Klci index article

Manipulate and Monopoly

Ryan Chong
Publish date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015, 12:09 PM
As i am a put warrant holder, i am willing to share my view on the klci today.
I can very confident that this foreign fund is our local EPF itself? Why make me said that? You see since the index pushed up to 1720 , there is no profit taking action from our biggest net buyer foreigner. The foreigner is still net buying. The thing is, what i seen from today the index can be up by 4 index in a second? What? Usually people will see people buy, then i buy, so the index can be sustain and up steady. However , since the index up by 4 in a second? What this? the buying power is coming from one party? From one party, do him think that he so confident that his stock will not profit taken by local? Especially the oil price already drop over 10%, since the index up by petrol, why the index not drop by the petrol? The conclusion is they are both same person since the 1600 index the foreigner push all the stock to the local. Especially the annual budget 2016 coming in next week, the umno people want to make the market looks pretty before the budget. The UMNO mind is very simple, they want up, then up, so he dont care got correction or not. The market just up. However 20b is our money, not the UMNO money, apart from that, they also can use 20b to "BANK IN" to their umno company. 
Clear your put, stay call. From today movement, the EPF already shout to everyone, i am the king, i am monopoly the market, dont against me. Be cautious, the market have not real investor anymore, they just follow how the EPF want to manipulate.
More articles on Klci index article

Created by Ryan Chong | Oct 07, 2015


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Created by Ryan Chong | Sep 25, 2015

Where is our 20b?

Created by Ryan Chong | Sep 23, 2015

1 person likes this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


I disagree with you as Ringgit is appreciating. This means that the foreign buying is real as all three markets are showing same direction. Forex, equity and bond market. Bond yield declined today as well meaning foreigners seems buying Malaysia bond also.

2015-10-15 12:16

Ryan Chong

ringgit is based on what to appreciating? What make so huge fund coming in to malaysia? Especially oil drop back to 46

2015-10-15 12:18


I kinda agree with Ryan..
good observation


the USD has weakened against EUR, I would say that's the reason why
see as if RM has strengthen against USD

further more, its possible for EPF to hold USD reserve to buy back RM
and we really need to check how they define 'foreign net buyers'

2015-10-15 12:54


Give you a LIKE RYan Chong bro....

pls cooooooooooooool down.....................

2015-10-15 13:23


EPF also control oil price.....wakakakaka

2015-10-15 13:29

Ryan Chong


2015-10-15 13:49


Me ordinary i3 forum user only..... How well if I can pull down apa-apa or push up apa-apa.....wakakakakakak

Posted by Ryan Chong > Oct 15, 2015 01:49 PM | Report Abuse


2015-10-15 13:51



EPF ready with RM50 billion to cover the hole if Foreign fund cash out money.....

2015-10-15 13:51


Saya sokong 100000000000000000% duit...

Jika EPF dan SP Setia boleh tolong UK economy..kenapa tidak sekarang tolong negara sendiri..hahahaahahahahahahahaaha...kasi bakar sikit..

2015-10-15 13:54

Ryan Chong

i scare people cannot take out money from epf only

2015-10-15 13:55

Ryan Chong

that time epf sure main kotor lagi, say 70 years old only can take out money, when short of money , then 80 years old, no more money, 100 years old, he dont believe u can live 100 years

2015-10-15 13:56


History that teach us ..remember those days? our malaysian money cannot bring back from Singapore if i m not mistaken..ahahaahahahahahaahh...:)..enough enough history class..:)

2015-10-15 13:56


Dont say EPF main kotor..EPF do their national service..eheheheheh..

2015-10-15 13:57

Ryan Chong

this world 一切只讲求手段而已,美国经济那么烂,人那么懒,每天都可以活得那么好,为什么,全部都是因为手段,如果你们asia 让我美国死,大家就一起死

2015-10-15 13:59

Ryan Chong

股市只是有钱人包装成投资样子的game场,如果用投资的态度去想,注定给他们吃。对于有钱人来讲这个根本只是一个game 场而已,小孩子玩游戏机,大人玩股市

2015-10-15 14:01


Rilek bro
cool down/...///

since when EPF ada gurantee sama kita pasti cukup duit bila kita nak cash out???????????????? Talak kan??? then why must panic panic.... Ini old news ad........................

and since when EPF cakap talak duit untuk withdraw (ini untuk cover my back side scared EPF sue me).......U all judge urself la.......cannot judge then jz feel it

anyway.................don't against the money flow.... told U ad market is stable and will benchmark at 1660-1760...........

Our BOND yield so attractive, ppl see and ppl air liuh keluar...then start to buy and Ringgit get stronger lo....

another thing.............. Market is a place for Smart people to vacuum less-smart people money.................. UU can choose to stand in Smart side or less-smart side

Posted by Ryan Chong > Oct 15, 2015 01:56 PM | Report Abuse

that time epf sure main kotor lagi, say 70 years old only can take out money, when short of money , then 80 years old, no more money, 100 years old, he dont believe u can live 100 years

2015-10-15 14:04

Lollipot Anison

Haha. Is like that lo, make yourselves richer.
I have enjoy first round of put in end of august when it raised to 55 sen. First buy at 11 sen.
Now it kind of hard to play the game, us wont raise rate, but i sense something big is coming, you just have to be patient

2015-10-15 14:11

JT Yeo

'如果用投资的态度去想,注定给他们吃' - I havent get eaten so far

2015-10-15 15:43

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