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2023-05-25 09:18 | Report Abuse

All are secured with mortgages on land & others, so no worries and the amount also small.


2023-05-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

Straight-forward business model dealing with and selling medicine to the government can lose money? Even BP if bought at the right price and taken over the supply chain of this company can make 10 times more and the share price also multiply by the same value. No brainer company can land in this kind of problem.


2023-05-23 09:26 | Report Abuse

Anytime this or early next week should be out. An increased interest rate environment should assist in improving the balance sheet. Previously 8.5 sen divi payment should reflect management's confidence in generating more cash for the shareholder, particularly EPF.

0 seconds ago


2023-05-23 09:12 | Report Abuse

Probably be next week. It is a tradition that they won't pay any divi in the first quarter anyway whatever the result.


2023-05-19 09:08 | Report Abuse

Depend on how long can the owners of glove companies support each counter.
Bad result but good for Supermax share price . Everything become opposite now in our Bursa M'sia . Good become bad and bad become good . Believe it or not ! Boleh tetap boleh . Wait and see .

10 hours ago


2023-05-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

Short-term borrowings of 1 billion are due within 6 months. Rights or refinanced? Earnings can't support loan and interest payments.


2023-05-18 15:23 | Report Abuse


Owners buy back their shares or gamble in their stocks. Short to medium terms small fry will be caught in the ups and downs. Unless one can read into the owner's pricing rhythm. The fundamental value will prevail in the long run. But owners who are involved in AT or/and HFT will plough the profit to themselves and disadvantage small traders because of the volume, speed and timing made in disposing and buying.
"Algorithmic trading (AT) and high-frequency trading (HFT) have the potential to affect market liquidity, price discovery, and overall market stability in the US stock market. AT accelerates the speed at which traders can detect and exploit price discrepancies among securities, thus it can potentially enhance price discovery 1. However, such improvement may come at a cost to other traders who are disadvantaged in terms of speed 1."

There is some debate over whether HFTs provide or consume liquidity. One study found that the lowest spread, which is a signal of high market liquidity, is observed for small numbers of orders placed by high-frequency traders and a large number of trades by high-frequency traders 2.


2023-05-18 13:47 | Report Abuse

Become Ularsawa, Stingray and Mikecyc forum now no more Insaf.


2023-05-12 09:29 | Report Abuse

All Glove bosses supporting their counter. But for how long and eventually the stock price will move to its fundamental value.


2023-05-12 09:20 | Report Abuse

More bad worms crawling out of the woodwork? Distressed banks estimated to more than 160 in the states. Hopefully our local banks do not have Fed junk bonds exposure.


2023-05-08 16:21 | Report Abuse

While certain owners are toying with buying aeroplanes, there are those that took the necessary steps to shut down certain assembly lines, and others are hopeful that there will be a recovery soon. Under this difficult condition, looks like it would be a very long time before another glove party is to come by.


2023-05-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

AI seemed to think there is hope that the Malaysian glove Industry may recover due to strategic reasons. All is not lost for those who wish to time the entry into this market. But for the short to medium term, the down turn will continue.

Reply from chat Gpt:

There is some truth to the statements made in the message. The COVID-19 pandemic did create a surge in demand for medical gloves, and many new manufacturers from China did enter the market to take advantage of the increased demand. Additionally, some existing Chinese manufacturers expanded their operations to meet the demand, which led to increased competition for Malaysian glove manufacturers.

It is also true that Chinese manufacturers generally have lower production costs than Malaysian manufacturers, which could give them a competitive advantage.

However, it is difficult to say definitively whether the pandemic has caused permanent damage to the market share of Malaysian glove manufacturers. While it is true that Chinese manufacturers have captured a sizable chunk of the market, it is possible that demand for medical gloves will shift back towards Malaysian manufacturers as the pandemic subsides and countries look to diversify their supply chains.


Fact 1: New manufacturers from china jumped on bandwagon; existing manufacrers there expanded due to lucrative profit during the pandemic.

Fact 2: China manufacturers costs are cheaper.

Fact 3: Post pandemic, china manufacturers captured a sizeable chunk of malaysian manufacturers market share in the world, causing a permanent loss of market share to malaysian manufacturers.


2023-05-08 15:44 | Report Abuse

Yeah watching the owner finding ways to spend the company's money as the shareholders watched in disgust?
End of covid.
Thanks god, we are still alive

2 days ago


2023-05-07 20:18 | Report Abuse

Global prices still up by 28.3% in 2023


2023-05-07 16:55 | Report Abuse

The banking crisis is only limited to the USA and further banking laws will tighten the valuation of bank investment. Hopefully this is true. Same opinion as Warren Buffet.


2023-05-06 17:01 | Report Abuse

Next change, real estate bubble burst due to high-interest rates?

"A lot of banks had illiquid balance sheets. They would take significant losses if they had to mark [their assets] to market,” said Ryan Nash, managing director of the financials group research at Goldman Sachs, in a webinar. Many banks had "limited to no shareholder equity and a highly correlated deposit base, particularly among uninsured deposits.”

In addition, many regional banks, Nash said, have "exposure to high-risk commercial real estate areas, such as offices.”

Because property values have declined as office vacancies have increased in many cities across the U.S., many banks are expected to encounter challenges with their commercial real estate portfolios.

"A lot of real estate isn’t so good any more,” Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, recently warned. "We have a lot of troubled office buildings, a lot of troubled shopping centers, a lot of troubled other properties. There’s a lot of agony out there.”


2023-05-04 21:48 | Report Abuse

Another bank crashes, PacWest, next Western Alliance........


2023-05-04 00:03 | Report Abuse

Looks like US depositors do not trust US regional banks anymore.
The number of failing lenders in the US may snowball as about 190 regional banks are seeing their uninsured depositors continue to withdraw savings. If the classic run on the lenders goes on unabated, the overall US financial system could run into bigger trouble, which may send shockwaves across global markets.

If the US Federal Reserve maintains its course of reining in inflation by raising the federal funds rates further this year, more mid-size US banks could go under water and be forced to declare insolvency, because American depositors will withdraw their savings from the regional banks in order to get higher rates elsewhere. This will put a lot more stress on those banks.


2023-05-03 23:52 | Report Abuse

Weeks later still no end in sight for banking jitters. Public just today raised BLR. How much do funds know about the next US bank in trouble?

1 second ago


2023-05-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

Relieve the market sentiment from going bad. Next round of bad news coming????? Any more runs on banks will be devastating .........? Yellen will not be able to stop them.
U.S. regulator seizes First Republic Bank, to sell assets to JP Morgan

12 hours ago


2023-04-30 21:07 | Report Abuse

Yeah, there is some truth to financial & liquidity problems in China. Due to the pandemic & housing meltdown over the last 3 years, even China's provincial governments are in debt which Bejing refused to assist.
Posted by IDQWE001 > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

China's Mortgage Crisis, Banks are Failing, Protests Everywhere. China's financial crisis is Here…


2023-04-30 20:52 | Report Abuse

Yeah more failed banks reporting......when will the next one be? Already factored in? Think again!
Yellen is finally listening. She and her team are working out a plan to shutter First Republic, selling the carcass of the bank to other, more stable players. Now Yellen needs to start focusing on other problem banks because they’re certainly out there, and figure ways to prop up the US economy. And by all means don’t cover all deposits over $250,000 like you did the last time. Doing so would just encourage more risky ­behavior.

If we have learned anything from all our financial crises over the years, it is that allowing the consequences of excessive risk-taking (losing money and worse) makes for the best type of financial regulation. The bailout-friendly Yellen may not be able to grasp this, but they’re harsh, teachable moments.

In the meantime, it would be nice if someone also taught Yellen to read a bank balance sheet.


2023-04-30 16:34 | Report Abuse

Who is the buyer of First Republic assets, as far as I know, no successful bidder as yet.
Posted by BobAxelrod > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
FIDC already stepping in, First Republic has gone under.......already factored into Markets....nothing new.


2023-04-30 16:26 | Report Abuse

First republic is near to collapse if no rescue plan is successful. First Republic with USD 212 bill assets is as big as our bigger banks.


2023-04-29 15:23 | Report Abuse

Can Airasia X handle the RM10 billion loans when it is unloaded to the airline? Why want to kill 2 airlines in one go?
Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Somone do not read or till now still has no idea that Stony plan for CapitalA to exit PN17 is to exit aviation by divest CapitalA' aviation group with its billions liabilities to AirAsia X in exchange of shares for subsequent distribution to its shareholders.

So what is he talking about CapitalA will be a fully functional airline???


2023-04-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

The mistake is not selling cheap tickets but having hive off all planes to an entity and re-lease them, therefore, made it saddle with liabilities of RM11 bill. In doing so it enriched major owners and left debts that the Airline are unable to pay off post-pandemic. Tony is now looking to start other types of business knowing that Cap A days are numbered.
Repost from CapitalA forum.
Posted by supersaiyan3 > Apr 28, 2023 10:54 AM | Report Abuse








0 seconds ago


2023-04-28 12:51 | Report Abuse

Share price overhyped? Just building an integrated network for communications..................
Info from chat GPT
In general, land acquisition does not have a direct relationship with a digital hub. A digital hub is typically a software or device that provides integrated access to applications and workflows or switches multiple streaming services. Land acquisition, on the other hand, refers to the process of acquiring land for development or other purposes. However, if a company or organization is planning to build a physical location for their digital hub operations, they may need to acquire land for that purpose.


2023-04-28 11:37 | Report Abuse

Need to deplete cash like Topglove so no issue over too much of a good thing then. hahahaha...........


2023-04-28 09:40 | Report Abuse

Ex auditor quits. Supermax got too much cash, father to look at what to spend on behalf of shareholders? Think again!!! The statement below as a professional reason, taken at the onset looks good. But how many of the owner's children are actually in the BOD to justify such an explanation?

"It goes without saying that having too many executive directors, especially non-independent family members, with overlapping roles would not be ideal in terms of corporate governance"

0 seconds ago


2023-04-26 10:30 | Report Abuse

hahaha are you talking on behalf of management?
All the decision is made by the boards of director. The proposed aircraft not even approve yet. What accountability u talking about? Anyone can propose a buy a "moon" but final decision is still need to get approval from board of directors and shareholders.

25 seconds ago


2023-04-26 10:23 | Report Abuse

The issue is not who is capable. The issue is who is accountable. No doubt the company had net cash of RM2.6 billion, but for how long with continued losses and hoping to revive in the next pandemic? It is better for the company to declare the net cash flow of RM2.6 billion as a divi distribution if the company can't create value from the excess cash. Thereafter, let the market determine the supermax price post-dividend.

First thing the investor must think who can create value for the company. Stanley or Cecile.? When Stanley setup the company 30 years old she was just a kid. As saying he is 'eat salt more than her eat rice'. I will prefer his dad to manage the company as he is still healthy and capable.
9 minutes ago


2023-04-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

So are you saying that father and daughter are playing good cop and bad cop? If so shareholders are in deep shit.
Just not time yet for her to take over. She is heir of company who can bully her. Her dad still have unfinished job in the company. Patient girl!

2 minutes ago


2023-04-26 09:33 | Report Abuse

Stanley can say anything he likes as he controls the BOD through his stake in the company. Buying 2 planes within 2 years is a crazy decision when the business is in a downturn. More of mismanagement. Moreover, Stanley had a record of insider trading as well, even though the court found him not guilty. The question is can you trust the owner from past events and records to buy Supermax? I won't be surprised if funds start to shy from covering Supermax. Already they are underweight on Supermax.
Too many family members in board of director is not good governance in a company. Overlapping roles will waste in management. According to Stanley the removing his daughter is not bc of propose aircraft.
3 minutes ago

4 seconds ago

6 minutes ago


2023-04-26 08:57 | Report Abuse

Good article on accountability and corporate governance, too often CEO or owner of companies ignore their responsibility to the shareholders and treat their companies like the neighbourhood sundry shop. Let the share price drop to the bottom.


2023-04-25 14:08 | Report Abuse

Scam company appointing ex-government officers as ind directors.


2023-04-25 09:28 | Report Abuse

Staff and directors take commercial flights even 1st class still cheaper than buying & maintaining a plane.
The proposed aircraft is business class falcon 10x jet and flying range of 8000 nm which need not require to refuel or stop when travel to intended destination. Bring in customers from Europe and US to Malaysia will be as ease and in shortest time. Technical support personnel can be easy send to Texas factory to resolve any startup machinery problem. Have an advance aircraft for the purpose to bring in more value to company is good investment. Note that Supermx products are 100% exported. The top exd are constantly needed to built good relationship with customers from Eu and US by visiting each other country and thus bring in more sales.

20 hours ago


2023-04-20 15:16 | Report Abuse

Father old school type, run a publicly listed company like a sole proprietor. But the daughter wants accountability and she got transparency. Shareholders should propose a resolution to sack the father in the company's best interest. Off course this will be defeated but no harm done. Just to prove a point.


2023-04-20 14:06 | Report Abuse

Wow underworld & MACC mafias are involved, Revenue will be a 1 sen stock soon, once these gangsters completely milk the company. Always thought it was an IT company. Getting involved in the black underworld dealings will tarnish Revenue for a long time.


2023-04-19 16:42 | Report Abuse

Whatever it is, the rights issue will happen as the company lacks working capital. Shareholders' funds are negative.
Any more stocks of vaccines to write off going forward?
0 seconds ago


2023-04-19 12:34 | Report Abuse

Any ideas left besides all women BOD.


2023-04-17 10:18 | Report Abuse

MBSB now offered all types of services once merged with MIDF. Only lacking good & experienced senior management. Hope EPF takes note that they need to add value to the merged entity operations. Social services for the last 3 years of covid have certainly weakened its financials, now is the time to buck up. What is certainly needed is to double or tripe the share price of the enlarged MBSB.


2023-04-17 09:43 | Report Abuse

Good morning, jitters on banking failure in the States, dampen the sentiment of all banks the world over, a great opportunity to slowly collect grandpa counter. fear not.


2023-04-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

It won't move yet. Old man stock counter. Buy for keeps.
Posted by moven00 > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Not cheap no buy bro… not moving at all.


2023-04-14 09:38 | Report Abuse

Good analysis by Warren, bank failures will be limited to banks shareholders loss. Also limited to US and European banks holding feds junk bonds. So no worries for our local banks as long as they did not hold any US government junk bonds.
“We are not through with bank failures,” the Berkshire Hathaway Inc chairman and chief executive officer said in an interview on CNBC Wednesday (April 12). “Dumb decisions” by bank managers shouldn’t be “panicking the whole citizenry of the United States about something they don’t need to be panicked about.”

Buffett said he’s willing to wager that no depositor will lose any money in the next year. Still, the billionaire investor warned that troubled bank stocks aren’t value investments because shareholders are likely to be wiped out even if the government moves to protect depositors.

“They’re not gonna save the stockholders,” Buffett said after being asked if battered regional bank stocks including First Republic Bank would be a “steal.”

Buffett said the structure of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp — which collects assessments from the banks with deposits it insures — means the federal government won’t lose money as it resolves failed banks.

“The public has the impression the FDIC is the US government,” Buffett said. “But the cost of the FDIC, including the cost of their employees and everything, are borne by the banks. So banks have never cost the federal government a dime.”


2023-04-13 15:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like Armada did not go over 73 sen today, still got another hour to go. Tomorrow is already Friday, if tomorrow the weakest day of the week got a price run-up, and possible bullish momentum just starts if not have to try next week.


2023-04-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

Pestech was run into the ground by its owner. Shady characters.
good counter got many on going projects

1 month ago


2023-04-12 14:40 | Report Abuse

Anwar government strategy is just what Mahathir did when he was PM for the first time. During the impending economic recession launched more projects to generate more economic activity. So going to China to attract more investment is a good move in tandem with generating more economic activity. Big projects like the construction of highways, rails and large infra will make a difference in GDP of a country.
An unusual-quiet counter like a volcano building forces & rumbling inside but serene & quiet on the outside.
Time... it will erupt when all the mega projects MRT3, PSI & HSR are awarded of which they are the front runners.

7 hours ago


2023-04-12 10:55 | Report Abuse

After 73 sen if the big boss will go all out for this counter. Driving up to RM1 is easy if the next quarter's result is good


2023-04-12 09:42 | Report Abuse

Their business of being trapped. Syndicate with new mgt will make a few more rounds before the big plunge. Good luck to all.
Posted by pang72 > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Well well well..
Do not fall into the trap..
As I say, pump and dump is not finished..

More people fall into illustrations, more people will being trap