What Can Malaysia Learn From China - Koon Yew Yin (A positive contribution) ( Comment here) Calvin

Publish date: Thu, 19 May 2016, 06:10 PM
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Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Author: Koon Yew Yin   |   Latest post: Thu, 19 May 2016, 08:31 AM


What Can Malaysia Learn From China? Koon Yew Yin

Author: Koon Yew Yin   |   Publish date: Thu, 19 May 2016, 08:31 AM 

China has about 10% GDP growth per year in the last 30 years, while the West can only manage to achieve about 3% per year in the last few decades. Yet they say that China is ruled by dictators and not democratic.

What is so democratic with Najib as Prime Minister?

I have been to China about half a dozen times in the past few years and every time I am there - on holiday as I have no business dealings or interests there - I marvel at the old and the new.

A few months ago, my wife and I were in Beijing where I visited what is among the top, if not the top, five tourist attractions in the world - the Great Wall. As I wandered around the barricades, many going back a few thousand years, the engineer and amateur architect in me was highly impressed.

The Great Wall of China is about 21,000 kilometers long. It was a huge defensive line against enemies’ intrusion in the past. 

It is a collective achievement fulfilled by over 20 dynasties, section by section. The earliest section was built in the Warring States Period ( 476BC-221BC) marking the beginning of the 2,000 years' construction work, while the latest construction occurred in the Ming Dynasty (1,368-1,644) .

I was also wondering how they could move such big rocks without mechanical cranes during their time. I guess the ancient Egyptians, Incas and Chinese must have some technologies in common, despite being separated by thousands of miles. 

And talking about distance, we traveled the super high speed train from Beijing to Shanghai and arrived in about 3.15 hours after a distance of about 1,100 km. Now many countries including the U.K. and Malaysia want the Chinese high speed train.

A few years ago, I travelled by bus from Chengdu to Chongqing. I was wondering why the high way is completely straight, unlike our North South Highway which twists and turns like a snake. Moreover, that Chinese highway is toll free.  

The Chinese know that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. Although the initial cost is higher, it will save users’ time, energy and wear and tear of motor vehicles forever.  This is so obvious but it seems like our Malaysia highway policy makers never seem to learn it.

And talking about toll, I am very sure that we have paid enough toll over the years to cover the construction cost plus profit for the North-South Highway. 

When will the Authorities stop toll collection? 

Anyone wants to bet that the Pan-Borneo highway will go in the shortest line possible or will twist and turn like a typical Malaysian snake?

One Lesson to Learn from the Chinese

I could write a book on what Malaysia can learn from China. In fact many books have already been written on what the West, including the United States, can learn from China.

China has had about 10% GDP growth per year in the last 30 years, while the West have only managed to achieve about 3% per year in the last few decades.

If there is one lesson that we can learn from China - only one - this is my recommendation.

China has a system of annual university entrance examinations, taken by about 10 million students each year. This set of examinations is very difficult and covers many subjects. It reportedly runs for up to three days. The tests require broad understanding, deep knowledge and high intelligence, if one is to do well.

Any student whose results are near the top of the list, is in the top 2% or 3% of a pool of 1.5 billion people. Getting a high mark qualifies a student to enter one of the top universities, which will virtually guarantee a great job on graduation, a high salary and a good life.

The present system of civil servant recruitment is based on imperial examination which was designed many centuries ago to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy.

It was an eminently fair system in that the exam itself had no qualifications. Almost anyone, even from the least educated family in the poorest town, could sit the exam and, if that person did well enough, he or she could join the civil service and potentially rise to the top.

Few people are aware that the influence of the Chinese examination system has spread to neighboring Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan - yes Japan!

The Chinese examination system was also introduced to the Western world in reports by European missionaries and diplomats, and encouraged the English East India Company to use a similar method to select employees.

Following the initial success in that company, the British government adopted a similar testing system for screening civil servants in 1855. Other European nations, such as France and Germany, followed suit. Modeled after these previous adaptations, even the U.S established its own testing program for certain government jobs after 1883.

It is clear that the reason why the Chinese civilization and nation have been able to be so lasting and continuous is the practice of this truly meritocratic system.

By comparison our system of civil service appointment is not only not meritocratic; it is anti-meritocratic. In fact meritocracy seems to be a dirty word for UMNO, PAS, Perkasa and the other Malay supremacist types.

It is clearly a system based on "know-who" and determined by UMNO's hidden hands rather than "know-how". 

And if this continues we can be sure that our Malaysian nation will end up in the dustbin of history.


Calvin comments:

With Vast Experience in Mudajaya, Gamuda & IJM I think Uncle Koon can share lots of insights from the history of Malaysia's development.

It is far better to share your wise knowledge than to give tips after share prices have surged to multi years high.

So I encourage Uncle Koon to share by all means to redeem yourself from the recent backlash from so many disgruntled newbies who got burnt.

Have a nice day.


Calvin, Singapore




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3 people like this. Showing 29 of 29 comments


KYY has a very selective opinion. 20 years ago, nobody wants to go to China for vacation except to visit relatives. Talk about worst public toilet, crude manners and dirty habits of China people In fact until today, China tourists are describe as the most undesirable especially in Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and Europe. You can watch countless videos in Youtube showing how crude these China tourists are. China boom is due to cheap labor, the what you see in China with high speed trains, straight highways are just smokescreens created by dictatorship of communist party hiding the misery of China people from the rest of the world. If you ask them if they want to migrate to better place, 9 out of 10 will take your offer. I think ungrateful and old fox like KYY should lead by example, pack you bag and migrate to China

2016-05-19 18:26


好坏参半。。。。。 =.="

2016-05-19 19:29


I think China should come out with a very easy policy for overseas Chinese to return home.

2016-05-19 20:23



Posted by _OptimusPrime_ > May 19, 2016 08:28 PM | Report Abuse

there is plan going on for chinese card. but honestly the malaysian chinese is so stupid, go there all get conned.

2016-05-19 20:31


Going to china for holiday and brought back story about china ah???...I thought i3 forum is about investing purposes you want to talk about politic ???
You expect our Malaysian government will listen to you…..
Sorry lah…. You know, I know lah…..
Nice story to share, tycoon koon……

2016-05-19 20:33


I heard abt the Chinese card too. But I want it as simple as, you know, pack up and go without any hassle.

2016-05-19 20:53


If our economy continue to slow..many will love to move to china..
With the drop in ringgit vs rmb- many foot massage ladies from china are finding it not attractive to work here..
Once upon a time our currency and economy was strong..but now its uncertain...
China is much more competitive..and not easy to find jobs actually..

2016-05-19 23:01


Posted by i4investor > May 19, 2016 10:53 PM | Report Abuse


2016-05-19 23:03


Posted by Fortunebullx > May 19, 2016 11:21 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by kk123 > May 19, 2016 11:01 PM | Report Abuse

If our economy continue to slow..many will love to move to china..
With the drop in ringgit vs rmb- many foot massage ladies from china are finding it not attractive to work here..
Once upon a time our currency and economy was strong..but now its uncertain...
China is much more competitive..and not easy to find jobs actually..

Answer : Moving back to China is a bad idea! You won't be able to compete with local Chinese there! They work 18 hours a day, take one breakfast meal and zero lunch hour! China propose to issue Chinese card but I am sure they only want wealthy Chinese to come back! Once they mine your wealth, then you are done!

Calvin suggests,

The Best Place to Migrate to for the next 10 foreseeable years is Iskandar.

His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor has invited both Singaporeans & China nationals to move to Iskandar & Forest City.

English will be proposed as the main language here.

Investments from all over the world will converge here due to TPP.

Iskandar is the best kept secret in the world today

Good night,



2016-05-19 23:27


Iskandar i heard property there over supply
High end property already dropping and many just want to sell !
Good luck..

2016-05-19 23:35


I totally agreed with you Calvin. No point giving tips on counters already up and ask poor investors to go on margin to support you.

2016-05-20 08:46


China has a lot of weaknesses too.
Firstly, food safety. Need no further elaboration.
Culture. Do you like the China Chinese culture? Rude, kiasu, noisy, unruly. There is chance that your holidays may be less enjoyable if there are China Chinese passengers on plane or at places of interests.
Cowboy stock market. Remember the government restricted major shareholders of listed companies from selling shares when the stock market plunged.

2016-05-20 08:51


everything come with 2 sides, it depends whether we want to emphasize the positive side or negative side...

2016-05-20 08:59


Agree, with calvin. Why tycoon koon like to talk about china???
With Vast Experience in Mudajaya, Gamuda & IJM, tycoon Koon can share lots of insights from the history of Malaysia's development.
It is far more better to share, his wise knowledge than to give tips after share prices have surged to multi years high.
I keep wondering why tycoon koon, never write and share his vast knowledge about construction industry in Malaysia...why eh?

2016-05-20 09:10

Jonathan Keung

moving to China is only for businessmen. whether we like it or not majority of people( me or you ) will still stuck in our working place. For good or bad we need to make the best use of the sircumstances. KYY is different. He got money and luxury of choosing where to live, stay or play

2016-05-20 09:18


can create new topic than...what can we learn from KYY..

2016-05-20 09:25


Chewking must be educated by the corrupt Taiwan AHPIAN and his cronies. Rude tourist are every where and can be from any where. In fact the guilo are the worst if you have travel enough.You are still talking about dirty toilet in China, that shows you are totally ignorant of what is going on in China and the rest of the world. Pity you

2016-05-20 09:28


Ah Koon is famous crony of Ku Li larr. During Gamuda, IJM days Ah Koon only goyang kaki, dun know anything, money fall from sky larr. Ku Li famous for dishing free projects for Ah Koon until Ku Li gone from cabinet. Now Ah Koon big sponsor of Ku Li to take Prime Minister post larr. Cannot trust Ku Li and Ah Koon

Posted by rainbowyen > May 20, 2016 09:10 AM | Report Abuse

Agree, with calvin. Why tycoon koon like to talk about china???
With Vast Experience in Mudajaya, Gamuda & IJM, tycoon Koon can share lots of insights from the history of Malaysia's development.
It is far more better to share, his wise knowledge than to give tips after share prices have surged to multi years high.
I keep wondering why tycoon koon, never write and share his vast knowledge about construction industry in Malaysia...why eh?

2016-05-20 09:42


Then, go back China la. Make so much money in Malaysia and still very proud with China. So you like dictatorship more until you prevent anyone from commenting on your post?

2016-05-20 14:11


Don't know Mr Koon will use scary China way to con ppl or not...

2016-05-20 16:01



2016-05-21 07:09


Best is Singapore that can fuse together the best of both East and West.

2016-05-21 10:19


we can learn from kyy is to break the rules. LOL

2016-05-21 11:47


Giving tips direct or implied can cause good or disastrous results for some people. Uncle Koon life experience will inspire others rather stock selection. Anyway I still admire his efforts at his age. Amazing.

2016-05-21 13:46


Uncle Koon I hope you are reading all these........anything you do or write will upset people especially newbies/ syndicates who are caught for time or money. Few people doing little thinking and when they lose money from trading they become instant blame masters. I am a fan and I hope you will lay low for a bit and let the dust settle. Stay cool.

2016-05-21 14:28


It is a pity that most people see only the negative aspects in China but oblivious of the many great things happening there. As for the Chinese card, most of the Chinese in Malaysia just won't qualify.So, most of you are saved form the 'dirty toilet'

2016-05-22 14:11


in beijing being first time there , I was quite curious why most of mothers there carried babies without pants......finally I found out that without pants it is easier to pass every where they like even at the side dirty hahhhhh.....

2016-05-22 15:20

Chin Foming

u r crazy !

2016-05-22 15:46


Dear YKK, I salute you for speaking your mind. You have my respect and gratitude. May you live long and prosper! Pls use your connection with Beijing to see if an easy path can be established for overseas Chinese to live/work/retire in China.

2016-05-22 15:55

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