Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2022-12-09 20:40 | Report Abuse

You still don't understand the difference between cp food and cp group? Maybe pchem and Petronas? Sslee would you rather own Petronas or pchem and pdagang? I think you need to look beyond and understand what I am writing about first before adding your "ideas"

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 13:51 | Report Abuse

Any reason why genting fanboy? Or you still expect me to invest in genting? I am not amused at all.


2022-12-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

Hello qqq, what happened? Why change your ID?

many years ago, value investing is the bible in i3........................nowadays what happen to the word? no one using the word value investing any more?

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 13:32 | Report Abuse

CP group is privately owned with government link. Not for sale. Similar to petronas.

Care to tell us what is the PE of CP?
If you are sincere you should not ask Malaysia funds to support QL but advise those holding QL to sell QL and buy CP.

23 minutes ago

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 13:20 | Report Abuse

What is the market cap of the Thailand most successful private company? You want to buy a 3b usd growths company or a 84b Thailand company that is not for sale and doesn't need your input?

FYI cp group generates more revenue than Petronas.

And obviously I want to help Malaysia instead of leaving the country to Indonesia and UK and telling everyone how bad Malaysia is.

One day Malaysia will be back, and those who stayed will be rewarded.

That is my firm belief, every dog will have its day.

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 12:59 | Report Abuse

No need to think about listed, if you bought 5 years ago, you would have doubled your money, get dividends and free shares, and most importantly you can still sleep well throughout all the crashes in between 2020 etc instead of getting margin called.



Those bought QL during listed till now , HUAT LA

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 12:57 | Report Abuse

Sslee, QL is already in fbm30, you know it and I know it. It had already making more money in one quarter than insas has ever made, and each of its subsidiaries and investments are making billions, which is more than I can say for companies like numoni.

In any case one sacrifice that I think we should make is to cut out the automotive manufacture industry. This is something that we are just NOT good at, might as well sell all the assets to kia and hyundai, close all special benefits and pricing to produce, proton etc at the cost of every Malaysian testing to buy a car. We are not even earning as our protection of this non performing industry is penalties from ASEAN trade which I think is totally not worth it. What is the point of pricing cars more expensive than buying a house if the benefits of protecting that local industry cause so much trouble for everyone else. We should instead concentrate on giving out subsidies and protectionism on the electronics and semiconductor industry, services and tvet industry and definitely energy industry which would invite more investors in the future.

Proton and perodua protectionism is something from the age of syed mokhtar and mahathir. It is high time that ended and the rakyat pay for better services and cheap cars.

We are just not good at automotive industries. We neither have the steel for it or the engineers for it. Let the Japanese and Koreans take that part. Let's do what we can do better

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 09:39 | Report Abuse

I think there is still too much complaints about who should be leading us instead of what we should be doing in the government. I wonder if we will ever change from a race based culture to a performance based one. We have done it before when I was young, I hope to see it come back again now that I am old.


2022-12-05 08:12 | Report Abuse

I classify this again under never listen to rumor mill/ unsubstantiated analysis, insider info. Don't fall for it, and don't waste your time listening to it. It rarely works out well.


I made grave mistake by not buying enough SP Setia at 41.5 sen, knowing pretty well SP Setia will conduct yearly window dressing fiercely. Just for info, window dressing for SP Setia already started, and will going through till Christmas holiday, best still is up to 4.45pm/ 4.49pm 30 Dec.

17 hours ago


2022-12-04 14:18 | Report Abuse

For someone who has never made a single accurate buy call or good investment analysis, and in which every comment you make is that every stock is a bad stock, why do you think anyone should even listen to you eh gdex boy? The only stock you promoted which is gdex is doing much much worse than pchem, dropping from 40 cents to 14 cents. What makes you think you are even remotely worth listening to?

Why don't you give another stock which you are invested in, unless its always the kind where you somehow are ALWAYS able to buy when it is low and sell at the perfect highs? But then, since you are already some billionaire trader, your are probably more inclined to talk more, do less.


pchem looks likely to touch 5 again in 2023

even if 5 is never touched in 2023, 7 very likely
11.08 will be medieval history never to be seen alive again in 2023

3 hours ago


2022-12-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

Let's be honest here for a while.
Roset was started in 2004 as a limousine rental company and later sold to ex management/relative Thong for a measly amount. They then spent 4.5 million to bring in tesla ev car into local market with no idea how to do marketing, servicing and repair.

Stoop to their level? Tell me how much roset loses each year in operations and who pays for it? Who pays for thong salary every year as director and manager of roset? Where did the money go before they decided to sell to thong for cash and "considerations". Was it a profitable 18 year investment?

That is the real reason for the low pe and institutional e belief in insas performance and capability.



2022-12-04 08:36 | Report Abuse

So many nonsense stories, you still believe?


2022-12-04 08:31 | Report Abuse

Come on, you can do better than that.


From 2021 annual report.
Gain on disposal of unquoted investments RM 77,599,000

3 minutes ago


2022-12-04 08:25 | Report Abuse

Don't forget to add in the yearly expenses and losses throughout its entire lifetime, which was paid by insas


2022-12-04 08:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, do tell me how much insas paid to start up the car rental company, then how much the ex manager paid to insas to take it private. Rebut me please. How much money did shareholders and insas gain from sales of the Singapore car agency?


Just to rebut Philip with facts and figures.
Insas already sold your so called biotechnology and Singapore car rental business last year and this year already closed down Numoni Technology Pte. Ltd.

So please check your facts how much Insas profited from the sales of Sengenics biotech?


2022-12-04 08:22 | Report Abuse

The simple question I keep asking myself is this: which son told the dad to to buy and put sensecube as a subsidiary of the company? What is this nonsense with m&a disposal and syf? Are all this shenanigans shareholder friendly or another way to slowly suck money out of the company?
Insas is like a golden bottle where the directors are quietly trying to suck money out as fast as possible without shareholders noticing. FYI, the owners have once remarked that insas is the most undervalued company in bursa.

Did you think that they would not find a way to unlock it any way they knew how?


2022-12-04 08:05 | Report Abuse

Now, what would make me buy insas?
1. If insas current directorsand managers remove themselves day to day operations and find a new capable management. As insas is full of potential but not well managed, I recall the act of texchem boss hiring and changing of sushi King manager which was a brilliant move increasing sushi king returns over the years and growing new store count which wasn't done during previous management.
2. If similar to myeg brilliant listing of agmo, or Vincent tan split of bjfood and bauto, management sells their inari stock and rewards all shareholders with special dividend to reduce the gap of nav, unlock value for all shareholders instead of holding partners hostage.
3. They become more transparent in the direction that they are going instead of trying to be everything to everyone. Instead of going for property development and biotech and car rental and clothing line( let's face it not everyone is Warren buffet), they could have concentrated on making their m&a trading and listing arm the best in the business as it is what they know best. By simplifying their business model and concentrating on app trading, blockchain listing, starting up a new angel investing or crowdfunding platform that ties into their business which is where their talents lie, it would bring much better synergy and returns than sending money to a biotechnology firm based in Brunei that is just bleeding money with no returns, or a loss making car rental company in Singapore in the age of grab, or that ewallet vigsys scam that burnt millions of shareholder equity.

Just like I buy what I understand, I believe insas would do much much better investing in businesses that they understand.

I think insas is a company that is worth investing in, but the management is one that I would walk far far away from if I see them on the street.


2022-12-04 07:47 | Report Abuse

People keep asking me if inari is a good company why don't we buy insas instead for the low share price and huge share of inari.
My answer is simple:
1. When will insas dispose of all inari shares and distribute to shareholders? Never.
2. If you buy inari, you get all the rewards of growth and dividends. If you buy insas for inari, you get nothing. Insas decides what to do with the proceeds of share sales and dividends and you will definitely not like what they are investing in. Vigcash, roset, melium, dome coffee to name a few huge waste of money.
3. What does binapuri and insas have in common? They have property development arm that have many "subsidiaries" that funnel money away from the listed company pockets into director hands privately under the guise of expenses.
3. Extremely Low PE is not a good sign of a company return. It is a sign of LOW expectations that the company will give a good return yearly. Insas has been giving low returns for years now. Both in shareholder returns as well as company performance.

Lu tau boh ??

Those who stick consistently with Insas will be very well rewarded given time mah.
Just have some patience loh!

They is a big margin of safety & reasonable div u will get while u wait loh!

1 week ago


2022-12-04 07:38 | Report Abuse

This is why one would never listen to free tips or do called insider info as it rarely works out.


Free tips/insider information:

HRC Q3 EPS and Balance Sheet will be exceptional good.

This tips/insider information is given with the aim that exceptional good Q3 will move the HRC share price up north so that I can sell by C24 for a handsome profit.

Disclaimer: Purely a betting tips, not a buy or sell call.

1 month ago


2022-12-01 15:20 | Report Abuse

And why not? From the day I bought pchem, it has made 18 billion in profits and distributed 9 billion in dividends. It has used the 9 billion in retained earnings to buy more cash flow positive companies where the price of oil is giving big positives. All I have to do is hold a few more years to get my holding cost to zero. Then every year I get money for free. What's not to like? If you don't care about the share price of pchem, the earnings alone is worth salivating over.


2022-12-01 11:09 | Report Abuse

It proves that Lee soon sheng is a real respectable person who act honorably and believes in his investment and put real money behind it. Unlike those that only use this forum to criticise everybody but has no useful results behind it.

Talk less do more. At least sslee is learning something new every day, unlike those who only know how to troll but no results.

Aiyoyo sslee insas shareholding got nothing 2 do with HY analysis

Mike Good 2 see ur crackhead alrdy calm down abit (less BS @ starting to digest HY pain/loss)

56 minutes ago


2022-11-29 23:55 | Report Abuse

You would have gotten much better and easier results buying Stondon simple like pchem where we just have another 1.89b of net profit, and we can look forward to another year of 50 cents in dividends to bring down the cost of ownership. I think knowing the business model of hy and petronm is very very important. And knowing why pchem had such high profit margins is also very very important.

Not all oil and gas companies are the same. Not all derivatives are similar. I think a huge bloodbath coming soon.

Good morning Philip,
I only put in abt 4% of my portfolio into HRC and warrants (betting purpose)

I invested abt 16% of my portfolio into Petronm.

Q2 Revenue : RM 5,596 million, PAT RM 183 million EPS RM 0.68
Q1 Revenue : RM 3,800 million, PAT RM 106 million and EPS RM 0.394

Petronm last year EPS 88 cents and dividend 20 cents. So this year H1 2022 EPS already excess last year EPS and I expect this year dividend will be higher.

Petronm earning from Biodiesel margin + refinering margin + retail (petrol stations) and commercial sales of refined petroluem products.

HRC earning solely from refining margin (diesel, gasoline and jetfuel crack spread) with lot of hedging.

1 month ago


2022-11-29 21:24 | Report Abuse

Sslee/ probability, care to explained what is happening on the hy huge losses? And as someone told me to sell my pchem and ql to buy hengyuan all in, I wonder if I was lucky or smart to not listen to them in their wild recollection. In fact I am so happy to have kept the faith in the stocks that I understand better versus stocks that I know nothing about.


2022-11-24 17:16 | Report Abuse

Im not investing in it. And I have no idea if it is good company or not, I just know there is a reason why shell sold their assets to hibiscus previously.

Sslee Philip,
Ipunk is asking for your opinin on HIBISCS. Is Hib a good company to invest in for short, medium or long term.
22/11/2022 10:52 AM


2022-11-14 17:00 | Report Abuse

In a way this is true. But yinson demand for FPSO is directly related to the price of oil. when oil was low, many FPSO projects were deferred. And now when oil price is high, how many FPSO contracts did yinson win?


Fabian, crude oil price has no direct connection to yinson profit. Listen to the interviews and quarterly briefings. Crude oil can go to USD1000 and it wont boost yinson profit


2022-11-10 09:47 | Report Abuse

adding my position in kawan, as I am very bullish on inflation of food prices and the profits that local producers like KAWAN can get as they manufacture in selangor using cheap labour and low exchange rate, and sell in USA at high pricing. Long live the pratha! I look forward to 400 million a year of pratha sales, the only way to beat inflation


2022-11-07 18:41 | Report Abuse

I hope it goes well for you. Just remember the story of 华西新市村

Where every villager is a millionaire and everyone is rich, until you need to take out money to buy things. Then you realize you cannot force the management to pay everyone, and the maximum you can take out is 10% every year


2022-11-07 09:17 | Report Abuse

is there anything of material change to look forward to in insas business moving forward? or are they doing the same exact thing as the last 7 years?


2022-11-07 08:36 | Report Abuse

When one has no stock acumen or any form of stock analysis that matters, they will resort to trolling as usual instead of sharing and implementing knowledge. And we wonder why Malaysia is going down the drain. Maybe one day when CharlesT actually starts writing a stock valuation or analysis I will read to better understand him. As it is now, no difference between CharlesT and Shrek. Both are pure comedy.

Windy1974 u like rich old guy ah?

I think Philip's wife is still around


2022-11-02 18:02 | Report Abuse

Wonder how high it will go if latest qr they make surprise profit compare to all the competitors?
Wonder how low it will drop if latest qr also GG n asp keeps lower low ??


2022-11-02 18:00 | Report Abuse

Very easy to say on hindsight, but how many actually put their money where their mouth is and bought double or triple the shares they started with and averaged down? Very few I wonder.


2022-11-02 12:36 | Report Abuse

Closed trade on mynews jump, sold at 0.535 over the past few days


2022-10-28 00:57 | Report Abuse

Don't be silly. It was buying cheap on margin before when prices were too low. Now that prices is up then reduce margin exposure is normal. Margin is a double edged sword. One should never use margin to average up. For me I use it to average down when prices are good.

Fundamental investor become trader?


2022-10-16 09:18 | Report Abuse

Don't forget to add serba dinamik to that row of ducks. Obviously along the years ( just like my portfolio) I do not only choose those stocks, but include a few others as well.

The difference this time around is that the majority of my money is in solid strong companies ( like pchem) and minimized in companies like serba ( which I managed to cut and save what was left). If anything my portfolio is far more real than your imaginary jho low life where you service high networth individuals and cut profit in gdex at just the right time and buy other unnamed stocks just as they are making profits.

Let's face it: my "imaginary" stock performance over the last 3 years results are far far better than your "hidden" performance of your imaginary stocks.



what are the odds ?
except extreme fantastic super duper hyper good educated cutting edge forward looking skillsets that someone will actually choose Aokam Perdana, Ekran and Renong bhd just like ducks in a row?


2022-10-15 22:24 | Report Abuse

Noted and thanks. For something that you believe will be very exceptional good results didn't seem like you have much conviction in the company. As do I as well.
Good morning Philip,
I only put in abt 4% of my portfolio into HRC and warrants (betting purpose)


2022-10-14 21:13 | Report Abuse

How much % exposure of your portfolio are you putting into HRC Lee?
HRC Q3 EPS and Balance Sheet will be exceptional good.


2022-10-13 20:55 | Report Abuse

You mean trolling is a relevant skillset?

I don't think you have ever given a single stock recommendation that worked before


2022-10-13 17:07 | Report Abuse

Is that what you keep telling your high net worth clients to do gdex boy? Wow.


2022-10-13 12:20 | Report Abuse

You sound so smart until we look at your results and comments to date. You talk as if you are serving high networth individuals and doing business deals etc etc. But the fact is, you can barely even get your facts straight. When you were talking so much nonsense on gloves were when I did my largest purchases at 1.6+. And now you come back with your nonsense again as if you have any more credibility.

Just go back to your cave gdex boy, you really know nothing about investing or stocks other than to talk bad


you are so smart !!


2022-10-13 08:43 | Report Abuse

For me the easiest way to look at insas is to look at the entry for A9 in the quarterly report and just look at the growth of revenue, earnings, assets and liabilities. You will quickly find that they have not been growing revenues and assets of the subsidiaries well at all over the long period, which has contributed to why a 2 billion "net worth" company being valued at "500" million. Since you know the owners will never want to capitalize on the arbitrage, why should you?

And if you look at the business itself, do you really want to own it?


2022-10-13 08:24 | Report Abuse

You are still looking at price. Imagine if you took out share price out of the equation, you will find that the only reliable guide for investing as a MINORITY shareholder is gains from the growth of earnings, revenue and dividends.

Take for example my ownership of pchem. By simply holding on, buying when the price is low, and selling to remove my margin costs, my basis cost has already dropped to around rm4.1. at this price, without doing anything at all, the dividend I am collecting at 48 cents is enough to double my balance capital in 7 years. All without doing anything but sitting and waiting

Take for example astra agro lestari. If you were to look at this company and not be able to have the ability to look at the share price but just buy offhand from the owner a piece of the business, how would you value it? Definitely you would not be looking at just the plantation land, but you would concentrate on how much the boss is making and how much he will be distributing to you the shareholder. You would be asking for a seat as a director for a monthly salary, and a yearly dividends based on earnings. And you would be closely looking to see how much the business is growing year by year, how much land they are acquiring for planting, how much they are paying for replanting, and how they are performing compared to peers like sinar mas agro and provident. That is how you decide which business to buy.

Now do the same to insas and bplant. How would you justify buying back more insas and bplant? Is their business growing year after year? Is their earnings and dividends growing year after year? If not, is their landbank and business assets growing yearly to increase their long term returns?

Forget about share price for a long moment and just concentrate on the business fundamentals. Unless it is a total fraud company like serba which forged their results, you will be able to use your own managerial and business sense to decide on the investment.


2022-10-13 07:27 | Report Abuse

Or better yet, tell me what stocks to buy instead that you think is better than pchem right now


2022-10-13 07:26 | Report Abuse

Better mind your own business, and take care of your own money first before telling others what to do with theirs.

Better sell your pchem. Otherwise your paper gain become less and less


2022-10-10 20:46 | Report Abuse

Not good. Elections coming soon. Stocks will have a field day tomorrow


2022-10-10 10:55 | Report Abuse

When ARBB erp profit margins are higher and faster "growth" than SAP the worlds biggest and most efficient ERP player you really need to ask the question... HOW?

why doesn't the clients use solutions which is cheaper and better directly from:


why are those thailand companies not using solutions from the big reliable companies which are cheaper than ARBB offerings? Are they that silly, corrupted or ARBB solutions that powerful instead?

When everyone look bad, Mr Market will always feedback the different answer. Arbb is full potential and full flash erp player. Worth for the time


2022-10-10 09:37 | Report Abuse

ok, remember this. if you were in real life and talking to someone face to face, would you act the same way? it is funny how people can be so rude and insulting when hiding behind the computer and be so respectful and nice when face 2 face.