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No Raya bonus for civil servants in Kelantan, says deputy MB

Publish date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 09:23 AM

KOTA BARU, March 26 — There will be no bonus for civil servants in Kelantan for the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration this year said Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohamed Fadzli Hassan.

He said the special assistance of RM2,000 for civil servants in Kelantan that was announced in the month of November by Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Nassuruddin Daud should be regarded as the Raya bonus and since the RM2,000 was paid in February which is close to the Hari Raya Aidilfitri date, civil servants should use it for Raya expenses.

“We value the contributions of civil servants, just like the Federal government. If the state’s economic status improves, God-willing we will think of providing some form of financial assistance later,” he said.

He was speaking to reporters after handing out contributions to the poor and less fortunate in conjunction with the “Program Memacu Kehidupan: Hari Raya Aidilfitri” organised by Yayasan Petronas, today.

Meanwhile, the East Coast Petronas general manager Mohammad Ahmad Shazly Ramli said 550 families from 11 districts in Kelantan received contributions worth RM110,000 from Yayasan Petronas.

“The total assistance allocated for the East Coast is RM270,000 and will benefit 1,350 families. Each family will receive essential goods like rice, noodles, cooking oil, canned food, flour, salt, sugar, tea and chocolate drinks,” he said. — Bernama

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Why give bonus to civil servants?
They are not productive at all.
Their job scope is to do administrative work to enable proper function of government
With smooth government operation, public and businesses can go about doing their matters without hiccup and needless red tape.
Bonus for doing administrative work?? That is pampering.
Even a robot can do their job!

2024-03-27 09:36


If all Malaysians can work together to drive our Bursa UP ... that is good enough bonus for all Malaysians !!! 😁😄😁😄

2024-03-27 10:00


stop pampering our civil servants. Work little bit, a lot of people doing one person's job, most of the time not around their working space, unfriendly attitude towards customers. Welcome to Malaysia..

2024-03-27 10:17


BURSA can UP if government does not hug to racist policies and display fanaticism.
They are drowning by their own effort.

2024-03-27 10:19


If you walk into any government premises, you can see a lot of posters telling people how to behave, dress up and react. They treat public like school kids.

2024-03-27 10:21


Govt servants behaves like the "King", because the rakyat need their services, the govt need their votes. They are the Big Boss.

2024-03-27 10:41


Don't refer them as gomen or people servants. They are the almighty servant first, moral police second and the self-serving gaji buta pencen berlapis-lapis ones third

2024-03-27 10:45

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