save malaysia!

Anwar: 80-85% of Malaysians stand to benefit from targeted subsidies

Publish date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024, 09:49 AM

PADANG BESAR (April 1): Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the government's move to implement targeted subsidies is aimed at ensuring that the benefits are truly enjoyed by 80 to 85% of the population.

He said the move also aims to prevent the wealthy and the estimated 3.5 million foreigners in the country from benefiting from subsidies.

"We give petrol subsidies and who benefits now? Yes, the Malaysian people... even 3.5 million or nearly four million foreigners also get petrol subsidies because we give subsidies to everyone.

"The richest people in our country also get petrol subsidies, so we need to find a way to use what is called subsidy targeting so that the benefits of the subsidy are directly returned to 80 to 85% of the population," he said in his speech at the Perlis-level Madani breaking of fast ceremony at Felda Chuping here on Monday.

He said the same measures are being implemented by the government involving electricity tariffs, where the increase in tariffs only affects 15% of the people, who are high-income earners.

In addition, the prime Minister said the increase in electricity tariffs also only affects companies and factories, while the majority of the population are not impacted.

Anwar said that for diesel, subsidy targeting is aimed at stopping the leakages and smuggling that have been occurring for so long and causing losses in the tens of billions every year.

"That's why I say, subsidy targeting means raising prices for the top 15% of income earners and foreigners, but does not burden the people.

"If we make any changes related to diesel, we must ensure that public services, Felda lorries, fishermen, school buses and government departments do not incur diesel increases," he said.

Anwar said the government is ready to listen to views and criticisms regarding subsidy targeting and emphasised the importance of increasing the country's revenue.

Also present were Perlis Menteri Besar Mohd Shukri Ramli and Felda chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

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Amboi! banyak orang miskin di Malaysia
Pmx undurlah! U have failed

2024-04-02 13:15


All retail mkt players are miskin !!! Bcos we all kena hammered by the mkt lah. 😥😥😥

2024-04-02 13:56


all talk only

2024-04-02 17:56


Good as an Opposition for check & balance. But very poor in governing the country.

2024-04-02 22:23


Don't fill up Padu can get subsidy?

2024-04-02 23:41

Jack Khan

you got money invest also want get subsidy ?

2024-04-03 09:44


PM should be ashamed to announce that 85% of population are depending on handouts.
It also describes the state of economy.

2024-04-03 10:31


No food on the table, then what to do ?

2024-04-03 11:47


This kind of cold turkey economic strategy will eventually fail as it will "keep the rich at bay to strengthen the poor," which is very similar to our education system, which took away all the exams so that no one will happily fail the primary school exam and come to secondary school; the whole classes failed. M40s or B40s will be in deep disappointment if they think the government will spoon-feed them with the so-called targeted petrol subsidy every month, as the government is heavily in debt and most T20s are cashing out their assets and sending their kids overseas. For a nation to prosper, we need to encourage students to study hard for exams and workers to work for money. If the government is trying to act like a robin hood sooner or later all the investors (whether local or foreign) will flee the country. The idea of targeted petrol subsidy is actually just empty talk. How is the government going to reimburse the targeted petrol subsidy every month when Tom in Johor is spending RM1500 on petrol and Dick in KL due to extra hours as the Grab driver is spending RM3000? Harry, who lives in Long Pasia, will get a zero targeted petrol subsidy as he owns no car. Economically speaking, the petrol subsidy, whether in its current form or in PADU form, will make no difference as it will only benefit the urban family and that is the reason why some communities in Sarawak and Sabah are still living below the poverty line. Economy Minister said very soon he will table a Bill but for sure whatever Bill he is going to table will not be supported by Sarawak and Sabah lawmakers or meaning to say the Bill will be rejected and the Unity Government will be forced to resolve as it is as good as vote of no confidence.

2024-04-03 11:59



Posted by DickyMe > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

PM should be ashamed to announce that 85% of population are depending on handouts.
It also describes the state of economy.

2024-04-03 12:25


Sadly, DAP is part of this failure (in the history)

Posted by metaverse > 25 minutes ago | Report Abuse

This kind of cold turkey economic strategy will eventually fail as it will "keep the rich at bay to strengthen the poor," which is very similar to our education system, which took away all the exams so that no one will happily fail the primary school exam and come to secondary school; the whole classes failed. M40s or B40s will be in deep disappointment if they think the government will spoon-feed them with the so-called targeted petrol subsidy every month, as the government is heavily in debt and most T20s are cashing out their assets and sending their kids overseas.

2024-04-03 12:26


Do you think we are plugging the correct "leakages" in govt in the correct way? Reducing subsidies, the money saved, goes to where? Give budget of nice cars for MPs, give higher allowances for MPs, give more pensions for MPs? Give higher salaries to MPs?

2024-04-03 14:58


Wrong formula. Economy continues to sink as the M40 are squeezed - as economy equals M40's money goes round. And these superrich and superprivilege ones continue to impoverish the nation and weaken ringgit because they keep shifting their wealth to overseas

Posted by eastern_joy > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Do you think we are plugging the correct "leakages" in govt in the correct way? Reducing subsidies, the money saved, goes to where? Give budget of nice cars for MPs, give higher allowances for MPs, give more pensions for MPs? Give higher salaries to MPs?

2024-04-03 15:12


ur maths is so poor! how can it be wrong!!!!

2024-04-03 15:23


It's actually just the right formula because the nons make up the majority of honestly declared M40

2024-04-03 15:27


"Posted by eastern_joy > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Do you think we are plugging the correct "leakages" in govt in the correct way? Reducing subsidies, the money saved, goes to where?"

Goes to pay interest on foreign loans and bonds (sukuk and non sukuk).
You must hail BosKuku for this!

2024-04-03 16:50


The politicians screwing all …
Written by Roman

2024-04-03 19:42


1. The poor - work & work.
2. The rich - exploit the poor.
3. The soldier - protects both.
4. The taxpayer - pays for all three.
5. The banker - robs all four.
6. The lawyer - misleads all five.
7. The doctor - bills all six.
8. The goons - scare all of seven.
9. The Politician -, lives happily on account of all eight.
Written in 43 B.C. by a Roman name Cocero. Valid even today !

2024-04-06 16:25


Improve oredi. Used to be 100%. Now drop to 80%, including 5% of PH supporters. What an achievement!!!

2024-04-06 16:26


PerMAiDANI gomen has failed to learn from Jack Ma. Listen to what he says: Don't go after the M48 middle class - millionaires or not, they deserve the life that they have rightfully earned. It's the Top 2% billionaires who have sinfully sapu the public $$$$$$ supposedly meant for the B50 And these 2% hold 98% of the poor's money. Solution is simple. No brainer really

2024-04-06 16:27


politician class is the parasite class mah

2024-04-06 23:01


Children of tomorrow must learn to be cautious of irrational adults' ideas that spread like viruses, fueled by emotion and simplicity rather than logic. Children must learn to question their intuition and develop healthy skepticism to think critically. Children must learn to verify information from trusted sources with credible evidence and diverse perspectives from people of different backgrounds. Children must learn to practice cognitive hygiene by prioritizing reliable sources and engaging in fact-based discussions. Children must learn to embrace intellectual humility and be open to revising beliefs based on evidence. Children must learn to avoid the seductive appeal of certainty and be wary of oversimplified narratives about the supernatural. Children must learn to spot emotional manipulation, such as fear and outrage, disguised as logic. Children must learn to the importance of critical thinking, fact-checking, and being vigilant against harmful ideas in order to contribute to the building of a more informed and rational society in the future.

2024-04-07 08:16


Please make sure our Bursa also got benefit from it ! 😊😊😊

2024-04-07 16:37

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