If Donald Trump voted into Power - What Malaysia Should Do. (.Preemptive measures from Calvin Tan)

Publish date: Sat, 03 Sep 2016, 12:09 PM
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Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

I have been watching the Rise of Donald Trump in the USA. As of now no one knows whether Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton will be eventually voted into Power.

If Donald Trump is voted into Power The Whole World will face protectionism emanating from Trump's belligerent policies.

Trump will scrap TPP (bad for Malaysia)  & impose high tariff on Chinese Imports (also bad for Malaysia). It was the act of imposing tariffs against foreign imports that exacerbated the intensity of the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the 1930s Rubber Prices fell 90%. Rubber turned into rubbish overnight! As the cost of production is less than the selling prices of rubber - rubber trees were left untapped then. And Malaya went into depression for that period. And Germany was hit very hard - leading to the rise of Hitler - and the 2nd World War.


Now. Will Malaysia go into another 1930 Era Depression due to the Rise of Donald Trump? Calvin Tan Research has 10 preemptive ideas for Malaysia:


1) Malaysia should reduce Interest rate to zero.

This will help stimulate demand internally. As external demand fizzles out Malaysia should boost its domestic economy. The reduction of interest rate will help industries. It will also ease the burden of overleveraged households. Will it be bad for pensioners and the poor? No. Pensioners receive a regular stipend from the Govt. As for the poor they don't have much savings in banks after all.


2.) Malaysia Should Follow India & Open Wide Its Door For Quality Immigrants.

For about US$1 Million Foreigners Are Invited to Be Citizens of India. India is already teeming with people - 2nd largest population in the world after China. Yet India is dishing out 10 Year Permanent Residency for those who can invest US$1 Millions. And children, spouse & dependent of these investors are allowed to work.

Malaysia has much better infrastructure than India. It has a small population of only 30 millions. So there is vast room here for Quality Immigrants. With a diversified multi lingual population all Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Taiwanese, English can easily adapt. Right now in Hong Kong there is an undercurrent of discontent against China. Sure HongKees are looking to migrate. So this presents an opportunity.


3) Malaysian Govt Should Stem Brain Drain By Creating A Level Playing Field For All Races Equally.

Announced over the MRT Train in Singapore are 4 languages - Tamil, Malay, Chinese & English. No one race is marginalised although Singapore is over 70% Chinese. Announcement starts with Tamil (the smallest ethnic group)

In Changi International Airport Flight Departures  To Japan & Elsewhere are announced both in Japanese & English to cater to Japanese speaking tourists. In Malaysia it is taken for granted that all should read and understand Bahasa Malaysia. Many a place & many a time there is no 2nd language to show direction. As such those who can have migrated to foreign shores. 

The recent win in Olympic Games by Badminton Champs have, hopefully, united Malaysia - according to Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

As Malaysian Chinese - we cheered for Malaysia to win against our China couterpart. I am sure all Malaysian Chinese have the same sentiments.


4) Bring Back English As A Compulsory Subject in School

English will be the Lingua Franca as the medium of communication for the foreseeable future. Modern inventions are done in English. New words are first "coined" in English. The www (world wide web) is in English.

English is LIKE THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY THAT CONNECTS THE WORLD. It takes 6 weeks by ship for a letter to arrive from USA. It takes only hours by Concord Plane from London to Singapore (in those days). But it takes only a fraction of a second for Knowledge to be transmitted from London Computer to My Computer in Singapore Right Now! As light travels by 186,282 miles per second!

And English is the Medium. This is in line with the Biblical Prediction from Daniel 12:4 - "Knowledge Shall Be Increased" in the end times.

Once upon a time it took the first automobile to travel from KL to Klang for a whole day! Today with the Klang Valley expressway the journey is about 1 hour.

It takes less than 10 hours from Johor to the Border of Thailand by the North South Plus Highway. Imagine using 2 track rural roads journeying all the way from there? It will take more than twice the time! So why leave out English & revert back to Bahasa?


5) Govt should create checks & balance for its  US$90 over billions in Reserve..

In Singapore the President is elected to check the spending by the Prime Minister should there be an emergency. This is to prevent leakage & misuse of Reserves. Power should never rest on an individual or group. It should be a collective responsibility.

It was Dr Mahathir who curbed the powers of Rulers & Sultans. Power Corrupts. And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!  See the pitiful state of North Korea! The More Democratic A Nation The Freer & Happier Its Citizens! Collective Rule of the people, By the People. And For The People - were the maxims of Abraham Lincoln!

His Royal Highness - Sultan Ibrahim of Johor has wisely instituted "Bangsa Malaysia". This should be embraced throughout Malaysia!



Singapore First Created Itself as A Free Entreport Zone for Trade in its earliest infancy. It was FDIs that brought in massive jobs. And with jobs - incomes, savings, investments & ultimate growth to become a First World Nation today.

So the positives of FDI outweights the negatives by a far margin. It was Shenzhen's experiment as the first SEZ that propelled China to what it is today.

With fallen ringgit and still vast lands Malaysia is well positioned to be the next industrialized export power house.


7) Govt Spearheding SMEs Export World Wide

It is hearty to read that Malaysian Govt is now taking major steps to spur SMEs' Export to all areas of the world. It was Japan, then South Korea. After that China - going into the nooks & corners of every nation on planet earth to sell its products.

So it is high time for Quality Malaysian Products to go into all the world and capture its vast markets. In many ways Malaysian made products are more superior than those of China & Taiwan's.


8) INCREASE Cash PayOut To The Poor. BRIM is a good example.

BRIM is a good cushion for the poorer masses. Now 6% GST has taken it back from them. As such Govt should icrease its Cash Disbursement  to counter the effect from GST. In Singapore the PAP Govt wisely distribute Cash to its Students. And Cash is distributed to all its Citizens. The Poorer 3 Room HDB Flat Dwellers Get More Share By Percentage than those wealthier 5 Room owners.

This cushions the difficult times of downturn in Singapore. In USA there is food stamps & dough in Australia for the unemployed.

This Buffer Against Discontent has helped the poorer masses to survive in tougher times.


9) Make things More Accessible In All Areas.

While USA is raising barriers to trade (if Trump voted to power) Malaysia should further reduce its barriers & connect to the world economies more and more.

Example of the Human Body. If Blood circulation to the heart is blocked - "Heart attack occurs".  If Blood circulation to the Brain is hindered - "Stroke strikes!"

So if free flow of people & goods are impeded - Recession or Depression can happen. As such Malaysia should further reduce red tape and encourage free flow of goods and talents.

I was in Perth, Australia, for a short holiday recently. Here I met Malaysians who have emigrated there - some have Australian & British P/R & even Citizenships. All were happily settled there and still looking back in dismay.

I told them that Malaysia presents a better opportunity today than it was in the past. But baggage of past grievances still lingered with them. When Chinese emigrated in those days in droves it was Tengku Razaleigh who said, "Good riddance to rubbish".

Oh boy! these talented hardworking Malaysians are forever lost to Malaysia unless there is a real change in approach in education, politics & more equal playing field for all.

Thousands of Malaysians are now like me - living in Multi Racial Singapore as P/R and some turned Citizens. However, in Iskandar - His Royal Highness - Sultan Ibrahim of Johor is setting a Correct Precedent For All. He believes in English, fairness to all races & is above politics! At heart is the welfare of the people. And all races are welcomed. Iskandar is accessible to Chinese from China, Japanese, Europeans & all ethnic groups without partiality.



May the Citizens of Malaysia live in harmony, equality & peace. There is such a diversity of cultures & languages. China nationals often speak in surprise that an average Malaysian Chinese Speak 3 Languages - Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese & English! This is why Millions & Millions of China Nationals visit Malaysia year after year. As the world is split & shattered by terrorism may all Malaysians live in peace and moderation. Once the towns of Thailand got bombed there will be flight & hotel cancellations.


Malaysia should never take peace for granted. Peace is paramount for progress & prosperity. It was in peace time that God told King Solomon to build the Wealthiest Nation in all history.

And may God give our Leaders in Malaysia - the wisdom to rule.

As the divine injuction states - "HE THAT RULETH OVER MEN MUST BE JUST. RULING IN THE FEAR OF GOD" (2 Samuel 23:3)


With Love & Regards from Calvin Tan

Jurong West,

Republic of Singapore

Be the first to like this. Showing 23 of 23 comments


If trump President, sell everything, buy gold

2016-09-03 12:46


Trump shall be the US President.

2016-09-03 12:51


I also think so! Trump shall be, he is so convincing

2016-09-03 12:52


Yes....Malaysia is the weirdest country in the world.....the most sultans, most Tan Sri and Datuk Sri......Everything berseri-seri. Now become laughing stock as our leaders are most corrupt in the world. Memang Malaysia boleh

2016-09-03 12:58

Ven Felix

Hillary score higher..lar.
Trump will fail.

2016-09-03 12:59


Post removed.Why?

2016-09-03 13:01

Ven Felix

Why so mad with me ?
还在 耿耿于怀, 我 都忘了。
是 你 讲 太 多 垃圾 吧了。

2016-09-03 13:06

Ven Felix

Post removed.Why?

2016-09-03 13:10


Relax calm down.

See this funny show

2016-09-03 13:13


I am invest lah stock king. I am Aug2016 Top 1. You deserve nothing from me, low life venfx.

2016-09-03 13:22


Post removed.Why?

2016-09-03 13:24

Hiu Chee Keong

If trump become president, then malaysai may face some economy sanction for not respecti human rights, not respect freedom of expression, not respect religious freedom.

2016-09-03 13:29


Hahaha,,, I can imagine u r mad till green.
Feel enough fun for today by seeing tootootplane so green.

2016-09-03 13:29


Why do all that only if Trump wins.....?

Calvin suggestions are also good if Hillary wins.

2016-09-03 13:41


Citibank says world will go into deep recession if Trump wins.

The reason is simple.....nobody can plan, predict or forecast any thing if America is led by someone with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Thin skinned man with finger on nukes is not very assuring.

2016-09-03 13:49


Calvin I quote from yr above article "And may God give our Leaders in Malaysia - the wisdom to rule.' unquote. This pray to God I hope is heard soon.

2016-09-03 20:11


Posted by pputeh > Sep 3, 2016 08:11 PM | Report Abuse

Calvin I quote from yr above article "And may God give our Leaders in Malaysia - the wisdom to rule.' unquote. This pray to God I hope is heard soon.

Calvin replies,

Yes, I pray for the Leaders in Power of Malaysia & Singapore

This is found in the Bible

I EXHORT therefore, that first of all , supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of our God and Saviour;

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus.

Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

(1 Timothy 2: 1 -6)

Calvin comments on these 6 versesL

1) We are to pray for all people.
2) The First in our prayer lists should be Kings & all that are in Authority. So I pray for Pm Najib to be honest and rule well. Correct all mistakes and overcome all problems. Pm Lee of Singapore. Also for the good health of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Johor
3) The purpose is to have a peaceful life in the country
4) And truth of Jesus being the Saviour be taught for the salvation of all men and women

5) Because Jesus was paid as a ransom for all our sins when he died on the cross & shed His Most "HALAL BLOOD" to Wash Away all our DOSA or SINS. So that we All Can Go to Heaven.

2016-09-03 20:31


Everyone want to build Great Wall
Great firewall
Isolation is the future

2016-09-03 21:34


I'm booking fly ticket to witness the presidential election you should do it too

2016-09-03 21:36


its competent Hillary vs incompetent Trump.

2016-09-03 22:08


It's the yin yang thing
After the darkness comes the light.

Defeat of Trump will bring world markets to new high.

2016-09-03 22:30


Let's all pray
That America will wake up and follow the lead of its educated class, it's professors and scientists
This is a pivotal moment in history

2016-09-04 10:43


What we need is this message

2016-09-04 15:40

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