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Johor emerges as data centre hub powerhouse in Southeast Asia

Publish date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024, 03:51 PM

JOHOR BARU: Johor is rapidly becoming a key player in the data centre industry in Southeast Asia, driven by its strategic location, robust infrastructure and investment-friendly policies from both state and federal governments.

As of June this year, nine data centre projects with a combined capacity of nearly 1,280 megawatts have been completed in Johor, while six more projects are currently under construction, expected to add about 1,490 megawatts.

Trade Investment and Consumer Affairs Committee Chairman Lee Ting Han said approximately 30 other projects are in various stages of planning and approval, reflecting Johor's growing appeal as a data centre hub.

He said Johor's proximity to major regional economic centres enhances its appeal for data storage and processing, while its robust utilities and infrastructure offer reliable power and water supply, essential for data centre operations.

"The favourable investment climate provided by the state and federal government policies offers the needed support and incentives for data centre development.

"With the rapid growth of data centres, we are also ensuring that the benefits extend to local communities.

"Guidelines and coordinating committees have been developed to ensure that the data centres prioritise the use of renewable energy and technologies that enhance energy and water efficiency," he said in a statement today.

Lee said provisions in the formulated guidelines aim to serve as a standardised reference point for local authorities and agencies to coordinate and oversee data centre projects.

"We want to ensure that the data centres adhere to best practices in power usage effectiveness and water usage effectiveness, aligning with international industry standards.

"With the guidelines, local authorities will also recommend that data centre operators use existing or vacant buildings," he added.

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PureBULL ...

“As of June this year, 9 data centre projects with a combined capacity of 1,280 megawatts have been completed in the state, while 6 other projects with an estimated capacity of almost 1,490 megawatts are in the process of being completed.

“On top of that, there are 30 other projects that are in discussion and approval level,”

1) These giant DC r owned by established DC operators, mostly expanding out of SIN.
they have everything inside the DC complexes. they need nothing from our tech software-stocks.
But in JB, these DC all need lots of power n so tonnes of continuous supply of water to cool down the system.

2) RiskRover wrote

"The enormous volume of water required to cool high-density server farms is making water management a growing priority for data center operators. A 15-megawatt data center can use up to 360,000 gallons of water a day, according to one estimate."

Water treatment business will boom with so many DC in JB = RANHILL's so busy with huge increasing biz to do... for LIFE.

2 days ago

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