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Should I back Team Dr M or Anwar? Sarawak MP Willie Mongin asks Puncak Borneo voters on Facebook

Publish date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020, 11:00 PM

KUCHING, Feb 26 — Puncak Borneo federal lawmaker Willie Mongin took to Facebook to get the views of his constituents in the face of a political dilemma.

Ahead of his audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong earlier this afternoon, Willie posed two options for his constituents.

“I have two choices to be decided before the meeting [with] the Yang diPertuan Agong,” he posted on his Facebook page.

He gave the first option as sticking with Selangau MP Baru Bian and Interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The alternative was to follow Julau MP Larry Sng who is with PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“What are your views?” Willie asked.

“The opinions from voters outside Puncak Borneo will not be considered,” he added.

Willie’s post attracted 369 “likes”, 230 comments and was shared 13 times on Facebook at the time of writing.

Many of the commentators expressed support for Willie, but cautioned him against making any hasty decision that would affect his political career and the wellbeing of Puncak Borneo residents.

“Pick what is best for the people of Puncak Borneo. We will support you whichever political party you want to join later on. We voted for you in the last general election because you were contesting,” said one.

Another Facebook user advised Willie to chose Baru and Dr Mahathir, saying it would be for the good of the country and Sarawak.

“You need a really strong team to defend our race, brother, remember. Our people have chosen you to bring back our dignity, next generation is depending on three of you.

“Any decision you make, think of our people’s rights, God bless,” the Facebooker said, in a collective reference to Willie, Baru and Saratok MP Ali Biju.

The three Sarawak MPs are among 10 of Datuk Seri Azmin Ali’s faction who walked out of PKR last Monday.

One more said he doesn’t really care which bloc Willie sides with in the political impasse.

“But the next course of action, after you have picked side, will determine whether my family votes will go to you again or we vote you out,” he said.

A woman voter asked Willie to pray and he would find an answer from God in the interest of the people, especially those from Puncak Borneo.

But another voter expressed his regret that Willie has decided to tag with PAS to form new government.

“Remember your root as true believer,” he stressed.

Another voter expressed regret that Willie did not consult his constituents before he left PKR.

“We cannot rely on you, anymore,” he said.

A female voter asked Willie to call for an emergency meeting, especially with the community leaders and village headmen, to get their views.

“They were the ones who voted for you and you should listen to their views and from there, you can evaluate which direction you want to take. Wrong choice will end your career,” she said.

However, Willie has since issued a joint press statement with Bau and Ali following a live televised address by Dr Mahathir after the King ended his interviews with at least 137 MPs today.

The trio reiterated their support for Dr Mahathir and a non-partisan government.

They added that Dr Mahathir’s proposal “reinforced” their stance that reconciliation and healing are paramount for the country.

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If back Tun M not he already lost?

2020-02-27 05:07

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