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Annuar Musa urges to stop blame games accusing Pakatan of not acting early on Covid-19

Publish date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020, 11:31 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, March 22 — Tan Sri Annuar Musa today called for calm among critics who have been lambasting Pakatan Harapan (PH) for allegedly failing to act early in containing the Covid-19 outbreak here.

Taking it to Twitter, the Ketereh MP and Federal Territories Minister said that it is important to focus on the efforts being undertaken currently, to save the masses.

“I feel there is no need to blame the government/previous leaders for not acting early. We shall focus on the current efforts and the next.

“Stay focused and stay united. God willing we can do it stay home by protecting your family you are protecting others too!” Annuar tweeted.

On March 17, the PH leadership revealed that Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had chaired a National Action Council meeting without the presence of Selangor, Kedah, Negri Sembilan, Penang and Sabah, states that account for 40 per cent of Covid-19 infection cases.  

On Twitter, Selangor and Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shaari and Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir criticised the exclusion.

Amirudin said what Muhyiddin did went against the spirit of cooperation expected in times of crisis.

Muhyiddin announced on “live” television on March 16, the government’s decision to invoke Public Health Act 342 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988, a law that allows for a partial lockdown, or a movement control order (MCO).

The prime minister had then said movement control was necessary to mitigate the Covid-19 outbreak, as new infection cases had spiked drastically.

PH leaders responded to the restriction order critically, suggesting the move was ill-informed while others were more blatant, blaming the rise of infection on Muhyiddin’s Cabinet ministers, whom they chided as incompetent.

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You buggers overthrew the PH government during the outbreak and created a political mess. Now want to blame PH. Banyak cantek!

The propaganda is to blame everything on PH and they play innocent.

Dasar pengkhianat.

2020-03-22 12:43


love or hate PH, they are no more..........

its now malay unity.........

lets see what is malay unity...........

2020-03-22 13:35


Posted by DreamKentut > Mar 22, 2020 12:43 PM | Report Abuse

You buggers overthrew the PH government during the outbreak and created a political mess. Now want to blame PH. Banyak cantek!

The propaganda is to blame everything on PH and they play innocent.

Dasar pengkhianat.


PH did badly......don't blame the lims

2020-03-22 13:37


Don't blame the lims. But their whole gang.They were too foolish to take the finance ministry rather than econ and home ministries......leaving home ministry to pengkhianat kylo ren

Senior Lim should have taken home ministry for peace and unity, while jr Lim econ

2020-03-22 13:38


whoever in finance also cannot go against mahati, it was all his idea, they just have to follow his instruction.

2020-03-22 13:40


"Posted by EngineeringProfit > Mar 22, 2020 1:38 PM | Report Abuse
Don't blame the lims. But their whole gang.They were too foolish to take the finance ministry rather than econ and home ministries......leaving home ministry to pengkhianat kylo ren

Senior Lim should have taken home ministry for peace and unity, while jr Lim econ"

It is not DAP's fault but the sabotge happened within

Bersatu sabotaged and Mahatir knows about it, but kept quiet.

They worked with UMNO&PAS while in PH.

The mistake of DAP is trusting Mahatir.

I am sure you have some peanut sized brain to know how it happened.

2020-03-22 18:31

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