Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2023-02-14 16:30 | Report Abuse

and this is why investors and readers are preferring to leave I3 to go to other sites. Why do you need to post nosense like this? What does it serve you? How do you benefit? is your life that sad that you find enjoyment in nosense and trolling like this instead of doing proper work?



Sslee, your mother must have missed reading our favourite bedtime fairy tale book to you......ours have a happy ending.

You keep losing at every counter the past few times, that doesn't mean everyone else needs to lose too.............and we never lost a single one


2023-02-14 09:33 | Report Abuse

What is your purpose in coming to this forum? Is it to learn new skills and make money? If it is, then you need to ask yourself, how does it benefit you to troll and insult and talk kok every day like a child just for the sake of having posted something and getting a response. The simple fact is, is your portfolio doing a well as mine over a 4 year average? If it is congratulations. If it is not, then you should be looking to find out why, instead of trying to hear the sound of your own voice


Ooopss.....forgot that you also belonged to the smartazzz group....stocks portfolio doing well....only thing is the current price is lower and good to collect more???? Nonsense!!!


2023-02-13 12:48 | Report Abuse

Sslee I am not like you, trying to argue just for the sake of being right. I am just posting my portfolio and why i buy what I buy, because in the long run why need to rebut anything. You are not right because you write a lot of articles, you are right because your long term stock performance is right. You should know that by now, no matter how many articles you write about hengyuan, what matters in the end is if your investments do well long term or not.

Are these IBs wronged about Harta?
Then why not you wrote a rebuttal to those IBs on how wrong they are on Harta like what I wrote to rebut Kenanga on their called on PetronM?


2023-02-13 12:46 | Report Abuse

Exactly, why are you commenting on my portfolio page again? Why not stick to your own, and why do I even need your respect. This portfolio page full of "monopoly" money is for my own official tracking with both ups and downs, unlike those of short term traders like you who only track profits but forget about their losses.

You might have done well in the past or even comfortable with your successes to date.

But you certainly do not earn my respect.

But then, who the hell cares!


2023-02-13 00:40 | Report Abuse

The problem with short term investors is that to them everyone else is wrong

So Philip was dead wrong on Harta?

News & Blogs

2023-02-10 15:40 | Report Abuse

It would appear that a lot of people like eating bread. Far better bread steady and boring compared to buying myeg


2023-02-01 13:30 | Report Abuse

the funny thing if we think about it,

DPS | DY | Payout %
48.00 Cent | 5.75% | 48.61% - PCHEM
57.36 Cent | 6.56% | 85.10% - Maybank

MBB is giving out 85.1% of its profits and can only give 57.36 cents of profits to shareholders, while pchem only gives out half its profits at 48.6% and still pay out 48 cents, the difference is pchem is selling to the entire south east asia while mbb is only allowed to do business mainly in malaysia. Pchem can still grow much much more while pay out a good dividend with more money to spare for growth and is only 66 billion, which is a fraction of the value of its worldwide competitiors with incredible profit margins and lack of competitors. if korea can give 10 year bonuses to its refinery staff, how about pchem?


2023-01-21 11:19 | Report Abuse

The issue with calvin is that he is promoting palm oil without having done a single day of work in the farm himself before. His is the confidence of the fun manager who thinks that after 3 hours of reading he suddenly knows more about the industry than the palm oil planters themselves.
Question 1: Why is it that small planters like me are hesitant to invest deeply into buying more land and palm oil companies during the speculation years? The simple answer is we lived through the hyper speculation of 2012 when prices were good and we were also there tending the farm during the drops from 2017 until 2019. Which is why we only speculated or traded during the price increase of 2020-21.
But why dont I invest? The cost of fertilizer has increased by 7x (which is why I bought Pchem in 2019, for the huge urea plant with crazy net margins of 25-30% net net, with ukraine pricing of fertilizer has increase by almost 5x. Just ask any farmer, the price increase is due to shortage of workers and input costs, not due to demand increase. Profits will stabilize far faster than you realize, and costs will bring down all the previous profits won.

what does calvin know about palm oil plantations? Absolutely nothing. He lives in a apartment in singapore with barely any knowledge of growing crops. And you think he can tell you the future of palm oil stocks?

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Should the hero of Netx rethink his incessant promotions?

0Maintaining discipline in stock market investing can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help. One approach is to develop a clear investment plan and stick to it, even during times of market volatility. This plan should include your investment goals, risk tolerance, and a diversification strategy. Another strategy is to avoid emotional decision-making and instead rely on data and research to guide your investment decisions. Additionally, it can be helpful to limit the amount of time you spend following market fluctuations and instead focus on long-term trends. Finally, consider seeking the advice of a financial advisor or professional if you are struggling to maintain discipline in your investing

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2023-01-14 14:14 | Report Abuse

But good to hear from you again. Its been a while since I've read your articles as well. How are you doing?


2023-01-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

Frankly speaking, I think DK with his wealth of inexperience and even deleting his old articles which promoted jaks instead of revising them to show what is really happening is the worse tragedy. All the promises of profits and earnings and huge dividends, in the end like I have said before and posted in the comments ( which I have not deleted), if you cannot trust the management, if the cfo leaves, If you cannot see and visit the site etc there is no use whatever promises of profits if there is no trust

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2023-01-14 10:35 | Report Abuse

I would be careful with oppstar. I have more working assets in my palm oil farm than they do with their rented offices in penang, and yet somehow they profitability that they can make is amazing compared to debt and capital employed. How a company can do so is truly amazing to me.

It may or may not be real, but for a company that was setup in 2021 and where the collective major shareholders are of such a young age, I somehow find it very suspect as a long term investor.

It may or may not be the next apple, but for me I think I prefer more conservative investments.

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2023-01-13 13:47 | Report Abuse

the trick is always to keep your losses and speculative stocks at a minimum while putting more money on the reliable and hardworking companies for your investment dollars. As you can see from my portfolio, serba is 5%, and QL +yinson + pchem is collectively 80% of my portfolio, while serba at its highest was 5%. speculation aside, why put big money into bad stocks? And on top of that to put more money into companies like insas which do no good to ones equity position... I think chasing bad stocks on top of worse ones is a bad idea to follow.

Posted by Sslee > 1 day ago | Report Abuse

Why I bought even more SERBADK bonds and stocks
Author: Philip ( buy what you understand) | Publish date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021, 5:56 AM

Recently I bought a lot of serba dinamik bonds and stocks.

As to why? Everyone has all the relevant information, everyone has all the reports and PDFs. Importantly, serba has kept their KPMG auditors, and added EY as external reviewers for the issues brought up by KPMG, and 3 more independent directors to monitor all information on serba dinamik.

Why would frauds and liars do something like that?

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2023-01-13 11:32 | Report Abuse


And they do. Their recent factory upgrade and expansion which increased the QoQ results so much were for the wholesale portion of making cakes, burger buns, rolls etc for other customers. They also do wholesale cake and festival (mooncake etc) products for their own retail and other shops in the peninsular region. Which is why they are targeted to do 250 million in revenue sales for this financial year. I think it is those type of predictable boring business that will do well in the coming years.
We Msian still don’t have big Bread culture like in Vietnam. We have only familiar Roti Kaya or some calling it Roti Kahwin. Bread to me is a intermittent weekly food. SDS must have other options other than Bread.

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2023-01-12 21:40 | Report Abuse

Pau is also bread. Roti is literally bread.

But yes less processed food is better in life.


2023-01-12 13:04 | Report Abuse

Coming from you this is a good observation, as since when has good things been cheap?

Overvalued & overpaying loh


2023-01-12 12:45 | Report Abuse

sorry typographic error,
bought sds food manufacturing recently, 700k shares @ average 0.76 per share

News & Blogs

2023-01-12 12:07 | Report Abuse

And at the same time QL is at ALL TIME HIGH with good topline and bottomline growth. And obviously the share price is also up now at 30% more than what one would have paid to buy in 2019 ( while many others are losing money and portfolio is down ). So the secret is this, as minority shareholders we should be avoiding bad traps and lousy companies instead of playing with fire, and buy companies with good management, good execution, and good trustworthiness.

For someone who caught their hands on fire with bad investments in xinquan, jaks etc, why still keep buying chinaman companies who do not treat you as partners?

News & Blogs

2023-01-06 08:21 | Report Abuse

Yes which I invested in 2009, so let me know again what stock did you start buying and holding today?
Oh he said sold TG after years of investment… His cost is RM 5.32 …. Hahahaha

1 day ago

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2023-01-06 07:49 | Report Abuse

Mikecyc you post so much everywhere, but I have yet to see you last your portfolio or even enter the i3 stock competition. You want to nitpick on other people selection you also need to be fair and let people see your own performance.

How about it? Why don't start something so we can have a proper discussion instead of just your unstoppable trolling. You have never added any single iota of useful sharing on i3 before.

When will you actually start?

Phillip .. Top 4 list 2021

QL 6.15

Top Glove 5.32

Yinson 5.35

Pchem 8.17

News & Blogs

2023-01-01 08:20 | Report Abuse

What do you think knowing your company means? Obviously knowing it qualitatively, not only quantitatively.

Like certain boys who like gdex just for the sake of the rise in eshopping, not knowing it is a business which anyone with a van can do, and the lowest price supplier will get the jobs ( which is dastardly hard to calculate profit margins). The smart ones use delivery price per km, but since e shopping sites use number of parcels delivered as price costing, every single delivery company except for DHL and FedEx becomes uninvestible.

And yet some pakua still like gdex for some reason, which is why I always say stock analysis is the only industry where one can read for 3 hours on the financial reports and suddenly become an expert on the field by just spouting funny accounting numbers.
Funny how the gdex accountant who has *many* high networth clients spend more time online i3 than working in the real world.

changes only happens outside the company ie DLady
where the oatmilk trend was many years in the making openly before milk companies started going bankrupt in US and UK.
Zooming microscopically into investees in those milk business did not tell people to dump milk shares.
Many still insisted on holding Dlady even when the facts blew up in their faces
and price of DLady started dropping beyond mathematically and statistically attributed to random events.

so how does knowing the company you invest help you in DLady collapse?

10 hours ago

News & Blogs

2022-12-31 11:01 | Report Abuse

Sslee, let's just admit facts for once and stare at the mirror together.
Why do you invest? I was once like you many decades ago when I first started buying stocks.

I wanted to be proud that I spent enough time researching and find a misplaced stock that no one else noticed or mispriced.

And then when I found it and bought the stock, the market would notice and I would make millions as the prices soared then I could tell everyone how smart I was buying a great company at its beginning.

This is pure hubris and ego speaking.

In investing you can make tons of money being safe and you actually make better returns by avoiding the "value traps" of "under valued" companies which seemingly no one noticed and buy them at cheap prices which fail to move long term.

I find that investing is more about emotive control rather than intellectual ability. Being able to pay fair prices for excellent companies, you actually go further in the long term versus paying cheap price for cheap companies.


Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Dec 31, 2022 8:38 AM | Report Abuse

Also, why do you spend so much time being an investor activist? It is probable easier and more productive just to save your time and walk away from such company.

Answer: For far too long CEO can just cheat all the minority shareholders with impunity because good man do nothing.

Knowledge is power and with great power come great responsibility.

News & Blogs

2022-12-31 10:54 | Report Abuse

Spoken like a hin leong trader.


The profitable of refinery depend on the crack spread and the crack spread was at record high:

Q1 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD 95.6/barrel
Gasoline cracks USD 17.8. Price USD (95.6 + 17.8) = USD 113.4 /barrel
Diesel cracks USD 21.6. Price USD (95.6 + 21.6) = USD 117.2/barrel
Kero-jet cracks USD 16.2. Price USD (95.6 + 16.2) = USD 111.8/barrel

Q2 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD (101.8X2- 95.6) = 108/barrel
Gasoline cracks USD (26.4X2-17.8) = 35. Price USD (108 + 35) = USD 143/barrel
Diesel cracks USD (36.6X2-21.6) = 51.6. Price USD (108 + 51.6) = USD 159.6/barrel
Kero-jet cracks USD (27.7X2-16.2) = 39.2. Price USD (108 + 39.2) =USD 147.2/barrel

Q3 2022
Prices of Dubai crude USD (101.2X3- 95.6-108) = USD 100.3/barrel
Gasoline cracks $ (22X3-17.8-35) = 13.2. Price USD (100.3 + 13.2) = USD 113.5/barrel
Diesel cracks $ (38.1X3-21.6-51.6) = 41.1. Price USD (100.3 + 41.1) = USD 141.4/barrel
Kero-jet cracks $(29.3X3-16.2-39.2) = 32.5. Price USD (100.3 + 32.5) = USD 132.8/barrel

News & Blogs

2022-12-31 00:52 | Report Abuse

I guess people who only have half a formula should snap stop posting a formula in how to "guarantee" hengyuan will make huge money in the quarter?

If we are making predictions, I can also say that the next 4 quarters pchem will make 1 billion in net profit at LEAST, guaranteed. Seems much more likely to happen than hy making hundreds of millions



Winning or losing is part of learning lessons but the important thing is you can lose money but don't lose your sanity like Pearlwhite in Serbadk.

Please stop teaching others on buy what you understand or invest only in what you know best. Did Mr. Market make a mistake on Tesla YTD losing of 70% market value?

My only advise, please read the financial report before you buy any stock and read the commodities price movement if your stock involved commodities.

News & Blogs

2022-12-31 00:48 | Report Abuse

I think your exact recommendation at the time was to sell pchem and buy into hengyuan.
I prefer my old friendly wife to the beautiful and sexy mistress.
The difference between us is how we look at risk.
Yes interest rate is going up. But also oil prices are rock steady and demand for pchem products. In terms of stability, knowing what to hold that you are sure can give you good returns and grow over time can be a very reassuring thing. My investment in pchem is like the house you bought and live in. I need the stability as much as you need a roof over your head.

Why sell your house just because interest rate go up?

I always admire Philip in term of share investment.
I believe Philip is very brave to invest so much money in KLSE especially in 2022 knowing that 2022 is a bear market.
There is no right or wrong in his investment, overall is the end results.
I want to put in my personal comments on his investment in KLSE.
1.) He should have sold all Pchem when the share price is around 10.00 knowing very well that the US is keep on increasing interest rate. It is nothing wrong to take profit in a bear market.

News & Blogs

2022-12-31 00:42 | Report Abuse

I find you have a limited ability to understand sarcasm. Please read the article in its entirety and ask yourself what was the market cap of the company at the time.

I thought to myself, bursa malaysia stocks are just such crooks. Especially when Teh Pek Khiing owes me 400 million until today.

Teh Pek Khiing owes Philip RM400M?

News & Blogs

2022-12-29 22:22 | Report Abuse

It is up to you to believe what you will. But for those who do know the truth, the information I have shared is already very clear to those who are keen to find out. I have nothing to hide or to lie about, so you can think whatever you want if I exist or not. But to answer your question, I put the list of lousy companies ( as I have seen many excellent ones) is serba, xinquan, jaks, insas, hengyuan. Those silly enough to bite always suffer in the end.

News & Blogs

2022-12-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

qqq, please show some respect on my article and delete unnecessary comments. you can post it elsewhere. As you know I already have your picture, full name and location which I shared with you on telegram. And I know for a fact that you talk much nicer in real life but act very poorly on I3, why?

Please delete the unnecessary comments which are not related to my article now.


2022-12-27 20:45 | Report Abuse

For those who are in my telegram group, you know exactly how my us stocks are doing very fine. In fact it is so much cheaper now that we are targeting and collecting a lot of the really cheap stocks to follow up.

i3lurker why do "famous" bloggers go missing?
its usually people demanding refunds or money back from losses.
26/12/2022 9:52 AM

Hope Philip foreign stocks still performed well.

7 hours ago


2022-12-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

Hi ooi,
Yes for me yinson is a holding I am holding and adding more and not selling the RI warrants which are giving me good profits now.

What is your comment on the new development on Yinson ?
Please read the link below.

Is Yinson a good buy now ?
Please advise.
Thank you.


2022-12-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

This is one of the worse reasons to invest in stock market. Trying to be the one to uncover "gems" that people know of instead of just investing safely and soundly.


I already acheived financial freedom and my purpose of investment is just to prove I am right and market can be wrong.


2022-12-22 11:32 | Report Abuse

3iii, if you want to know why insas is very very underprice?
This is the reason why:

[25/08, 22:56] Lee Soon Sheng: Dato found some good investments for Insas to employ it cash.
Then with increase EPS and dividend very fast Insas will reach RM 1.50.

[25/08, 22:58] Dato' Wong: Current market is uncertain, but we are looking out for good investment opportunities. If u have, pls connect me.

Those deals in the market now are mostly real estate

They dont know how to invest, and in recent years their investments are negative returns, which contribute to why no institution is buying insas. For me they have failed the management test, which is to make full use of retained earnings to grow company assets. And worse - they are not returning the unutilized cash back to shareholders.

And you wonder why I don't buy their shares.

and as to why their shares are up 5% today? you know i know la.

Can SS Lee be kind to elaborate on the above?

A company maybe priced very low relative to its book value for various reasons. Perhaps, the market has priced this stock wrongly, thus it is extremely undervalued.
OTOH, the market may have priced it correctly due to various risks not obvious or highlighted.
Be careful, when the price of a company is low, all the valuation parameters, eg. P/E, P/NAV and DY look very enticing. Still need to understand a lot more why it is priced like it is today. It had been priced likeso for a long time too.

News & Blogs

2022-12-15 14:06 | Report Abuse

very interesting how you noticed this and people like sslee and stockraider did not.
One of the first things I learned as a contractor is to ask yourself this question: when you developer want to make housing or condo in some rural area... who are the buyers? Because in the end the buyers of the units are the ones that will decide if you get paid or not for your work.

Very important lesson i learned that day. Before you buy a company like INSAS, you have to make sure you know who will buy? If institutions are not buying INSAS, why? if big whales do not want to take part in your company, then who will?


retirement fund are interested in blue chips like Pchem, yinson ql not in value shares like insas.

55 minutes ago

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2022-12-10 21:28 | Report Abuse

We can always hope for the best. In fact this is sslee strategy as top 30 shareholder for insas, as he hopes that one day someone will want to realise the returns for this company buy a big block of it and bring up the prices closer to nav so he can take a big profit.

BLee: Hi @Philip, the longer Insas at low PE with P/NAPS dipping further below 1.0, could mean the potential to break up becomes much stronger. If there is no catalyst, it is very difficult for Insas to break up, just a matter to be patient.

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 19:43 | Report Abuse

Yes sir you are correct if you look at it in the short term.

But if you look at it from a long term perspective like insas if pe is low over the last 7-8 years what does that tell you?

And if amazon and tesla pe is consistently high over 7-8 years, what does that tell you also?
PE - Price over Earning per share, if Price Up, EPS down, PE high.
If Price Down, EPS Up, PE low; most investors should know no necessary logic in the market?

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 10:40 | Report Abuse

And this is why a chinese working in indonesia earning usd who has never been to kota baru or visited siti katijah market or the beautiful rice fields of kedah and the amazing harumanis mangoes in perlis would never understand.

The first trick is to get 75% of the nation to trust that you will not be condescending, insulting and bringing down the malays for the benefit of the chinese and other races. This was easily helped by the fact that the majority of crimes done to the 75% of malaysia malays were executed by malays themselves.

The second trick is to understand that Malays and all malaysians in general are not out to be crazy rich and famous, most of us just want middle class income where we can feed our family, take care of our children and give healthcare to our parents.

It is only when you actually arrived in kelante, then you realize that majority of people are nice and friendly and respectful, and that the minority is using your vapid comments to paint the picture of fear of chinese, fear of being cheated, etc etc.

You may not like anwar, but he has certainly done the impossible. We have a government for the first time where everyone is monitoring everyone else to see how it works.

And more importantly, you should ask every lawyer you know to explain to you the exact loophole in the current anti-hop law, which actually allows bn to hop.

I do hope that one day you will actually visit kelantan and terrengganu and see the truth of how to move the country forward. Islam is not your enemy, it never was. PAS by itself is not your enemy, it never could be.

Your enemy is fear itself, and the few individuals who use that fear to manipulate people like you for their benefit.

Sslee Nice try but it won't work because you just need to look into our backyard state of Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis to realized the chickens have come home to roost.

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 10:25 | Report Abuse

and yet QL has entered FBMKL 30 index, a list of the best 30 companies to invest for institutions in Malaysia. And this from an investment I made and kept since 2009.

Meanwhile sslee is top 30 shareholder of insas, which for some reason no instituion wants to invest in. But at least he has integrity.

How about you i3lurker? What have you learned about integrity?


i3lurker sslee
Thats exactly what CharlesT said of probability regarding those fake calculations.
Leopards never ever change their spots.

Inevitably QL will not end well as history is an exceptional guide to the future.
10/12/2022 10:01 AM

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2022-12-10 10:23 | Report Abuse

Notice I also wrote a long article on pchem and topglove which both made me more than enough money to cover all losses. And you seem to have short memory on my "trade" on scib and powernet, which also surprisingly covered my losses on serba dinamik, which you forgot to highlight.

Sslee The last time when Philip write long long to promote Hartalega and Serbadk, it didn't end well.
Hope this time QL will be exceptional.
10/12/2022 10:22 AM

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 10:20 | Report Abuse

Do name your top 3 closing down places I3lurker.


i3lurker I had seen a number of Family Marts closed down, plus those "missing eggs".
Translated it means not everything QL does will turn to gold.
Once trash accumulates enough, those earnings will turn to trash too.

Family Mart SKU listing is Parliamentary Law and cannot be changed, and thats why FM failed for some unsuitable locations. Other retail orgs have SKU flexibility and survives in any location.

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 09:30 | Report Abuse

Wow from eggs to wire card.

Try harder gdexboy.

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 09:13 | Report Abuse

Which is obviously why I did not include this stock in the list. And the reason I bought pchem as I explained many times in all my articles is nor for growth, but for conservative reasons, remember I sold public bank for pchem. The growth and returns for pchem are very boring and transparent for a long time. You know exactly what you will get out of the company, which is why not many people are overpaying for this 65b company

PChem's PE is

24 minutes ago

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2022-12-10 09:08 | Report Abuse

The problem with silly people like i3lurker is that your "claims" are very easily fact checked and debunked, just like your gdex.

Just checking here the first item on he list is ql sakura eggs selling for r
m8, and ql deli fresh eggs selling for rm11 for 15 pieces. Clear as day. Now let's assume you are right, you have so many eggs from other suppliers for sale but no ql eggs in sight( even though online they are available), so what is the inference? That ql eggs are so popular it is flying off the shelves for the quality and price whereas other brands are left to slowly clear out. And since ql ilf industry is selling billions a year, that must mean that ql products are very popular indeed. Makes sense?

I hope you learn something new i3lurker, although I suspect those who love to hear themselves talk rarely have time to listen.

News & Blogs

2022-12-10 02:53 | Report Abuse

That it's why you need to understand how growth company works. You do not buy a company for the price it is selling for today. You buy a company for the possibility of what it can achieve tomorrow. QL is growing its business on a far faster trajectory than a company like insas such is why it was received to replace companies in fbmkl30. In fact it doesn't matter what you say, ql a a business is one of the best run companies in world

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 21:40 | Report Abuse

Sslee, I will gently explain one more time.

The Charoen Pokphand Group Company, Ltd.[2] (CP) (Thai: เจริญโภคภัณฑ์; RTGS: Charoen Phokkhaphan) is a Thai conglomerate based in Bangkok. It is Thailand's largest private company and the largest privately held Royal Warrant holder of the Thai Royal Family.

Revenue 82 billion usd (2020)

CP food.

You are comparing ql to cp food when everyone else is comparing ql to CP.

Do you still not understand ? If you still don't get the difference, then I think you really should go back to comparing hengyuan math and buying more insas and hengyuan.

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

As for this:

Philip must be high on ketum to say each of QL's subsidiaries and investments are making billions.

The main 4 pillars of QL:
Marine products manufacturing
Palm oil and energy
Integrated livestock farming
And recently family mart.

For Palm oil 2020 250 million, 2021 312 million and 2022 650 million. Billion plus revenue with huge jump at the right time.
Family mart: 2020 442 million 2021 500 million 2022 640 million. Another huge jump for cvs chain.
Ilf 2.2b, 2.3b, 2.8b growth
MPM, 1.2b,
I think I better stop now.

The simple question is this, given 10 years, how much further will ql grow versus insas?

News & Blogs

2022-12-09 20:51 | Report Abuse

Do you understand why QL is pe50 and fbm30 versus henyuan crashing to the sea? Because despite your calculations and math, you still do not understand what PE means.

Let me speak in bahasa Indonesia for you, maybe easier to fahem.

Maksud PE ialah kepercayaan orang ramai terhadap kebolehan syarikat tersebut untuk menambah penjualan dan keuntungan syarikat dalam masa depan.

That is the real level 2 meaning of a company PE. Take for example a company like insas, PE of 2.85! Wow, sounds like you are getting a deal! Paying for 3 years earnings to "get" back your investment. That is childish thinking, as if you think carefully, if really got such arbitrage possibility, do you think will wait until your turn? Many people would have jumped in to "fix" the arbitrage. The answer is simple = a company asking for such a low price to own it simply means that NO ONE wants to BUY the company.

QL at PE44 also simply means that NO ONE want to SELL the company cheap.

The question now is.. why? Why don't I sell QL when it is selling for such high price? Why don't sell tesla when asking price so how? Why don't sell apple?

The answer is simple. It is just a simple question of gr

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2022-12-09 20:40 | Report Abuse

You still don't understand the difference between cp food and cp group? Maybe pchem and Petronas? Sslee would you rather own Petronas or pchem and pdagang? I think you need to look beyond and understand what I am writing about first before adding your "ideas"

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2022-12-09 13:51 | Report Abuse

Any reason why genting fanboy? Or you still expect me to invest in genting? I am not amused at all.


2022-12-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

Hello qqq, what happened? Why change your ID?

many years ago, value investing is the bible in i3........................nowadays what happen to the word? no one using the word value investing any more?