
Johnzhang | Joined since 2021-01-30

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2022-06-16 11:43 | Report Abuse

Nobody give a damn to Biden!
Moneymakers can go to US to be Biden’s dog instead of barking here day and night!
Biden delivered his most direct salvo yet in a campaign to blame the industry for stoking price increases.

Average fuel prices are now US$5 a gallon (RM22.09) for drivers in the United States, up from US$3 a year ago, and the spike is reverberating through the entire economy.

“Refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,” Biden wrote .

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that Biden sees it as US oil companies’ “patriotic duty” to increase capacity.

“We are calling on them to do the right thing, to be patriots here,” she told reporters.

The president has regularly lambasted the oil industry for what he says is a failure to tap into already approved wells and increase output.

In the letter Biden asked for “explanation of any reduction in your refining capacity since 2020 and any concrete ideas that would address the immediate inventory, price, and refining capacity issues in the coming months – including transportation measures .


2022-06-16 11:10 | Report Abuse

Everyone is free to post genuine information and view points that based on facts, figures and reliable news sources. Absolutely nothing wrong about it.
It is totally the discretion and responsibility of the readers on how they want to make use of the information. The decision to buy , to sell or to just ignore rest 100% with them .
I see Some wanted to shift blame to others for their trading losses , except blaming themselves. Such irresponsible attitude won’t bring them far in life .


2022-06-15 15:49 | Report Abuse

Staying strong although overall market plunge . Good sign .


2022-06-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

In AGM yesterday, it was mentioned that the management will get the disposal of whole Sarawak estates completed by end of this year . Once it is done, valuation will improve. Dividend will be consistently good if CPO price stay above $4,000/- in next few years.

News & Blogs

2022-06-15 13:00 | Report Abuse

he never tell you if he has cashed out already or is he buying now ?

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 06:38 | Report Abuse

No winner in a bear market.


2022-06-14 06:24 | Report Abuse

there is always good dividend to look forward to.


2022-06-13 19:52 | Report Abuse

Just watch out if there is announcements in next few days.


2022-06-13 19:50 | Report Abuse

Could be share buybacks or insiders buying?


2022-06-13 19:00 | Report Abuse

Ya. People panic sell everything today except MPHB capital.


2022-06-12 15:44 | Report Abuse

It's clear. Thanks


2022-06-12 15:41 | Report Abuse

Profit for any qtr will be explosive when crack spread reaches plateau at high level like it is now .


2022-06-12 15:37 | Report Abuse

But the absolute profit can still be very high after the hedging loss.
Assuming gasoline price go up USD10 per month for next 2 months while crude stay averaging USD120 (ie no change) , your realised crack margin is again negated by USD10 derivative loss for the next 2 month.
So, for 1 qtr sales your realised crack margin averaging (10+20+30)/3 =20
The spot crack margin is (20+30+40) = 30 (without hedging)
The opportunity loss can be substantial when crack spread continue to trend highe


2022-06-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

Assuming gasoline price go up USD10 per month for next 2 months while crude stay averaging USD120 (ie no change) , your realised crack margin is again negated by USD10 derivative loss for the next 2 month.
So, for 1 qtr sales your realised crack margin averaging (10+20+30)/3 =20
The spot crack margin is (20+30+40) = 30 (without hedging)
The opportunity loss can be substantial when crack spread continue to trend higher.


2022-06-12 15:00 | Report Abuse

Probalility :
Your Sample business transaction of HY refers:

Your twin brother's gain or lose in derivative depend on the magnitude of refined and crude price divergence ie widening of narrowing of crack spread.

Let's put some numbers to your illustration.

Your cash transaction :
you sell to me gasoline @usd140/bbl
correspondingly you buy crude USD120/bbl
your crack margin USD20 (140-120)

Your twin brother's future trading :
Your twin brother sell crude @USD120/bbl
His long position 4 weeks ago was @USD120/bbl (assuming no change to crude)
He is breakeven here.

At the same time he buy gasoline @USD140/bbl
His short position 4 weeks ago was @USD130/bbl (ie crack margin was USD10 )
He lost (USD10/bbl) because crack spread has widen to USD20 in cash market.
Your twin brother's suffer bigger derivative lose when crack spread widen from previous month.

On the contrary, your twin brother make gain when crack spread become smaller than previous month.

Make sense ?


2022-06-12 14:08 | Report Abuse

@Klee, with due respect, we are deliberating about the profitability of HY in present market environment. We are not dictating what's its share price tomorrow, a week later or a month later and we all very well understand that share price performance is affected by the broad market sentiment . When one is convinced of its earning prospect, it is then up to one when and how to buy in. Those are individual choice basing of the individual's perspective and risk appetite. There is no sure right or sure wrong. The end results matter.


2022-06-12 13:06 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers, go to see a pyschiatrist for your mental illness and see a bomoh for the chasing away the ghost in you. Hehehehe...


2022-06-12 12:56 | Report Abuse

Hi Probability,
First of all , i truly respect your perseverance and effort in getting to the bottom of the hedging issue. Many, including myself , managed to pick up new knowledge which is useful in evaluating another investment opportunity in the future.

Your explanations and the general conclusions make good sense. I also suspect that Q2 and Q3 profit will be way higher than Q1 irrespective if hedging loss is higher , same or lower. The huge jump in crack spread in Q2 will take care of any hedging uncertainty.

I only have the following to highlight (again , a laymen perspective ) :
1. Your case study is base on 100% sales hedged 1 month forward on rolling basis . I like to think that management would hedged 2 or 3 months forward as management should be more concern of uncertainty in longer future.
2. You did not consider the discount in forward contract for crude and refined. a USD2-3/bbl discount for 1 month forward is very common.
3. You only look at the refining margin swaps in your case study. There are 3 other type of commodity hedges, namely Forward priced Commodity Contracts, Commodity Swap Contracts and Commodity options contract with considerable notional sum . I appear to me that these 3 other commodity hedges are independent of the refining margin swap and may have some impact to bottomlines.

In the nutshell, the purpose of hedging are 2 folds :
(a) to protect inventory losses from the effect of price falling before the sales materialized
For this, the hedging gain/loss will be offset by the higher/lower cost of sales.
(b) to lock in (protect) reasonably good margin of future months sales.
For this, company may suffer opportunity losses when crack spread trend higher and additional profit when crack spread trend down.
Probability posted :
Johnzhang, would love to know your comments on this article:


2022-06-12 12:02 | Report Abuse

To all other I3 members.
I apologize for some of the humiliating messages i posted. This is very unusual of me.
Those messages are simply for the benefits of the two clowns ,botakpang2 and moneymakers who don,t even have the slightest self respect and dignity.
Just skip those messages as you may chose.


2022-06-12 11:52 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers, I told you already you have mental issue repeating the same nonsense over and over again. This is clear sign of mental regression. Pls go to see a doctor fast!
Another advice to you is don't read too much horror ghost stories until you see ghost day and night.


2022-06-12 11:44 | Report Abuse

botakpang2, you are just so tiny that I can put you in my pocket. Go an ask your mama what is the meaning . hehehe....


2022-06-12 10:47 | Report Abuse

You can keep the hell note for yourself because you need them soon. Hehehe…


2022-06-12 10:43 | Report Abuse

botakpang2 telling more lie to cover previous lie. Who will believe your endless lies ?
Go on to suck your milk bottle.


2022-06-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

Even if HY go down below $4 and I lose money that is non of your business. It not your money.
You better jaga you get enough milk and get your shit washed than to worry for others. Hehehe…


2022-06-12 10:30 | Report Abuse

botakpang2, people will judge if you are telling lie .
Btw, has your mama changed your soiled pampers since last night?
You are really a clown to keep me entertained


2022-06-12 10:22 | Report Abuse

No my style to quarrel. But these clown botakpang2 and moneymakers have been hauling personal attacks and utter nonsense and lies nonstop. They have gone overboard will get the humiliation well deserved.


2022-06-12 10:11 | Report Abuse

botakpang2 telling more lie to cover previous lie. Who will believe your endless lies ?
Go on to suck your milk bottle.


2022-06-12 08:00 | Report Abuse

In Petron forum I said you making huge profit in your DREAMS only is with proof one . Mphb capital was not even listed 10 years ago 2012! Mphb capital achieved its peak share price in late 2014 only . How you could sell at peak price 10 years back ????? Sold in your dream!
Your big lies all ‘bocor’ and everyone can see it now ! Hahaha…
Posted by botakpang2 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

Wan to talk with me mphbcap ah? Very proud right? Pls check la, i oredi made huge gain 10 years back when it was traded at 2.80. Now only u bought ah? Kakaka


2022-06-12 07:58 | Report Abuse

When I said you making huge profit in your DREAMS only is with proof one . Mphb capital was not even listed 10 years ago 2012! Mphb capital achieved its peak share price in late 2014 only . How you could sell at peak price 10 years back ????? Sold in your dream!
Your big lies all ‘bocor’ and everyone can see it now ! Hahaha…
Posted by botakpang2 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

Wan to talk with me mphbcap ah? Very proud right? Pls check la, i oredi made huge gain 10 years back when it was traded at 2.80. Now only u bought ah? Kakaka


2022-06-12 06:32 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers is just a stupd kid . He Keep uttering the same thing over and over again which exhibit his mental problem. He is finished


2022-06-11 22:19 | Report Abuse

You are only good at sucking milk bottle. Hehehe…..


2022-06-11 22:12 | Report Abuse

Still crying? You must have shitted in your pampers. Hahaha…


2022-06-11 21:57 | Report Abuse

Still crying for milk ? Already cried so much at Petron forum not enough meh?
At least the 2 people are eager to learn new knowledge .
Carry on sucking your milk bottle and perhaps watch few more horror ghost movies. Ending up seeing ghosts all over .


2022-06-11 21:44 | Report Abuse

Understood. It’s a rolling hedging.
@Johnzhang, considering your query i had added some clarification on why the hedging are closed and renewed every month.


2022-06-11 21:40 | Report Abuse

I asked about the lead time between crude purchase to realizing sales of the refined products which is about 3 months is trying to link how advance the hedging is done . For example Jan 2022 to enter refining margin swaps for April 2022 delivery ? ( ie 3 mth forward to match to the lead time mentioned earlier).
If that is true , the realizable crack spread is always at 3-month forward discount to spot rate which can be considerable. For example, the crack for spot month June is 30.6 whereas the rate 3 months later (Sep) is 23.5, giving rise to usd7.1/bbl difference .

Same for commodity hedge on crude . 3 months forward can be as high as usd10/bbl discount.
Let’s talk more tomorrow.


2022-06-11 18:00 | Report Abuse

Average inventory holding in 2021 and 2022 were 1.72 months and 1.86 months of sales vol. (figures derived from year end BS , inventory value/ avg purchase per month).
Taking into consideration of 1+ months of lead time between contracts and crude arrival, the gap between contracting crude and eventually selling refined products will be 3 months. Hedging is therefore particularly important to cover the risk of price going opposite direction during the 3 months.
Can you simulate another example under scenario described by me in above.


2022-06-11 17:28 | Report Abuse

I am absolutely a layman in derivatives. Will come back to you with my layman’s opinion tomorrow. Thanks
Johnzhang, would love to know your comments on this article:


2022-06-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

You still day dream making huge gain ? Anybody believe you ?
Go on dreaming and sucking your milk bottle. Hehehehe…


2022-06-11 16:37 | Report Abuse

you hit the nail on its head !
Many experienced the ghost in glove and see ghost everywhere now. There is no ghost in refinery, at least not until price rocketed to euphoric stage .
It is very common to experience 10-20% price correction even in many solid counters due to during nervous market sentiment. Such price correction had nothing to do with fundamental change of a business but largely market sentiment. Many can not tell the difference.
For plantation counter like Bplant, we have witnessed 10-20% prices pullback in multiple times since early 2021. In the end , it has surged 100% even with last week’s pullback. Last week pullback will be just one of the many pullbacks we have gone thru . Meanwhile, enjoy the exceptionally handsome dividend from Bplant and others .

Sslee posted:
Just wonder why so many naysayers keep repeating the glove case when what they should do is short sell Petronm and Hengyuan to make million.

Or they already short Hengyuan and Petronm and now are working hard in Petronm and Hengyuan forum to make sure their short will make them million?


2022-06-11 16:08 | Report Abuse

You are still crying for milk ? Hehehe..


2022-06-11 10:59 | Report Abuse

@botakpang2 baby,
Didn’t you see my below posting in HY forum as far back as Feb 2022? Am I chasing HY at $7 plus?
Go on sucking the milk bottle lah . Hehehe…
Posted by Johnzhang > 2022-02-14 21:15 | Report Abuse

Crack spread is near record high , growing demand for refined products from reopening, oil price inching higher , etc , are good enough reasons for me to add position in PetronM and Hengyuan . I am convinced they will pay off very well eventually.


2022-06-11 10:35 | Report Abuse

Ya , you bought a lot in the dream. Hehehe..


2022-06-11 09:12 | Report Abuse

When I started accumulating Petron back in Jan/Feb at $4.40. -$4.70, you were still day dreaming and sucking the bottle. Go and check when I started talking about this share in this forum.
Don’t have pretend you are smart when you actually have no substance at all .
Btw , I am also very big in mid and small cap plantations like Bplant and MPHB capital too. Also ,go and check when I started posting in the respective forum and compare the prices between then and now.
botakpang2 posted:
All holding at high px giving all sort of excuse to comfort themselves. In d end, left in a sinking boat into indian ocean. Kakakaka


2022-06-11 07:18 | Report Abuse

Equating glove sector to oil refinery is real stupig . You must have experienced ghost in glove and now seeing ghost everywhere and all the time . No medicine can cure you.

botakpang2 posted :
This is call atogant stupaid. Kakakaka. Same old story for gloves last time. All said vacine not working la, high asp la. Plantation oso. High cpo px la due to war. Bla bla bla. How is the plantation counter now? Kakakaka


2022-06-11 07:16 | Report Abuse

You are exactly right . Many are naive to compare other sector to the horror story of glove . They saw ghost once and now seeing ghost everywhere and all the time .
Titan3322, posted :
Lots of people got bitter experience from gloves but this is no gloves lah bro. Don't worry lah SOP problem is only the cheap esos to its execs. I think what calvin wrote is true but the TP no RM10.00 lah maybe after the esos is done it may go back to 6.00 only lah. But most important is the BOD must decide on a decent dividend policy lor.


2022-06-10 22:42 | Report Abuse

Petron will earn net profit in the tune of $310 to $380 mil in Q2 2022. Should crack spread average usd20/bbl for full year , Petron will earn OVER $1 bil net profit. And no of share is only 270 mil .
You don’t have to believe this .


2022-06-10 22:36 | Report Abuse

Equating oil sector to glove sector! I am speechless.


2022-06-10 22:29 | Report Abuse

Should crack spread averaging usd20/bbl which I think will be , HY’s NPAT for 2022 will EXCEED a whopping $1 bil ! This is good enough reason for me to shift more capital to it. You don’t have to believe this .


2022-06-10 22:21 | Report Abuse

Inflation fear , interest rate hike and recessionary pressure induced by high inflation are dampening equity in general . But , crude oil producers, refinery, CPO producers are the few places to be .


2022-06-10 22:15 | Report Abuse

irrespective how pessimistic many in this forum are, I am buying the dips in HY and Petron on staggered basis and hold them for 6-9 months .
I am never a trading guy. With poor and nervous market sentiment, coupled with extremely lack of buying support from retailers and institutions, manipulators are in temporary control tempering prices even for the most solid stocks. Meanwhile, day traders, short term view traders and panicky retailers get crushed .