Blog Posts
2017-10-12 15:47 | Report Abuse
Someone shows his naked photo to public & removed it later, the reason of removing it was that it is against the law.
Haha, what a joke!
2017-10-12 15:45 | Report Abuse
haha, rubbish!
stockswizard traderman, it was a compliance issue. I don't want to go to jail.
12/10/2017 14:33
2017-10-12 15:44 | Report Abuse
All the way from RM8.49 (27 Jul) to RM6.60 (26 Sept), rebounded little, so now go back to RM6.60?
2017-10-12 15:41 | Report Abuse
Another longkang counter
2017-10-11 16:32 | Report Abuse
Guess he has, seem like he knows both of them very well
2017-10-11 01:28 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan越来越贱格,已经沦落到需要去偷窥别人的夫妻事来谋求自己私人的利益,尽可能用各种角度来判断最有可能的结果。
2017-10-10 23:22 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan越来越贱格,已经沦落到需要去偷窥别人的夫妻事来谋求自己私人的利益,尽可能用各种角度来判断最有可能的结果。
2017-10-10 23:15 | Report Abuse
From what I see so far, Calvin Tan is having big mental problem, never bother on any criticism or negative opinions.
While he allows himself to speak bad on other counters, he will ignore entirely on all opinions that go against his stands.
2017-10-10 16:44 | Report Abuse
Re-invention, think ahead & always adapt to the new changes, this is the only way to be relevant and therefore making money.
Talk is easy, do is alway tough, OTB is doing very good in business.
Winners are those fought hard & losers are those taking easy ways out.
2017-10-10 16:22 | Report Abuse
Also, rubbish article from nanyang
2017-10-10 16:22 | Report Abuse
Rubbish comments from stupid remisiers, they failed to catch up with technology & failed to reinvent themselves, the earth won't stop spinning no matter what, who should be blamed?
2017-10-10 16:19 | Report Abuse
The quality of calvin tan not only touch floor, it is digging hole now
2017-10-10 16:18 | Report Abuse
Alamak, this calvin keep peeping people husband & wife things & hope to make money out of it, what a low life.
2017-10-10 16:14 | Report Abuse
From 20 cents up to 60c and then all the way down to 0.5 cents soon
2017-10-10 01:53 | Report Abuse
haha, eating abalone in his private jet, what a life
2017-10-10 01:50 | Report Abuse
Calvin is no doubt No.1 bull-shit king, 2nd is bone, congratulcation to both. Used to have Icon, now he retired & enjoy life flying with Airasia everyday.
2017-10-10 01:48 | Report Abuse
The presentation looked like someone, now getting more people use new ID to promote stocks, better watch out
2017-10-10 01:47 | Report Abuse
Getting more bull-shit articles nowaday, calvin, bone & now this stockwizard, attract newbies to jump into longkang
2017-10-10 01:45 | Report Abuse
Aiya, promote again? Like Icon8888, lost the magic touch already, can tabao balik kampung
2017-10-09 15:21 | Report Abuse
This forum full of junk & rubbish comments
2017-10-06 14:40 | Report Abuse
Malaysia don't have this problem.....
because at the first place it was not the first choice, bad
2017-10-05 15:42 | Report Abuse
O idiot, author thought that he is smarter than Warren Buffet while he has ZERO record to prove his creditability.
2017-10-05 15:36 | Report Abuse
Greatest fortune teller in making? or just merely another joker come up through the ranks?
2017-10-03 11:14 | Report Abuse
haha, what a joke, this must be MOST LOUSY ARTICLE of the year
2017-10-03 11:12 | Report Abuse
Tan Sri Calvin don't know how to calculate, how to answer? He knows news & hearsay, not in figures, never seen him calculate using ratios or showing his historical & projected financial analysis
2017-10-03 00:14 | Report Abuse
for possible actual cash missing, you may need to check with your remisier
2017-10-02 23:07 | Report Abuse
you have 10 shares with RM1 price offered right issue of 10 shares of RM0.50
If you subscribe:
10 x RM1 = RM10 + 10x 0.50 = RM15 for 20 shares,
Share price will be adjusted from RM1 to RM0.75 on the ex-date
You will still have fund of RM15, original RM10 + payment for right issue RM5
If you don't subscribe
Fund = 10 shares x RM1 = RM10 before ex-date
After ex-date, your fund = 10 shares x RM0.75 = RM7.50
You loss out RM2.50, sorry to see this loss.
2017-10-02 22:56 | Report Abuse
This statement make me laugh:
FYI - I do not owned Arank share, but i recommended a buy call at RM1.07 last friday in my telegram channel.
2017-10-02 22:54 | Report Abuse
This guy talk very loud, funny & baseless, more importantly, no record of success.
Calvin is even miles better than this guy.
So, he is definitely in the bottom 10% since Calvin Tan is miles better than him.
2017-10-02 22:52 | Report Abuse
If you own shares in a company who is doing right issue, you must subscribe, or else you will see your share price adjusted for nothing and the value of shares you have will be discounted, you won't get any compensation from the price adjustment.
2017-10-02 22:50 | Report Abuse
OMG, sarahdeaton, Sorry to say this, if you didn't subscribe, you fund were just burnt & become air!
2017-10-02 22:48 | Report Abuse
Talk is always easy, better not too optimistic, too many worms still left in Proton by Mahathir
2017-10-02 22:46 | Report Abuse
The results were terribly bad & lousy even during the construction period, it will become worse once construction is done, because they need to start sell, pay load & serve interest.
2017-10-02 22:45 | Report Abuse
When I see this heading of the blog, I quickly turn away & not to read the article:
Hidden Gem Which You could Buy and Keep for Life
2017-10-02 22:42 | Report Abuse
To be fair, Calvin Tan is one of the best in spotting the weakest or dangerous positions for certain counters with solid & reasonable facts & reference.
But when come to stock recommendation, the success rate is far too low comparing to the level of knowledge of Calvin Tan possessed.
2017-10-02 16:22 | Report Abuse
This is first time in my life after investing for more than 25 years hearing someone said loans to subsidiary are VERY GOOD for BUSINESS & SHOULD BUY THIS COMPANY BECAUSE SO MUCH OF LOANS TO SUBSIDIARY
OMG, CALVIN TAN just simply bull-shit to try to beautify his baby bjcorp.
Bj Corp is Ah Long?
BJ Corp lends out monies to Subsidiaries with interest.
The amounts due from subsidiary companies are unsecured and repayable on demand. Amounts
totalling RM1,346,739,000 (2016: RM564,766,000) bear interest, while the rest are non-interest
Please refer to Bj Corp Annual Report 2017 under Point 15 (Article no. 3)
Read carefully
2017-10-02 16:01 | Report Abuse
How dare you said BJCorp is Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway, CALVIN TAN?
Where is your creditability as Christian? Where is your heart?
Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 2, 2017 11:51 AM | Report Abuse
Hi guys
See this latest writeup on Berkshire Hathaway of Malaysia
2017-10-02 10:32 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan, why delete your own porfolio? Shame on it?
Ranked 206 over 230, one better than the bottom 10%, if I were you I will do the same, no worry
206) calvintaneng +7.2% 107150.01
27% DUTALND 0.590 0.400 49800|21% PBA 1.260+0.0225 1.150 17300|19% BJCORP 0.345 0.340 58600|18% OPCOM 0.550+0.02 0.600 33200|15% BPURI 0.355 0.435 45800 (106969.25:180.76|237.24)
2017-10-02 10:30 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan, why delete your own porfolio? Shame on it?
Ranked 206 over 230, merely escape from bottom 10%, if I were you I will do the same, luckily I am not.
206) calvintaneng +7.2% 107150.01
27% DUTALND 0.590 0.400 49800|21% PBA 1.260+0.0225 1.150 17300|19% BJCORP 0.345 0.340 58600|18% OPCOM 0.550+0.02 0.600 33200|15% BPURI 0.355 0.435 45800 (106969.25:180.76|237.24)
2017-10-02 10:28 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan, why delete your own porfolio? Shame on it?
Ranked 206 over 230, merely better than the bottom 10%, if I were you I will do the same.
206) calvintaneng +7.2% 107150.01
27% DUTALND 0.590 0.400 49800|21% PBA 1.260+0.0225 1.150 17300|19% BJCORP 0.345 0.340 58600|18% OPCOM 0.550+0.02 0.600 33200|15% BPURI 0.355 0.435 45800 (106969.25:180.76|237.24)
2017-10-02 10:26 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan, why delete your own porfolio? Shame on it?
Ranked 206 over 230, merely escape from bottom 10%, if I were you I will do the same, luckily I am not.
206) calvintaneng +7.2% 107150.01
27% DUTALND 0.590 0.400 49800|21% PBA 1.260+0.0225 1.150 17300|19% BJCORP 0.345 0.340 58600|18% OPCOM 0.550+0.02 0.600 33200|15% BPURI 0.355 0.435 45800 (106969.25:180.76|237.24)
2017-10-02 10:24 | Report Abuse
Calvin Tan, why delete your own porfolio? Shame on it?
206) calvintaneng +7.2% 107150.01
27% DUTALND 0.590 0.400 49800|21% PBA 1.260+0.0225 1.150 17300|19% BJCORP 0.345 0.340 58600|18% OPCOM 0.550+0.02 0.600 33200|15% BPURI 0.355 0.435 45800 (106969.25:180.76|237.24)
2017-10-01 23:28 | Report Abuse
The whole article contain NO alexa except the title, what a low life article
2017-10-01 23:23 | Report Abuse
Vincent Tan loves to bull-shit we all know, he has successfully influenced his family to do so too, now his influence has reached out to one of his distant relatives.
That guy trumpet BJCorp everyday in i3.
2017-10-01 23:19 | Report Abuse
Vincent Tan loves to bull-shit we all know, he has successfully influenced his family to do so too, now his influence has reached out to one of his distant relatives.
That guy trumpet BJCorp everyday in i3.
2017-10-01 23:19 | Report Abuse
Vincent Tan loves to bull-shit & he has influenced his family to do so too, now his influence has reached out to one of his distant relatives.
That guy trumpet BJCorp everyday in i3.
2017-10-01 23:18 | Report Abuse
Vincent Tan loves to bull-shit & he has influenced his family to do so too, now his influence has reached out to one of his distant relatives.
That guy trumpet BJCorp everyday in i3.
2017-10-12 17:55 | Report Abuse
Repeat: The CEO of SAM has been shouting to achieve 1bil sales since 2012, what happened now? All fake hopes only.
No more mention 1bil sales target & 3bil award, suddenly all talked about F1 in AR2017. HAHA, ANOTHER JOKE!
Page 1 & 13 of AR2015 said: We will rock to claim 1 billion records. WHERE IS IT NOW?
page 6 talked about 3bil award, WHAT A DREAM, BUT FAKE HOT BUBBLE ONLY
Page 3 of AR2014 declared: half way to bil ringgit destination. WHAT A JOKE!
Page 6 of AR2012: SAM Malaysia is on the offensive to cross over the RM1 billion revenue. GOOD JOKE!
19/08/2017 01:37