Stockman blogs

so you also want to become value investor? (5)

Publish date: Sun, 22 May 2016, 11:50 AM
Trade at your own risk. I am here only to vomit out my feelings

Todays, lets talk about the greater fool theory, forex gains and losses and core earnings.

The greater fool theory states that people buy shares with the hope that a greater fool can be found that he can sell to for a profit.

Forget about value is all, 100% about the greater fool theory.

Don't believe me?......look at the movements of export stocks from 2015 to now.

Currency movements have played havoc with company earnings in the past 18 months. Fortunes won, fortunes lost, all on the greater fool theory. After some wild fluctuations in share prices and earnings a lot of the companies will settle in their norms again.


Analyst try to be smart.  They go and invent the term called core earnings , taking out the forex gains and losses in their attempts to smoothen the fluctuations .


Taking out forex gains and losses only takes out a portion of the is an attempt at smoothening the curves......... 

They call it core earnings. 

What people don't know is that it is not the whole story......that is why people are surprised at the recent results. 

Even the so called core earnings have been  greatly distorted by fluctuations in exchange rates.


Not surprising that this year reporting season has been largely disappointing even compared to so called core earnings.


There are no real value investing. It is all a game. A greater fool theory.


Go and play the game the best you can.









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People who are too smart will sell too early and miss the fun

People dumb dumb play the game will win big or lose big, it depends.

2016-05-22 11:54


take a very simple case, selling US$ 100 of goods.
if ringgit depreciated by 30%, the sales value increased by 30% much of that gets eliminated via calculation of core earnings is a matter of accident. it ranges from zero all the way to the full difference.

2016-05-22 12:28


a lot of exporters do bill discounting to raise cash immediately. For them, there will be no forex gain or loss in the accounts but the full US$ 100 will be taken to the PL as sales.

2016-05-22 16:21

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