy a screw made in China, so it cannot sell its oil to China because oil rig use one screw produced by China.
How to sell US car to China if steel is produced by China?

Simply put it this way, Donald Duck wants US and China to be mutually exclusive.
Either you deal with China, or you deal with US.
Either you buy from China, or you buy from US.
Either you sell to China, or you sell to US.

Check to find out which is your major trading partners, US or China?
Check and see which country is indispensable to your economy before you take side.

2020-05-19 13:35


China is cornered...didn't expect China cannot get chips from TSMC....luckily I sold TSMC at January.....lol...

US cut Japan from SEA oil, started Pearl Harbor....

US cut China from chips...this is BIG............

2020-05-19 13:48


China's 5G plans at risks........no way to go around this in less than 5 years.........

2020-05-19 13:49


China forced back into Mao era?

2020-05-19 13:50


If this world can make up of three independent sphere of influence, it would be a safer world to live in.

US and 5 eyes as one group.
China-Russia as another group.
EU as third group.

US$ as predominant currency within its group.
RMB as common trading currency for China-Russia group.
Euro as common trading currency for EU group.

Any country can choose which group it want to be in.
Coming to trading, use appropriate currency when dealing with different group.
In that case, US cannot dictate its term on other country as sole superpower if US$ has lost its predominance.........

2020-05-19 14:17


So China is now putting up Unreliable Entity List.
Any company want to sell to China must have no US components.
Surely Boeing and Apple are out.
Surely GM and Ford Cars are out.
Surely soya beans and cotton are out.
Surely everything made by US company worldwide will be out of Chinese market.

2020-05-19 14:26


Posted by ks55 > May 19, 2020 2:17 PM | Report Abuse

If this world can make up of three independent sphere of influence, it would be a safer world to live in.


that is the direction but takes time to evolve.........say 30 years.......

yuan has failed to make any dent into replacing US$ as reserve currency..............China unable to crack this problem.....

and 5 eyes still controlling public opinions......

2020-05-19 14:27


osted by ks55 > May 19, 2020 2:26 PM | Report Abuse

So China is now putting up Unreliable Entity List.
Any company want to sell to China must have no US components.
Surely Boeing and Apple are out.
Surely GM and Ford Cars are out.
Surely soya beans and cotton are out.
Surely everything made by US company worldwide will be out of Chinese market.

China also don't want to cut big toes to avoid leeches....its a balancing game....what is true is......this thing is Big and financial markets has pushed it aside for now....but cannot be avoided....

be proactive.

2020-05-19 14:30

Bearvsbull Bendia

Yeah, this is Toshiba event all over again! Japan at one time so advaced in tech that US had no idea how to overtake them! Until Toshiba event!
Likewise, problem with Huawei is that, it's basically CCP! It's like fingers to CCP, cut those fingers, CCP dies!
So yeah, Donald is killing off CCP! Huawei is just a bargaining chip in grand scheme!
Anyway, for Donald to win overwhelmingly this coming November, Donald need to find vaccine for Covid19! Or drugs for that matter! That's why he hire the best of the best to run this agenda!
If Donald able to find vaccine or drug before November, basically victory is his and China will die standing as there will be no mercy from Donald!

2020-05-19 14:34


Trump will not win......Its just how much damage Trump do to the world......

2020-05-19 14:36


Huawei, CCP, China are One ....not three........hahahahaha

2020-05-19 14:37


maybe invincible virus do the world a BIg flavour ? who know...
19/05/2020 2:39 PM

2020-05-19 14:39


US and China are already in a "Thucydides trap." It does not matter who is in the US Administration. It started way back in Bush II with not action, but Obama did it subtly with TPP forming a trading block to collectively take on China. Then Trump came along with his crude, often noisy and I can do it alone way. So now everyone is awoken to the US agenda to deflate, or at least delay the rise of China.

2020-05-19 15:07


Dear Bearvbull Bendia
Communism is a proven failed economy system and undeniably China was once a failed state with Mao’s extreme left-wing communism experimentation that starved millions of its people to death. Communism stripped people of human dignity and moral value in self determination and free will in working hard in achieving Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Today China is everything except communism, thanks to Deng’s open economy policy that emphasis on result rather than dogma or doctrine. China has gone a long way to becoming a market – capitalist – economy with a nominally Communist government. It has opened up to foreign investment (much more than, say, India). Its firms compete internationally and invest overseas. Some Chinese entrepreneurs like Jack Ma have global recognition. Day to day economic life operates through markets and farmers have greater ownership rights. There is a sophisticated stock exchange and capital markets with large and highly efficient and competitive State enterprises dominate banking, power, energy, and telecoms, major genuinely private companies (like Huawei, Lenovo, Ali Baba, Tencent and etc) and flourishing small to medium sized private companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_Chinese_companies

According to the American business magazines Fortune and Forbes, in 2019 Fortune's Global 500 list of the world's largest corporations included 119 Chinese companies, with combined revenues of US$ 8.2 trillion.

China had endured century of humiliation (1849-1949) with unequal treaty forced upon China by foreign power. (Empire of Japan, Russian Empire, British Empire, United State, French Colonial Empire, German Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Netherlands).

China is now an awakening new emerging economic and military super-power. Whether we like it or not, we need to live with this new reality and put our best interest forward by studying and understanding China in order to forge strategic alliance on the back of a Prosper-Thy-Neighbor policy that promotes the concept of shared security and prosperity based on mutual respect, for mutual gain.

2020-05-19 15:12


Dear Bearvbull Bendia
Communism, Communist Party of China and Mandate of Heaven
You can read above blog to have some idea on Communism and CPC

2020-05-19 15:20


Bendia? no idea how a Malaysian can be so brainwashed.. mca teach u?

2020-05-19 15:41


no doubt this thing is big.... Trump had chosen this anti China path over Wall Street as road to election.

2020-05-19 15:50


it's popular in the west to say Xi is this and that.. Mao is this and that.... but both Xi and Mao are respected and popular in China.... cannot meh?

2020-05-19 16:00


China's world is surely better than Trump lawless world, Fox News world. incompetent world

2020-05-19 16:02

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