Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we canât really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded
Blog Posts
2023-10-13 10:31 | Report Abuse
More than 90% of investors lose money because they do not read and understand financial report: P&L, Balance Sheet and Cashflow Statement.
That is why I consistent copy and paste of thn financial numbers so that i3 readers can have some understanding on the financial numbers or else you will be conned by the pump and dump conman to chase high.
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Oct 13, 2023 10:08 AM | Report Abuse
So the consistent copy and paste of thn financial numbers during the past three years was just an absurb act after all
2023-10-13 09:34 | Report Abuse
CapA expand too fast with cheap ticket and aim to capture the whole Asean market.
Stony was played out in India market by the JV partner. Poker man can't delivered the promised AA China. AA Japan JV partner choice bankruptcy and AA philippine JV partner pass the hot potato with billion in liabilities back to Stony. What else can Stony do?
2023-10-13 09:14 | Report Abuse
To be fair to CapA, covid-19 is responsible and most likely the last straw that broke the camel's back is weakening RM and increasing interest rate.
2023-10-13 08:42 | Report Abuse
Posted by i3lurker > Oct 13, 2023 8:02 AM | Report Abuse
These parasites are getting more and more frantic daily as CapA continues to fail
Agree with i3lurker, these parasites/conman will flood the whole capA forum with cut and paste gibberish in the hope that no one will able to see our opinions, figure and fact on what went wrong in capA.
2023-10-13 08:34 | Report Abuse
Bigpay give loan too maybe capA can borrow some money from bigpay.
2023-10-13 08:22 | Report Abuse
The interest rate charged by ICL is in accordance with the Moneylending Act, which is not more than 12% p.a. for secured loans and not more than 18% p.a. for unsecured loans.
Everyone is welcome to borrow money from Insas credit and leasing.
Posted by xskyriver > Oct 12, 2023 8:15 PM | Report Abuse
USD400m la, not 200m...
Maybe Insas lend CapA.
2023-10-13 07:56 | Report Abuse
Borrowings (cont’d.)
(i) Term loans and revolving credits
During the financial year, a subsidiary of the Group obtained a term loan facility amounting to USD75 million (equivalent to RM331 million) from a non-financial institution.
In the previous financial year, a subsidiary of the Group obtained a working capital loan from a non-financial institution amounting to USD150 million (equivalent to RM623 million) of which the loan has been fully drawn
as at 31 December 2022. The working capital loan has a bullet repayment due 60 months after the first drawdown and interests are payable quarterly.
(ii) Convertible loan note
In the previous financial year, a subsidiary of the Group secured an investment of up to USD100 million (equivalent to RM415 million) convertible notes at a coupon rate of 6% per annum from SK Group, a South Korean conglomerate. The convertible loan notes will be converted into preference shares in a subsidiary within one year upon approval obtained from regulators.
(iii) Other facilities
During the financial year, a subsidiary of the Company secured a Predelivery Payment (“PDP”) financing at a net borrowing amount of USD102.5 million (equivalent to RM448 million) from a non-financial institution.
In the previous financial year, the Company completed the renounceable rights issue (“Rights Issue”) of RM974,513,219 in nominal value of 7-year redeemable convertible unsecured islamic debt securities (“RCUIDS”) at nominal value of RM0.75 each based on the Shariah principal of Murabahah (via “Tawarruq Arrangement”) comprising 1,299,350,959 RCUIDS together with 649,675,479 free detachable warrants (“Warrants”) on the basis of 2 RCUIDS with 1 warrant for every 6 ordinary shares in the Company following the listing and quotation on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. The Rights Issue is constituted by a trust deed dated 18 November 2021.
The salient features of the RCUIDS are as follows:
(a) The profit rate for the RCUIDS is 8% per annum, computed based on the nominal value of the outstanding
RCUIDS and payable quarterly in arrears;
(b) The RCUIDS shall be convertible into new ordinary shares of the Company by surrendering for cancellation RM0.75 nominal value of one RCUIDS for one new ordinary share of the Company at any time on and after 31 December 2021 (“Issue Date”) up to 31 December 2028 (“Maturity Date”)
2023-10-12 18:49 | Report Abuse
Feel free to enjoy reading about me.
2023-10-12 18:40 | Report Abuse
2Q2023 Current liabilities RM 14,208,631,000, current assets RM 2,269,900,000, net current liabilities RM (11,938,731,000), what is CapitalA plan funding in the next 12 months to meet the obligation of net current liabilities of RM (11,938,731,000)?
2023-10-12 18:31 | Report Abuse
It must be someone fault for saying AAX QR result : more than RM 6.0 Billion Borrowing became RM 5.0 in The Next QR result …
Being Audited le …
and now banks do not wants to lend money to capA
Posted by johnlim1001 > Oct 12, 2023 1:47 PM | Report Abuse
After Tony playing the same trick like what he did on AAX, forcing debtors to accept 0.5% of repayment as settlement, Capital A will be a equity positive company and can get the PN17 lifted.
2023-10-12 18:26 | Report Abuse
So now even banks and financial institutions also afraid to lend money to capA and capA need to tap into private credit funds to refinance debt?
Budget carrier AirAsia, a part of the Capital A Bhd group, is seeking a US$400 million (RM1.8 billion) loan, half of it from private credit funds, to refinance debt, according to people familiar with the matter.
2023-10-12 17:06 | Report Abuse
Johnchew5 Hoho Konartist sslleee .. scroll up to see my earlier posts … in AAX QR result : more than RM 6.0 Billion Borrowing became RM 5.0 in The Next QR result …
Being Audited le …
No bank is so stupiiid to lend more than RM 6 billion to AAX and then accept 0.5 sen per RM 1.00 owed.
So can so stupiiid name me which banks lend more than RM 6 billion to AAX?
2023-10-12 14:27 | Report Abuse
I expect everyone will run to the exit door if and when Bursa reject capA request for the extension to submit PN17 regularisation and Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company on the 6th market day after the date of notification of suspension by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company's right to appeal against the delisting
2023-10-12 14:14 | Report Abuse
Soon there will be many disgruntled capA shareholders.
2023-10-12 13:53 | Report Abuse
Stony tell you capA PN17 is just an accounting issue, you believe. When Stony tell you PN17 regularisation plan will be ready by 7 Jan 2023, then 7July 2023 then 7 Oct 2023 then 31 Dec 2023, you also believe. When Stony tell you Q2 end June 2023 Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest RM 1,369.258 million, you also believe.
But then why you do not believe that CapA financials is real and tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that CapA is making losses flying people and heavy losses on foreign cirrency translation diffrence of RM 1,576 million?
By the way do you believe sooo stupiid conman claimed that AAX Borrowing over RM 6.0 Billion is settled.. . 0.5 sen for every dollar owed.
2023-10-12 13:13 | Report Abuse
Someone is promoting Jaks and capA day and night with misleading ,misinformation and fabricated half past six financial informationan trying to con people to buy jaks and capA.
No prizes for guessing what he been up to.
2023-10-12 11:58 | Report Abuse
Even if extension is approved and come 31 Dec 2023 there will be another request for extension. So when will Bursa say enough is enough?
2023-10-12 10:54 | Report Abuse
MFRS 16 has been adopted by the Group from 1 January 2019 using the modified retrospective
transition approach, which measures the lease liabilities based on the present value of future lease
payments calculated using the incremental borrowing rate and exchange rate at date of transition.
Lease payments would be split into principal and interest payments, using the effective interest
Correspondingly, the right-of-use ("ROU") assets is based on the present value of the liability at
the commencement date of the lease, adding any directly attributable costs. The ROU asset will be
depreciated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the lease term and the useful life of the leased asset.
2023-10-12 10:34 | Report Abuse
It only show CapA did not make money flying people.
RASK is USc 4.22 and CASK and CASK ex-Fuel, which stood at USc 5.01 and USc 3.32.
CapA need to compete with region low cost carriers.
Scoot, Jetstar, citi-link, firefly, Cebu Pacific, Lion Air, Batik and etc
2023-10-12 10:06 | Report Abuse
If Bursa reject capA request for the third extension to submit PN17 regularisation plan to 31 Dec 2023 then Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company on the 6th market day after the date of notification of suspension by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company's right to appeal against the delisting
2023-10-12 09:52 | Report Abuse
Orderbook of 362 aircraft to be delivered over the next 12 years, beginning 2024. Of the 362, financing is secured for 73 aircraft through Sales and Leaseback (SLB) arrangement with several lessors.
So capA unable to get bank borrowing to finance the aircraft order and need to finance thro' Sales and Leaseback (SLB) with lessors.
So someone actually do not know what is lease liabilitiees and ROU.
Do he know what is
Finance costs – lease liabilities
Depreciation of right of use asset
Cash ow from operating activities
net cash flow used in financing activities
By the way under MFRS 16:
(i) On the Consolidated Income Statement, expenses which were previously included under aircraft operating leases will be replaced by finance costs – lease liabilities and depreciation of right of use asset;
(ii) On the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, operating lease rental outflows, previously recorded within net cash flow from operating activities, are classified as “net cash flow used in financing activities” for repayment of principal of lease liabilities.
2023-10-12 09:29 | Report Abuse
Non Current Assets :
PPE. 273,041,000
What kind of PPE jaks have?
Most likely will be like Serbadk impairment of PPE coming.
2023-10-12 09:18 | Report Abuse
And Q4 will be another Q to Q drop due to impairment of receivables and goodwill.
2023-10-12 09:14 | Report Abuse
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Oct 12, 2023 9:01 AM | Report Abuse
Jaks coming QR is expected to be better
Coming quarter is expected to be Q to Q drop due to RM12.69M of LTIP expenses will only be charged to Q3 2023 under other operating, administrative expenses.
2023-10-12 08:58 | Report Abuse
By the way impairment of receivables did complied with approved accounting standards and can be used as a legal way to whitewash accounting fraud or siphoning listed company money to relate party, friendly party or to own private company.
2023-10-12 08:49 | Report Abuse
FY 2022: FY2021
RM'000, RM'000
Revenue 89,794 108,145
Cost of Sales(74,650) (89,361)
Gross Profit 15,144 18,784
Other Operating Income 3,709 4,535
Other Operating, Administrative Expenses (113,524) (111,758)
Operating Loss before finance cost (94,671) (88,439)
Finance cost (24,383) (21,980)
Operating Loss after finance cost (119,054) (110,419)
No Wander yearly issued either RI or PP to get money from shareholders to pay Other Operating, Administrative Expenses and Finance cost...
Ann. Date Date Type Unit Price
07-Sep-2023 08-Sep-2023 Private Placement 80,014,700 0.180 Additional Listing Detail
26-May-2023 29-May-2023 Private Placement 129,017,000 0.185 Additional Listing Detail
30-Jun-2021 01-Jul-2021 Private Placement 272,667,000 0.475 Additional Listing Detail
27-May-2019 28-May-2019 Private Placement 58,465,313 0.700 Additional Listing Detail
29-Mar-2018 30-Mar-2018 Private Placement 49,631,200 1.380 Additional Listing Detail
23-Mar-2017 24-Mar-2017 Private Placement 43,836,100 1.360
13-Oct-2020 26-Oct-2020 RIGHTS_ISSUE Rights Issue 8.0000 : 5.0000
05-Nov-2018 16-Nov-2018 RIGHTS_ISSUE Rights Issue 1 : 2
Know how much other incomes insas have?
FY 2023: FY2022
RM'000, RM'000
Other incomes 94,469 101,489
FY 2022: FY2021
RM'000, RM'000
Revenue 89,794 108,145
Trade and Other Receivables 340,873 344,366
No wonder every year come Q4 impairment of Trade and Other Receivables.
This is what happen the past 4 years.
12 months end 31/12/22: 12 months end 31/12/21
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 29,000: 23,636
Allowance for impairment of receivables 22,833: 20,348
12 months end 31/12/20: 12 months end 31/12/19
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 52,000: 20,365
Allowance for impairment of receivables 69,507: 12,490
2023-10-12 08:34 | Report Abuse
Know why Bank suddenly cut JHDP USD loan repayment period to 10 year?
With IRR of 12% and 75% loan repayment 10 years mean JHDP will have cash flow problem in repaying the 10 year term loan. You can expect no more dividend form JHDP until 2031.
So more PP and RI forthcoming.
2023-10-12 08:24 | Report Abuse
You need CAPEX to modernise/automatic your plants/equipments to increase production capacity, only so stupiiiid is still so primative solely using increase labour to increase production capacity.
So now what happen to PA? Run out of labour to increse production capacity and become more profitable?
The super promoter of PA is now day and night promoting Jaks and refuse to answer question on Jaks yearly impairment of receivables and impairment loss in goodwill and yearly PP and RI
NP to SH
Financial Year: 30-Jun-2023
30-Jun-2023 104,755 13,585 3,322 3,322 0.23 0.1876
31-Mar-2023 84,810 299 239 239 0.02 0.1849
31-Dec-2022 133,848 15,300 12,636 12,636 0.95 0.1843
30-Sep-2022 138,331 15,150 15,150 15,150 1.22 0.1797
Since jaks granted 70,500,000 ordinary shares (“LTIP Shares”) SG. Share grant on 10 july 2023 hence RM12.69M of LTIP expenses will only be charged to Q3 2023 under other operating, administrative expenses.
Hence Q3 2023 NP will be Q to Q and Y to Y drop
Based on past 4 years norm jaks Q4 2023 another Q to Q and Y to Y drop due to impairment on trade and other receivables and impairment loss on goodwill.
This is what happen the past 4 years.
12 months end 31/12/22: 12 months end 31/12/21
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 29,000: 23,636
Allowance for impairment of receivables 22,833: 20,348
12 months end 31/12/20: 12 months end 31/12/19
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 52,000: 20,365
Allowance for impairment of receivables 69,507: 12,490
No bank wants to lend anymore money to Jaks so Jaks every year either PP or RI
Question when will be the next PP or RI and at what price?
Ann. Date
07-Sep-2023 08-Sep-2023 Private Placement 80,014,700 0.180 Additional Listing Detail
26-May-2023 29-May-2023 Private Placement 129,017,000 0.185 Additional Listing Detail
30-Jun-2021 01-Jul-2021 Private Placement 272,667,000 0.475 Additional Listing Detail
27-May-2019 28-May-2019 Private Placement 58,465,313 0.700 Additional Listing Detail
29-Mar-2018 30-Mar-2018 Private Placement 49,631,200 1.380 Additional Listing Detail
23-Mar-2017 24-Mar-2017 Private Placement 43,836,100 1.360
13-Oct-2020 26-Oct-2020 RIGHTS_ISSUE Rights Issue 8.0000 : 5.0000
05-Nov-2018 16-Nov-2018 RIGHTS_ISSUE Rights Issue 1 : 2
2023-10-12 07:40 | Report Abuse
If only I was told that KYY wish to vote out the incompetant BOD and put in his nominees, I would have rally everyone attending the AGM to vote with KYY. Then today jaks price will be abt RM 1.50 (Aseng TP)
2023-10-11 15:27 | Report Abuse
Just need a new top man to plug the rathole/leakage.
Hope our top man DSAI also can do the same for Malaysia.
2023-10-11 15:08 | Report Abuse
Fresh Fruits Bunches (MT)
Quarter end 30 Sept 2023
Quarter end 30 Sept 2022
Quarter end 30 June 2023
2023-10-11 14:50 | Report Abuse
Disclosure On Quarterly Production
Remarks :
This announcement is dated 11 October 2023.
2023-10-11 11:33 | Report Abuse
RASK is USc 4.22 and CASK and CASK ex-Fuel, which stood at USc 5.01 and USc 3.32.
If capA cannot make money from flying people then what do you think the quarter 3 end 30 Sept financial result will be? Where will the profit come from?
2023-10-11 10:50 | Report Abuse
Ann. Date
15-Dec-2022 DIVIDEND Interim Dividend RM 0.0250
29-Nov-2021 DIVIDEND Interim Dividend RM 0.0250
07-Dec-2020 DIVIDEND Interim Dividend RM 0.0200
06-Dec-2019 DIVIDEND Interim Dividend RM 0.0200
04-Dec-2018 DIVIDEND Interim Dividend RM 0.0200
Did jaks pay any dividend before?
2023-10-11 10:33 | Report Abuse
Is that sooooooo stupiiiiiiid someone cannot read nor understand what I posted on:
M&A Securities SDN BHD financial highlight: A 100% holding of Insas before RTO of SYF.
FYE 30 June
2019 2020 2021 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 26,314 36,978 68,906 48,541
Other items of income
15,791 18,646 33,291 28,900
Items of expense (33,353) (42,855) (77,420) (54,632)
PBT 8,752 12,769 24,777 22,809
PAT 6,552 9,172 18,764 17,916
Can anyone understand english kindly explain to sooooo stupiiiiiid why staff expense increase in 2021.
2020 item of expenses RM 42.855 million. PBT RM 12.769 million
2021 item of expenses RM 77.420 million. PBT RM 24.777million
RI of Insas-PB with free Insas-WC is a way to reward shareholders. You can either sell your entitlement or subscribe for the RI
I subscribe for my RI entitlement with 10% excess application and later sold the WC for a 6 digit gain.
Someone is very jeleous I make 6 digit gain from the WC.
Recently bought back some WC because history will repeat again. In the past someone promote PA, and WC rocket pass PA. Now that someone day and night promote Jaks hence WC will/shall rocket pass Jaks soon.
One-off exceptional gain on deemed disposal of equity interest in associate companies of RM 131.3 million.
Do anyone know what is deemed disposal?
Associated co - Inari completed private placement of 10% share at RM 3.10, way above its NTA per share, & insas needs to account for its equity accounting (Inari) share of share capital/reserve increase of RM 131.3 million, purely accounting treatment in compliance with FRS. Non cash flow but increase in assets.
Balance sheet the non current asset associate companies value increase by RM 131.3 million.
Did someone know Jaks every year PP way below NTA?
Insas still hold 537,008,575 inari share (associate company) and
1,215,718,665 M&A an effective holding of 60.83% subsidiary company of Insas.
Know what is the market value of 537,008,575 inari share and 1,215,718,665 M&A share?
Know insas yearly dividend income from Inari alone?
Year end 30/6/2023
Dividend received: RM 56.521 million
Since when a car rental business in Singapore is profitable?
Someone must be smart to dispose capitalA for disposal gain before Covid-19 strike. Only dumb dumb hold Icapital TTB still holding capitalA before covid-19 untill now. Most likely TTB will still dumb dumb hold capitalA till suspension and delist
By the way Omesti is not an Associate company of insas: In balance sheet it is one of many equity investment held in current assets: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, as at 30/6/2023 that assets at mark to market value: RM 222,832,000
As at 30/06/2023
NAPS: RM 3.53
Deposits with licensed banks and financial institutions: RM 943,505,000
Cash and bank balances: RM 104,747,000
Total: RM 1,048,252,000
Cash and bank balance pledged: RM (2,376,000)
Fixed deposits pledged: RM (233,801,000)
Free Fixed deposits and cash and bank balance: RM 812,075,000
Year end 30/6/2023
Interest received: RM 25.349 million
2023 EPS: 18.51 sen
2022 EPS: 32.44 sen
2021 EPS : 37.06 sen
Know what is EPS of Jaks for the past 3 financial year?
2023-10-11 07:15 | Report Abuse
The current quarter recorded a gain of RM1,369.3 million from remeasurement of an associate to subsidiary, Asia Aviation Public Company Limited Group (“AAV”), in June 2023 and foreign exchange loss
of RM158.6 million due to the appreciation of USD against the local currencies of the Group during the quarter.
The foreign currency translation difference in 2Q2023 of RM 1,576.9 million recognised in the foreign exchange reserve, mainly arising from translation of lease liabilities and receivables/prepayment denominated in USD.
All the lease liabilities, current, non current maintenance and prepayment for maintenance are in USD. All USD borrowing and the above will be remeasured each quarter based on quarter USD to MYR exchange rate. If year end USD to MYR rate is abt 4.8+ then the foreign currency translation difference most likely will be RM 2 billion.
2023-10-10 13:00 | Report Abuse
Quarter 1 end 31/3/2023
Group Revenue : RM2.5 billion
Group EBITDA & Profit after tax : RM502 million & RM26 million
RASK, CASK & CASK ex-fuel : USc 4.51, USc 4.49 & USc 2.54
Activated aircraft : 157 (142 operating and 15 spare aircraft)
Quarter 2 end 30/6/2023
Encouraging trend in international travel activity boosted the aviation business segmental revenue to RM2.9 billion and an EBITDA of RM405 million.
The lower fares are complemented by an increase in ancillary revenue, where ancillary revenue per pax stood at RM49, leading to RASK of USc 4.22, 17% lower YoY.
CASK and CASK ex-Fuel, which stood at USc 5.01 and USc 3.32
So simple question if your RASK is USc 4.22 and CASK and CASK ex-Fuel, which stood at USc 5.01 and USc 3.32. Do you make profit or lose in flying people?
2023-10-10 07:58 | Report Abuse
Feel free to enjoy reading about me.
2023-10-09 17:40 | Report Abuse
What to jealous?
When someone still stay in parent house, get his pocket money from his parent, no job, no wife, no children and not friends. What a pity!
2023-10-09 17:31 | Report Abuse
UOB KAY HIAN TP 88 sen. So do this mean capA close at 92.5 sen has another 4.5 sen to drop to UOB KAY HIAN TP of 88 sen?
2023-10-09 15:43 | Report Abuse
Trade and other payables
As at 30/6/2023 RM million
As at 31/12/2022 RM million
Other payables 288.0 280.8
Trade payables 1,226.0 1,242.9
Other payables 895.8 410.8
Accruals for fuel 327.5 127.0
Others 1,487.0 1,097.9
3,936.3 2,878.6
Other payables and accruals include accruals for operational expenses and passenger service
charges payable to airport authorities.
So do you think capA pay their trade and othe payables on time?
2023-10-09 14:48 | Report Abuse
Show lah with your big banner if you have RM 10m worth in investment. Else, you are acting just like a conman. 🤣🤣🤣
2023-10-09 07:04 | Report Abuse
Someone staying in parent house and get his pocket money from parent got RM10m for investment??? You must be kidding.
Posted by StingRay > 12 hours ago | Report Abuse
I read that this conman aedes got RM10m wor. But look at his recommended counters lah. Jaks, PA, RGTech and JKGLand. All penny stock leh. I have plenty of friends also millionaire. They don't talk about penny stock leh. They talk more on golf, travel, food etc. For investment, they talk about buying properties and blue chip. Mana ada talk about speculating penny stock loh? 🤣
2023-10-08 18:29 | Report Abuse
What happens next after Israel-Palestian worst conflict in 50 years?
Oil price and US currency?
The current situation is fluid. And where would oil price go depends a lot on how Israel responds to Hamas.
1. If Israel concludes that Iran is behind, be prepared to see oil price above USD 100-120 per barrel.
2. US is expected to tighten up sanctions on Iranian oil.
3. Due to inflation fighting, the US has been closing one eye on Iranian oil exports. Iran oil exports surged in 2023.
4. When the world is at war USD will strengthen.
So my advise avoid capA.
2023-10-08 18:02 | Report Abuse
Since when investors in CapA become religion, all religions are based on faith; that is belief without evidence. There were no rationalizations in religion. If Stony tell you capA PN17 is just an accounting issue, you believe. When Stony tell you PN17 regularisation plan will be ready by 7 Jan 2023, then 7July 2023 then 7 Oct 2023 then 31 Dec 2023, you also believe. When Stony tell you Q2 end June 2023 Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest RM 1,369.258 million, you also believe.
But then why you do not believe that CapA financials is real and tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that CapA is making heavy losses?
i3lurker No wonder the panic guy claimed stony is a liar
and stony produces fake accounts showing massive losses...
If CapA accounts show massive losses,
why should panic guy claim that CapA making massive profits ????????????????
and panic guy claim that stony lied and commits criminal fraud????????????????
should be called panic weird guy instead.
Likely liar and criminal fraud is the panic weird guy instead
CapA financials show CapA make heavy losses, no money to pay lease rentals.
Nothing fake about CapA financials
CapA financials show the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
2023-10-08 11:28 | Report Abuse
CapA financial is in dire situation. Beside taking in billion in advance sales still need addition term loan of USD 150 million for working capital.
2023-10-08 11:12 | Report Abuse
Listed companies need to submit their quarterly financial report not latest then 2 months after qurter end date. I have not see any financial quarterly report not accepted or rejected by Bursa SC.
Agree with i3lurker, CapA financials tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that CapA is making heavy losses.
Especially the forex loss RM1.5 Billion will become more than RM2 Billion losses by end 2024.
Note: It will be RM 2 billion by end 2023 if RM to USD weaken to 4. 8
Presented with same set of financial figure/data most likely than not Company IR/Management and IBs Analyst will interpret the figure/data not by their professional unbiased opinion to tell the truth but by their biased view bending the truth to accommodate company or IBs vested interest narrative as fact
This is why there is this saying “Figure don’t lie, but liars figure” I can’t blame the Company IR/ Management or IBs analyst as they get their salary and bonus from their employers. Hence it is important to make IBs analyst and Company IR/Management accountable and answerable to investors’ enquiry
2023-10-08 10:35 | Report Abuse
Is geary a masochists who enjoy suffering?
Posted by i3lurker > 15 hours ago | Report Abuse
They cater to a subsegment of masochists who enjoy suffering.
Before you con them, you cane them to give them pain. 🤣
Posted by Sslee > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
All conmen are very nice. 😘
Exception: Mike-tikus and Johnny
2023-10-13 10:37 | Report Abuse
By the way, CapA financial report is real and tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth unlike Serbadk financial report with accounting fraud/fake accounting.