[duit's] - TENAGA (5347) - free sharing

[duit's] - TENAGA - free sharing

Publish date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015, 09:19 PM
Salam 1 Malaysia.
Rakyat didahului, TENAGA dibakari.

Laddies and gentlemen,

Today I got 2 free tickets to join the talk of "How to invest in TENAGA". One is "Electric-meeting" at 10:55pm and the other one at Bursa Malaysia Building tonight 11:45pm.

While waiting for the super fun TENAGA investment talk I would share with you my bad experience from today's trading so you will not follow my steps to lose money in future. I notice there are many great analysts try to educate and share with us on "how to trade TENAGA" with the most effective techniques. Sorry, I got nothing better to share except my REAL experience which caused me lose a lot of money today. No harm to share with you BAD EXAMPLES so you will not repeat the similar mistakes next time.


Below is the communication records with my remisier. She is a nice lady, responsible, well versed and technical sound in stock pick.

A (9:33am)

duit: Good morning Carmen, any good stock to play?
Carmen: duit, morning. you may buy TENAGA because I strongly believe FOREIGN FUND will start to acquire cheap TENAGA
duit: all right, help me to place order 50 lots (5000 shares) at RM13.08
Carmen: Done! Heng Heng + Good luck

(should be AWESOME later to harvest big money)
IN FACT: watch out, almost time to die


B (2:30pm)

Carmen: duit, I think TENAGA gonna have BIG SHOW soonest. Think you better top up more
duit: Really Carmen? How big the show?
Carmen: Fantastic show heard operated by Big Boys in town
duit: Like that ar? OK lo... you say OK I ok lo. Top up small small 30 lots at RM13.02

(think very lucky to know Carmen "always" give me insight news)
IN FACT: soaking in the water fall is dangerous, strong turbulent


C (2:31pm)

duit: you mean must buy now? Can get cheap stock not always got this opportunity right?
Carmen: YES, no need to thank me. I just want to help my client. You are my best client
duit: My dear, think I am so lucky today to receive your update call. OK, help to BUY another 30 lots at RM13.04

(great job. Lucky to know pretty Carmen indeed)
IN FACT: head 90% on the chopping board already. ALways got the HIGHEST price


D (2:45pm)

Carmen:duit, I am very sorry to tell TENAGA drop so much after we end our talk.
duit: what should I do now?
Carmen: Based on my experience it is very common for me as I have seen this for many years already. I suggest you to CUT everything now if not will drop more than this figure. Still remember SIFU say Rule No.1 Preserve Capital??? Must not violate, cost is expensive
duit: Panic.....sigh.. OK. I trust you since it is common and you have great experience in it. Cut everything (110 lots)at RM12.48
Carmen: Thanks for trust me! Sure we can buy cheapest later to earn double. Trust me okay...
duit: Thanks. Appreciate your help. Very good to know you

(wat a GREATEST deal, Bought at HIGHEST while sold at LOWEST)
IN FACT: It sounds like kena trap saje and macam anti gravity rule already


E (2:47pm)

Carmen: duit, you free now?
duit: Yes, any FIRM news for me? I wan the FIRMEST dont wan play play tis time
Carmen: Trust me, this time really good KANG TAO. You will not get such great TAO anymore
duit: Which stock is it, IFCACCC?
Carmen: NO. I have good news for you. Now TENAGA strong rebound think will breakeven and 100% CLOSE GREEN today
duit: REALLY? based on your expertise and experience?
Carmen: Of Course. Didn't I tell you all my clients graduated already after they learned from my techniques. Wont go wrong one
duit: OKAY. Jz now sold all my 110 lots lose money. Now help me BUY BACK 110 lots at RM12.62.
Carmen: duit. Yea yea...hahaha.. Ini kali lah we shall make big money


(hope for 2nd time durian runtuh from dessert)
IN FACT: WATER FISH also not that WATER FISHY LO.... duit, you are amazingly STUTUTUTUTU SKUPID!


F (3:42pm)

duit: Carmen, I am at outside. Any good news for me?
Carmen: duit, I also want to call you at this "hour". Think we need to discuss something.
duit: Must be good news for me, where should we meet for celebration tonight?
Carmen: wait wait wait. duit, think SHARK step in already. They wanna eat us. Based on my 13 years experience, I advise you to CUT LOSS now. No worries. When good time we can earn million in a day. I predict the price will plunge again. LATER WE BUY CHEAP CHEAP ar.
duit: Really? Just now we failed to get the cheapest later we can get the cheapest of the decade? Good idea.
Carmen: duit, while you are considereing. I CUT all your 100 lots at RM12.32 to protect your capital. Later buy cheap cheap
duit: Thanks so much Carmen. Really appreciate your "proactive" and "prompt" assistance.
Carmen: No mention. All my clients graduated already. Now I can focus to "guide" you.

(so warm  and feel very lovely)
IN FACT: ALL GRADUATED = burnt until no underwear JOR. Last client is duit. Time will come = today lo


E (4:32pm)

Carmen: duit, I think shark REALLY REALLY 200% REALLY wan to push up this time
duit: wait,,  you predict market "PLUNGE UP" or "SURGE DOWN" now?
Carmen: Based on my experience and my secret recipe, this time sure Shoot UP one
duit: ermmmmmmmmmmmm......errrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....ermmmmmmmmmm
Carmen: How duit? dont think so long. Strong news tomorrow LIMIT UP!

IN FACT: after whole day Monkey show. Think Warren Buffet also can becomes Travel Warrent for Durian Runtuh Buffet


Laddies and gentlemen! Hope you learn something from my bad experience. I got nothing good to "teach" you but you can avoid my SKUPID action to save you from disaster. If Remisier is so great he/she will focus on his/her own portfolio. Furthermore, the real sifu will intepret both positive and negative for you to TAKE RISK but not show you how great from her/his past.

Happy reading!

12 people like this. Showing 46 of 46 comments


Ini cerita betui kah?

2015-06-18 21:28


why? If cerita BETOI. You wan to get autograph from duit or Carmen or both?

2015-06-18 21:29


if you guys interested to learn from my mistake.
Let me know. I will write new blog about my experience in IFCAMSC and K1 also.

Got demand sure I will write lo. Only kitty and lizard read no point to share also ma.

2015-06-18 21:34


Bro duit, you so experience also lembut hati. My experience, Never trade if you not sure about the company trend n foundamental.

2015-06-18 21:37


I would read, thks for sharing

2015-06-18 21:39


ehhhhhh?u really really really take a lot of efoort in this story ler....ini hanyalah rekaan semata mata,jika ada ia adalah kebetulan sahaja....why sound like me?understand understand liao... ;(

2015-06-18 21:40


alamak c13 tomorrow how ? :):)

2015-06-18 21:49


hahaha,my sayang....u r good mummy....duit will ask 'car-men' (bulu kaki) to give u her advice...kakakaka

2015-06-18 21:52


It's so great to have a good client like Duit. Yummy. Wakaka

2015-06-18 21:54


dunknow .. guess I need to sail the c13 boat alone :( err carmen vs connie .... I think I choose the latter for advice :)

2015-06-18 22:00

Adrian Tiong Meng Wei

bro duit, you really just an amazing.. green sails ahead ya..

2015-06-18 22:10


ohhh,sayang....u will not be alone.....MJ said that!

2015-06-18 22:10


fortune bro...
Carmen Electra was Icon8888's ex gal fren.

2015-06-18 22:22


Duit... Thanks for making an effort to share your story with us. Noted will not touch lucky no. 13 ;)

2015-06-18 22:27


Heheh. Nice story and good lesson from you DUIT. Thanks for sharing. And Selamat Berpuka Puasa to you and family ya. :)

2015-06-18 22:31


thanks jc2015............ read only ....trust sikit sikit enough ya

SIvestor: Selamat Berbuka and Tilawat.

Mari lah ramai-ramai menguatkan hati kita dalam Bulan Suci Ramadhan ini;

2015-06-18 22:36

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

lets assume total value of your buy and selling in tenaga is RM500,000 , your remiser commission rate is 0.6% , she earn total nett RM3k.

how much is your loss so far? did you count?

2015-06-18 22:37


Duit: thanks for sharing.
the Carmen above...is not the lady in blue here, isn't it?https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/60897922@N05/6571945053/

you will be alright, my friend. :)

2015-06-18 22:40


:) that Carmen in the picture wont lose money...her daddy is a market maker.

2015-06-18 22:47


500k and get charged 0.6. That's a rip off

2015-06-18 22:53


Ooo..cannot...too high level already, not my hawker realm.
Her daddy somehow made the acquisition of Southern Bank possible for Nazir years back...:)

2015-06-18 22:56


is this real trade?? ha ha ...sound so real though i mean the writing he he

2015-06-19 00:11


Hahahha ... Abang duit .. Big like to u .. 1 of the best article of the year in i3 .. Salute..
Gua also itchy itchy pi tut sampai tangan lembik today .but rasa pansim la .. Oversold la... INI Kali la

Huat arr

2015-06-19 00:11


Can buy RM 500k in 1 counter aeh ... The remiser dare to charge him 0.6 meh .. Hahaha

2015-06-19 00:15


Bro Duit, if like that your luck must rock bottom. Tomorrow may have to pray to 180 turn n gain back everything?

2015-06-19 00:19


Tomorrow share us with total positive story compare to this story.

2015-06-19 00:21

Vin Cullen

I believe CARMEN sure gave him alot of tips and let him earn alot money..If not...
How come duit keep believed her ? :D

2015-06-19 00:25


great write up duit, thanks for sharing your story with us, it really worth to be remembered! definitely i want IFCA and K1! your article really make my day, so funny yet it is so meaningful, good EQ can say you duit :D if i were you i would have already "mencairkan" the remisier! jk :P

2015-06-19 00:36


hi duit, i always appreciate your true news and info. btw, do u invest in uchitec already? director are selling make me confuse..

2015-06-19 08:18

Fardar Chye

appreciate ur sharings abang duit.. i wishes u the best wellness... but a bit not like u eh... u don normally "just listen" to anybody right...

2015-06-19 09:28


Carmen: How duit? dont think so long. Strong news tomorrow LIMIT UP!!!!!

2015-06-19 12:35


Maybe today story, sell now at its top, buy after lunch and then sell again at 430pm.

2015-06-19 12:37


Key word is COPULATION

Unless and untill sweet Carmen says COPULATION... No go

2015-06-19 14:11

young man

Great lesson learned,Mr.duit! i have similar experience before. 'Carmen's are everywhere, could be you & me. Just trade carefully. Selamat Berpuasa everyone.

2015-06-19 14:15


this Carmen must has big boobs and you using your little head to think?

2015-06-19 14:22


COPULATION will come when relevant minister says.... Tak mahal mana mahal tak mahal la.. cuma 1.5x market price cuma.. Tak mahal pun

HaHa just kidding... but then again Malaysia ler

2015-06-19 14:23


paperlane2: in front of Carmen, all my different heads also haywire. Cant think anymore.


OTHERS: Read and learn but don't trust!

2015-06-19 14:44


Post removed.Why?

2015-06-19 19:13

Unbeatable Nick

haha Duit, u still can't forget about Carmen Soo

2015-06-20 00:06


Can introduce? Maybe

2015-06-20 01:23


Maybe I can teach her my "skill"

2015-06-20 01:25


Really appreciate yr experience

2015-06-20 12:41


This is a remisier who never read.
any duit follow ?

2015-06-20 14:08


Duit, you are a joker! SpeedyBoy is right Duit made up to warn the newbies do not fall into such traps.

2015-06-20 20:44


Dow drop yesterday. Tenaga to drop on Monday?

2015-06-20 21:10


Carmen asked to BUY big C13................Luckily I did not buy any. If not, sure earn some.

2015-06-22 17:52

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