Tan Sri Rick Walker

Negan | Joined since 2019-05-26

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2020-02-27 13:08 | Report Abuse

Look! Even if Agong appoints Anwar Ibrahim as the new PM8, it won't hold long as parliment open in March will see vote of no confidence against him!
And if Anwar Ibrahim cannot get 112 MPs to side with him, then Anwar has to make way for GE15!
And even if Anwar survive March, it does not mean he will survive for the next 3 years!
Come on guys! The vote of no confidence will be played out every parliment sessions!

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2020-02-27 12:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by Invincible > Feb 27, 2020 12:27 PM | Report Abuse

Rick, you are behind the thief which would benefit your son, of course, you like it..

Answer : So, you will to sell the nation for the dictator! Curse on you!

News & Blogs

2020-02-27 11:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by laychee > Feb 27, 2020 11:26 AM | Report Abuse

Now Agong has to choose between Mahathir and Anwar. Hope no dismissal of parliament or the country will be in a chaos.

Answer : Polls were conducted! 70% want GE15! So i think rakyat are level headed! There won't be chaos on the ground! It's the political parasites who will be on the streets!

News & Blogs

2020-02-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

Many are very naive! If Pakatan support Mahathir as PM, the next thing you know, Mahathir will appoint Assmin as DPM and nothing for Anwar! And the rest of Pakatan can only watch without any ministerial posts!

News & Blogs

2020-02-26 15:58 | Report Abuse

Yeah, MACC is now working for Mahathir and Assmin!

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2020-02-26 11:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by probability > Feb 26, 2020 11:21 AM | Report Abuse

where would the check and balance be then?

Answer : Let rakyat decide!


2020-02-26 09:22 | Report Abuse

Yeah, show that in GE15! It's coming!


2020-02-25 22:34 | Report Abuse

Luckily i play contra today! Tomorrow sure limit down! GE15 is on the way!

News & Blogs

2020-02-25 18:51 | Report Abuse

Pakaan basically die standing last sunday!

News & Blogs

2020-02-25 18:12 | Report Abuse

And there goes LGE chance at Finance Minister post too! Looks like he will be deputy minister to some Bersatu minister! Well, a lapdog cant be choosy!

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2020-02-25 18:11 | Report Abuse

Basically, checkmate Anwar Ibrahim chance at PM post! Can set up PM in waiting fan club with Ku Li!

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2020-02-25 17:26 | Report Abuse

LGE no longer Finance Minister! Good riddance he does not make it as finance minister if given 2nd chance! He is imcompetent and a bully in that position!

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2020-02-25 16:17 | Report Abuse

Good riddance to Syed Saddiq! our very own Greta Thunberg!

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2020-02-25 16:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Assmin already die standing! His political career is dead! Same wih Mohiden! Both made a terrible move! The old master schemer is dissapointed but then again he was the one that inspire them!

News & Blogs

2020-02-25 16:04 | Report Abuse

Assmin is adopted son of Mahathir! Looks like he learn from the best and now the best out best by the new rockie but the new rockie fail on his first coup!

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2020-02-25 11:47 | Report Abuse

Here goes Senior Lim lecturing rakyat about his privilege! You can't keep Pakatan together and expecting rakyat to fall for your victim card!

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2020-02-24 15:49 | Report Abuse

Sabah Sarawak indeed the kingmaker! Up to Anwar to negotiate! And up to Sabah Sarawak to place their demands! And i tell you, Sabah Sarawak will not tolerance fake promises this time round!

News & Blogs

2020-02-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

Parasite talking! Syed Saddiq better retire from politics!


2020-02-24 14:26 | Report Abuse

Pakau! Le's wait and see! Not so simple! Now that Mahathir is powerless, Anwar and Mahathir on level field! And yeah, let's see if Mahathir let again outsmart Anwar!


2020-02-24 14:24 | Report Abuse

Yeah, without PM post, Mahathir has zero bargaining power now! Anwar can offer attractive perks! So let's see if Anwar can do it fast! But i bet he is very lousy strategist! If he fail, we are looking at GE15!


2020-02-24 14:23 | Report Abuse

OH wait! Mahathir resign and Bersatu out of PH! This means, all eyes on Agong! Only Agong can decide what to do now!


2020-02-24 13:12 | Report Abuse

What make you think this Pakatan Nasional will last for another 3 years if Agong say yes! 70% chances it will crumble within months!
And Mahathir cannot go back to PH Council begging for 2nd chances! The truth is Mahathir foes drag him out from PH! Mission accomplished!


2020-02-24 12:49 | Report Abuse

It appears so! I just receive new wassap that Agong rejected attempt to form a new government via backdoor!


2020-02-24 12:39 | Report Abuse

Sometimes it's good to have inner circles who love to share latest political scheming!
If you are among those receiving wassap from this people, you should know by now that Agong is consulting with other royals and the consensus is to call for new election!
Beside Umno poison pill, many of those MPs have signed SD for Anwar and Mahathir! So there's a conflict!
So if this intel is reliable, we should be ready for new election! So exciting right!


2020-02-24 10:44 | Report Abuse

Let's put it this way! Hadi the idiot send Trojan Horse as present to Mahathir! Hadi doesn't know anything! It's what inside the Trojan Horse that will mess up Mahathir big time!


2020-02-24 10:43 | Report Abuse

Yeah, so insiders finally leak what those poison pill were! Seems like Mahathir got himself smoke!


2020-02-24 10:11 | Report Abuse

Yeah, before you say Mahathir is the only one who decide to form backdoor government, don't forget back in GE12, it was quite acceptable for Anwar to do so!


2020-02-24 10:04 | Report Abuse

Half of Umno MPs who are align to Najib and Tok Mat inserted a pre condition that are not easy to meet!
And because of this pre condition, Agong delayed his decision!
At this point, i also do not know the pre condition as intel at the moment are very blur!


2020-02-24 09:45 | Report Abuse

Well, i do not want to teach Agong want to do! He will be surrounded by advisers and other sultans that will ensure an outcome acceptable to all!
But allowing a coup to form a government is not a good option! It will lead to many coup in the future!
So dissolve Dewan Rakyat and allowing a new mandate will be painful but necessary!
It will teach future politicians not to play with democratic system!

News & Blogs

2020-02-24 09:29 | Report Abuse

It's up to Agong and his council of royals to determine the next course for our nation!
I hope that our Agong and his councils would reflect upon the wisdom of our nation and path way for GE15! This is the best option on the table!
I think rakyat would appreciate this route!


2020-02-24 00:29 | Report Abuse

So yeah! I am back to Opcom again! Look, it's pointless to cry baby! We are only small fish! We can only continue to feed on scums!


2020-02-09 13:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Targeted > Feb 9, 2020 1:32 PM | Report Abuse

Most of Wuhanese with milder symptoms are hiding out at home, dont get misled by official numbers.

Answer : Get a heater to kill virus!


2020-02-06 16:29 | Report Abuse

Sold my 1.63 this morning! I done with Supermax! After many rounds, time to move on!


2020-02-06 16:16 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Bought tons at 1.15!


2020-02-05 20:59 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Yeah, spread some fear yesterday! Bought tons at 1.15!


2020-02-05 16:51 | Report Abuse

Need to wait until there's a light at the end of the tunnel on coronavirus!


2020-02-05 00:43 | Report Abuse

JN88! Why go to Sabah Sarawak! Just stay in Malaysia! Anyway, trust me, without Tony, AA will close shop! Eventually those malays will make things so redundant, AA will not survive!


2020-02-05 00:32 | Report Abuse

Many still don't get it! Without Tony, AA will turn into another malay institution! Just look at MAS! You know why MAS becomes so bad! Just like our football team! Once malay manage AA, you see things becomes so bad, eventually close shop! Tony can't even be advisor anymore! He must completely remove himself! So yeah, i won't touch AA if i were you!


2020-02-03 11:42 | Report Abuse

Haven't buyback yet! Maybe tomorrow!

News & Blogs

2020-02-02 23:15 | Report Abuse

Forget it! Sabah property prices are exobirted! You can buy 2 landed property in Johor for the price of one in Sabah! Check mudah if you don't believe! Many Sabah people already migrated to Johor and found how stupid they were before! They told me how Sabah ripping buyers left and right and how Johor is far better in term of quality of life and business!