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Baby for sale: Enhance regulations to combat social media baby adoption scams, govt told

Publish date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024, 12:38 PM

MCA has called for the government to clamp down on social media baby adoption scams to protect vulnerable couples and ensure the integrity of the adoption process.

Its women’s wing chairperson Wong You Fong said this in response to recent news reports of cybercriminals exploiting couples yearning to have children via TikTok, promising non-existent adoptions and leaving victims thousands of ringgit poorer.

“To combat this, enhancing social media regulation is critical. Authorities such as the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, Social Welfare Department (SWD), and Communications Ministry should collaborate with platforms like TikTok and Facebook to improve detection and removal of fraudulent adoption-related accounts,” she said in a statement.

“Similar to financial institutions warning against scams, the Women Ministry, SWD, National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) and even the Health Ministry should post alerts on their websites and social media.”

Wong said implementing stricter policies and quicker responses to suspicious activities can also prevent more couples from falling victim to such scams.

“The government needs to review and strengthen existing laws related to adoption namely the Adoption Act 1952 or Registration of Adoptions Act 1952,” she stated.

“Equip law enforcement agencies to handle and investigate cases promptly. Increasing penalties for persons involved in adoption fraud can deter potential tricksters and syndicates operating illegal adoption rackets.”

She further proposed launching targeted campaigns that would educate the public about the signs of adoption scams, adding that these public awareness campaigns via various media channels and collaboration with NGOs aid in verifying legitimate adoption processes and can reach a wider audience.

“Initiating a support network or helplines specifically for victims of adoption scams would encourage victims to come forward,” she said.

“With counselling, legal advice and guidance provided, childless couples may lodge the scam to the police and related authorities without stigma as confidentiality and support are assured throughout the process.

“Prospective adoptive parents are also encouraged to seek legal advice from family lawyers or from the SWD on valid and authorised adoption procedures.”

On July 25, NST reported one such scam, where in one TikTok post, a scammer claiming to be an agent facilitating the adoption of babies said there was a baby up for adoption. Attached to the post are a photo of a newborn and a phone number.

When an interested party calls, they will be told where the baby was born, date and time of birth, the gender and the adoption fee - RM9,000 for a girl and RM8,000 for a boy.

The scammer promises a hassle-free process and gives assurances that the adoptive parents’ names will be on the baby’s birth certificate.

This can be done, the scammer claims, because he has “contacts” in several hospitals and the National Registration Department.

Once the hopeful couple agrees to the conditions, they will be asked to pay a “booking fee” of RM2,000. They will be told to pay the remainder when they meet the “agent” to pick up the baby.

But when the couple arrives at the agreed upon location, the agent and baby are nowhere to be seen. By then, calls to the agent will go to voicemail. - July 26, 2024

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