In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. (Calvin comments)

Publish date: Sun, 01 Oct 2017, 11:36 AM
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Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Dear Friends & Fellow Investors,

Good morning on The LORD's Day!

Today I would like to share one  "Investment Verse" from King Solomon's Book of Proverbs 14:23. As published in King James Bible (1611 Edition):

 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. 


In more uptodate English let's quote from the Amplified Bible


In all labor there is profit,

But mere talk leads only to poverty.


Now Calvin comments:

Part One

In all labour there is profit.


Let's look at the definition of the word "labour"



  1. 1.
    work, especially physical work.
    "the price of repairs includes labour, parts, and VAT"
    synonyms: worktoilemploymentexertionindustry, industriousness, toiling, hard workhard labourdrudgeryeffort, the sweat of one's brow, donkey work, menial work; More
  1. 1.
    work hard; make great effort.
    "they laboured from dawn to dusk"
    synonyms: work (hard), toil, slave (away), grub away, plod away, grind away, sweat away, strugglestrive, exert oneself, overwork, work one's fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan/dog/slave, keep one's nose to the grindstone; More
  2. 2.
    have difficulty in doing something despite working hard.
    "United laboured against confident opponents"
    synonyms: strivestruggleendeavourwork, try hard, make every effort, do one's best, do one's utmost, do all one can, give (it/something) one's all, go all out, fightpush, be at pains, put oneself out, apply oneself, exert oneself; More


So labour means work. Doing something useful. Doing something productive. It involves toil, exertion, hard work, effort, sweat and the use of mental and physical energy to achieve a desired result.


The farmer sows seed, waters the plant & reap a bountiful harvet

The fisherman casts his hook or nest and expect a good catch of fishes

The student study hard that he might be able to pass his exam & graduate with Top honours.

The businessman works hard that he might see his company succeed in the market place.

The Stock Investor searches for information and facts that he might invest in profitable companies to invest. It was said that Warren Buffet read all the Investment Books he could find in his home and in the library. And after he found Ben Graham's Book - THE INTELLIGENT INVESTOR he read it more than half a dozen times. Till this day Warren still spend much time reading and reading "to gather information".




So this is what makes life to go on.

God's Word said

King James Bible (Genesis 3:19)
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Ha!  This was because Mankind fell in the Garden of Eden. Originally man need not work for a living. It was sin that caused it. So for now we got to work - both Christians & non-christians. Till Jesus Christ returns and set up His new Kingdom. And then we need not work anymore like now.

And so there should be  no lazy Christians 


2 Thessalonians 3:10King James Version (KJV)

10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.


But we should eat to live and not live to eat. 


Now the 2nd Part of the Verse

but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. 


But mere talk leads only to poverty.



The idle talker or time waster who take no effort to labour to improve himself is heading into poverty. 

That's why the rich by virtue of being industrious gets richer and the poor remains poor due to his idle mind that leads to lack and poverty.


People who talk but do no proper productive work are sluggards

See how the Bible decribes a sluggard



Proverbs 26:13-16

13A sluggard says, “There’s a lion in the road,

a fierce lion roaming the streets!”

14As a door turns on its hinges,

so a sluggard turns on his bed.

15A sluggard buries his hand in the dish;

he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.

16A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes

than seven people who answer discreetly.



And see this poem by Isaac Watts on the Sluggard



The Sluggard

'Tis the voice of the sluggard; I heard him complain,
"You have waked me too soon, I must slumber again."
As the door on its hinges, so he on his bed,
Turns his sides and his shoulders and his heavy head.

"A little more sleep, and a little more slumber;"
Thus he wastes half his days, and his hours without number,
And when he gets up, he sits folding his hands,
Or walks about sauntering, or trifling he stands.

I pass'd by his garden, and saw the wild brier,
The thorn and the thistle grow broader and higher;
The clothes that hang on him are turning to rags;
And his money still wastes till he starves or he begs.

I made him a visit, still hoping to find
That he took better care for improving his mind:
He told me his dreams, talked of eating and drinking;
But scarce reads his Bible, and never loves thinking.

Said I then to my heart, "Here's a lesson for me,"
This man's but a picture of what I might be:
But thanks to my friends for their care in my breeding,
Who taught me betimes to love working and reading.



So the Choice is Ours to make: To spend time productively or just waste it without a purpose in life
If you can live until 70 years of age, or 80, or 90 or 100 years old? See the calculations
how many days do you live
70 x 365 days =  25,550 days
80 x 365 days =  29,200 days
90 x 365 days =  32,850 days
100 x 365 days = 36,500 days
So even if you can live untill the ripe old age of 100 years you only live 36,500 days on earth.
Calvin just visited Bandar Springfield. It has only a few thousand people and might grow to 20,000 or more people one day
Do you know in China the population today is over 1.4 Billions people.
Suppose each town/city has 30,000 inhabitants.  In your whole life time of 100 years (36,500 days) you also cannot finish visiting China's cities/towns if you just spend one day in each city/town for your entire life of 100 years.
1,400,000,000 divides by 30,000 people a city/town  = 46,666 cities/towns
46,666 means you must have a life span of 127 years on earth - Just to visit all the Towns/Cities of One Country - China alone?
What about all other countries in the world. You need to live 1,000 years.
1,000 years?
Yess! in the milennium mankind can live 1,000 years. But that is another message, another time zone.
Now since our lives are so short on earth let us use it to the very full.
And Calvin is reposting this below
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HOW TO HAVE 25 HOURS A DAY - By Dr Jack Hyles (Adapted by Calvin)

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Twenty-Five Hours In A Day

by Pastor Jack Hyles

(Chapter 02 from Dr. Hyle's excellent book, Strength And Beauty)

Everyone has the same amount of time-the learned and unlearned, the old and young, the rich and poor, the big and little, the high and low, the president and peasant, the rich man and poor man, the beggar man and the thief. We all have 1440 minutes to spend each day.

The important thing is how we spend that 1440 minutes.

People often ask me, "Pastor, how do you get so much done? Pastoring over 14,000 members, presenting a daily radio broadcast, conducting a weekly broadcast on over 60 stations, writing fifteen books, traveling across the country and around the world, how do you get everything done?"

I decided to share with my people some secrets to getting more done in my 1440 minutes a day so it could seem that I have "twenty-five hours in a day." I share these now with you, dear reader.

1. Do two things at one time. One can read while eating or while getting a haircut. A housewife can iron and listen to the radio. She can also do the dishes while she listens to good music or a record. Such things as driving, eating, ironing, washing dishes, bathing, etc. should never be done so as to occupy one's complete attention. Much of this book has been dictated while I was driving on the highway. I have for years kept a Dictaphone machine in my car. Much of my mail is answered in this manner.

2. Always have a paper and pencil or pen handy. A thought can come through one's mind one time, never to return; it should be jotted down. One should never trust his memory.

3. Avoid people who are time wasters. Everyone has in his sphere of activity people who are time wasters. They love to sit and talk about nothing in general. Much care should be taken so as to not spend too much time with this type. Someone has said, "Great minds talk about ideas; good minds talk about things; and weak minds talk about people." Seek those who have great minds. Flee those who have weak minds unless there is an opportunity to help them

4. Use the early morning and late evening hours. The man who gets ahead is the man who works while others sleep. He is up before others are up and is awake working after others have retired. The most quiet and uninterrupted hours of the day are those in the early morning and late evening.

5. Work the hardest when you are the most alert. Everyone has his best hours. Maybe one person is a bit sluggish after lunch. Perhaps another finds it hard to work late in the evening. Find the hours when work comes the easiest and when most can be done. By all means, utilize those times to their limit.

6. Use travel time wisely. When on a train, car, bus, or airplane and when at an airport, depot, or train station, do not just sit idly. Use that time. Always have a good book with you that you can read during idle hours. Perhaps there is some project on which you can work, but plan to use your travel time wisely.

7. Plan your day at its beginning. It has been my policy for many years to lie in bed about five to ten minutes in the morning after I awaken and plan the activities of the day. What I do today I must do on purpose. I must not let external circumstances control my schedule. I must let my schedule control my external circumstances. This is not to say that an emergency or two will completely ruin my day; it is to say that I must have goals for the day and I must work to reach them.

8. Use waiting time. This is much like the travel time. Take your reading material to the doctor's office. Don't let what he chooses govern your thoughts while you wait. That 1932 magazine that you are reading in 1970 will do little to enrich your life. Decide what you are going to read in the doctor's office; take it with you.

9. Do not do what would be better for another to do. A man who could make $5 an hour at work would be better off paying a boy $1.50 an hour for mowing his yard than to tie himself up and thereby lose $3.50 an hour. Don't be timid to get help. Spend your time on your specialty. When there is someone who can do the job far better and far quicker than you, get help.

10. Eat right. This is very vital. No car can run its best without proper fuel and no person can work his best without proper food. Take extra care to eat properly. Also exercise properly; keep a healthy body.

11. Fellowship only with a purpose. If YOU need some time off, if you need to sit and chat awhile, if you need to relax your mind, do it on purpose; plan it. Don't just be a member of the "Spit and Whittle Club" unless you need to spit and whittle. So many millions of hours are wasted every day by people who have no purpose in life but to "chew the fat" with whoever walks by. Have an organized life. Do what you do on purpose.

12. Sleep on purpose. Don't be a sluggard and fall asleep. Decide when you are going to sleep. Decide how much sleep you need; go to sleep by a schedule and wake up by a schedule. Intemperance concerning sleep can ruin one's effectiveness and usefulness.

13. Plan your worry time. When you think of something that worries you, write it down and vow that you will worry about it at "worry time." This will keep you from worrying while you are busy. Make a list of your worries; set a certain time regularly when you worry. This will concentrate your worry time into one little area of life and will not render you ineffective for the rest of your schedule. You will find by the time worry time comes that not worrying while you are working has eliminated your worries, for most of our worries can be worked out by a strong body, a disciplined personality, and a planned life.

14. Don't dwell on minor decisions. Do not make a big production out of small jobs and minor decisions. Some people use a lot of energy about the small things and never get to the big ones.

There are many other things that can help one in his daily activity. Things that I have found helpful are having a daily schedule, not worrying about a decision that has been made after careful deliberation, using of of the fastest transportation available, making a list before shopping, deciding at night what clothes I will wear the next day, etc.

One of the most important things of all, however, is this: DO ONLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW. Don't worry about what you did awhile ago, or what you are going to do after awhile; hide yourself in your present activity.

If you are prepared for the day, that which you are going to do after awhile will care for itself after awhile. This is one reason I can get so many different things done. If I am to broadcast in ten minutes, I will broadcast in ten minutes, but not now. I have prepared myself for this broadcast and I need not worry about it. My mind must be on the activity of the present. When the broadcast comes, I must not worry about the appointment that follows, or I will not be my best now. I must center my attention on what I am doing; I must lose myself in the present task, not wondering about my effectiveness of the previous one, nor worrying about the effectiveness of the one to follow. I have prepared myself for the day; I must not render myself ineffective for the present because I am worried about the failures of the past or the schedule of the future.

Using the aforementioned ideas and many others, there are many times when I feel that I have been able to spend "twenty-five hours in a day."


Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness! | Believe The Gospel



1 person likes this. Showing 6 of 6 comments

Alex Foo

calvin sifu, thank you for the reminder to work hard.

can i as a favor? can help rate the asset of hengyuan? annual report 2016 shows some 15,172,283 square feet at port dickson, book value sitting at RM101,510,000.

I calculate it is close to 15sen/sq feet. I suppose that is industrial land.

Is it over or undervalued based on current market rate?

tq =)

2017-10-01 11:51


Alex Foo

Ok i will go check up on it and post here later

2017-10-01 12:09


raider assessment is rm 30 psf, near a mature housing area sorrounding

2017-10-01 12:11

Alex Foo

wait, i calculate wrong d,

land valuation is RM7/sq feet, not 15 sen. sry

my math fail today. sry

2017-10-01 12:52


Alex Foo,

Henguan's land book value is low at old prices. If revalued it should be from Rm20 to Rm30 psf. Lands in PD, Seremban, Bandar Springhill & Bandar Sendayan are valued between Rm20psf to Rm50 psf depending on location, terrain & nearby amenities.

So these lands are undervalue.

2017-10-01 17:54

Alex Foo

nice...tq :)

2017-10-01 19:18

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