save malaysia!

Why I (and hopefully we) still need Malaysia Airlines

Publish date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019, 12:07 PM

COMMENTARY, March 12 — If I can, I will always choose Malaysia Airlines. Even if the ticket price is a couple hundred ringgit more.

Maybe I am being foolishly sentimental about this because AirAsia is also a Malaysian airline. But yes, if I can and if Malaysia Airlines flies to wherever it is I want to go... I will always choose MH over all others.

I am no world traveller even though I have been lucky, over the years, to have gone to many countries and flown with quite a few airlines other than our national carrier.

Some have been superior while some have been quite appalling. As it is with life in general, you win some and you lose some.

Also, unlike quite a few of you out there, I do not fly Business Class. I only ever had that privilege once when I went to Paris for work.

So what is it about Malaysia Airlines that I love so much?

I guess it’s the memories.

I grew up at a time when flying was a big deal. It was expensive and out of reach of most people.

The first time I got on a plane was when I flew from Ipoh to Kota Baru to visit my then-boyfriend.

My parents took me to the airport and my mother cried when I said goodbye. I know, so much drama for something we take for granted now.

And yes, it was a Malaysian Airlines flight.

Then there was the first time I went to the UK... the land of all my favourite childhood stories. I was so excited I did not sleep the entire way there on the Malaysian Airlines flight.

The company has gone through some really tough times and now there is talk of shutting it down, or selling it after it missed its three-year target for profitability.

When you look at the numbers, the whole business probably does not look viable at this point.

But you know what, I hope the government also takes into account the intangibles when deciding Malaysia Airlines’ future.

Things like the feeling I get every time — and I am sure I am not the only one — when I board a Malaysia Airlines flight for Kuala Lumpur. The feeling I am already home.

It has nothing to do with the nasi lemak or satay or flatbed and everything to do with its heritage, its people and my memories of all the flights before and hopefully, to come.

And when the steward or stewardess says Selamat pulang ke tanahair when we land... well, that means the world to me.

2 people like this. Showing 8 of 8 comments


Yes I feel for MAS too, every few years they help rakyats malaisia to burn a couple of Billions ringgit to save themselves without fail.
MAS is very consistent. I am sure we are all extremely proud of MAS and this arrangement should go on......

2019-03-13 13:59


tutup kedai lah..... enuf of burning our tax payor money! govt already say no money so better just tutup kedai and stop the bleeding.

2019-03-13 14:36


no MAS then Air Asia monopoly........

2019-03-13 14:37


MAS and AA operate in different category segment lah.
MAS is premium and mid cost.
AA is low cost.
mana can AA monopoly????

2019-03-13 15:21


Just Sell to Singapore Airline or Airasia or China Southwest loh....!!

It is ok to kowtow to them mah....!!

Like that govt not only save money but also make monies from efficient operations loh..!!

2019-03-13 17:39


Malaysia can sell MAS but who will fly the passengers?

Will it affect tourism / business.

2019-03-13 18:09

Heavenly PUNTER

we don't need this money losing shit

2019-03-13 18:11


How can ??

The foreign operators or even airasia will promote Msia even more, as now they own the airline...of course they will promote msia even more to ensure their airline flight seats are well occupied mah...!!

Today airasia carry more passengers compare with MAS mah....!!

Don listen to the all the bullshit loh...!!

Posted by qqq3 > Mar 13, 2019 06:09 PM | Report Abuse

Malaysia can sell MAS but who will fly the passengers?

Will it affect tourism / business.

2019-03-13 18:13

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