
LaoTzeAhSir | Joined since 2016-11-01

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News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:17 | Report Abuse

Con you win. shame on you.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:16 | Report Abuse

Imagine people who followed his AT last year. this guy even visit the factory and promote that con stock

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:11 | Report Abuse

your golden rule was a joke then. as if you made money from gloves after it announced continuous profit growth last year. you lose until your pantie gone and cut loss. now you come and talk down n badmouth about it. speak about your character. you blacked heart red eyes old fox.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:10 | Report Abuse

look at even kossan latest qr earnings. it can easily buy how handful of listed companies entire net worth.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:09 | Report Abuse

please quit i3 as you said years ago. you never keep your words. you have zero credibility.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:08 | Report Abuse

stop conning your followers. joker

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:08 | Report Abuse

your AT, supermx, jaks and many more picks were a jokes. pump n dump. ret4rded timing.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:08 | Report Abuse

as if those con companies and new entrants could threaten the big guys. as if your research is better than frost and suvillian and margma and the management. as if the pandemic is turning better. Koon, the official lay d0g of shortist.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:06 | Report Abuse

得不到就毁掉 woth the lousiest misleading information with zero basis of research. one most low class species senile imbecile old con fox. Changing tone like keling paria and living in big denial.

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:04 | Report Abuse

Never seen so much bullcraps in one articles.


2021-03-31 23:36 | Report Abuse



Some back of the envelope calculations:

(1) Cash on hand = RM1.31
PAT for CY21 discounted to present @ 7% WACC = RM4.7 billion
PAT for CY22 discounted to present @ 7% WACC = RM2.6 billion
(2) Total PV of EPS for the next 2 calendar years = RM2.68
(1) + (2) = RM3.99

Closing market price today = RM3.81

The current market price suggests that beyond CY22, Supermax will be running a net loss-making enterprise.

News & Blogs

2021-03-23 21:54 | Report Abuse

Con You Win is overrated.


2021-03-16 21:31 | Report Abuse

one of the biggest con.

News & Blogs

2021-03-16 00:03 | Report Abuse

two candlesticks to reach RM8


2021-03-15 22:32 | Report Abuse

If you can't get it and got hurt from it, go and destroy and talk bad about it, typical con you win, Con you win in dilemma. the title should be.

News & Blogs

2021-03-15 22:25 | Report Abuse

If you can't get it and got hurt from it, go and destroy and talk bad about it, typical con you win, Con you win in dilemma. the title should be.


2021-03-14 22:11 | Report Abuse

Supermx is having a great relationship with UK, US, Canada with their Maxter/Aurelia gloves, whereby Topglov is having hard time on achieving it due to ESG issues. Supermax will be the big future star in US for their coming plant establishing plan in US soil.

News & Blogs

2021-03-10 22:10 | Report Abuse

obviously valendinlou and dickyme is paid by JPig mor0ns or the evil shortists. or the maybank ANALysts.

News & Blogs

2021-03-08 14:10 | Report Abuse

Dicky you. very dicky

News & Blogs

2021-03-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

how about Jaks, Supermx, AT?

News & Blogs

2021-03-08 14:03 | Report Abuse

why? bcox of your two or three cacat lines so it shall go as what you drew? get a life and go and be the prophet of yourself on what's going up, then put your money where your mouth is.


2021-03-06 23:20 | Report Abuse

此文来自于/Written by : Adrian Toh

Views on Gloves biz prospect

Credit to : Adrian Toh

3 March 2021

- Founder of Daredevil Inc Private Discussion Group

- Chief Investment Officer of SGX listed company

- Azure Capital Former Director

- Former RHB Asset Management Portfolio Manager

- Former Manager at PwC consulting Hong Kong

- Highly Respectable Fund Manager with Super Net Worth




基金經理的看法 - 其實基金經理就是很簡單,當時我的KPI就是一年要達到某個投資回報,當然越高越好。去年9月左右我有發文分析基金們不可能長期持有手套股,因為他們的KPI就是回酬率,到了某個高點就得趁市場還沒拋售之前靜悄悄賣出去。當sell side 開始動搖時,基金們一定不會理會之後還有沒有盈利的大前提之下馬上賣出去,可是他們又不能太過明顯,所以只好分批賣出去,所以賣壓就一直持續。而當股價開始大跌時,就會出現人踩人的慘劇,散戶也會加入一起拋售,股價就一直大跌。

先談談基金經理是否真的很了解手套?90%以上的基金經理都對手套一知半解,當時和同行的基金經理朋友談話時,他們都不了解手套的短缺出現在哪裡,甚至連基本的single和double former機器的分別在哪也不曉得。有的甚至還說手套就會像口罩一樣,很容易製造,所以很明顯不了解兩者的分別等。



其實手套目前是什麼情況呢?很多人說售價開始掉了,我也是很好奇他們是從哪聽來的,還是他們的確有到市場去了解。目前丁腈手套的售價是US$95 (non FDA), US$120 (FDA)。橡膠手套粉末US$55,無粉末US60-65。價錢有跌嗎?反而是丁腈原料價格開始下跌,而丁腈手套還是維持不變。有人說很多商家取消訂單,我想應該是所謂的trader,這些trader都是看到價格好時就大量在市場上詢問,可是很多都沒真正付訂金,而大部份決定取消的原因是根本拿不到貨源。其實需求量還是很高,而且clean room 那裡一直有很多人一直在詢問,因為疫情的緣故,很多廠都不做clean room,因為不想花時間搞真空包裝,所以很多電子廠一直以高價尋找貨源。這些想必資本市場只是關心疫苗來臨之後這些手套公司就完蛋,可是短缺的問題根本不會疫苗的出現馬上就解決,我還真希望那些說貨源不緊張的人可以私訊我如何找到貨源。





2021-03-06 23:18 | Report Abuse

此文来自于/Written by

Credit to : Adrian Toh

3 March 2021

- Founder of Daredevil Inc Private Discussion Group

- Chief Investment Officer of SGX listed company

- Azure Capital Former Director

- Former RHB Asset Management Portfolio Manager

- Former Manager at PwC consulting Hong Kong

- Highly Respectable Fund Manager with Super Net Worth




基金經理的看法 - 其實基金經理就是很簡單,當時我的KPI就是一年要達到某個投資回報,當然越高越好。去年9月左右我有發文分析基金們不可能長期持有手套股,因為他們的KPI就是回酬率,到了某個高點就得趁市場還沒拋售之前靜悄悄賣出去。當sell side 開始動搖時,基金們一定不會理會之後還有沒有盈利的大前提之下馬上賣出去,可是他們又不能太過明顯,所以只好分批賣出去,所以賣壓就一直持續。而當股價開始大跌時,就會出現人踩人的慘劇,散戶也會加入一起拋售,股價就一直大跌。

先談談基金經理是否真的很了解手套?90%以上的基金經理都對手套一知半解,當時和同行的基金經理朋友談話時,他們都不了解手套的短缺出現在哪裡,甚至連基本的single和double former機器的分別在哪也不曉得。有的甚至還說手套就會像口罩一樣,很容易製造,所以很明顯不了解兩者的分別等。



其實手套目前是什麼情況呢?很多人說售價開始掉了,我也是很好奇他們是從哪聽來的,還是他們的確有到市場去了解。目前丁腈手套的售價是US$95 (non FDA), US$120 (FDA)。橡膠手套粉末US$55,無粉末US60-65。價錢有跌嗎?反而是丁腈原料價格開始下跌,而丁腈手套還是維持不變。有人說很多商家取消訂單,我想應該是所謂的trader,這些trader都是看到價格好時就大量在市場上詢問,可是很多都沒真正付訂金,而大部份決定取消的原因是根本拿不到貨源。其實需求量還是很高,而且clean room 那裡一直有很多人一直在詢問,因為疫情的緣故,很多廠都不做clean room,因為不想花時間搞真空包裝,所以很多電子廠一直以高價尋找貨源。這些想必資本市場只是關心疫苗來臨之後這些手套公司就完蛋,可是短缺的問題根本不會疫苗的出現馬上就解決,我還真希望那些說貨源不緊張的人可以私訊我如何找到貨源。




News & Blogs

2021-03-06 14:50 | Report Abuse

misai is full of BS, isn't he?

News & Blogs

2021-03-06 13:55 | Report Abuse

Bounce lu eh mother, tin kosong sharing non substantial and zero constructive infos.

News & Blogs

2021-03-04 21:02 | Report Abuse

Ben I have the official complete data of RSS on Topglov, leave your telegram or mail at here, I could provide you if you haven't have one


2021-03-04 13:28 | Report Abuse

after Singapore, now Vietnam. Tenaga

News & Blogs

2021-03-02 23:17 | Report Abuse

Ben Tan, appreciate the enormous effort on your research and put it into elemental words for us to read. you're brilliant and you have lots of readers, trust me.


2021-03-02 13:01 | Report Abuse

wow... collaborate with Singapore largest renewable energy sunseap company.. 12.30pm announcement


2021-03-01 14:11 | Report Abuse

next dnex/dataprp alike.

News & Blogs

2021-02-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

1,500 units... ant size. that tells a lot about your confidence.


2021-02-26 01:31 | Report Abuse

Yes, market red means market turned defensive and historically speaking it will boost up GLOVES mood. Furthermore it's International Glove Friday. OVERSOLD SUPERMAX AND EXPIRED WARRANTS ON 26/2, TODAY IS THE BEST TIME TO FOR STAGING A COMEBACK.


2021-02-25 17:37 | Report Abuse

wew.. pe back to 11


2021-02-25 13:14 | Report Abuse

Local Institutions are some shameful creatures and have been the biggest net sellers for past over weeks, especially on Supermax, and coincidentally there's 4-5 called warrants for Supermax that have its expiry date on tomorrow, WHEREBY THE WARRANTS ARE IN THE MONEY, thus they are doing everything to surpress the price below RM4.82, shameful acts to profit on retailers' blood money. shame.


2021-02-25 13:14 | Report Abuse

Local Institutions are some shameful creatures and have been the biggest net sellers for past over weeks, especially on Supermax, and coincidentally there's 4-5 called warrants for Supermax that have its expiry date on tomorrow, WHEREBY THE WARRANTS ARE IN THE MONEY, thus they are doing everything to surpress the price below RM4.82, shameful acts to profit on retailers' blood money. shame.


2021-02-24 19:36 | Report Abuse

Mercator-wa showing the way for oversold glove counters, below bollinger band. rsi at below 15% level. 100% rebound by tomorrow or Fri


2021-02-24 19:36 | Report Abuse

Mercator-wa showing the way for oversold gloves, below bollinger band. rsi at below 15% level. 100% rebound by tomorrow or Fri


2021-02-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

Cu at 1.50, I like it.


2021-02-22 00:40 | Report Abuse

590 retail stores of MYNEWS and 500 CU stores incoming for next 5 years as per management. the next exciting and big thing for Malaysian consumers.


2021-02-20 20:38 | Report Abuse

Prestar who listed Tashin, both are truly the dark horse of steel industry.


2021-02-20 20:37 | Report Abuse

Prestar who listed Tashin, both are truly the dark horse of steel industry.


2021-02-19 14:45 | Report Abuse

Steel future price at 40k all time high

Annjoo + 6%
lionind + 13%
Masteel + 6%
Prestar -0.52%

Watch out the underdog Prestar, best QR looking among all.


2021-02-19 14:45 | Report Abuse

Steel future price at 40k all time high

Annjoo + 6%
lionind + 13%
Masteel + 6%
Prestar -0.52%

Watch out the underdog Prestar, best QR looking among all.


2021-02-19 14:44 | Report Abuse

Steel future price at 40k all time high

Annjoo + 6%
lionind + 13%
Masteel + 6%
Prestar -0.52%

laggard prestar. lionind chart is showing the way.


2021-02-17 16:13 | Report Abuse

Sweet. still at near 2020 march crisis price, while the best is yet to come. CU stores. recovery theme. think about that.


2021-02-17 11:59 | Report Abuse

breakout and reversal from bottom mode activated.


2021-02-16 22:01 | Report Abuse

most useless and zero benefit to loyal shareholder listed company ever. congrats N . Ruslan. shame on you. for your failed company


2021-02-09 23:55 | Report Abuse

but look at Annjoo and Prestar


2021-02-09 20:27 | Report Abuse

no need rumors. just check out on recent steel price on my previous comment.