
MG9231 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2014-12-16 12:28 | Report Abuse

If supermaax drop more, Stanley will take opportunity to privatize it and list it in oversea.

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2014-12-15 21:24 | Report Abuse

So, what's so great about his right,he has been shouting market will collapse one day since 2009.


2014-12-15 18:36 | Report Abuse

What patient ? What about opportunity cost of holding cash in last 5 years?

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2014-12-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

Of course he is so worry to be kicked out and lost his big fat fees with just sleeping with his job.


2014-12-09 18:17 | Report Abuse

Similarly, when Umno can't performed cannot convinced non Malay to support them during GE 13, they used their Umno AGM to make unfounded slandering and bombarding Non Malay . What else can they do?
For any company listed in bursa, what makes shareholders happy is their returns not worshipping.


2014-12-09 18:04 | Report Abuse

Why resort to personal attack as well as worshipping because ttb's followers are not thinking independently and rationally. They can't argue or convince others why last 4 years return of icap is horrible compare with what Murali describe as so called Donkey. Once ttb said waiting, though 4 or 5 years of wrong forecasting, they remain " yah ,betul, let's waiting. "
Not just that, TTB started this year with a slogan " waiting is a form of working for fund management " as described by a professor of US, his die hard followers will also blindly shouting his slogan without considering how many years of wrong forecasting he had made. How much fees he had collected .
What about shareholders returns?


2014-12-09 12:06 | Report Abuse

So called Superinvestor Mr.KYY? So many are condemning him now, I think his supporters should also come to this forum and ask those who disagree with his title to go away or shut up.....hahaha, what a stupid mentality.....


2014-12-09 12:01 | Report Abuse

We are discussing the company by facts and its history and not to scold people or asking people to get lost,
By all means if the forumer can highlight points and facts to support his argument and is logical, though we disagree , we still respect him .


2014-12-09 11:54 | Report Abuse

No personal intelligent, survive by way of ball carrier and if you give him a small praise, he will treat you higher than his biological parents.


2014-12-09 11:47 | Report Abuse

This is the typical Perkasa and Umno argument, helpless ,brainless and no facts and looks stupid in this i3 investors intelligent forum.
People with this mentality is nothing except ball carrier, has no different to members of MCA,MIC and Gerakan


2014-12-08 11:09 | Report Abuse

Dual listing is just and only gimmick of shameless fund manager to bring his die hard supporters to holland.
1. Just look at his performance of his icap global fund and icap international fund from day of its inception. What is the return? If one to invest locally in last couple of years, he can easily beat him.
2.the bigger the fund ,the better, he get more fees .
3. A small timers operates buy and sell in foreign countries involve higher brokerage fees(more than 1% per transaction) and forex changes, is it worth the effort ?

His current immediate task with the board of directors is to deploy ways to close the gap of icap NAV and it's share price. But he try to blur his supporters attention.


2014-12-02 08:15 | Report Abuse

Agreed precisely what you have said.
This so-called idol investing instead of value investing .haha.......


2014-12-01 23:08 | Report Abuse

Wow, 72% great fools are supporting me! I can sleep soundly already and 7millions 袋袋平安。


2014-12-01 15:39 | Report Abuse





针对这项结果,资威资产管理(Capital Dynamics)董事经理陈鼎武相信,持股11.39%的挑战派———伦敦投资管理公司(Cityof London Investment Management Co Ltd)和欧洲对冲基金拉克西(Laxey),估计会在短期内召开股东特大,委任三名董事入局。

















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2014-12-01 15:28 | Report Abuse


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2014-12-01 15:23 | Report Abuse

要是你l心、中有照顾小股东,我想他们也㑹出席投票支持你。可是你没有,你想你自己的7百万酬劳。不是现在完蛋了, 往后也完蛋了。


2014-12-01 14:32 | Report Abuse

TTB not just " chun" this round for his market prediction but he confirmed , and already brought his die hard supporters to Holland in last 4 years while as you said, donkey also can outperformed him.


2014-11-30 15:51 | Report Abuse

Calvin, please lah, my intention is to highlight to icap shareholders that they are ill- treated by shameless icap fund manager ,TTB who collected money and place in banks for since 2011 and drawing $24million fees for himself.
What did shareholders get? Just told to wait and be patient!!!!!!!!
I don't have ulterior motives.


2014-11-30 15:44 | Report Abuse

So now everybody knows a donkey also better than shameless icap fund manager TTB .

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2014-11-30 14:50 | Report Abuse

Shareholders must control the board of directors , then, board of directors can engage new fund manager or revise the terms with current fund manager.

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2014-11-30 14:42 | Report Abuse

KS 55, unfortunately a Lot of his loyal supporters not thinking along like you, they don't mind idle their money with him and let him collect big fat fees while get nothing. How silly isn't it.

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2014-11-30 14:38 | Report Abuse

TTB don't want others major shareholders to t interfere his management of icap, I suggest he should privatize the company with his hard core supporters.
Can't win in legal way, then talk about moral and ethical non sense. What a his grandmother 's ways?


2014-11-30 13:10 | Report Abuse

At least , my effort for last 8 days were not wasted.


2014-11-30 13:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, TTB finally goe defeated, his puppet Tunku Abdul Aziz was not re-appointed .


2014-11-29 17:28 | Report Abuse

See how the behavior of this icap fund manager TTB is!!!!!
He said 12% major shareholders city lot London n Lacey wrote to him instead should write to board of directors and other shareholders informing their objection of Tunku Abdul Aziz bin Tunku Ibrahim to be re appointed as director tomorrow .Can you believed what he said?

1 I am one of the sharehoders of icap, do you think city of London know my address.?

2. Do you think City of London is that stupid to address the issue to him?
Currently ,he is merely employed by icap to pick stocks only.

It only tell us how arrogant and dishonest a person he is!!!!!!!


2014-11-28 17:17

(吉隆坡28日訊)資本投資(ICAP,5108,主板封閉式基金組)大股東倫敦投資管理公司(City of London Investment Management)終打破沉默,以“基金認知”和“退休太久”兩大原因,向董事經理陳鼎武解釋為何否決敦姑阿都阿茲連任董事議程。

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2014-11-29 17:27 | Report Abuse

See how the behavior of this icap fund manager TTB is!!!!!
He said 12% major shareholders city lot London n Lacey wrote to him instead should write to board of directors and other shareholders informing their objection of Tunku Abdul Aziz bin Tunku Ibrahim to be re appointed as director tomorrow .Can you believed what he said?

1 I am one of the sharehoders of icap, do you think city of London know my address.?

2. Do you think City of London is that stupid to address the issue to him?
Currently ,he is merely employed by icap to pick stocks only.

It only tell us how arrogant and dishonest a person he is!!!!!!!


2014-11-28 17:17

(吉隆坡28日訊)資本投資(ICAP,5108,主板封閉式基金組)大股東倫敦投資管理公司(City of London Investment Management)終打破沉默,以“基金認知”和“退休太久”兩大原因,向董事經理陳鼎武解釋為何否決敦姑阿都阿茲連任董事議程。

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2014-11-29 07:58 | Report Abuse

I should add more loical reasons,
Currently,TTB managing 3 funds personally, one called icap Bhd, the other 2 covers world wide, according to him, they cover 40 countries.
With 24 millions fees he received from icap Bhd since 2010 -2014, he tour around the world instead of taking care the interest of icap shareholders with his sweet and pretty girl staff.
Icap board of directors are just his puppet , icap shareholders are grateful and easily fool.
Company law is interpreted as his wishes. Suka-Suka AGM resolution passed by hands voting, Suka-Suka by votes counting
You don't know when he will uses his personal capacity such as shareholders, fund manager ,or representing board of directors. Power is vested on him, TTB only. Of course, expenses incurred by him mostly will be charged and absorbed by icap Bhd
That's way, 2011 - 2014 he is underperformed .


2014-11-29 07:30 | Report Abuse

Can you share with us when did you start to keep cash instead of investing.
From 2009,2010, 2011.... or only started recently.

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2014-11-28 22:06 | Report Abuse

Now, our shameless fund manager ,TTB not try to explain his rationale why he insists of letting Tunku Aziz bin Tunku Ibrahim re-appointment as icap director but try to stir race issue. Not just shameless but a bastard.

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2014-11-28 21:54 | Report Abuse

Tan Teng Boo has called City of London Investment Co Ltd’s explanation to why it is opposing the reappointment of Bhd’s director Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim “ inadequate, baseless and utterly weak.”
City of London, together with Laxey Partners Ltd have announced that they will oppose the reappointment of Tunku Aziz. The two collectively hold 11.39% in the fund. The duo had submitted their proxy vote to oppose the reappointment just two days before the fund’s annual general meeting on Oct 11, 2014.
Their move was heavily criticised by Tan Teng Boo who is both the fund’s manager and a shareholder. He had questioned the timing, lack of explanation and motives of City of London and Laxey in opposing Tunku Aziz’s reappointment.

In his capacity shareholder, Tan put forward a motion to adjourned the AGM to a later date in view of City of London’s move. The adjourned AGM will be now held on Nov 30, 2014, and Tan has called for shareholders to turn out to make their votes.

He has also repeatedly asked City of London to send a representative to explain their decision despite the fact it is under no obligation to do so. Tan has suggested that it is the morally right thing to do

In a written response to Tan, City of London explained that they were opposing the reappointment because that they are concerned over the length of time since Tunku Aziz retired from active employment and his knowledge about close ended funds (CEFs) such as

Tan has since reacted strongly to the explanation. Aside from referring to it as feeble, he has also chided City of London for only the letter to him and not the “entire board, Bursa Malaysia and all 3,400 shareholders.”

Addressing City of London’s explanation regarding Tunku Aziz’s position, Tan said that the issue of specific knowledge of CEFs would apply to all’s directors. Tan also questioned why Tunku Aziz was the only one being targeted.

He said “being the only listed closed-end fund in Malaysia, it is only logical that none of the directors of have requisite understanding of closed-end funds. Why is there a targeted attempt made by the foreign fund to single out Tunku Aziz? What are City of London’s ulterior motives?”

Furthermore he questioned what City of London’s definition of ‘active employment’. And pointed out that Tunku Aziz is the current president of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Foundation and has been a director of Berhad since 2011.

He questioned the integrity of the foreign investment firm and said “the letter by City of London is a clear testament of the foreign fund’s lack of integrity. By giving such superficial reasons for the opposition of Resolution 4, the foreign fund makes a mockery out of the other 3,400 shareowners.”

Tan suggested that City of London was trying a repeat the attempt it made in 2012 to displace several directors and replace them with nominees of their own. He also asserted that the firm focus on Tunku Aziz is a “classic divide and rule tactic…as they know that the person in Resolution 4 (Tunku Aziz) is not popular with the Chinese investors.”

MAJOR SHAREHODERS 's letter to icap Bhd was not published and announced in Bursa officially .
How come this shameless shareholders know such a letter exist?
Who actually does not have integrity ?


2014-11-28 21:25 | Report Abuse

Those icap shareholders with rational mind will definitely agree with 李文龙。

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2014-11-28 21:01 | Report Abuse

Author: Tan KW | Publish date: Fri, 28 Nov 13:29

2014-11-28 11:23














2014-11-28 20:58 | Report Abuse

Author: Tan KW | Publish date: Fri, 28 Nov 13:29

2014-11-28 11:23














2014-11-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Everybody commit something requires accountability, I guess Lacey Partners and city London also need to accountable for their investing in Icap Bhd.
It is a matter of time they will strike back as long as gap of NAV and share price not narrow down to an acceptable level. I think it will not be long.
1st step is to make sure during this coming adjourned AGM on 30-11-14 at Wisma MCA 9am sharp, Tunku Abdul Aziz bin Tunku Ibrahim is voted against and not be re-appointed as board of director.
Shareholders of icap with personal interest should attend to play their role .


2014-11-28 16:46 | Report Abuse

shameless fund manager got big pay cheques, shareholders(TTB called shareholders as shareowners) get What?????, share price stagnant.


2014-11-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

What about shareholders interest,Icap share price stagnant around $2.25 to $2.4 in 2013 to 2014


2014-11-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

Laxcey Partners and city of Londons who owned 12% shares in the company, wants to appoint a director of his choice to protect they interest in icap, shameless TTB who only owns 1% said, Laxcey partners has an ulterior motives.
Infact, who actually has an ulterior motives? he himself, he draws abt 7million fees in 2014


2014-11-28 16:32 | Report Abuse

TTB to control Icap and in order to treat it as his grandfather's company, he picks directors of his choice.
suka-saka, he speak as fund manager,
suka-suka, he speaks on behlf of board of directors
suka-suka, he speaks as shareholders.

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2014-11-27 20:16 | Report Abuse

I bought during ipo and added on during its initial listing. I sold all when it was traded at substantial premium.
I pick it back in 2009 around $1.4 plus and sold some before previous EGM.
However, I being the investors of any company, I will voice it out as long as the key personnel of the company not doing things correctly. Of course, I also not stingy to praise those major shareholders who take care the interest of the company.
At the end of the day, what I am concern the most is my investment returns.

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2014-11-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

Well said stockoperators. Your simple demand from interest of shareholders point of view should not be considered difficult to be fulfilledfrom .

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2014-11-27 16:27 | Report Abuse

For any resolutions either in AGM or EGM,Did proxy form for public listed company allow you to write anything other than mark a "x" for to support or to against.....
Only , shameless TTB try to show off !!!! As if what ever he said is a law , every one must follow, pui.


2014-11-27 15:25 | Report Abuse

But the fee supposed to meant for full time job. must ask the board of directors. Isn't it


2014-11-27 13:13 | Report Abuse

Mr. Kc Chong,
I would like to add another question
When he was appointed by icap biz Bhd in 2005 the fees structure were :-
management fees0.75% of NAV
Investment fees0.75% NAV

But in 2007 he formed icap Global opened fund and in 2009 he formed icap international fund,
That means he is paying for 1/3 attention on the icap biz Bhd but fees structure remain the same.

Mr.Kc Chong, your effort for hunting valued company in bursa Malaysia to me, must be is a full time job in order to achieve a satisfactory returns. Is my guessing correct?


2014-11-27 12:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by chanky50 > Nov 27, 2014 11:16 AM | Report Abuse

In my last 35 years of involvement with stocks, I have seen many stars at the market peaks but I have also seen many dead bodies at the market bottoms. I expect to see more dead bodies at the next bottom. It is good to be cautious. The wolf will finally come.

Mr Chanky50,
Please bear in mind icap supposed to be managed by a professional who has a duty to continuously looking for any under valued stocks in Bursa Malaysia for investment.
He is also paid a total of 24million since 2011 to 2014.
If you are running a trading company , your staff is highly paid for certain interval yet each time you question him his sales result, he come back with zero sales, you just tell him never mind , market is bad , be cautious of bad debt.


2014-11-27 12:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jonathan Keung > Nov 27, 2014 11:12 AM | Report Abuse

Icap was launch when the market KLCI were down at the low end( if i remember correctly ) At that point of time anybody who have invested will make his money.

Icap (TTB) strategy was ride on the upside when the market recover 2-3 years down the road. Nothing wrong but when the market was see-saw between 2008-2009, 2012-2013

Icap was sitting pretty on the cash instead of investing. you can call it conservative but more like playing safe by TTB . Nonetheless, if you like TTb style of investing than go ahead . If you dont like just dont buy Icap. quite straight forward

Since 2010, he started to liquidated equity and keep cash ,may I ask you how do you know he has changed his style of investment from 2005 to 2009, During AGM, did he discussed or hinted to you that he intent to cash out up to today?
How many existing investors of the company aware of his style changed from 2010 to 2014? Or even from now on?
As a value investing company, other same categories of fund managers can still find valued company in Bursa from 2010 to 2014,, TTB can't, it was either others worked much harder while he was sleeping on his job.
My concerned as an investors is my investment returns compare with similar type of company/fund houses in the same period.
Similarly, if you are a boss, your workers not perform to an agreed bench mark, you just close shop. Switch to other business.


2014-11-27 11:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by kcchongnz > Nov 27, 2014 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

Posted by MG9231 > Nov 25, 2014 06:46 PM | Report Abuse

Tony, precisely how many 5 years do an investor have?
But do you think icap shameless fund manager care?
If icap managed by KC Chong I, as shareholder will be 300 % more wealthy now.
Unfortunely, in contrast a total of 24 millions have to paid to the sleepy yet shameless icap fund manager TTB for nothing.

My friend MG9231, this statement of KC Chong managing icap is unproductive discussion. Let get into the real issue with what is wrong with icap fund.

Ok , noted
My intention was to emphasize to other icap existing shareholders a very important point where you can achieve 300% cumulative returns since 2010 but icap was much underperform in the same period.
I am not like others idolize who ever outperform .


2014-11-26 22:13 | Report Abuse

SOS , kelvintaneng

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2014-11-26 20:55 | Report Abuse

I appeal to those who know his the other side of characters please contribute or share it with us, as a icap shareholders, fund managers is the key personnel who may ruin and destroy the value of the company easily. By knowing more on the other side of him is paramount important.
I still remembered when he fenced of Laxey partners in previous EGM, he even went to the extent of killing the personal characters of Laxey partners.