
FortuneBull777 | Joined since 2022-12-06 09:11:39

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2024-02-14 22:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Feb 14, 2024 8:33 PM | Report Abuse

So you are indirectly promoting Christianity?

Answer : No! In fact i think all religion are fairy tales! But we should not impose our values to others! Like my wifey who is very much active with her church activities! It makes her happy! So be it! Why should i spoil her happiness!
But deep down, i am still and perhaps die as Buddhist!


2024-02-14 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > Feb 14, 2024 9:28 PM | Report Abuse

All the best Fortune Bull

Answer : Likewise, i wish all of you the best!


2024-02-14 22:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Feb 14, 2024 8:47 PM | Report Abuse

Fortune Bull is promoting Harmony.
Wish you all the Best.

Answer : Indeed! I met one monk that gave one of the most insightful wisdom anyone has ever said! He said there's nothing to lose by acknowledging our weakness but everything to lose if we think we are the only right one in the room and everybody else is wrong! Hence, look beyond race and religion! Accept others difference of opinion no matter how we disagree with that dumbass! And most important of all, believe that good things will come to those who do good things!
We were young once but we all going to be old and burden in later stage of live! Hence take good care of your health! Eat plenty of vege and stay away from salty, sugary, alchohol, smoking but please, do punt 4D once in the while because who knows, you may strike jackpot! We never know if we don't try queing at local 4D every few times a week!


2024-02-14 20:24 | Report Abuse

I know! Many seniors had said the same thing but continue to chatter in i3!
But i guess for me, sooner or later i won't appear here! Giving my super busy part time property business which is really breaking the roof, i simply have no time to monitor stocks or talk about stocks anymore!
My part time gig was just that, filling time in my retirement age! However, me and wifey didn't expect our little venture turn into something big!
And so i had to open our own office in Johor! Surprisingly, we are not stress out at all! It's just perfect for us old folks!
I really didn't expect my wifey church hobby turn into the best network for our business! I guess those RM500 she pay monthly didn't go to waste at all!
I never told off my wifey of her obssession of going to church! Instead, i am grateful for her because she was willing to go through the worst part of our marriage!
I mean, we were both really poor! We were so poor that we had to rent a room right after we were married! It was horrible times! I had my first car which is like 3rd hand Datsun decades ago which constantly break down! And after 4 years of marriage we finally able to afford a flat! That flat was our first home! Which we were able to payoff in only 5 years time! And then we continue to buy several landed homes throughout out working career!
Probably because of that, we continue to live like lowest rank M40! Despite having net worth of RM10 million combine!
Anyway, i go easy on her church activity, letting her do what she please after our retirement! I make sure she doesn't have to worry about maintaining our car! I mean, all she knows is drive it! And boy, that woman really enjoy driving while i prefer to walk to nearest 4D outlet or for my morning yamcha!
Anyway, after Covid lockdown, we continue our little business! And boom! It really gone up the roof! Earning 30k a month is no longer a problem! We didn't even expect earning that much! We were happy if we earn like 5k net per month! Because you know, just to fill our time!
So yeah, moving to Johor was the best decision after our retirement! And all thanks to our son who insisted that we sold all our properties in KL and start over in Johor!
I guess we will continue to do what we can do and perhaps one day pass the business to our son and his wifey! But no pressure! It's just a little gig that me and wifey doing for fun!
Anyway, i hope for the best for all i3investors!
I do have doubts that we will never see the bullish market that we experience like long time ago! But i may be wrong! I rather be proven wrong than to be hard headed insisting that i am right!
In stock market, you are right if you make money! If you lose money, no matter how right you are, it does not matter, money matters!
With that, i say sayonara to all!
Then again, you know i know i3investor can be very tempting to down a comment or two!

News & Blogs

2024-02-08 15:04 | Report Abuse

I used to have high hope for Rafizi! But after PADU, i realise something, he refuse to listen to experts of the day! If he continues to implement reforms that are not popular with rakyat, then i say, he is losing the game!


2024-02-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer majority malays reject Umno because Umno is beyond salvation! And as long as Zahid Hamidi hold on to Umno presidency, Umno is as good as goner!
Umno used to be sacred institution for the majority malays! But how can you support so called sacred institution knowing fully well and aware that it's hijack by those who are corrupted to the core!
As long as Anwar Ibrahim continues to appease Zahid Hamidi, i think even PKR dwindling malay voters will be goner as well!
The issue of pardoning Najib is non issue! Najib is very popular among malay folks! He is the only malay ex PM who can swing malay votes! But even Najib cannot help the demise of Umno!
Come GE16, Umno would end up in footnote of our history just like MCA today!
When leaders refuse to accept reality, history repeat itself!
The ball is on Zahid Hamidi feet to pass the baton soonest or risk Umno becoming corner stone of history!
The time for Zahid Hamidi to pass the baton to Tok Mat is closing in! Tok Mat is not dumbass to form government with PN considering PN was the one that victimizing him several times over!
So question of Tok Mat turning back on current unity government does nto arise!
Question is, why is Zahid Hamidi still holding on to very unpopular decision! Perhaps greed and power sum up Zahid Hamidi at this point!

News & Blogs

2024-02-03 19:26 | Report Abuse

Civil servants don't even vote for UMNO anymore! And certainly won't benefit PH at all! Just do what is necessary!

News & Blogs

2024-02-03 19:25 | Report Abuse

What can you do! Agong has decided! Anyway, with PH popularity sliding, Najib role as cheerleader for coming GE16 will be needed!
Or would you rather have PAS winning all malay seats!


2024-02-03 18:58 | Report Abuse

The older M40 should be fine! But the newer ones will not! Once fuel subsidy is removed, things will be different!
GST will be installed sooner or later! Which is PH biggest blunder! Anyway, the B40 will be pariah forever!
The New Malaysia without subisides is totally different ballgame altogether!
Trust me, it's better to be prepared now that struggle later!


2024-01-31 17:02 | Report Abuse

And those with money will buy themselves a new identity! You know, Bolehland is a magical country for those who are willing to pay, big!


2024-01-31 17:01 | Report Abuse

Instead of tourists from China, we may face with flood of chinese flooding the world who are desperate for work!
So yeah, Malaysia is going to have major headache dealing with China chinese who refuse to go back!


2024-01-31 17:00 | Report Abuse

While Japan was able to withstand such contraction, China in the other hand will be totally different!
Let's face it, japanese were aleady ahead of their time when Japan faced economy collapsed! The main factor is it's population size! Compare to China with 1.5 billion population! So the pain ahead is face worst for China chinese!


2024-01-31 16:58 | Report Abuse

With that, China will also see contraction of it's population with cash to throw!
We may see China heading towards a long and painful lost decades just like Japan!


2024-01-31 16:57 | Report Abuse

China economy is in very bad shape! Do you know China has enough property to house double that of it's population! And property sector is collapsing like we never knew would happen! Yeah, i was wrong! I thought China avoid property bubble but then again, since US and EU shun China as investment destination, things turn for the worst for China!

News & Blogs

2024-01-31 16:54 | Report Abuse

I think Najib will eventually release from jail before the next General Erection!


2024-01-31 16:53 | Report Abuse

Malaysia prospect in general is quite bleak! I am sorry to say this but i have no optimism for current and future generation of malaysians! We are so used to subisides that living without is something that we cannot stomach!


2024-01-31 16:52 | Report Abuse

In short, even those in middle bracket of M40 do not have that much of disposal income! While those in T20 can easily hide their disposal income through creative accounting!


2024-01-31 16:50 | Report Abuse

Rafizi's PADU unfortunately may end up victiming malaysians in general as subsidies are slowly remove from our system! Worst still, PADU also face high possibility of been hack! And it won't take long before hackers will do so! Cyber security is weak! Rafizi need to take warnings from many sides as they concern is actually very genuine!
Oh yeah, PADU suppose to be a tracking for each malaysians to identify those with too much disposal income and those who indeed need subisides! But let's not be naive! Those who register using their IC are expose to identity theft! And this is not joke! We are talking about 32 million malaysians identity in hands of hackers!


2024-01-31 16:46 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately our Madani government is too weak to handle the many challenges that we face today!


2024-01-31 16:46 | Report Abuse

In short, majority malaysians are suffering at the moment! Cost of living already past their income! Diposal income is actually shrink so much that domestic economy is basically dead!
Worst still, we are now constantly expose to scamming especially out savings in banks!


2024-01-31 16:44 | Report Abuse

Saved by setting up of minimum salary, it also henders growth for skilled workers as well!
Apparently employers use the mininum salary as benchmark for skilled workers as well! Of course malaysians with such qualification are subject to stagnant salary as well!
For the unskilled, their only hope is to go on GIG economy like becoming riders or drivers! Unfortunately the excess supply has made them the lowest of income bracket! It is reported that over 70% ehailers are earning less than 1k a month after deducting their operativing expenses! Yeah, so if you taking Grab or something, be mindful, they are worst of malaysians at the moment earning the lowest bracket in B40 category!


2024-01-31 16:41 | Report Abuse

Perhaps there's something we hate to talk about! Inflation has been climbing at higher rate for the past few years! Rice which was never a concern to us suddenly shot up in price!
We of course just took the rise in inflation as new normal! However, salary remain stagnant to majority of malaysians!


2024-01-28 00:25 | Report Abuse

My advise, cease the registration! And allow private sector to bullet proof the cyber security first!
PADU can continue to gather data of malaysians without rakyat participaton first!
Until security is totally addressed, rakyat should not be forced to register using their IC! It's just too risky!


2024-01-28 00:23 | Report Abuse

And it's not impossible for hackers to use their identity for crimical intent!


2024-01-28 00:22 | Report Abuse

I believe PADU will be hacked sooner or later! And those who regiestered using their ICs will be the first to experience grave concern!


2024-01-28 00:22 | Report Abuse

Anyway, it's reported that respond to registering PADU has been very low!
And it's time for Rafizi to accept that malaysians do have genuine concern!
There's a high risk that PADU will be hackers heaven! You are looking at data of 32 million malaysians up for grab! And from what i gather so far, there's no involvement of private sector which specialized in cyber security!


2024-01-28 00:19 | Report Abuse

It's been a while writing in I3! Been extremely busy lately with mountains of singaporeans looking for property for rent here in Malaysia! Yeah, i think nowadays 90% of my clients opt for renting instead of buying!
Reason been, they find it hard to sell back! And another reason, most are in there seniors and why buy when you can rent at cheap! Beside, singaporeans have tons of money to spare if they rent out their property in Singapore while renting in Malaysia!


2024-01-07 21:33 | Report Abuse

One can throw Dubai Move in the dustbin! It was total failure from the start given how Mahathir, Mohiden, Hadi, Daim and so forth constantly on each other throat!
So yeah, Raja Petra is senile and it's really time for him to stop talking rubbish about Malaysia's politics!


2024-01-07 21:31 | Report Abuse

And Raja Petra mentioned that Tok Mat will be PM of this new backdoor government is nothing more that a barrel of jokes!
You see, Mahathir and Mohiden tried to buried Tok Mat political career! They want Tok Mat to end up in jail! Tell me, how can Tok Mat work with such backstabbers! He can't! I mean, why would Tok Mat want to spoil his relationship with Anwar when he is having at least some peace of mind!


2024-01-07 21:29 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Dubai Move is total failure! Mahathir, Mohiden, Daim and Hadi, so forth can't even decide who will be their PM! In fact there's no cooperation among them as many secret meetings end up in fights! Of course during such secret meeting, Hadi was very vocal and supportive for Mahathir to be PM! But i guess no one told Hadi that Mahathir can't be PM as he is not an MP! Langkawi has long kicked Mahathir!


2024-01-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

And if Anwar decided to dissolve parliment, and so be it! We will then go for another GE! And Anwar will not to be blame as it's Mahathir, Mohiden, Daim and so forth so desperate to unseat Anwar in the first place!


2024-01-07 21:26 | Report Abuse

Only when motion of VONC receive overwelming rejection of Anwar as PM, only then Agong of the day will call Anwar to either resign or make way for GE!


2024-01-07 21:25 | Report Abuse

First of all, Agong cannot simply change a PM! You cannot simply present 120 SD and decided that Anwar lost his majority! Agong has no power!
Instead Agong will ask Anwar to prove himself in parliment! And Anwar can do so or just reject such motion! Unless of course majority of Madani MPs decided to walk over the other side!
Actually the act of MPs remaining in Madani block already enough to prove that Anwar still have majority support! As simple as that!


2024-01-07 21:23 | Report Abuse

Seems only Raja Petra is so fired up talking about recent fail Dubai Move! And he added so much fairy tales into it as he goes on!
Look! The current Agong is no longer having any say! He is only waiting for another month before the next Agong takes over his place!
And you know i know how the next Agong not in good terms with Mahathir, Mohiden and Hadi!
In short, all this change of PM is just a fail backdoor attempt!


2023-12-12 19:33 | Report Abuse

Nowadays i rarely come here because you know i know hou lousy bursa has been lately! So i do drop by just to say hi and perhaps remind the small crowd here i am still alive! And of course i do miss my fanatic fans, but of late, they also have disappeared!


2023-12-12 19:31 | Report Abuse

Or you can do like me! As certified property agent! But again, doing expect instant success! In my case, i have to thanked by wifey! Her investment in church activities paid off! So i don't even mind if she donate 1k every month to the church! Hihihaha!


2023-12-12 19:29 | Report Abuse

Instead, try to create new post retirement career! Just a gig to keep you busy! Yeah, you can try ehailing like my ex collegue but don't expect much! It just good enough to keep you busy and earn some donuts so you can enjoy your kopitiam session!


2023-12-12 19:27 | Report Abuse

For those who recently retired, i say, please, don't think that your pension or EPF will be enough for the rest of your life! Because even if you have a million in EPF now, it only takes 20 years to totally dry it up even how careful you manage it! You know, the unexpected surgery every now and then! Yeah, you body do get the usually wear and tear and it's expensive!


2023-12-12 19:25 | Report Abuse

Anyway, for the younger generation, don't waste your time with this GIG economy! The golden era has passed! You hare nothing to very vampire industry! You can only consider it as a part time job! Get yourselves educated! A skill like been a certified mechanic, electrician or whatever! The demand is good and you get rewarded for your skill! While any Sam, Wong or Ramamuttu who are lowly educated and too lazy to learn new skills consider GIG as full time career only to end up where they started! In short, GIG industry is a career trap! Destine to make you poorer or worse killed in the process! I mean, how many food delivery guys have been in accident! Worse end up without a leg or an arm!
So yeah, GIG industry is the worse career choice ever!
Only do so to get extra donuts every now and then but nothing more!


2023-12-12 19:19 | Report Abuse

One of my ex colleque is doing this GIG thingy, you know Grab or Indriver or whatever you call it nowadays!
So i asked him how is it! He said, doing ehailing is only suited for B40! The pay is low despite working 8 hours a day! But he said, he rather drive around earning peanuts than to sit around the house which is far torturous! I get it, he is doing ehailing just for the heck of it! To pass time! But at least he has something to do!


2023-12-12 19:16 | Report Abuse

European countries are in to this new mantra of working 4 days and go on holiday for the rest of 3 days! I mean, eventually europe will be garbage nation eventually as nation like China and Japan do no follow this dumbass belief!
Japanese are known to be workaholic throughout their lives! Which actually a bit problematic as the older generation refuse to give way to younger generation in private sector! Which is why innovations have stood still in Japan! If only Japan make way for younger generation to innovate and the older generation continue on different career path, then Japan would have been great again!
Anyway, the point is, there's a point in life where the older generation need to leave their comfort zone! Some prefer 55, some 60 but not beyond that! And they also need to accept new role that do not compete with younger generation!


2023-12-12 19:12 | Report Abuse

In olden days, there's no such thing as retirement for chinese! The old chinese era would work and work and work until they die standing! You still see this thing! Have you notice how even 80 year old uncle or auntie still doing their gig in the hawker stall! You may pity them because they still have to work late in their sunset age but you should pity yourselves because so many retirees suffer so much illness upon their retirement!
Use it or lose it! Make a plan to continue working even late into you 70s! Work and work! Keep life productive as long as you can!


2023-12-12 19:09 | Report Abuse

In perspective, i have different view of life totally nowadays! No longer i see the word 'retirement' as good thing!
I mean, what do you do when you retire! Sit around watching cartoons and wait for the day where the man upstair call you up!
Or would you rather spend you life without the western propaganda of doing nothing living on you little pension or savings that you know will eventually dry up before the man upstairs call you!


2023-12-12 19:06 | Report Abuse

With gross income of 60k a month, i mean, not bad for seniors like us! In fact we are earning more than during our previous salaries! Much more!