
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-24 22:11 | Report Abuse

And please have some respect for the 100k local chinese killed by Chin Peng! We dont need a brutal murderer to be promoted as hero in Malaysia!
Don't change the history!
Do you know how many good local chinese teachers, doctors, and so forth who were killed by Chin Peng just to send a message that he is head of communist!


2022-07-24 22:09 | Report Abuse

SsLee! That's the problem with Harapan leaders! Even they even protect Chin Peng despite obvious reason! Haix!
Look, Chin Peng has no birth certificate! Period!
Chin Peng brutally murdered 100k local chinese! Period!
And yet Harapan leaders continued to protect and claim Chin Peng as a victim!
Like i said many times, please grow up! Don't use the 'law' to protect nonsense!


2022-07-24 21:42 | Report Abuse

We never had this problem before until Harapan appointed Tommy Thomas as AG! Period!


2022-07-24 21:42 | Report Abuse

As far as i can see, Harapan leaders are making things worse for Malaysia for this case! Instead of protecting our soverntty, Harapan leaders are too busy pushing the blame to everybody else!
Harapan leaders need to grow up! They cannot manage this nation if they are emotionally driven! Have not they learn their lessons during those lousy 22 months!


2022-07-24 21:40 | Report Abuse

Furthermore, the last remaining Sultan of Sulu which Phillipines recognised had already handover his claim to the government of Phillipines long time ago! Only Philipines has the right to the claim!


2022-07-24 21:39 | Report Abuse

To me Luxembourg has commited huge error! They did not get valification from Phillipines if this Sultan Sulu 'heir's are officially recognise which they are not!


2022-07-24 21:38 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Not true! Do you know that British had agreement with Sultan of Brunei over Sabah! Yeah, it was signed a year before the pirate Sulus!
Meaning, only Sultan Brunei handover of Sabah deem legal! As for Sultan Sulu, it's not! Because Phillipines doesn't recognise any offsprings of remaining Sultan Sulu! There are hundred if not thousands who claim their are heirs of Sultanate!


2022-07-24 21:36 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Yeah, another bad variables! Haix!


2022-07-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Exactly! It was Tommy Thomas who admitted! Not Malaysia! It seems he unilaterally sent a letter without approval from Mahathir!
Just like how Tommy Thomas tried to bring back late Chin Peng ashes and tried to recognised him as hero of Malaysia!
I mean, this dude really dumbass! As top notch lawyer, Tommy Thomas really let Malaysia down! Badly!
Has Tommy Thomas considered the lives of malaysians who were killed during Sulus invasion! Or did Tommy Thomas considered how late Chin Peng brutally killed or rather murdered 100k local chinese during communist height in Malaysia!


2022-07-24 20:37 | Report Abuse

And for your knowledge, those Sultan Sulu 'heirs' are offsprings of concubines! They are not recognise by Philipines!


2022-07-24 20:36 | Report Abuse

Here's another thing! It was Sultan of Brunei who made agreement with British before the Sulus! Yeah, one year ahead of the Sulus!
The Sulus were just taking credit! The British had to give some pocket money to the pirates Sulus as protection money!


2022-07-24 20:34 | Report Abuse

I know Harapan are trying hard to divert the blame to Najib! But fact is fact!

News & Blogs

2022-07-24 20:33 | Report Abuse

As usually Mahathir making a uturn! Yeah, it was Mahathir who told Umno to stop paying to the Sulu because breach of agreement!
No need to defend lies from Mahathir!


2022-07-24 20:32 | Report Abuse

(Malaysia Now) – Former attorney-general Tommy Thomas’ written response to lawyers appointed by a group claiming to be the heirs of the Sulu sultanate appears to be the backbone of an arbitration decision that now threatens the forfeiture of billions in Malaysian assets abroad.

A study of the 297-point arbitration decision shows at least a dozen mentions or citations from Thomas’ letter, as Spanish arbitrator Gonzalo Stampa sought to justify the unusual award to the claimants.

Answer : There! Still blaming Najib! Do you see any 'Najib' in Gonzalo Stampa defence!


2022-07-24 13:31 | Report Abuse

My advise to government! Please take Anwar under custody! He has damage our sovereignty!


2022-07-24 13:30 | Report Abuse

Anwar should have been very careful in making statements! His latest statement supporting Sulus has certainly triggered strong inclination for invasion!


2022-07-24 13:29 | Report Abuse

This Sulu claim on Sabah should have been buried long time ago! Sabah has been part of Malaysia for half a century! It's recognised by UN!
As for ancestral claim of Sabah, it's something of a fairy tale just like how the Brookes once owned Sarawak!
So yeah, the Brookes never claim Sarawak! And yeah, the offsprings of long demised Sultan Sulu concubines are going around telling the world Sabah belongs to them!
The thing is, only Phillipines can make such claim as the last recognised Sultan Sulu has given up this right to Phillipines! Meaning, the so called Sultan Sulus cannot even make legal proceedings!
But how come EU recognised such claim! Because EU are trailing on Malaysia! You know, the whites hate Malaysia so much! Tell me, what commodities not yet banned by EU! Same with US!
But back in Sabah, things are not going well! My undercover friend tells me that a strong movement are preparing for a bigger and wide spread invasion!
And this round, the Sulus are so convince Sabah belongs to them! They keep playing or broadcasting Anwar statement in the Phillipines! Thanks Anwar! You really help the Sulus this round!


2022-07-24 11:55 | Report Abuse

Like it or not! Harapan chances of becoming part of new administration is much higher compare to BN Umno forming the new government!
Harapan leaders need to throw this big tent thingy! But they must accept that forming next administration with Umno is unavoidable!


2022-07-24 11:54 | Report Abuse

Don't deal with this trouble makers! They will demand winnable seats, only to see winnable seats turn to lose! Like what happen in Johor by election!
Harapan leaders need to seat down together and trash things out! Dap, Pkr and Amanah need to form a strong alliance! Because, chances are, they will become next administration with dying Umno! That's the truth!


2022-07-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

So please peninsulas! Don't go insulting Sabah Sarawak like previously! They have mastered the politicial game! It's us here in peninsula who are undecided!
Only peninsulas can bring down BN Umno for good! It's up to peninsulas!
The only problem is, Harapan leaders yet to figure this out!
Come on! This big tent thingy is bound to fail! What's the point of setting up big tent full of traitors!
One only talk about forming a big tent after GE14!
The thing is, mosquito parties like Pejuang, Muda, Warisan and the rest totally depends on Harapan vote bank!


2022-07-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

The truth is Umno is a solo party now! And Umno too on verge of dying! In fact, it's already predicted Umno can only win 60 parlimentary seats this coming GE14! That's the best case scenario!
Sabah Sarawak will play kingmaker role! They can form new Putrajaya administration with anyone! No longer tie to BN Umno like in the past!


2022-07-24 11:47 | Report Abuse

In Sabah, all the local parties have deserted BN to join GRS! In peninsula, MIC is totally buried! Still making noisy but certified RIP!
MCA is also barely breathing! Gerakan has long abandon BN!
So tell malaysians, where is the BN which Umno warlords are shouting and screaming about! It does not exist anymore!


2022-07-24 11:45 | Report Abuse

We already seen how Dap and Umno can cooperate in Perak! In fact, Perak has been a very stable government!
I think this will be the model of new Malaysia government going forward! BN is actually already dead! There's no BN! Almost all BN component parties are dead! Only Umno exist in this fairy tale BN thingy!


2022-07-24 11:43 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days when BN Umno can form government with strong majority!
Today however, majority malays no longer view Umno as their only option!
The new generation of malays have zero attachment with Umno dinasours!
Let's face it! The only reason why Umno won few by election is because of revenge voting! Voters are just fed up with Harapan leaders! That's it!
However, with newer leaders replacing the failed Harapan leaders, this may see some changes in voters sentiment!
Dap no longer domain of the Lims! Instead, a more moderate figure like Anthony Loke takes centre stage as Junior Lim quietly fade into the background!
As for Pkr, Rafizi, barely 50yo, is now dominating and poise to replace Anwar!
However, on Amanah side, it remain to be seen if Mat Sabu will make way for younger leader to replace him! Amanah is getting weaker under Mat Sabu leadership as younger malay voters snub him!


2022-07-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

Problem with Russia is that, they are not flexible! They continue to use their outdated warfare! While on Ukraine side, they are adapting to off the shelf drones to do bombing for them!
Even ordinary drones are now turning deadly weapons for Ukrainians! Imagine using super cheap China knockoff drones strap with bombs!


2022-07-24 11:07 | Report Abuse

So finally Ukraine figure something! That Russia are military are outdated!
With only dozen or so of HIMARS, Russia invasion has come to a halt!


2022-07-24 11:06 | Report Abuse



2022-07-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

Russia better be careful! If Ukraine keep getting advanced toys, those warships will be history very soon!

News & Blogs

2022-07-23 23:38 | Report Abuse

I mean, why do't they set up a cool tent for those who want to cool down! I don't think portable air con and portable tent would cost an arm and leg!

News & Blogs

2022-07-23 23:36 | Report Abuse

You know, even if our tempature hit 40c, most of us would switch on our aircon! Or head to shopping malls and enjoy the cool air!
I really don't know why those whites in EU are so dumbass!


2022-07-23 23:34 | Report Abuse

Most of those who turn up are members of Harapan NGOs! The same paid crowd!
Anyway, can't blame the government of the day! Our subsidizes already the highest in the world! Just too much leakage which is the main problem!
Inflation should go down since Ukraine Russia already made an agreement to export grains!
To Harapan leaders, stop using rakyat as bait! Fortunately rakyat has grown fed up with the same tactic of getting rakyat angry with themselves just to benefit Harapan leaders!
I say grow up to Harapan leaders! You are alternative government! Do you part!

News & Blogs

2022-07-23 12:12 | Report Abuse

Steel hard to say! Cannot just lump sum together! Vietnam and Indonesia are booming! So those steel providers for this markets are thriving! those mainly focus on China will die!

News & Blogs

2022-07-23 12:11 | Report Abuse

They say try to change yourself for the better rather than trying to change the world!
They also say, money can't buy happiness, then again those who said it also do not have money!
They also say happiness is a state of mind! You can see many happy people in mental institutions!
In short, happiness is very subjective! Some are happy at others misfortune! Others are happy when they accomplished something! While for our politicians, happiness is all about scamming rakyat until their dying days! Just look at Mahathir! He is the happiest malaysian ever lived!


2022-07-23 12:06 | Report Abuse

Just a relief rally! But don't take my word! I am 100% cash at the moment!


2022-07-23 11:59 | Report Abuse

Anwar should look at himself in the mirror! Who is is fighting for! Is he fighting for Sulu claim! Or he is protecting sovereignty of this nation! But i guess Anwar already given this answer few days ago! Anwar clearly stated Sabah belongs to Sultan Sulu 'heirs'!
To me that is a betrayal! Anwar better strip his citizenship and join the Sulus!


2022-07-23 11:58 | Report Abuse

I have talked about this before! But just a reminder, Anwar Ibrahim disqualify himself as lawmaker for publicly saying Sabah is not part of Malaysia!


2022-07-23 11:57 | Report Abuse

Umno focus too much on Islam! That's the problem!


2022-07-23 01:26 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time, Vietnam was way behind us! Today, Vietnam can produce their own EV brand! What a shock!


2022-07-22 23:09 | Report Abuse

So far traders, this should be great week for them!


2022-07-22 23:08 | Report Abuse

We haven't had a positive variable in the longest time! But this round, Ukraine Russia already reach UN back agreement to resume grain exports!
This should help alot in easing grain shortage that the world experience of late!


2022-07-22 20:46 | Report Abuse

And please! Malaysia must seriously look at Indonesia as important trading partner going forward!


2022-07-22 20:45 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, our government does not prepare our generation to be high skilled labours!
In western countries, the status of carpenter is as high as doctor! Every profession is equal!
Malaysia need to change mentality of malaysians where every member of society will play equal role regardless of their profession!
Or else we will be overwelm by new malaysians from Bangladesh! And it's happening for sometime now!


2022-07-22 20:42 | Report Abuse

Malaysia too must realise that it cannot rely on cheap labour forever!


2022-07-22 20:42 | Report Abuse

What i am trying to say is, Indonesia no longer regard itself as exporter of cheap uneducated labors! Those days are over!


2022-07-22 20:41 | Report Abuse

But things are changing in Indonesia! Under Jokowi, we are seeing progress that we didn't thought will ever happen!
Indonesia is fast becoming New China! In fact, electrification in Indonesia is much faster compare to Malaysia! If Indonesia overhaul it's educaton system, i believe, indonesia will be the next superpower like China!


2022-07-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

But PM Sabri made another insulting move on Indonesia! It seems Malaysia only interested to recruit those lowly educated indons to work as cheap labour and maids here in Malaysia!
Do you know that back in 70s, 80s, Malaysia was only recruiting scholars from Indonesia! Talk about total downgrade! Then again, Indonesia education system is really really really lousy!