
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2023-04-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

Good morning, old management still can come back as they are only suspended. So info given is not accurate.
Leong's appointment to the board of Revenue Group came after the suspension of the group's co-founders Brian Ng Shih Chiow and his younger brother Dino Ng Shih Fang from the board. The brothers also ceased to be substantial shareholders of the group.


2023-04-11 22:49 | Report Abuse

Paynet is the only client of Revenue? If paynet pull out will there be any Revenue left? Why had to come out to support a supplier? Why do Ng Brothers have to steal motor vehicles if the company had RM50 mill last quarter? Or is the cash from last quarter already empty by now? Also why sales of e-data capture terminals suddenly disappeared and were reported as no sales at all?

Revenue Group has been and continues to be our valued partner. We have full confidence in their ability to provide reliable payment processing services to their clients,” said PayNet’s chief commercial officer Gary Yeoh.

Revenue Group suffered a net loss of RM17.61 million for the first half year ended Dec 31, 2022 (1HFY2023), after posting a second-straight quarterly loss of RM14.27 million in 2QFY2023 due to lower revenue from its business activities, coupled with higher administrative expenses and finance costs. Is the next quarter going to be heavy losses?

Quarterly revenue dropped 82.15% to RM4.9 million, from RM27.44 million in 2QFY2022, as no sales of electronic data capture terminals were recorded.

As a result, 1HFY2023 revenue shrank 44.43% to RM25.72 million, from RM46.28 million in 1HFY2022.

6 seconds ago


2023-04-11 15:30 | Report Abuse

Exactly!!!! Between the devil and the deep blue sea!!!!!
now its at the hand of shark.

9 minutes ago

1 second ago


2023-04-11 14:23 | Report Abuse

Looks like you are not even sure that the Board tussle is over but had speculated that the company is under new management. An unreliable person providing factual accuracy on this company?
If the Board Tussle is not over ,then penny stock is in the making but from the way it goes from now , your wish might not be granted , I am afraid.

1 hour ago


2023-04-11 14:13 | Report Abuse

Burnt your hands with this speculative syndicate play.
the investment firm think its cheap then sapu to earn some pocket money. now they goreng up few cents to sell.. see who will eat the bait.. its been doing that for past weeks..

once he offloaded enough. he will sell down and run. because investment firm don't play long term

3 hours ago


2023-04-11 09:18 | Report Abuse

Sorrowvest, pity you, poor guy. Investing in anger will bring you nowhere.
What facts do you want some more?
The very fact is already there..Are you so blind that you don't acknowledge that the plunge from 2.00 to 0.26 was not the making of the old mgt but the incumbent?

RGB is under new mgt now and it needs time for the incumbent to clean up the mess/ shxt left over by the old mgt..

Are you so blind and delusional of the highest order like your friend out there?

2 hours ago


2023-04-11 00:24 | Report Abuse

Why are you so worked up, averaging down till money dried up? If you are optimistic over this counter show some facts to prove that I am wrong. Being a grumpy old man would do you no good.
Your mention of the historical data and facts are things of the past.

Your mention of recurrence of the past in the future is highly hypothetical.

You talk as if you were the " saint" who could forsee the future. You sound like a " Saint-ka-lin" more than just a " saint".


2023-04-11 00:09 | Report Abuse

Yes hopefully, but seemed that Dow was not responsive and expected to move south and more jittery than ever. The general consensus of the 2023 recession is 98%.
consolidation mode now. If no more bad news about bank sector, it will move up ba

6 hours ago


2023-04-10 21:26 | Report Abuse

Possibility cash already disappeared, and even the company motor vehicles also "sakau".
So, what is the business plan for the bunch of good boy in Gpacket, fitter, CFM?
Making YouTube film for painting illustrations of many MOU sign for fake dream likewise 8n REVENUE...

So, 20c Tp


2023-04-10 15:39 | Report Abuse

Getting the ex-law enforcer is not a good image. It is intimating others and giving the impression that having done illegal matters and wanting to hide them. Ex-law enforcers are known as legal gangsters. Perception matters to a stock too. Serbak did that too when it had something to hide.
As already highlighted, the purpose is to counter the " negative image" of the M Group and meanwhile to create " good image" with the ex- law and order chief officers sitting in the BOD.

6 hours ago

0 seconds ago


2023-04-10 12:08 | Report Abuse

International banking crisis fear still influences market direction. Also, DOW's future points south throughout the year. and financial experts and the world bank also agree that a recession is imminent in 2023.
this good news should've brought mbsb to the 80sen levels if not because of market not so good

4 hours ago


2023-04-10 12:01 | Report Abuse

Global prices have already gone up by 48.9% in 2023 so expect them to drop a little. Why panic?
Steel price big drop, sell all steel stock.

9 minutes ago


2023-04-10 11:24 | Report Abuse

Time for Armada to move upward this year. Inflation will be with us for quite some time so live with it. The USA has not been able to tame it & Feds may abandon interest rate increase if it affects corporate recovery. Southeast Asia non-oil producing countries will be affected by oil prices hitting USD100 and above per barrel.
Triple-digit oil will complicate central bank efforts to quell inflation.
The biggest losers will be Asia’s developed economies heavily dependent on oil imports.
In terms of a hit to government finances from the OPEC+ cuts, the biggest losers will be Asia’s developed economies heavily dependent on oil imports, as well as emerging markets in south and Southeast Asia, which not only rely on imported energy but also have weak fiscal balances. Those are the mature economies of Japan and South Korea, and the emerging markets India and Pakistan in south Asia, as well as Argentina, Turkey, and South Africa, according to Pavel Molchanov, managing director of private investment bank Raymond James.

5 seconds ago


2023-04-10 09:10 | Report Abuse

If they hired ex-police bigshots to sit on the BOD, you can kiss good buy to this counter. The thieves are gone and inspectors guard an empty bin.

No need to jump the gun,wait and see how RBG is turned around . You can tell lie but the figures ie upcoming QR don't Bruce knows it well.

10 hours ago


2023-04-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

Any idea who are these new stakeholders? Any background in corporate areas?
sad to see revenue become such penny from a superstar
TA showing almost touching 20MA, meaning soon another lower low coming soon.
many "hope" for rebound to easily get 100% profit, end up burned their hands.
with this trend, and new stakeholders, not sure they will bring the company back to alive or go even darker.
better stay aside to see, and don't "hope" until see REAL profit and strong direction from new stakeholders.

5 hours ago


2023-04-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

Oh ok, you still make money averaging up and down, lucky or calculated strategy?
Nope! I have been holding it for five years and have taken profit multiple time.
And have even bought at lower end price. This is one of the star performer in my portfolio.

1 minute ago


2023-04-09 16:56 | Report Abuse

Is Hiaptek making a comeback? All confident gurus deserted Hiaptek. Royal followers left biting the dust? The prospect looks good since China opening and promised investment by China. Does anyone know whether Hiaptek products are purchased by auto companies?

Hot rolled coil (HRC) is a flat-rolled steel product that is commonly used in a variety of applications. It is typically used to produce welded pipes, tubing, and structural shapes, as well as in the automotive, construction, and manufacturing industries. HRC is also used to make appliances, metal furniture, drums, and other products that require a strong and durable material.


2023-04-09 16:21 | Report Abuse

There is a word called "cut loss and get out" before you lose all. The wolves have left the chicken coop and you dun expect any chicken to be alive.
No big deal,it applies to all counters.The moment when you have bought any share ,you just remain hopeful that it can do well later in the future. No one can forsee the future.

Furthermore,the share price has been plunging from 2.00 to 0.26 under the old mgt. now RGB is under new mgt hence it is premature to jump to the gun.

4 hours ago

0 seconds ago


2023-04-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

Fear still grips the US banking industry. Could more banks collapse from depositors pull out? Let us hope that PMX investment mission in China can offset any funds pulled out from Malaysia and lessen the impact of a recession
Moving cash from bank accounts to money market funds is a trend explained by the fact that these short-term investments offer higher returns than traditional bank accounts. However, the depletion of bank deposits can lead a bank to a liquidity crunch, similar to what happened with SVB.,into%20money%20market%20funds.


2023-04-07 16:48 | Report Abuse

Confident? Can you please explain in detail what makes you so confident when management sucks and probably steal.
@alanec: just to answer your question, I am confident with company prospect but angry with management recent actions.
Act of management is something common investors wont able to know until it is too late.
No one foreseen they will illegal take 20box of document
No one foreseen directors might get suspended
If I can foreseen things, i rather foreseen ToTo or 4D number and hantam everything i got

5 hours ago


2023-04-07 14:13 | Report Abuse

Many people in the past said PBB is an overvalued counter but PBB kept growing to be one of the largest and most solid private banks in Malaysia. All others especially GLC banks have not grown to that level because of interference from politicians. The only other bank that can challenge PBB in terms of productivity is Hong Leong Bank.


2023-04-07 14:03 | Report Abuse

No issue with your understanding of banks giving loans, but the majority of the low-end borrowers will just take out the EPF through loans and leave the labour force. Without consistent contributions in the future, the loans not paid will become bad. There must be a mechanism where if the collateral such as the balance of the contribution is lower than the outstanding loans plus interest balance, the bank got the right to set off with the contribution.

@alenac: My understanding is that when someone failed to repay the loan, when they reach age of retirement. EPF will pay back the bank first before sending the remaining balance (if any) back to the account owner.

As for increase of interest rate, i think banker will anticipate and calculate based on the max profit that Islamic loan rate which is around 10% to determine how much they willing to loan out.

For an investor point of view, this is great business opportunity.
But for social standpoint, this is not a great move as it defeat the purpose of mandatory retirement fund. If age of 40 can use they fund as they like, then why age of 30, 20 cannot?

2 hours ago


2023-04-07 09:03 | Report Abuse

Good morning, yeah the bank sector valuation is cheap but jitters in Wall Street are restraining the price movement upwards. Hope the sentiments improve further with no bad news of corporate failure.


2023-04-07 08:49 | Report Abuse

Certain people's comments were full of anger. If so confident why so emotional, unless they had made terrible mistakes in buying this counter? Be confident like a person with insider information that it will hit RM2 soon.
Wait till 20c
See his panic chicken head panic selling then

15 hours ago


2023-04-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

Good keep on buying. Maybe get a seat in the BOD. You must be caught averaging down until emotional distress.
Posted by joyvest > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
By the time when it is clearer, it will have reached RM 2.00. Basically, you can kiss your own ass and say goodbye

4 minutes ago

News & Blogs

2023-04-06 16:30 | Report Abuse

Reducing civil servants will be political suicide for any government in Malaysia. Even the slightest hint of it, Muddin and PAS will go to town with this issue, they did that in the last PH government and twist it to anti Melayu sentiments.
Malaysia has 1.7 million civil servants for our population of 36.5 million. That means we have 1 civil servant to every 20 citizens. Malaysia has the most civil servant per capita in the world. Moreover, almost all the civil servants are Malay. We should have a bit more non-Malays to create a competitive spirit and improve management efficiency.

Singapore has 87,000 civil servants for 6.1 million people. 1 civil servant for 70 citizen.

Thailand has 2 million civil servants for 69.9 million people. 1 civil servant for 35 citizen.

Malaysia has 1.7 million civil servants for 36.5 million people. 1 civil servant for 20 citizens.


2023-04-06 16:13 | Report Abuse

Yes if with the right management. Tomorrow, they are lending to EPF low-end borrowers at 4 to 5% interest rate. Social service at best but many will not pay back and what will happen to the bad loans? MBSB has not addressed this issue. Market borrowing rates are not going to decline, for all you know by next year they may be up to 8%. When that happens, the return from EPF yearly divi cannot cover interest costs from loans. We may be creating another Silicon Valley bank in Malaysia.
According to Stock Guru Harry - MBSB going to be blue chip in 5 years time

5 hours ago


2023-04-05 22:06 | Report Abuse

Possible that the crisis will drag on for years to come........
That’s JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer Jamie Dimon’s assessment of the US banking crisis that sent markets careening last month, an episode he predicts is “not yet over” and will be felt for years. He said US authorities shouldn’t “overreact” with more rules.


2023-04-05 15:18 | Report Abuse

None of us has the knowledge of what is exactly happening in Revenue. But on the side of caution, it would be wise not to touch this counter until a clearer picture emerges.


2023-04-05 15:11 | Report Abuse

The question is can it meet its obligation to pay creditors as it has RM802 million to settle? With only RM52 mill in cash, any schoolboy will know that a huge sum to pay is trouble ahead. Sooner, Pharma will receive a legal letter from one of the creditors.
The company, which fell to PN17 status after writing off RM552.3 million worth of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccines, had cash of RM52.85 million at end-2022. Payables stood at RM802.7 million from RM858.41 million the year before.


2023-04-05 11:11 | Report Abuse

Have all the thieves in this company been napped and charged? Disgraceful!!!!


2023-04-05 09:41 | Report Abuse

The stock market is in shock from the bank collapse in the US recently and has not recovered. Even wall street is still fearful of any corporate collapse, just any corporation in trouble for the next few weeks would force Dow to close much lower. Also, the Feds raising interest rates again would be negative to the market. As in the past, the KLSE will only move if big funds decide to move their money to safety if they consider Malaysia as one.
stock market still don't pick up despite PM announcement. something wrong somewhere.

1 minute ago


2023-04-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

Not possible that China can resolve the Ukraine war, China is seen as a good ally of Russia, which is the aggressor. That for one is already negative for Ukraine and the rest of the free world. Who in the right mind would accept a peace treaty from an aggressor whose intention is to annexe land belonging to someone else? The only way for the war is to stop if big bro USA and Nato decide not to finance Ukraine anymore. This will also depend on the strength of the US economy going forward. Any deep world recession will be advantageous to Russia to negotiate a better term to end the war. In conclusion, what ever played out will be more of economic than military.
"On the other hand, if China can help resolve Ukraine war it would restore world economic confidence as peace in Ukraine ( a big food producing country) would reduce inflationary pressures better than interest raisings inflationary fighting measure by various countries."


2023-04-03 10:53 | Report Abuse

Great job by the new government but the road is far ahead. Mou is just a letter of intent and nothing more. But I believe Geely and DRB would go ahead in their intention. Most projects are tied to whether the various authorities States and Federals can meet China investors' demands for tax incentives, land, facilities etc
Monday will take off. Cause RM170 b signed with China government. The deal will help bank as well. The big funds flow in Malaysia market. The money will also benefit all of the Malaysia bank sector. Good sight for Malaysia economy. Malaysia stock market will rebound strongly.

19 hours ago


2023-04-03 10:43 | Report Abuse

Arabs lowering production by 1 mill barrels a day. You guys should watch CNA. Arabs aiming to move the crude price to USD 100 plus. Right timing for Armada to move beyond 70 sen.


2023-04-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

Wait for further drops, weak holders are disappointed. By May will probably be at the bottom.


2023-04-01 11:22 | Report Abuse

Dog chasing its tail?
Ghosts of SVB and others collapsed haunting the financial markets in the US. 190 banks near insolvency in the states, any bailout by the feds would increase money supply one way or another and lead to sustained inflation, and further increased interest rates would kill profits in highly geared companies.,not%20on%20their%20balance%20sheet.


2023-03-28 00:34 | Report Abuse

PBB must be among the top holdings by US investors.

"Nearly half of the foreign non-strategic investors were from the US (43.99%), and their top three holdings were in banking counters,” the SC said."


2023-03-27 22:52 | Report Abuse

PBB is still steady, down a minimal margin.


2023-03-27 10:59 | Report Abuse

Quiet here, have to wait for a few weeks more for more bad news (if any, but many speculate still more to come) hold tight, on the banking shakeout in the states. Still, certain gurus expect the feds to increase further the interest rate as America can't control the inflation rate at the moment. Already 5% and more to go and plus risk rate of borrowings. American corporations will be badly impacted? Doomsday gurus will be making public statement soon.
For those of you staying in this country, don't you feel the prices of food are increasing almost every month, why the statistics are not reflecting the rise? So if the US is expected to have run away inflation so are we?


2023-03-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

Will this cheap counter make money with rising interest rates on borrowings? Hardly. Buy to hit and run, ok with good timing and swimming with sharks.


2023-03-26 09:22 | Report Abuse

Are we prepared for a recession? Looks like our politicians are not. Meanwhile, can we expect funds from the US will flow into our stock market? But our interest rates are not as attractive as the USA. Will our BNM allow the RM to depreciate further to attract some USD300 bill to swing the KLSE up and down for the next 2 years?

This kind of positioning is among the reasons stock markets will test new lows in the next thee to six months, Bank of America analysts led by Michael Hartnett wrote in a note Friday.

More evidence is found in factor models, where money managers are avoiding companies with high levels of leverage and equity volatility. They also are ditching shares that screen highly for dividends and buybacks, a clear sign investors expect companies to preserve cash going forward rather then blasting it out to shareholders.

Meanwhile, gold briefly traded above $2,000 as investors seek out safe harbors to weather any oncoming storm. Money market funds also attracted their largest inflows since March 2020 in the week through March 22, with more than $300 billion moving into cash over the course of the past month, according to a Bank of America note that cites EPFR Global data.

1 minute ago


2023-03-26 09:01 | Report Abuse

Going forward the focus will be less on banks and more on highly geared companies likely to go bankrupt with high-interest rates. Hopefully, funds will move to Asean countries.

More evidence is found in factor models, where money managers are avoiding companies with high levels of leverage and equity volatility. They also are ditching shares that screen highly for dividends and buybacks, a clear sign investors expect companies to preserve cash going forward rather then blasting it out to shareholders.

Meanwhile, gold briefly traded above $2,000 as investors seek out safe harbors to weather any oncoming storm. Money market funds also attracted their largest inflows since March 2020 in the week through March 22, with more than $300 billion moving into cash over the course of the past month, according to a Bank of America note that cites EPFR Global data.
Not all about banks but more of high debts companies are at risk of losses with high-interest rates. But could external funds flow to emerging economies like ASEAN countries?
Equity market volatility is not yet near the levels seen last week, with the Cboe VIX Index trading at 23. However implied volatility for US equity indexes and ETFs remains “pretty tense,” according to McElligot, while the so-called VVIX Index, which measures volatility of volatility, showed demand for tail risk hedging.


2023-03-24 15:09 | Report Abuse

Ex Divi date price will be adjusted by the market. However, hope to have good news on MIDF buy. In terms of profit MBSB towers over MIDF, post acquisition the management MBSB should be more active in exploiting and expanding the available business opportunities in MIDF products.
agree to you @Alenac. buy now still enjoy 8,5 sen tax free dividend. it will go up to 75 sen on 30/3 just my 2 cents.

1 day ago


2023-03-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

The cheapest bank stock to hold for the long term, especially during the series of banks going under in the states. How low can MBSB go? If 40 sen, can sapu a few hundred lots.


If on board , why complaint ? Given RM0.085 !!! Unless missed boat . No worry, start collecting now. It has to been kept long long. Not buy today , sell tomorrow. Even if you collected at RM0.70 , 3 years ago , you still gain, base on DIV pay out , especially if you did some average down


2023-03-21 23:28 | Report Abuse

NasDaq bank index is up slightly by 3.95% as there was still no negative news since 3 banks collapsed.

How are banks shares doing in US tonight ??

20 minutes ago


2023-03-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

MBSB giving more than 2022 profit plus reserve estimate to be RM609.576 mill. out of which RM401 mill goes to EPF in the second quarter. Are they expecting the recession to be around the corner? So return excess liquidity to shareholders? Not mistaken MBSB issued sukuk bonds last year.


@Orson, mbsb already kasi almost all of FY2022 profits as that 8.5sen dividend, there is no more final dividend.

2 hours ago

3 seconds ago


2023-03-20 16:00 | Report Abuse

Yeah, many whinners here condemning MBSB, hopefully, more prudent management comes on board to take advantage of EPF liquidity.
Hahaha,I can’t stop laughing . 8.5 sen dividend from a useless bank is unbelieveable


2023-03-20 15:37 | Report Abuse

Congrats to those that have trust in MBSB. Major divi goes to EPF. Did I foresee this historic divi? Giving back to shareholders, mostly all to EPF to increase equity returns for 1st Q of 2023. Also, allow EPF to lower MBSB its stronger fundamentals and clear the available cash before the merger with MIDF.
MBSB is 65.87% owned by the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) while MIDF, a development finance institution, is wholly owned by Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB).