
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-02-28 10:31 | Report Abuse

Bananas, yellow on the outside and white on the inside. This fruit is often a cheeky way some Asian-Canadians/Americans describe themselves when they have been assimilated into the Canadian/Americans culture, and find themselves caught between the stereotypes of two identities.

But in China content, it refer to those who speak and write in Chinese but think whiteman is superior and whiteman can do no wrong/harm.


2023-02-28 10:10 | Report Abuse

No need a long lecture just to avoid answering a direct question.


2023-02-28 09:26 | Report Abuse

The 1992 Consensus was rejected by the current leader of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, who associated it with one country, two systems in a 2019 speech.

So now who is trying to change the status quo?

The 1992 Consensus is a political term referring to the alleged outcome of a meeting in 1992 between the semiofficial representatives of the People's Republic of China (PRC) of mainland China and the Republic of China (ROC) of Taiwan. They are often credited as creating a diplomatic basis for semi-official cross-strait exchanges which began in the early 1990s and is a precondition set by the PRC for engaging in cross-strait dialogue.

(一中各表, 一個中國各自表述)


2023-02-28 09:15 | Report Abuse

Have you sold your Dutchlady? Dutchlady can never compete with Nestle.


2023-02-28 09:02 | Report Abuse

Shanghai Communiqué
The first communiqué (February 28, 1972), known as the Shanghai Communiqué, summarizes the landmark dialogue begun by President Richard Nixon and Premier Zhou Enlai during February 1972. Some of the issues addressed in this communiqué include the two sides' views on Vietnam, the Korean Peninsula, India and Pakistan and the Kashmir region, and perhaps most importantly, the Taiwan (Republic of China) issue (i.e., Taiwan's political status). Essentially, both sides agreed to respect each other's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States formally acknowledged that "all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China".


2023-02-28 09:00 | Report Abuse

Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

The second communiqué (January 1, 1979), the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, formally announces the commencement of normal relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China. In so doing, the United States recognized that the government of the People's Republic of China was the sole legal government of China, and acknowledged the PRC's position that Taiwan is part of China.[2] In addition, the United States government declared that it would end formal political relations with the Republic of China ("Taiwan") while preserving economic and cultural ties. Both sides reaffirmed their wish to reduce the risk of international conflict as well as avoidance of hegemony of any nation in the Asia-Pacific region


2023-02-28 08:56 | Report Abuse

Why Nato need to expand Eastward untill Russia boundary?

Know what happen when Russia try to put some missiles in Cuba?


2023-02-28 08:52 | Report Abuse

What is the status wuo of Taiwan and who is trying to change the satus quo?


2023-02-28 08:40 | Report Abuse

Good morning Philip,
Your explanation accepted.

By the way I did not wrote multiple articles about hrc. I only wrote some or maybe many comments to support someone articles/calculation that are base on public available information on diesel, mogas and jet fuel crack spread.

I am a bit reckless in doing so as I thought I can make some quick money to support my second son purchase of an apartment in Singapore.


2023-02-28 07:46 | Report Abuse

Insas core business is in M&A securities (broking, IPO, PP, RI, M&A advisory and underwriter services)
Insas credit and leasing(loans cor VVIP)

These core bisiness need a lot of cash reserve.

News & Blogs

2023-02-27 18:33 | Report Abuse

*中國外長 王毅 * :我國要做好準備面對未來三年的【十大殘酷現實】!!


  第一大殘酷現實: 中美關係是所有關係中的關鍵和核心 ,有一萬個理由可以證明搞好中美關係的重要性, *中國沒有成本優勢與美國對抗*。
  不是說中國怕美國,而是不值得玩對抗﹔在對待美國霸權問題上, 中國必須要運用智慧 。防止失聯朋友圈更精彩你可以討厭美國、不喜歡美國、恨美國, *但不要影響去重視美國*。不是因為覺得美國好才與他搞好關係,僅僅是因為 美國是“老大” ,是 遊戲規則的制定者 ,是 中國最大的消費市場 ,這是 一個殘酷的現實和事實 ,你不服不行。

  第二大殘酷現實: 現在的中國可以影響世界,但不能左右世界 。目前能夠左右世界的只有美國,這個現實我們必須要接受。要知道:影響世界的國家有許多,況且這種影響也是有階段性的,你在影響別人的同時,別人 *也在影響你。世界萬物都是彼此影響的,所以 不要有優越感 。優越感會造成 盲目自信 ,自信過頭就是 *自負*,自負過頭就會 *自命不凡*,最後只能是 自作多情 和 自認倒霉 了。

第三大殘酷現實: “中國模式”僅僅適用於中國 。
  中國的高速發展是不能被複製制的。因為中國的歷史別國是沒有的,我們所受到的曲折、痛苦和折磨在人類歷史上是少有的,中國現在的發展模式是結合了中國國情而形成的一種模式。所以,不要動不動就想推銷“中國模式”,別人 *不會接受*,也會 水土不服 。

  第四大殘酷現實: 不要輕言戰爭 。
  如果40年前中國說不怕戰爭,那是一種底氣,因為我們窮,光腳的不怕穿鞋的。但,如果你現在還說“不怕戰爭”,那是一種虛張聲勢。因為你已經“相當”富裕,你的北上廣深大城市已經與世界上任何大城市可以媲美。“羅馬城不是一日建成的”,但 “毀掉羅馬城瞬間就可以實現” 。
  美國人是世界上最怕戰爭的,因為他有最繁華的城市群,所以美國要發展世上最強大的軍隊,目的就是要 “拒戰爭於萬里之外” ,絕不讓戰爭在本土發生。中國現在還沒有這個能力,中國若與強大的敵人戰爭,必然是 *本土戰爭*,我們壯大軍隊不是渴望戰爭,而是要 *防止把戰爭引入家門*/。

  第五大殘酷現實: 中國永遠都是一個發展中的國家 。
  我們的朋友圈永遠在第三世界。要牢記:西方那些發達國家是不會帶我們玩的,在他們的眼中 永遠有“優越感” 。 *西方永遠瞧不起我們的價值觀*,永遠認為中國“落後”。在西方人眼裡,永遠都存在 “東西方差異” 。千萬不要認為可以融入西方世界,天真地認為可以與 西方平起平坐 ,中國與歐美僅僅是 生意關係 ,是 做不了真朋友的 。

  第六大殘酷現實 不要主動去向世界承諾什麼,更不要用錢去買地位,充當世界領袖 。
  真正的領袖都不是主動申請的,而是 受命於危難 ,都是 被人強推上位的 。所以,領袖不好當,吃力不討好。如果你成了世界領袖,那麼必須要放棄許多,全世界都要跟你玩“貿易順差”,你卻又不敢有脾氣。如果這領袖好當, 美國就不會混的現在這麼慘了 (在川普眼裡,美國混的最慘,是世界級的大傻瓜)。

  第七大殘酷現實: 中國已經回不去了 ,不可能因為“摸著石子過河”陷入了深水區就妄想退回去。
  時光不會倒流,不可能因為害怕風險而停止這場遊戲。從開始打開國門的那一天起,我們注定沒有回頭路可走, 國門必須是越開越大,陷阱必然是越走越多 。 *不能輕言放棄*,更 *不能 “好了傷疤忘了疼”*。

  第八大殘酷現實: 不能為了追求“多快好省”而“超速上癮” ,不要動不動就犯“大躍進”的毛病, 不要炫耀所謂“彎道超車” 。

  不是因為你技術好,僅僅是一種僥倖。遵守規則從來就不是墨守陳規,講究信用也不是呆傻愚鈍。所有投機取巧的鑽空子結果都會是互相傷害, 出來混總要還的,越強大的人越把規則當生命看待 。

  第九大殘酷現實: 你今天超越了別人,明天別人就會超越你 。超越強者不是為了證明你的強大,而是要讓民眾享受到做強者的好處。
事實證明:*真正聰明的人願意永遠是一個追隨者*,而 不願意成為一個超越者 。也許你覺得韜光養晦無法顯出英雄本色,但低調做人恰恰是深藏不露高手的基本素質。

第十大殘酷現實: 所有用錢買來的朋友都靠不住 。
“誰是我們的敵人?誰是我們的朋友?這是革命的首要問題”,真正的朋友恰恰是經常公開爭吵的、互相懟罵的。在你渴望用錢去收買別人的時候,一不小心就被別人利用了。真正強大的國家不是因為錢多而吸引別人,而是你的 價值信仰 和 執政理念 *深深讓人折服*。
  現實往往都是 殘酷 的,甚至是 殘忍 的。但是,許多時候並不是因為殘酷而使人不敢正視現實,僅僅是因為 缺乏自信而曲解了現實 。


News & Blogs

2023-02-27 17:08 | Report Abuse

In case Taiwan cross the red line what China need to do is just announcement of civil war and enforced a total sea and air blockage around Taiwan island without sending any invading troops into Taiwan.

Any foreign countries ships or planes violated the sea and air blockage line will be shoot down/destroy by China anti ship and air missiles.

Then we can have popcorn and watching the sea and air battle.


2023-02-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

Investment is about emotional control more than anything else???
If I am not mistaken one upon a time investment was buy what you understand!!!


2023-02-27 11:15 | Report Abuse

Sometime I forgot what I have order, so I just eat what is sent to me.
Afterall at my age everything look alike and taste almost the same.

Anyway thanks for the useful information next time will insist the right order is send to me.


2023-02-27 09:37 | Report Abuse

Those with no holding in Insas and have nothing useful information on Insas will you please not littering insas forum and go some where else to pass your time.


2023-02-27 09:07 | Report Abuse

PRefChem's polymer lines shut after explosion at Malaysia's Pengerang ...
Oct 28, 2022 — Its naphtha-fed steam cracker can produce 1,260,000 mt/year of ethylene, 250,000 mt/year of propylene and 185,000 mt/year of butadiene


2023-02-27 08:56 | Report Abuse

China is expected to register the highest ethylene capacity additions in Asia contributing about 61% share of the region’s capacity additions by 2030, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

GlobalData’s report, ‘Ethylene Market Capacity and Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Forecast by Region, Top Countries and Companies, Feedstock, Key Planned and Announced Projects, 2021-2030’ reveals that China would have 30 new-build and expansion projects with capacity additions of about 38.53 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) by 2030.

Teja Pappoppula, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, says: “Majority of the capacity additions in China are from Shandong Yulong Petrochemical Longkou Ethylene Plant 2, with the capacity of 5.2 mtpa. It is expected to commence production of ethylene by 2030.”

Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Quanzhou Ethylene Plant 2 is the second highest plant in terms of capacity additions with a capacity of 3.40 mtpa by 2026. It is operated by Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co Ltd.

Shandong Yulong Petrochemical Longkou Ethylene Plant 1 is the third highest contributor in terms of capacity additions in the country with the capacity of 3.0 mtpa. It is expected to commence ethylene production by 2025.


2023-02-27 08:46 | Report Abuse

SINGAPORE, Feb 22 (Reuters) - China's Sinopec Corp (600028.SS) said on Wednesday it has completed trial runs at a one million tonnes-per-year ethylene plant in the southern Chinese province of Hainan that will boost exports.

Reporting by Chen Aizhu; Editing by Tom Hogue and Elaine Hardcastle


2023-02-27 07:23 | Report Abuse

About 42 MTA of ethylene capacity is expected to be added from 2022 to 2026 (including potential new projects), with China contributing about 19 MTA of confirmed capacity (or 58 percent of the global total), followed by North America at about five MTA (or 15 percent of the global total).

The expected capacity additions will lead to an increasing mismatch between supply and demand, given that the forecast capacity growth exceeds demand growth of 3 percent per year. The imbalance could further affect utilization and ultimately product profit margins. Ethylene operating rates in the coming years are expected to fall when the new capacity comes onstream. A drop in utilization could lead to lower margins, based on the historical correlation between margin and global operating rate.

In the longer term, ethylene utilization rates and product margins are expected to improve in the second half of this decade. Industry conduct and investment behavior will govern the extent of improvement. However, the state of the industry now and in the short term is not as bright, emphasizing the value of performance excellence for the longer term.


2023-02-27 06:22 | Report Abuse

I3lurker is just setting up bait to trap someone that can only afford penny stocks. No prize to guess who is that someone.


2023-02-26 19:09 | Report Abuse

Green methanol coming.

Green methanol is a low-carbon fuel that can be made from either biomass gasification or renewable electricity and captured carbon dioxide (CO2).


2023-02-26 19:02 | Report Abuse

I am hoping for next two bad quarters to push down the price so that I can collect cheaply.


2023-02-26 17:44 | Report Abuse

And what is icap director trying to say with purchase of 1,000 units from open market?

Director's Particular:
Details of Changes:
Currency -
Date of Change Type Number of Shares Price
20-Feb-2023 Acquired 1,000 2.075
Registered Name Public Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of Interest Direct Interest
Consideration 2,075.62
Nature of Interest Direct Interest
Shares Ordinary Shares
Reason Acquisition of 1,000 ordinary shares on 20 February 2023 through open market.
Consideration -
Total no of securities after change
Direct (units) 1,000
Direct (%) 0.00
Indirect (units) 0
Indirect (%) 0.00
Total (units) 1,000
Total (%) 0.00
Date of Notice 20-Feb-2023


2023-02-26 17:34 | Report Abuse

I am just trying to be funny that if investment is based on NAV or NAPS then it will be very much easy.


2023-02-26 15:09 | Report Abuse

And dividend last year 2.5 cents


2023-02-26 15:08 | Report Abuse

Insas Q2 end 31th Dec 2022 EPS 7.2 cents, NAPS is RM 3.35 and Share price RM 0.77 so how many % discount to NAPS?


2023-02-26 13:13 | Report Abuse

Expecting first half of 2023 to be challenging. So any bet on the next 2 quarters result?


2023-02-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

Mohd Yusri said the reopening of China and relaxation of its Covid Zero policy are positive for the chemicals sector, especially for polymers and olefins, which have seen a slight recovery in recent weeks.

"Nevertheless, we remain cautious, as prices of petrochemical products will continue to fluctuate.

“For example, prices of urea have unexpectedly declined sharply, despite the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. We expect the first half of 2023 to be challenging, as we continue to face slow demand and higher costs due to inflation, particularly for our business in Europe and the US.”


2023-02-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

Mohd Yusri said the reopening of China and relaxation of its Covid Zero policy are positive for the chemicals sector, especially for polymers and olefins, which have seen a slight recovery in recent weeks.

"Nevertheless, we remain cautious, as prices of petrochemical products will continue to fluctuate.

“For example, prices of urea have unexpectedly declined sharply, despite the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. We expect the first half of 2023 to be challenging, as we continue to face slow demand and higher costs due to inflation, particularly for our business in Europe and the US.”


2023-02-26 09:30 | Report Abuse

Urea futures extended losses to below $400 per tonne, the lowest since June 2021, as farmers continued to enjoy ample supply and large inventories limited demand. The increased availability of natural gas in Europe amid a moderate winter and abundant LNG imports enabled manufacturers to restart production with significantly cheaper inputs and farmers to restock concerningly low fertilizer reserves. In the meantime, major importer India scooped up Russian fertilizers at discounted prices after the Kremlin snubbed export to Europe, freeing the flow from the Middle East to Eurasia. Additionally, abundant inventories in Brazil ahead of new seeding seasons cut the demand for one of the world’s leading agricultural producers. Previously, shortages of energy feedstock in Europe drove fertilizer manufacturers to shut down or operate well below capacity, which sent urea prices to a record-high of $1050 per tonne in April.


2023-02-26 07:34 | Report Abuse

I subscribe with 10% excess application for Insas-PB with free Insas-WC. Later I sold all PB and WC and bought Insas that push my holding to top 30 shareholders list.

This year my salarly will go toward sponsoring my second son purchase of apartment in Singapore.

So this year I will only do some portfolio rebalancing.


2023-02-26 07:03 | Report Abuse

I have plantation, steel, O&G, energy and value theme play in my portfolio. The only thing is I know how to buy but don't know when to sale.


2023-02-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

I am worry for Philip when he went to Maybank forum and promote Pchem.
Luckily someone poke many holes in Philip argument.

Philip ( buy what you understand) the funny thing if we think about it,

DPS | DY | Payout %
48.00 Cent | 5.75% | 48.61% - PCHEM
57.36 Cent | 6.56% | 85.10% - Maybank

MBB is giving out 85.1% of its profits and can only give 57.36 cents of profits to shareholders, while pchem only gives out half its profits at 48.6% and still pay out 48 cents, the difference is pchem is selling to the entire south east asia while mbb is only allowed to do business mainly in malaysia. Pchem can still grow much much more while pay out a good dividend with more money to spare for growth and is only 66 billion, which is a fraction of the value of its worldwide competitiors with incredible profit margins and lack of competitors. if korea can give 10 year bonuses to its refinery staff, how about pchem?
01/02/2023 1:30 PM

prudentinvestor Investors are giving Maybank a higher valuation than Petronas Chem for some reasons. Maybank's earnings over the past 12/13 years has been very consistent, averaging around 70 sen a share. Dividend per share has never dipped below 50 sen, averaging about 56 sen a share. PChem earned only 20 sen share in 2020 and 35 sen in 2019. Its eps exceeded 90 sen in 2021 and I expect it to exceed 90 sen again in 2022, all because of high oil prices. DPS for 2019 was 18 sen and for 2020 was 12 sen. Just can't compare with Maybank.
01/02/2023 3:59 PM


2023-02-25 13:06 | Report Abuse

TQVM i3lurker for the information.


2023-02-25 10:55 | Report Abuse

Insas q2 EPS 7.2 cents.
Yesterday bought some ytlpower share.


2023-02-24 19:40 | Report Abuse

I already cut loss all my HY except 500 units to qualify myself as shareholder. So no harm done, just learn my lesson again never trust mainland china man.


2023-02-24 19:27 | Report Abuse

What you expect when someone can only afford to buy 200 units of Hengyuan?


2023-02-24 19:22 | Report Abuse

Same reason why Philip buy Harta and expecting dividend every quarter and averaging down at low prices. Bravo.


2023-02-24 19:10 | Report Abuse

Current :Preceding :Current :Preceding
Year: Year :Year: Year
Quarter :Quarter :To-date :To-date
31-Dec-2022 :31-Dec-2021 :31-Dec-2022 :31-Dec-2021
RM'000 :RM'000 :RM'000 :RM'000
Revenue: 45,850: 18,545: 89,794 :108,145
Cost of Sales: (35,353): (16,434): (74,650): (89,361)
Gross Profit: 10,497: 2,111: 15,144 :18,784
Other Operating Income: 1,851: 3,018: 3,709: 4,535
Other Operating, Administrative Expenses: (56,509): (66,289): (113,524): (111,758)
Operating Loss before finance cost: (44,161): (61,160): (94,671): (88,439)
Finance cost: (7,616): (5,257): (24,383): (21,980)
Operating Loss after finance cost: (51,777): (66,417): (119,054): (110,419)
Share of Profit in Joint Venture: 46,173: 30,012: 156,190: 140,713
Profit/(Loss) Before Taxation: (5,604): (36,405): 37,136: 30,294
Taxation: (393): (54): (897): (545)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period: (5,997): (36,459): 36,239: 29,749

How to make money when your other operating, Administrative expenses is more than revenue?
Must be MikeCheatYouCrazy spent too much money on massage girls.


2023-02-24 17:51 | Report Abuse

Dividend received from Joint Venture company 70,120 -


2023-02-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

Petrol stations should make money.
The refining loss due to using more expensive low sulfur crude and Q4 2022 mogas92 crack spread is negative.
Did not understand why derivatives loss RM 63 million?
Inventories write down RM 18.75 million.

Mogas92 crack spread is negative in Q4 so expected refining lossing money.
Jan and Feb 2023 mogas92 crack spread already improve to USD10+
Will monitor Q1 2023 result.


2023-02-24 09:35 | Report Abuse

Every airline take the opportunity to do debts restructuring to start a clean Balance Sheet. Only Stony continues sell assets, PP and cash call to keep CapitalA afloat because of his big ego and talking big about his superApp worth USD billion.

KLIA, 13 May 2022: Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) has emerged as the winning entity for ‘Restructuring Deal of the Year’ at the Airline Economics’ The Aviation 100 Deals of the Year Awards 2022 following the successful restructuring exercise, which saw the Group reduce its liabilities of over RM15 billion and eliminating RM10 billion in debt mounted from decades-long issues of its balance sheet.


2023-02-23 20:17 | Report Abuse

I make a big mistake on HRC Q3 result because I can't understand why HRC bought their crude at premium of USD30 above Brent Crude public price and on hedging loses.

Overpaid high crude premium that resulted in average USD 136.45 per barrel in Q3 (HRC is welcome to correct my calculation) when average Dated Brent dropped to USD 101 per barrel in Q3 and thus resulting in Q3 PBT of negative RM 894,141,000

So Philip mind telling us what is your mistake on your predictions that the next 4 quarters pchem will make 1 billion in net profit at LEAST

Dec 31, 2022 12:52 AM | Report Abuse
I guess people who only have half a formula should snap stop posting a formula in how to "guarantee" hengyuan will make huge money in the quarter?

If we are making predictions, I can also say that the next 4 quarters pchem will make 1 billion in net profit at LEAST, guaranteed. Seems much more likely to happen than hy making hundreds of millions


2023-02-23 19:55 | Report Abuse

PetronM report Q4 loss quarter but give 25 cents dividend.
So be prepared for HRC Q4 bloodbath.


2023-02-23 14:43 | Report Abuse

Can you provide the link to your claim "YTL power 45% control Attarat power plant in Jordan have achieved Commerical operation for first unit 235 MW at the end Oct 2022. The second unit 235MW is expect to achieved commercial operation next month Mar 2023"


2023-02-23 12:18 | Report Abuse

Agreed totally with i3lurker "There's a sucker born every minute"

i3lurker Bilis are born to feed sharks.
Bilis mother when looking at baby says, I give birth to this bilis to feed sharks.
19/02/2023 11:32 AM