CBIP - The World Champion Company from Malaysia after Top Glove (Calvin Tan Research)

Publish date: Wed, 24 May 2017, 03:16 AM
0 1,859
Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Hi guys,

Just as Top Glove is the World Champion for Rubber Latex Gloves CBIP is the World Champion for Palm Oil Extractor.

Why Top Glove a World Champion in Rubber Glove and not Japan, Germany or USA?

The answer is this:

Rubber trees do not grow in Japan, Germany or USA. And Top Gloves need lots of fresh latex for glove making.

So is CBIP. CBIP is involved with Palm Oil extracting. And Oil Palms are not grown in Japan, Germany or USA in commercial quantities.

2 Biggest Palm Oil exporters are Malaysia & Indonesia. That's why CBIP has an edge.

CBIP is even better than Top Glove as Top Glove has competitors like Kossan, Hartalega & Supermax in Malaysia & other companies in Thailand. CBIP is a total monopoly except for Dolphin which is a far inferior company. You can give an "A" for CBIP while giving a "C" for Dolphin. Now with Fully Automatic Modipalm launched this year in 2017 CBIP has moved up higher in the Value Chain.

Among CBIP's Top 30 Share holders is FGV. Refer to Annual Report

Coming in at 12th Place is Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad  with  8.88 million shares of CBIP

So important & efficient is MODIPALM by CBIP that Felda also invest heavily into CBIP shares.

And even the Malaysian Govt think CBIP is a Great Malaysia Home Grown Brand that needs its protection.

So Govt's VALUE CAP also invest in CBIP

Coming in at 16. place is  Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) (I-VCAP)  with 6,472,000 shares (that is 6.47 million CBIP Shares.

So CBIP is a World Class Malaysian Brand just like Old Town Coffee.

Both CBIP, Old Town Coffee & Nestle are in similar industries because they all deal with Palm Oil.

Old Town Coffee & Nestle deal with Palm Oil?


When you walk into any Giant, Tesco, Mydin or AEON supermarket you will

See a Sea of Green in Milo

A Sea of Yellow in Maggie mee

And A Sea of Red in Kit Kats

Do you know that Milo has lots of Palm Oil in it? So is Maggi mee. And even more Palm Oil & Palm kernal Fat in every bar of kit kat chocolates! Go read their labels and SEE. Or look up Nestle's Annual Report And SEE the increasing use of Palm oil year after increasing year by Nestle.

So the more Nestle sells the more Palm Oil is needed. And the more business will go to CBIP as its Fully Auto Modipalm extracts every last drop of precious palm oil.


What about Old Town coffee? Why is it related to CBIP?

YESSS! Your sachet of Old Town coffee powder contains lots of palm oil. Read the lable. Palm oil milk is used as milk substitute!

Palm oil is also used in our tooth paste, cake shortening, ice cream, biscuit, teh tarik, nestle coffee and more than 50% of the food stuff found on our supermarket shelves.

So it is really a big part of our lives.

While  gloves have been overhyped CBIP is totally ignored. Few anaylsts write about it. So CBIP is overlooked & undervalue.

Now who is bullish on CBIP?


See how they keep up buying back undervalue CBIP Shares


Is CBIP cheap?

Let's see

These were the profits

3.43 sen for 26th August, 2016

5.44 sen for 22nd November 2016

8.07 sen for 22nd February 2017

Ha! this fits the "Golden Rule" of one famous "investor" He said that the profit of next quarter or next year should be more than this year. And CBIP fits the "Golden Rule" perfectly.


3.43  sen to 5.44 sen is a jump of 58%

And 5.44 sen to 8.07 sen is an increase  of  48.3%

If we take the low of 3.43 sen (low of year 2016) and compared with 8.07 sen of 2017 there is a huge jump of  a Whoppping 135% in Profit!

No wonder Company is buying back Cheap Cheap CBIP Shares. Just last 3 quarters the profit already 16.94 sen

P/E is only 12.45


Fourth Quarter Result might bring down P/E to single digit?

So what are you waiting for?



Many Happy Returns

Calvin Tan



Stop Press!  Extra! Extra!

The soybean guys have always talked down about Palm Oil because of the fear of deforestation.

An oil palm tree can be as tall as 30 feet. It lives for 25 years. And it gives out lots and lots of oxygen. A soybean plant lasts for one season and gives out little oxygen because it is only a small shrub. Oil palms can grow on hill slopes while large swath of lands are levelled by bull dozer to plant soy bean.

Soy bean is harvested only once a year. Oil Palm fruits are harvested every 2 weeks. In one year there are 26 harvests of oil palm. In the 23 years of productive life cycle of a Palm Oil there are 23 x 26 = 598 times of harvest.

In 25 years soya beans are only harvested only 25  times.

So soya bean planting is less productive, use lots of good lands and only contribute little oxygen to the mother earth.

Palm Oil on the other hand is very prolific, productive & contribute vast amount of oxygen for mankind on earth.

So all the anti palm oil lobbyist should wake up!!


Malaysia should champion these Facts & Figures to make Palm Oil the No. One Vege oil in the world!


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2 people like this. Showing 50 of 51 comments


I Like ur article, 加油!

2017-05-24 11:02


Calvin Tan Not all his articles rhyme. However, he has put in some imagination into this article and a lot of effort too. I have read it, and it is interesting and also amusingly entertaining.

2017-05-24 12:04


CBIP has a good product to sell. It has a competitive advantage in its MODIPALM, which is patented. It is more efficient in extracting the products of oil palm and that gives it the edge.

Its main customers are the oil palm growers. Its fortune is tied to the oil palm industry, which is cyclical as we all know.

Its growth will depend on:

1. Commissioning of new MODIPALM mills in new estates.
2. Replacing of old palm oil mills with the better MODIPALM mills.
3. Maintainance and repair of the commissioned mills.

Its long term future looks bright, in a cyclical industry.

2017-05-24 12:08


Shareholding Changes
Date Shares Director/
Substantial Shareholder
17 Jan 2017 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
17 Jan 2017 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
1,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,400,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
1,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,400,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
19 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
19 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
13 Jun 2016 Acquired
235,400 Mr Lim Chai Beng
10 Jun 2016 Acquired
245,000 Mr Lim Chai Beng

2017-05-24 12:11


Mr. Lim Chai Beng disposed more than 14 million shares from August 2016 to January 2017.

2017-05-24 12:13


Interestingly, CBIP has been doing buybacks of its own shares during the same period.

2017-05-24 12:13


Post removed.Why?

2017-05-24 12:19


CBIP Financial Information
Market Capital (RM)
: 1.136b
Number of Share
: 538.25m
EPS (cent)
: 18.22 * (ttm)
P/E Ratio
: 11.58
ROE (%)
: 13.20
Dividend (cent)
: 10.000 ^
Dividend Yield (%)
: 4.74
Dividend Policy (%)
: 0
: 1.380
Par Value (RM)
: 0.500

2017-05-24 12:21


Calvin welcome 3iii to comment.

All should give views and not just waste time passing irrelevant remarks.

A dividend yield of 4.74% is better than IcapBiz putting monies in FD.

There are further positives coming for CBIP

Its plantation lands now more than 3 years old in Kalimantan will be fruiting now.

Latest report is Modipalm moving into the South American continent.

Management already hinted that due to El Nino collections have slowed down to give debtors breathing space. So now that CPO prices and FFB productions have increased more Cash will be finally collected.

As such Company thinks CBIP has turned the corner. Recent buy back support is as high as Rm2.11

As most Klse stocks have gone up from 30% to even 300% in frenzy - selling high flyers and locking into the Value of Cbip provides safety cum growth.

Just before the onslaught of the Asian Financial Crisis of 97/98 Peter Lim the Remisier King of Singapore sold all his shares and bought into Wilmar the plantation stock that not only survived but made him a billionaire.

2017-05-24 12:36


u r right. But some still think TTB as WB of M'sia, keeping losing his investment for the last 5 yrs enjoying the NTA & paying for the shareholders.

A dividend yield of 4.74% is better than IcapBiz putting monies in FD.

2017-05-24 14:18


Calvin, is MBL the biggest competitor for CBIP?
In my opinion, CBIP target big plantation estate, while MBL target small plantation estate.

2017-05-24 15:26



2017-05-24 16:32

Michael Wong Yew Kong

Good to read. Thanks Calvin

2017-05-24 16:38


the company is starting another phase of share buy back, may be they are about to receive the long waiting tax exemption on the ZERO DISCHARGE PROJECT.

2017-05-24 17:30


Takashi Sorimachi Both CBIP, Old Town Coffee & Nestle are in similar industries because they all deal with Palm Oil.

24/05/2017 12:58

Yes, there is an indirect link by palm oil.

For the same reason I bought Daibochi at 60 sen when I saw
a sea of green in daibochi who made the plastic packing for milo
a sea of yellow in maggi mee
a sea of red in kit kat wrappers

Daibochi riding on Nestle's success jumped to Rm4.00

2017-05-24 18:56


Albukhary Calvin, is MBL the biggest competitor for CBIP?
In my opinion, CBIP target big plantation estate, while MBL target small plantation estate.
24/05/2017 15:26

Dolphin's half baked partly manual & clumsy machinery pose no challenge to CBIP's Modipalm at all.

2017-05-24 19:00


Michael Wong Yew Kong Good to read. Thanks Calvin
24/05/2017 16:38


I am humbled. Thought I offended many?

2017-05-24 19:02


稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香 calvin boss...

wonder CBIP LIm pay U how much promotion fees???

I asked him in a function... He told me he does not know you in person...
24/05/2017 17:17


I promoted Pm Corp the mostest yet I haven't met Tan Sri KKP before

2017-05-24 19:03


benjaminye the company is starting another phase of share buy back, may be they are about to receive the long waiting tax exemption on the ZERO DISCHARGE PROJECT.
24/05/2017 17:30

Share buy back is generally a good sign

2017-05-24 19:04


GSB MUID all also world champion !

2017-05-25 00:58


Posted by AK2899 > May 25, 2017 12:58 AM | Report Abuse

GSB MUID all also world champion !


GSB is champion now in Johor. They worked overtime. Even at midnight the cranes are all lighted up brightly & work continues into the wee hours. Other bigger projects have their work stopped at 6pm sharp.

So GSB is champion overtime developer Now!

As for MuiBhd it is champion instock crash history

Crashed from high of Rm24.00 to only 20 sen - a world champion crash stock of 999.7% drop!!

Calvin loves this stock. Bought at 18 sen & still holding tight.

Now go buy CBIP the World Champion from Malaysia!!

2017-05-25 01:10


oh my dear, u are promoting now? How can I get cheaper if u keep promoting? I want to buy below RM2

2017-05-25 01:17


So late now. And in this quiet night think of these facts

1) CBIP is a monopoly in Oil Palm just as Top Glove is Top in rubber gloves. So CBIP is a World Class Player.

2) CBIP top holder is Felda. Felda is among the World's Top Plantation owner. So riding on projects from Felda (Sime Darby & Others) ensure lots of business for CBIP.

3) CBIP is a Malaysia Home Grown World Class Company. So Govt takes a special interest in it. And VALUE CAP Supports it.

4) CBIP is coming out with another good quarter soon - making its P/E ratio to single digit only. This will be the top plantation company for growth.

5) A nice 4.74% dividend beats Bank FD anytime.

6) Its Fully Auto Modipalm now launched. Will garner even better sale

7) Unknown to many CBIP has purchased 14,566 acres of Oil Palm Plantations in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Already 3 to 5 years year the FFB should add to revenue soon. This will be a profit booster for the next 22 years.

8) with increasing CPO harvest plus good prices collections have improved. So monies now flowing into CBIP coffers.

9) Management sees CBIP share as undervalue currently - so it is doing SBB.

10) All export furniture, water pipe, construction stocks, steel stocks, plastic stock, IT Stocks, logistic stock, E&E stocks have seen their rotational bull run.


So buy early while prices are still cheap.

2017-05-25 01:27


This is already well-known blue chip. Nothing to shout above.

The value already uncovered since the past decade tough it might be growth organically.

You won't be able to make 10 baggers here

If you still intended to dream about need to bring yourself back to future to the year 2000.

This is the reality! .

2017-05-25 06:52


yes, the past quarters shown consistent profit increase trend but seems like all this has been priced in. and if upcoming quarter fail to continue this trend and meet up to expectation, the share price will go trend southways. this is a time to harvest, not to reap. just my 2 cents

2017-05-25 08:58


Good morning,

There are 3 stages of growth

1) The running stage when land is flat - very fast growth
2) The walking stage when you go up a hill - now stable growth
3) The climbing stage when you are at mountain peak - turning into a reit/bond stage like Nestle, Dutch Lady or Coca cola

Right now CBIP is going from fast growth to stable growth.

As 14,566 acres of oil palm ready for harvesting plus servicing of existing Modipalm set ups the recurring future income can go to paying higher dividends.

So I think with its Monopoly & moat cum increasing dividend payout it should grow into a rock solid stalwart.

I think price should move up to next level as P/E still in single digit.

2017-05-25 09:32



calvintaneng Good morning,

There are 3 stages of growth

1) The running stage when land is flat - very fast growth
2) The walking stage when you go up a hill - now stable growth
3) The climbing stage when you are at mountain peak - turning into a reit/bond stage like Nestle, Dutch Lady or Coca cola

Right now CBIP is going from fast growth to stable growth.

As 14,566 acres of oil palm ready for harvesting plus servicing of existing Modipalm set ups the recurring future income can go to paying higher dividends.

So I think with its Monopoly & moat cum increasing dividend payout it should grow into a rock solid stalwart.

I think price should move up to next level as P/E still in single digit.<<<<

Reading this post will not benefit your investing.

2017-05-25 10:21


3iii >>>>

calvintaneng Good morning,

There are 3 stages of growth

1) The running stage when land is flat - very fast growth
2) The walking stage when you go up a hill - now stable growth
3) The climbing stage when you are at mountain peak - turning into a reit/bond stage like Nestle, Dutch Lady or Coca cola

Right now CBIP is going from fast growth to stable growth.

As 14,566 acres of oil palm ready for harvesting plus servicing of existing Modipalm set ups the recurring future income can go to paying higher dividends.

So I think with its Monopoly & moat cum increasing dividend payout it should grow into a rock solid stalwart.

I think price should move up to next level as P/E still in single digit.<<<<

Reading this post will not benefit your investing.

Correct loh! You won't benefit by just reading. After you have read very carefully you must put some money into CBIP shares to benefit


2017-05-25 15:48


Post removed.Why?

2017-05-25 16:06


Calvin, why has Lim Chai Beng been selling his shares the recent months?

2017-05-25 16:07


Posted by 3iii > May 25, 2017 04:07 PM | Report Abuse

Calvin, why has Lim Chai Beng been selling his shares the recent months?


Why Company issued him 100 millions Bonus shares?

Why he only sold 9.4 million shares and not more than 10% of total issued

Last time same question was asked

Why should YTL-Cement be good when One Indian Director sold down?

Sold at what price? Yes, he sold YTL-Cement for only a mere Rm2.40

Calvin & Johor Buddies loaded up on YTL-Cement at Rm2.40 when Calvin saw YTL-Cement delivering 1 million cubit cement aggregate to Singapore Casino.


So Calvin was Chun Chun when Yeoh Tiong Lay took YTL-Cement private at Rm5.00

All of us made 100% profit from YTL-Cement.

So Calvin believes in Research.

Success is repeated all the time if you know how!

2017-05-25 16:21


Asked Calvin a simple questionand he gave a long winded non-answer.

2017-05-25 22:28



A simple answer?

Only Boss himself know the reason. We can only make a guess.
Could be he wants to buy a bigger house, going for oversea holiday, children's education, invest in gold, or other reasons.

Any one of the reason or combination of all.

Now don't just ask questions. Go and buy some Cbip and don't miss the bull run.

2017-05-25 22:51


Dato Lim CB sold 9.4m shares. Has he done with selling or he would sell more after he completed the first 10% to enjoy his bonus? Thanks in advance.

2017-05-25 23:37


Good morning,

Better don't speculate what Dato Lim is doing. Look at the Company as a whole.

At this moment all Palm oil stocks are reporting increasing revenue. Profits depend on each ability's to manage its own business.

And for small to mid cap Govt has allocated another Rm3 billion to give support. ValueCap already in top 30 shareholders of Cbip. So from here even Govt sees its importance.

More so as all the positives are now converging for all laggard Palm oil stocks.

In the rotational bull run of all other counters like construction stocks, Internet stocks, logistic stocks, GST stocks, steel stocks, export furniture stocks the time for the bull run of palm oil stocks has come!!

Palm oil stocks - the coming bull run

Don't miss!!

2017-05-26 06:58


Post removed.Why?

2017-05-26 07:42


How objective is Calvin in his analysis? Almost all his posts suffer from this lack of a balance view.

2017-05-26 07:45



Early early morning come out spewing doubts?

Boss last sold in January 2017. Now already May 26th 2017. You should ask this question, "Why Top Boss still keeping the other 90.6% of the Bonus Issues? And all his original purchases also holding so tightly?

Why major in small things all the time

Are you really the small little frog in the well?


This is now the Turning Point for Palm OIl Stocks

See good results came out for ThPlant, TDM. IJM Plant, KLK, Batu Kawan, Gopeng, SwkPlant last few days!!


Just WATCH!!

2017-05-26 08:42


More good news

Govt GlC Companies now allocating Rm3 Billions to buy small & midcap stocks

ValueCap already got position in CBIP

More will follow?


2017-05-26 08:47


this joker just see what he wants to see , thinks what he wants to think , say what he wants to say , and hear what he wants to hear. typical singaporean. kiasu and kiasi. act like big time analist but result speaks otherwise. knn.

2017-05-26 10:10


Hi guys,

Today is a day of carnage caused by uncertainty.

CBIP again did SBB at 2.12 to 2.13 for 109 lots.

That's why Calvin thinks better sell all high flying stocks and lock into the safety of Palm Oil stocks.

All Palm Oil stocks are reporting higher revenue one by one

2017-05-26 18:17


Hi guys,

Just arrived home in Singapore.

It's been a hectic week in Booming Iskandar.


Kwantas came out with a very excellent set of results.

RSawit's Revenue also Jumped Up although still negative

This week witnessed Geely taking 51% of Lotus & 49% of Proton. Lotus being a sports car will earn big margins for Geely & Proton.

CBIP SBB done at new high of Rm2.13 this week. Looks like Company is continuing with its SBB.

Note: Last time my Johor SIFU made tonnes of money just loading up on Mamee warrants. Mamee SBB pushed price up all the way until MAMEE was finally taken private. So he just rode on Mamee through riding on Mamee warrants. It was really a no brainer in making money if you know which direction Company is heading to.

2017-05-26 23:18


Shareholding Changes
Date Shares Director/
Substantial Shareholder
17 Jan 2017 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
17 Jan 2017 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
1,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,400,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
1,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
22 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,400,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
19 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
19 Aug 2016 Disposed
2,000,000 Datuk Lim Chai Beng
13 Jun 2016 Acquired
235,400 Mr Lim Chai Beng
10 Jun 2016 Acquired
245,000 Mr Lim Chai Beng

2017-05-26 23:22


Lim Chai Beng also no confident?

2017-05-26 23:23


What is a mere disposal of 9.4 million shares when Top Boss was allotted over 100 million bonus shares?


LIM CHAI BENG 10-Apr-2015 Transferred 1,000,000 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI BENG 09-Apr-2015 Transferred 4,000,000 0.000 View Detail
LIM ZEE PING 09-Apr-2015 Transferred 2,000,000 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI BENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 87,356,860 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI BENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 2,187,500 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI BENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 29,120,175 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI BENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 729,165 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI HUAT 11-Nov-2014 Others 11,085,000 0.000 View Detail
LIM CHAI HUAT 11-Nov-2014 Others 3,695,000 0.000 View Detail
LIM ZEE PING 11-Nov-2014 Others 280,666 0.000 View Detail
LIM ZEE PING 11-Nov-2014 Others 842,000 0.000 View Detail
MAK CHEE MENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 7,438,330 0.000 View Detail
MAK CHEE MENG 11-Nov-2014 Others 2,479,443 0.000 View Detail
TAN SRI DATUK DR. YUSOF BIN BASIRAN 11-Nov-2014 Others 133,333 0.000 View Detail
TAN SRI DATUK DR. YUSOF BIN BASIRAN 11-Nov-2014 Others 400,000 0.000 View Detail
TENGKU DATO' ARDY ESFANDIARI BIN TENGKU A. HAMID SHAH 11-Nov-2014 Others 1,680,000 0.000 View Detail

2017-05-26 23:25


2013 to 2016

Revenues & Earnings have been flat.

Operating profits have been flat.

Invested capital have grown over the years.


(1) Over the last 4 years, no revenues or earnings growth.

(2) Over the last 4 years, its ROIC have been declining.

How much additional value has this company created for its shareholders the last 4 years?

Accordingly, its share price reflects its intrinsic value for the moment, appropriately.

2017-05-27 16:11


Last 4 years what happened?

1) Invested in a factory

GRN45731, Lot 6074,
Mukim Kapar, Daerah
Klang, Selangor
Industrial land with a
3 storey office
building and 2 singlestorey
Year 2013 40,494 sq meter or 535,877 sq ft or about 10 acres freehold building lands for Rm32.8 millions

With Great KL MRT this factory has appreciated in value.

2) Invested & planted 14,573 acres of Oil Palms in Kalimantan. It takes 3 years after planting Oil Palm to bear fruit.

So after all the hard work the 3 year old Oil Palms are now bearing fruit.

Kecamatan Lamandau,
Kapubaten Lamandau,
Kalimantan Tengah.
Plantation land with
estate buildings and
oil palm plantation
Leasehold for
35 years/
Expiring on 23
October 2049

Year 2014 bought 5,898 (hectares of land for Oil Palms)



2017-05-27 22:13


strong value growth company

2017-05-31 22:30

John Lu

Calvintaneng will give 5 stocks for you to buy every month ( if u dont believe, u just wait for his up coming article and start counting)
With 1 year 12 months x 5 = 60
In 3 years Calvintaneng has gave 180 counters for you to buy.

180 stock is almost 18% of the total stock in bursa.

Out of 180 stock given by calvintaneng, 95% go holland!!

So...i assume calvintaneng total net worth at rm10 million which i think impposible he has so much of money, he said he only invest 3% of his capital (u believe?? Haha...u know, i know...LOL)

10 mil x 3% = 300k

So, calvintaneng, can u answer my question below?
1)with 300k, how you allocate this 300k into the total 180 stock that your chun chun holland call?

Assumed per stock average at 50c, 300k only can buy around 600 lots only (1 lot x 1000 units), the 180 counter that calvin chun chun call, actually he is buying around 3.5 lots for every counter for that 180 stock.

Can u imagine you promote so aggresive with the misleading article title i.e: Most undervalue stock in the world etc but end up u only buying 3.5 lots??

2)10% of your stock make money only (base on my record only 5% of your stock go up and 94% of your stock pick still at lose), how is your performance so far in your portfolio?

3)Just answer me "Yes" or "No" for this 3rd question. Are u deserve for rank 224 in 2017 stock pick? If no, what will be your estimation rank by 31/12/2017?

I am waiting for your clarification with solid justification and proof.

2017-06-02 07:43

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