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No bullshit: Anwar’s Cabinet line-up list highly delusional and perplexing? By Kee Thuan Chye

Publish date: Sat, 03 Dec 2022, 09:52 AM

I FIND Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s selection of his Cabinet unfair and disappointing.

Why is Barisan Nasional (BN) getting so many plum portfolios – Deputy Prime Minister (DPM), Defence, International Trade and Industry?

The same goes to PKR – PM, Finance, Home, Economic Affairs, Education.

Why are people who were voted out in GE15 made ministers and given major portfolios — like Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz and Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution?

Many people found Zafrul to be a disappointment as finance minister. Why is he made a minister even?

Educationists also found Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin a disappointment when he was higher education minister the previous time. Why is he appointed to the same position?

And why is Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said made minister in-charge of law when right after ex-premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak was sent to jail, she came out to say that the Government should have had the Attorney-General (AG) in its pocket? Is this the kind of minister we want?

Why does PKR have the greatest number of ministers, ie eight when it won only 31 seats (ratio: 1:3.87) in the 15th General Election (GE15)? UMNO gets six posts with only 30 seats (ratio 1:5). Even GPS with only 23 seats gets five ministers.

The DAP won the highest number of seats among all the parties in this new government, ie 40 but it gets only four ministers (ratio 1:10). And these ministers are having less than major portfolios like Transport (Anthony Loke), Human Resources (V N Sivakumar) Local Government (Nga Kor Ming), and Youth and Sports (Hannah Yeoh).

These are portfolios the BN of old used to traditionally give to the MCA.

Sure, I get it that Anwar is worried about being attacked by the Opposition if the DAP were to be given more significant portfolios, but one might have expected him to show some appreciation to the party that has stood by him for the last 24 years, through thick and thin.

In fact, Anwar’s selection formula smacks of the formula of the BN of old – with the PM also becoming finance minister.

Finally, have you heard of Fadhlina Sidek (Nibong Tebal MP)? I haven’t. Maybe I’m ignorant or uninformed but it still worries me greatly that I haven’t. Because she is the new Education Minister. That’s one of the biggest portfolios. Has she got what it takes? Will she take our education standards out of its lower depths?

Oh, but of course, she’s from PKR, too. Looks like Anwar has made sure that his party would occupy most of the key ministries.

I’m just a no-bullshit layman giving my layman’s take on the new Cabinet and its selection. Please tell me if I am wrong in any way. – Dec 3, 2022


Political critic and veteran journalist Kee Thuan Chye is also the author of Ask for No Bullshit, Get Some More! (sequel to No More Bullshit, Please, We’re All Malaysians).

3 people like this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


veteran journalist Kee Thuan Chye, don’t criticise so much. We live in a kerajaan perpaduan. Look at the long term political stability lah. What is the use to get more ministries for the Pas or PN to confirm DSAI gov is controlled by Dap?
Look at the population in Msia, Chinese how many percent? You increase your fertility first and breed more, later you can get bigger populations and bigger seats.
China and India have the biggest and second biggest population but India cannot get a veto seat in UN. Not fair is it for India kah? Because US, UK, France, Russia has smaller population but get Veto power in UN??? Look at the bigger picture lah.

2022-12-03 12:20


Just think for a second if PN formed the government what will be the cabinet ministers look like?

2022-12-03 12:35


Kee Thuan Chye said it very right. DAP is 40 seats, why 4 minister posts only? All are not important ones. Why is PKR given 8? Why is newbie Fadhila Sidek get Education minister post? That's are all his good points here. Same like mine.

2022-12-03 13:21


Give more minister posts to DAP so it would be justifiable for PN to say that the new government is controlled by DAP or Chinese? Do we think PH can win in the next election by giving more minister posts to DAP?
What I worry most is whether the new education minister, Fadhlina Sidek can overhaul the entire backwards educational systems.

2022-12-03 13:44


i'm very happy a dpm post is given to sarawak, the rest are just crap! dap representation or lack thereof is a huge disappointment.

2022-12-03 14:34


Sarawak Gps Now got Dpm in Cabinet. Also in Charge of plantation industries

These Stocks will benefit


all 3 above 100% operation in Sarawak

Thplant got 7 parcels of lands for sale in Sarawak located along pan Borneo highway

These are located along growing Infrastructure

Thplant will benefit

2022-12-03 17:50


On the coming Monday, plantation stks shall skyrocket !!!

Go in FAST !

2022-12-03 19:56


the dust has settled now. Time to move back into construction and building materials counters.

2022-12-03 20:45


Memang terpaksa letak Zahid sebagai Tpm Msia kerana jika letak yg lain seperti Tok Mat sebagai Tpm Msia, semasa pemilihan presiden umno nanti lagi 6 bulan ini, pasti Tok Mat yang menjadi Tpm Msia akan bertanding untuk menjadi presiden umno. Jika selain dari Zahid menjadi presiden umno, adakah ada jaminan yg presiden Umno yang baru itu tidak akan bawa semua ahli parlimennya 30 org kepada PN? menyebabkan kerajaan PH boleh terbubar bila-bila masa…. jadi langkah terbaik adalah meletakkan Zahid sbg Tpm Msia. apalagi Zahid lah yang berjasa kepada Anwar menjadi PM pada hari ini.. lagi pula, Zahid masih belum disabitkan bersalah, baru di dalam perbicaraan, belum sabit dan belum tentu salah…. jadi masih boleh dilantik ke dalam kabinet dan jika ada sebarang masalah, masih boleh digugurkan dari jawatan…. jadi ini saja cara terbaik utk Kerajaan Perpaduan hari ini kekal dan stabil.

2022-12-04 02:35


in corporate terminology, this is called teamwork lah....

2022-12-05 10:50


Post removed.Why?

2022-12-05 11:21


Funny, really funny.. ha!x5. Do we really want the oldies fill up cabinet? without having newer generation to be trained? There are government bodies support the ministers. Secondly if PN in power, how would the juridical will looks like. Now Bersatu is killing and absorbing UMNO party. They will worst than UMNO if this happen. The things that we must do now, work to support the unity government and repair the worsen economy condition. If we fight for something that not belongs to us, the get ready for others to fight something belongs to us.

2022-12-05 11:32


Cops buy coffee for Hadi soon.

2022-12-05 11:43


At least Genting, Magnum, Sport Toto, Big Sweep, Turf Club all safe. Govt income on gaming tax, corporate tax, entertainment tax will not be affected.

2022-12-05 11:51


DSAI's Unity Govt should be safe for next 5 years. Unlikely to change 3 PM in 5 years with those political frogs jumping here and there to look for biggest benefits.

2022-12-05 11:55


All depends on DSAI policy towards Amno, gps and grs lah, if DSAI wanted a stable government.

2022-12-05 13:50



Posted by Nighelanghelo > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

in corporate terminology, this is called teamwork lah....

2022-12-05 14:04


Disappointed that Sarawak MP dont get Education or Health ministry post and worst still appoint a loser Tengku Zarful into Miti post

2022-12-05 14:04

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