Micheal Teo

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News & Blogs

2013-09-14 09:01 | Report Abuse

Beautifully uttered . 3 cheers to CP Teh.

News & Blogs

2013-09-08 06:12 | Report Abuse

Keep up your charity work.

News & Blogs

2013-09-08 00:14 | Report Abuse

In Bursa or any other forms of gambling there are winners and losers..Y r u sensitive to the word pensioner?

News & Blogs

2013-09-07 19:39 | Report Abuse

U r most welcome. Remember what world renowned investor WARREN BUFFET simple n cute words; "To win first you must not lose" Small consistent gains is better than loss. To put it in another way just pure coffee talk if I patronize Genting Casino daily and win rm100 everyday monthly it amounts to rm3k multiply it by 12 months its rm36k. With such annual passive income I can enjoy fun free holidays to many goody goody destinations. However, can anyone be so consistent? Again my 2 cents view as a fulltime pensioner.Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-09-07 17:46 | Report Abuse

Dear bsnpgq in Bursa nobody can predict how high or low its share price of any counters for that matter can touch. As such, if returns that u get by investing in Bursa outmatch returns u receive fr. FDs or Bonds be happy. My individual view as a fulltime pensioner. Tq.

News & Blogs

2013-08-28 06:27 | Report Abuse

Let me put it this way. Dabbling in BURSA is a ZERO sum game. In any form of gambling there r losers n winners. As such, if any article that is posted for public sharing evaluate n analyse it. I had attended many investment talks. Sometimes stocks recommended by experts or stock analysts its price also don't go up. So,don't hurl hurtful remarks to those who share genuine knowledge with us. Be a gentleman loser or park ur funds in FD or Govt. Bonds. My 2 cent opinion from a full time pensioner.

News & Blogs

2013-08-24 16:55 | Report Abuse

Let me put it this way or view from a fulltime pensioner. In this rat race society some people became wealthy through sheer hard work some r "crooks" who amassed wealth through unethical means. U can escape long arm of the law but u can't escape ur own conscience throughout ur life. Just my personal opinion giving due respect to CEO with full intergrity n transparency.


2013-08-23 22:39 | Report Abuse

Aiya Mr. Lewis there is no warranty that price of share will just shoot up like loose rockets due to an announcement of increase in Co.profits. At Bursa no 1 can predict accurately. Even d most renowned chartist also can't guarantee. As such, kindly be patient or park ur money in Bonds or FDs whereby ur deposits up to rm250k is guaranteed by BNM. Do give due respect to ur language used. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-08-22 02:40 | Report Abuse

Well written article Mr.Tan KW. I presume u r an economist or accountant by profession.

News & Blogs

2013-08-21 16:13 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffet did mention in his golden rule of investment. To win first you must not lose. Secondly, small consistent gains is better than loss. Just my individual opinion giving due respect to Mr.Tan KW's article. Thank you.


2013-08-20 06:07 | Report Abuse

Pharmaniaga is a medical drugs or medicine manufacturer. It's sure profits if it supply medicine to hospitals both private n govt. Prospects for long term look bright.

News & Blogs

2013-08-19 18:29 | Report Abuse

My profound thanks to you Mr. Ben Gan for sharing informative news on Bursa investment. Since I know nothing on TA usually I invest purely based on FA. More often than not each time I sell my shares the price move higher n higher. Since I m a pensioner I invest to earn passive income. Ur article give me a better insight on bursa investment.


2013-08-19 18:09 | Report Abuse

9598 is the stock code for pintaras


2013-08-17 23:59 | Report Abuse

Memang memalukan..Sudah beberapa Kali Dana baru dimasukkan. Dahulunya perniagaan monopolistik tiada persaingan pun setiap tahun melaporkan kerugian beratus juta apatah lagi kini adanya persaingan dark AirAsia..

News & Blogs

2013-08-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

Thank you Mr. Tan KW for ur matured n logical view on stockmarket investment. I presume u r ardent fan of world renowned investor - Warren Buffet n Benjamin Graham etc...

News & Blogs

2013-08-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

You r pretty frank n logical in ur view on bursa investment. Unlike CP Teh in most of his articles he speaks on "arrogance" or his profound capabilities in stock selection that always make money n no losses. Just my personal opinion giving due respect to his "arrogance". I speak without fear or favour as a pensioner.

News & Blogs

2013-08-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

A well written and rasional articlce on dangers of stockmarket investments when it gets overheated. Thus, logic is thrown out of the window during previous stockmarket crash when banks gave excessive loans on share margin trading.....


2013-08-12 00:57 | Report Abuse

Hello dabbling in stockmarket is a zero sum game. As such, don't be over confident n arrogant. Tq.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-08-09 16:58 | Report Abuse

In investment talks n seminars that I have attended in TA@technical analysis usually you r talking on hindsight that is after it has happened. There is no 100% accurate tools to stockmarket investment. It is purely based on projections. Anyway, I gv due respect to d "arrogant" CP Teh his article alwaysd share that he predicted all up only never mentioned of loss counters. Just my 2 cent opinion. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-08-09 16:50 | Report Abuse

FYI sometimes it may start of as a dream. However, with a dream next comes a strategy n who knows with rm10k after 10 years u may graduate to become a millionaire. Wishful thinking for u since u r much younger. For me as a pensioner I opt for safer avenues. Better slow than never- Govt.bonds n FD r the safest.


2013-08-07 08:05 | Report Abuse

FYI nine out of ten people who dabbled in stockmarket lost money. Safest haven or place to park your ample cash-invest in Govt.bonds n mutual funds through monthly installments utilise 5-10% of ur monthly salary. Just my humble suggestion as a pensioner. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-08-07 06:56 | Report Abuse

Thank you for sharing the above knowledge on stockmarket investment. You have a rasional and logical approach. I am confident you can derived tidy gains or passive income.

News & Blogs

2013-07-30 19:45 | Report Abuse

Hi....what do u mean by getting out of bad positions quickly? Tq.

News & Blogs

2013-07-26 06:24 | Report Abuse

For those who can't digest the risks of Bursa unit trusts or mutual funds offer a safer avenue to park your ample funds. However, unit trusts are for long term investment 5-10 years. I invested in public mutual funds and unit trusts. Those that I invested at source or newly launch @25 cents didn't give returns as attractive as those that I purchase by monthly installments to take advantage of DCAP or dollar cost averaging principle.Generally, returns outmatch bank FD rates. My personal experience in unit trust investments.

News & Blogs

2013-07-25 19:32 | Report Abuse

Up up and away in 2013 raging bull run.

News & Blogs

2013-07-24 16:28 | Report Abuse

Cmsb is d "goldmine" of Sarawak.


2013-07-24 00:45 | Report Abuse

A profitable penny stock.

News & Blogs

2013-07-22 23:34 | Report Abuse

Hi...Mr.CP Teh congrats.to ur sterling performance in trading BURSA so far. However, don't be over arrogant or "how loan" Fyi I have seen n witnessed fortunes made n lost in BURSA. Remain humble even if u have had made ur pile. Do a little charity to genuine n desrving social organizations like old fokes home, orphanage etc....


2013-07-19 17:21 | Report Abuse

In a superbull a handful of shares may appreciate 8 to 10 folds in price. However, I m unable to predict which shares. The last superbull run price of Muhibah increased by ten-folds. It touched a high of rm10.30. Will history repeat itself?

News & Blogs

2013-07-15 07:03 | Report Abuse

Hi..Mr.Tan nobody can predict how high the price of a share can go up. As such, its never wrong to take profits. Likewise some shares the price shoot up shortly after forced selling day. Precisely small n consistent gain is better than loss. Just my 2 cent opinion. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-07-15 00:32 | Report Abuse

My sympathy to all new graduates who just just started working. If u r working in ur own hometown be frugal n try to save as much as possible. Many fresh graduates r living a lavished life clubbing n hang out at Starbucks, Coffee Bean etc...too often. Moreover many r over purchasing unproductive items on credit.

News & Blogs

2013-07-13 15:11 | Report Abuse

Hi....jyen fyi this share PWE now Pansar during 1995 superbull run touched a hit of rm144 now 52 cents. Ur is just a tiny drop into Atlantic Ocean.


2013-07-13 08:25 | Report Abuse

1995 previous superbull run Pansar before was known as PWE touched a high of rm144. Will history repeat itself...


2013-07-13 06:36 | Report Abuse

Very logical n rasional approach in stockmarket investment.


2013-07-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

Hi Hobson 64 whatever prices quoted for any shares r merely projections by the broking house. As such, before u buy check out d fundamentals of d Co.

Announcements & Events

2013-07-10 23:12 | Report Abuse

Be patient price will shoot up in future..


2013-07-09 05:23 | Report Abuse

Good buy at current price pending 2 sen dividend.


2013-07-08 07:06 | Report Abuse

Frankly the price of houses have gone beyond the reach of many middle income earners due to over speculation.

News & Blogs

2013-07-07 14:46 | Report Abuse

It all depends in which state a person is working. If u budget frugally it is sufficient for bread n butter. The only savings perhap will b ur monthly EPF employees portion.Mind you rm3k was the maximum pay of a graduate in civil service after 25 years of working before.


2013-07-06 07:01 | Report Abuse

Among the Sarawak based stocks I think scib is currently undervalued.


2013-07-06 00:24 | Report Abuse

Hi Peter Handal wa will expire on 5.4.16

News & Blogs

2013-07-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

Beware of this share.Perhaps, it has hidden agenda like before after the rm400 cash payment the share price plunge. While other OG share reporting commendable profits this share is struggling to stay afloat by fanning good news. Just my individual view giving due respect to the Co.directors if their business intentions are genuine and not devouring " sacrificial lambs" again.

News & Blogs

2013-07-02 06:47 | Report Abuse

Fortunes had been made and lost in stockmarkets. However, when market is bullish many "smart Alecs" appeared with all kinds of fantastic news. If it is so easy to make money heck who are the losers?

News & Blogs

2013-07-01 22:28 | Report Abuse

Pretty logical n rasional argument of ur purview regarding stockmarket investment. I set a target to outperform bank or bond teturns fr. Bursa in my portfolio of stocks.

News & Blogs

2013-06-30 23:37 | Report Abuse

It all depends whether the money taken from credit cards is for investment that is productive debt or purely to splurt on the latest smartphone etc...which is consumer debt. I used credit card BTR of 0-5.99% for 6-12 months to invest in Bursa. After GE 13 I liquidated repaid my accrued amount n balance I went for holidays. Its calculated risks. My personal view only.


2013-06-30 23:29 | Report Abuse

Mgo by another tycoon just my wild guess.

News & Blogs

2013-06-29 18:39 | Report Abuse

I reckon Muhibah as a 2nd.liner quality stock pending unchanged Msian n global economy. However, all forms of investment carry an inherrent risks except for FDs n Govt.Bonds that is share price will fluctuate.

News & Blogs

2013-06-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

Congrats.to CP Teh U r just a step away to achieve absolute financial independence.


2013-06-29 03:48 | Report Abuse

In ur stockmarket exists many opportunists they will fan fantastic news if they want to exit their holdings. Likewise if they want to accumulate a particular share at low price they will inject all kinds of negative news. Just my 2 cents opinion.