
Riaz1954 | Joined since 2019-02-14

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2021-10-22 20:00 | Report Abuse

Really shameful and questionable behaviour by all…no winners. Bursa should have taken action long time ago. Now Monday will be panic day…all because trading was not suspended when the report was issued to Serba management. It should have been suspended then! These guys know the contents which cannot be good surely! Look the last qtr results were down why! Because could not set up fictitious not verified sales debtors….my assumption which is heart of the year end issue.


2021-10-22 19:55 | Report Abuse

Very interesting! Suggests company was prepared to release and meanwhile directors were busily trading! That included selling of warrants and buying of 2m shares! That itself is a big issue in my mind.


2021-10-22 16:39 | Report Abuse

Are we really surprised I raised concerns few year ago about this company with regard to directors continuous share dealing and private placements with significant discounts and MOU all very suspicious and so it turned out. I was shouted down! Very poor governance and warning. Signs were there for the Bursa and others but failed to take action. I am shareholder lost some money but the damage to Malaysia and Bursa is immense, very sad. No matter what happens from here is not important. What is amazing is despite the investigation the shares were allowed to be traded ! Why the stock should have been suspended …why too many shares held by the insiders. This is an issue.


2021-10-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

Where is the investor on this forum who talks about battleships? Sunk I assume without trace?


2021-10-22 14:44 | Report Abuse

Jokers maintain an orderly market ….when was it orderly? As soon as all thsi came out it has been nothing but orderly! The insiders have been trading mostly selling their shares without any recourse.


2021-10-22 14:42 | Report Abuse

Should not have been allowed to dispose his warrants …..this is not fair trading and conduct of orderly market…which Bursa or any other exchange prescribes to! Suspend after the horse has bolted. Shameful


2021-10-22 14:34 | Report Abuse

Should not have been allowed to even sell warrants….there should have been a trading ban or suspension long time ago! This sort of things is nit equitable to normal retail or imsotiruinal investors assuming you have only public line information. Insiders have all the info and are allowed to deal! Shocking really.


2021-10-22 14:25 | Report Abuse

He is privy to what is happening how is he allowed to deal, when outsiders don’t know what is happening! This is unacceptable! That is why I think the trading should have been suspended until the report is out. That way effort would have been made to expedite the report. As it stands insiders trade knowing the outcome one way or other.


2021-10-22 08:49 | Report Abuse

We need to learn to live with the virus, simple! Death rates are low! Don’t keep, quoting U.K. which in a normal year has deaths from flu and associated condition mostly impacting the elderly! We need to follow the SOPs and conduct life as normal.


2021-10-18 20:40 | Report Abuse

Without doubt foreign investors coming in.


2021-10-18 20:31 | Report Abuse

Here it comes placement again……discounted for friends ….epf investors knew amd withdrew. Get ready for good correction.


2021-10-15 17:42 | Report Abuse

Definitely construction will re rate as economy restarts and construction projects are significant part of the economy. I am expecting good performance in 2022


2021-10-15 17:40 | Report Abuse

Good Call, emsvsi…….Genting group definitely due for re rating and should go ahead of pre CV price and beyond given Las Vegas resort as well as other business sectors it is invested in out performing


2021-10-15 10:10 | Report Abuse

Still on the uptrend EPF disposing to make their turn…..and pay benefits. They will soon buy back as the price goes to next level. From business viewpoint we know there has been no major corporate failures that took place March 2020, 2 big ones in Sing! Economy on the recovery so I expect the uptrend to continue in 2022.


2021-10-15 10:06 | Report Abuse

I am pretty sure the contents and conclusion of the report is known by some, it is politically dire I suspect and there is negotiation going on to get the tone right and make it as palatable as possible.


2021-10-15 10:01 | Report Abuse

What a carry on! After all this time auditors can't confirm receivables! Not straightforward as it should have been. Those receivables at year end should have been received by now if genuine. Simple. So what is life after false reporting for Serba. That is the million dollar question?


2021-10-14 07:49 | Report Abuse

Genting a leveraged play. Still attractive price to enter, I see hitting 7 + 2022 as economy recovers and tourism returns


2021-10-13 11:56 | Report Abuse

Very early days in the share price recovery don’t forget NTA is 8.47, usually when prospects are good and recovery is well established share prices will trade above NTA. It is matter of time mean while small profit takers by day traders and investors using algo trading to buy and sell small lots…investors need to remain put and add more shares as recovery takes hold. Genting a highly leveraged play and coming out of CV will give it much impetus. My pennies worth for the day!


2021-10-12 21:11 | Report Abuse

Banks stocks world over have recovered on back of economic recovery, Malaysia banks stocks still under performing so expectation is that will rally as the economy picks up and of course foreign asset allocation will increase and much will go into Banks like CIMB so I am expecting a over recovery or overshoot, going into 2022 in addition CIMb internal actions will provide additional flip.


2021-10-12 17:05 | Report Abuse

This stock will attract foreign interest for sure ….I think it will easily overshoot 6+ in time and soem small investors will no doubt take profit …where as others will wait for the first target atleast. Don’t forget the NTA is 8.47! This should underpin. I tried to book accommodation in Cameron YTL all booked for Oct same for Cherating. I hear that Resorts World will open v soon. Enjoy investing!


2021-10-11 10:21 | Report Abuse

Everybody knew that interstate travel would open, but now it is a fact. So there is a degree of certainty …price will rise over the next few weeks as the impact is digested, next big leg will happen when 3rd qtr results are declared, with specific focus to Las Vegas where the market has been open ..final uplift hopefully positive will be 4 qtr 2021 result and 1qtr 2022 by then we would know how open business are doing and extent of CV


2021-09-28 09:39 | Report Abuse

Quoted ExD today!


2021-09-28 09:38 | Report Abuse

What does S&P know about anything! They are politically driven institution of the west! If you believe them you are big fool. Do your analysis and determine who invests and what for to decide! Cimb will recover nicely!


2021-09-28 07:48 | Report Abuse

It is about time Genting moves upwards….so much action in stocks elsewhere, Rolls Royce, IAG, Cineworld in U.K. are examples ….which for sure will be followed here in due course! We need some action, not long to go. Genting when it recovers will shoot past pre Covid levels and beyond.


2021-09-26 00:15 | Report Abuse

Expecting major up turn in share price 4qtr…..short term dips buying opportunity!


2021-09-15 07:02 | Report Abuse

I really struggle to understand some folks in this forum….who see Genting as a competitor to Gloves or vice versa …..btw you can invest in both if you want ….no need to bash one counter against the other. There is no logic! It is all about sharing info to help each other as retail customers. Why would you want wish bankruptcy on any one…mind boggling mentality


2021-09-15 06:57 | Report Abuse

I don’t know the fuss about drip shares being discounted! It is cheap way to keep capital and yet pay dividend. Whether you big or small you get same benefit proportionally if you opt for shares. This is not uncommon. The fact that investors take shares is because they think there is value in the shares. It is still better than deeply discounted private placements which are definitely no no and very common practice in Malaysia often multiple,times.


2021-09-10 19:27 | Report Abuse

Consolidating and then will challenge 5.20


2021-09-10 09:53 | Report Abuse

As ever High Risk / High reward! What is Worst case scenario …..what happens? What is the NAV? Make up your own mind…should not come to this ….but who knows…..I will be suprised if they win new business with all this hanging …anybody entering into contracts can’t be doing due diligence.


2021-09-10 09:48 | Report Abuse

By placement ….that makes good sense…..unlike some other operators who dump the shares in the open market….the price paid by other institutions shows that they are comfortable with the price range …all this means there is good wide support for the shares. Retail customers can invest with degree of confidence as CIMB moves up to pre Covid levels


2021-09-10 08:24 | Report Abuse

What a carry on…..they still can’t manage the situation….I mean all involved parties, very bad advertisement for Malaysia PLC ……I can’t imagine why all parties can’t agree to target when the findings will be published…it surely can’t be that difficult unless it is to do with some sort alignment of interests. You can build a tower block in the time they have taken, which can’t be right. CV is not an excuse in fact it could be quicker under these circumstances….becuase you don’t need to travel!


2021-09-10 08:18 | Report Abuse

Kazannah have sold more shares than that was indicated ..which was 100m actual 138m, surprising that price only fell by 1.7%..that shows underlying support. Any further correction would see buying opportunity. Friday is normally sell day…let’s see.


2021-09-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

Foreign FM will increase asset allocation to Malaysia when they see political stability and opening up of all sectors ….we need absolute clarity as the trigger points when travelling interstate and foreign travellers can enter…..this has been lacking …compared to other countries …there is no single solution for all, that’s is why a strong gov is needed to work out the risks…in a transparent and rationale manner. For example setting a threshold for infection rates below 4000 was absurd! Infection rates themselves mean nothing on their own….hopefully we get clarity otherwise the damage will be worse than the cure the country is seeking. Ultimately elections are needed to get some degree of political stability. Party hopping should be banned.


2021-09-05 09:53 | Report Abuse

Very good value, not understood by retail investors…owing to different style of management!


2021-09-05 09:43 | Report Abuse

With interest rates like to hike next year and recovering economy banking stocks will have a good uplift for sure. All sectors should open by end of Oct…..Malaysia needs to stick to this strategy, otherwise they will be caught between in between look at Europe despite devasting infection rates and deaths they have opened up and now face winter when rates will go up ….we can’t fall into i between trap!


2021-09-01 00:39 | Report Abuse

Some folks on this forum are cynical. The whole idea of being on such forum is presumably to discuss and share info about the stock with happiness when it does well and disappointment when it does not….well some folks here get supreme joy when promoting negativity …..I just don’t get it! Weirdos. Need to grow up.


2021-08-30 14:40 | Report Abuse

Genting for sure is good bet for profit recovery and dividend payment. The stock has interest from foreign find managers as their Malaysia asset allocation would include Genting, Public bank, Maybank and CIMB for sure …Of the banks CIMB is sure for a recovery play. You can invest and leave it for 2 years for a good safe return …..


2021-08-30 09:48 | Report Abuse

Only way is up, once all casinos and outlets working the results will be firing on all cylinders, with Yokohama as a sweetener if that happens it will be bonus!


2021-08-29 19:17 | Report Abuse

Excellent set of results ……malaysia bank stocks in general compared to world are undervalued …due to political uncertainty and CV ……any way good opportunity for better times 7 RM is on if foreign asset allocation emerges.


2021-08-13 12:29 | Report Abuse

It is matter of time …..the shares will rally for sure


2021-08-13 12:27 | Report Abuse

GST will be coming soon….the case for it is very strong …..Myeg will do well post new gov…

News & Blogs

2021-06-16 14:48 | Report Abuse

We can talk about human rights all day long…..what rights have the First Nation people have has in US, Australia, NZ and Canada….nit to mention apartheid South Africa which western countries supported. What rights have African Americans have in US used as slave Labour for 200 plus years…they have very little rights and even less economic rights. Some people say things improving really! The method of racism has changed …same group of people dominate,

News & Blogs

2021-06-16 14:44 | Report Abuse

China need not worry …the Colonial West can’t accept the success of China as it replaces US as leading power…on all metrics… not too long too go. I am from Pakistan and have to thank China for its help, in developing the infrastructure and investing in good causes that will benefit the country for sure of the leaders use it properly. Look at US, U.K. and West history they have relied on invasion to reap their rewards, occupying invading destroying countries killing millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and in the past Vietnam, Laos, korea i etc. They have blood on their hands and use democracy as an excuse to invade and steal! China has not done that! China itself has been invaded and suffered in the last. People need to wake up…of course even with China there may be issues but nothing like the white western colonialism!


2021-06-16 14:36 | Report Abuse

Well no doubt of Bentings prospects …the political apathy and slumber is destroying Malaysia PLc…..but look ahead things will improve for the better and Demand for Genting products will be high as people look to spend and be free again!


2021-06-16 14:25 | Report Abuse

As the economy recovers and GDP grows the beneficiaries are Banks ….all the world banks have made good recovery post Covid…and there is plenty to go and is a favoured asset allocation. International investment will return to malaysian banks…why CIMB was hit hard by corporate failures in Singapore and bank made some conservative bad debt provisions…CIMB of all malaysian banks has most to recover …with 2-4 view which could take it back to high 6-700 ringit mark…


2021-06-16 14:21 | Report Abuse

HSBC is a U.K. listed bank that makes 87% of its profits from HK and China and has been looking to restructure and pull from its 120-140 country operations. Rumour has it may relocate to HK. It’s share price has been under pressure for some years now….and looking to rationalise it business strategy by reducing or pulling out of unprofitable locations.


2021-06-14 23:42 | Report Abuse

Such low valuation ….can’t stay at this price for sure ! Rest of teh markets bank shares are on peak valuation …. Very disappointing …combination of lots of things.


2021-06-14 20:27 | Report Abuse

EY will teach KPMG to find suppliers and customers addresses and add the debtors correctly? What a carry on!