
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-22 20:37 | Report Abuse

As PM of the day, one must be able to see what's ahead of the curve! But our PM Sabri is a short sighted leader!
I mean, his bahasa agenda really insulted Indonesia which has much bigger native speaker of bahasa indon!
Our bahasa is very limited use! Do you know bahasa cannot be used to translate other religion holybook! But in Indonesia, you can find all type of holybook translated into bahasa indon!
So yeah, better keep that bahasa agenda closer to home!


2022-07-22 20:13 | Report Abuse

Alenac! Yeah, at least with nuke, no need to aim at all! Just drop, kaboom! Few hundred kilometres gone!

News & Blogs

2022-07-22 20:12 | Report Abuse

Pas fake holymen are serial liars! Haram can turn halal based on their own holy book!


2022-07-22 12:08 | Report Abuse

As long as west continues to provide latest weapons to Ukraine, i put my bet on Ukraine! Russia weaponary simply antiquated!
So all this years, or decades, that Russia having the best military weapons are total bs!


2022-07-22 11:57 | Report Abuse

If west continue to provide the very latest weapons, i think Ukraine will prevail soon! Nothing like getting latest toys and fighting ancient Russia weaponry!


2022-07-22 11:56 | Report Abuse

Putin is now so desperate that he went to Iran to buy few hundred drones from Iran! I mean, of all places, Putin actually go to Iran!
Why not China! China has much better drones!
Anyway, i doubt Iran drones will help Russia at all! I mean, all this years, Russia has been bragging how advanced their military weapons were! Turns out, most are so outdated that only 40% of missiles launched into Ukraine actually hit their targets!


2022-07-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

Early July saw Ukraine receiving advanced weapons like Himars from US! Ukraine also got many new latest toys to play with!
Well, this was a game changer indeed! Russia was unable to adapt to this latest weapons!
Seems with only a dozen or so Himars, Ukraine is having a party! Imagine having 100 of this Himars! I think this invasion will be over very soon!


2022-07-21 22:39 | Report Abuse

Do you know that Phillipines dones not recognise at all the so called 'heirs'! If they do, then it's going to be civil war down there as there are so many claiming to be 'heirs' of Sultan Sulu!


2022-07-21 22:38 | Report Abuse

If my history is correct, Sabah actually belonged to Brunei sultanate! Sultan of Brunei never gave Sabah to Sultan Sulu!
The story goes, the Brittish just want to exploit Sabah and in return, they make up a fairy tale agreement with the pirates of so called Sultan Sulu back then!
Do you know that the Sultan of Sulu are nothing more than pirates! Do you know their main sources of income were catching innocent women and turn them into slaves!
Do you know that the remaining of so called 'heirs' are not official children rather offsprings of concubines from the last Sultan Sulu!


2022-07-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

You know, there are tons of ancient agreements! Like the Brookes can claim Sarawak from Malaysia! Or Singapore from Malaysia! Or Penang from Malaysia and so forth!


2022-07-21 14:16 | Report Abuse

But to me, Anwar is a traitor to Sabah people! He keep pushing and defending Sultan Sulu 'heirs'! Dont you find that very odd!


2022-07-21 14:15 | Report Abuse

Look, this Sultan Sulu 'heirs' claim should be address with UK not Malaysia! They are the one who signed the agreement!


2022-07-21 14:14 | Report Abuse

So this fake Sultan sulu claim certainly get EU helps!


2022-07-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

EU and US leaders don't like Malaysia at all! If you notice, they sabotage everything from Malaysia! We are blacklisted as human trafficker! EU also ban out palm oil because it's 'bad' for environment!
The list goes on and on!


2022-07-21 14:02 | Report Abuse

I won't believe a singel word from Anwar Ibrahim regards to Sulu claims! This is because, it's open secret he is very very very close to Sultan Sulu 'heirs'!
In fact, you can read Anwar latest remarks defending Sultan Sulu 'heirs' claim over Sabah!
So why is Anwar so passionate with Sultan Sulu 'heirs' claim! Don't ask me! But it seems Anwar is more interest over Sultan Sulu 'heirs' feelings!
I mean, during 2013 invasion, many malaysian lives where lost you know! It's Anwar does not care at all!

News & Blogs

2022-07-21 12:56 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders are trying to pin it on Najib! But come on! It's open secret Anwar is very close to Sultan Sulu 'heirs'! You can find photos of Anwar and Nurul spending their time with Sultan Sulu 'heirs' in Mindanao! What the heck is Anwar and Nurul trying to do! Are they selling of Malaysia sovereignty to fake sultans!

News & Blogs

2022-07-21 12:54 | Report Abuse

Tommy Thomas letter to Lexumburg was the reason for the recent seize of Petronas assets!

News & Blogs

2022-07-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately the history of Vatican Church is full of cruelty! Today, Pope influence have wane alot! Many were victims of pedo Priets of the past and never again turn to the church!

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2022-07-20 21:20 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Eventually we will develop natural immunity!

News & Blogs

2022-07-20 13:35 | Report Abuse

Rafizi a bit of a psycho! But let's see how things go!

News & Blogs

2022-07-20 13:33 | Report Abuse

Trade with other nations without using US dollar! US is on the way out!


2022-07-20 13:05 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i mention Rafizi obssession with Najib! Seems Rafizi has nothing to talk about other than Najib! Dude! Najib is Najib! You cannot win if you go against Najib! Many have tried! Najib only has to recycle his old good days and rakyat would feel sympathy for him!
Najib card has been overkill for so long! Give it a rest!


2022-07-20 13:03 | Report Abuse

Even Amanah Barang Naik protest fail to gather a small crowd! The Japanese festival organised on the same day in Selangor was a crowd puller despite Pas fake holymen strong warning against attending!
And of course the Sulu Claim card, which is really Harapan fault to begin with! I mean, who was that dumbass AG Tommy Thomas who actually reply to Lexemburg and support the fake 'heirs' claim! Now Malaysia is in hot water over his imcompetence!


2022-07-20 13:01 | Report Abuse

Parliment session used to be the fertile ground where Harapan leaders would fire up rakyat to a point where rakyat would even run naked on the streets just to protest anything under the sun!
Boy! I do miss those days where dumbass are plenty!
Nowadays, seems rakyat are not getting angry at all! Or maybe rakyat just figure Harapan leaders are just as hopeless as those in the government given our 22 months experience with Harapan administration! And i tell you, overwelming majority felt it was the most terrible period of their lives!

News & Blogs

2022-07-19 21:27 | Report Abuse

Pinky! According to Karmala Harris, it's not government right to determine your gender! You decide your gender! Even if biologically you are a woman, i cannot say 'she' or 'her' to you! Instead i must address you as 'they'!

News & Blogs

2022-07-19 13:18 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Malaysia may never comes out from current fail state! That's for sure!


2022-07-19 13:16 | Report Abuse

If PM Sabri believe in his 'Keluarga Malaysia' then protect our subisidies to be used by outsiders! Our subsidized cooking oil is more than enough to cover all rakyat including small hawkers if there are not subsizied cooking oil smuggled out!


2022-07-19 13:14 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri did it again! Remember his cruel SOPs during Covid pandemic! Yeah, small hawkers are fine 10k while ministers are breaking SOPs all over the place!
Perhaps rakyat gave him some chance after he became PM! But here he goes again!
This time in parliment, PM Sabri said that those small hawkers cannot use subsized cooking oil! Hello! Of course they know they cannot use subsizied cooking oil! But how much can they use anyway!
Why don't PM Sabri go after the big guys! You know, you can easily find our subsized cooking oil in Thailand you know! And the quantity are not small at all! Those smuggled out can keep our small hawkers well stock for years!
Yet again, PM Sabri caught out of touch! Go after the big guys! But he seems to yet again going for the small hawkers! Have you not learn from Covid pandemic where many small hawkers suffered with the double standard of his SOPs!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 23:55 | Report Abuse

Ksg! In Malaysia, local chinese can get rich easily! If Grandpa Koon was to start over in China, he won't survive! Very competitive! Somemore, have to bribe CCP officials! Yeah, you think there's no corruption in China! Corruption among CCP officials can make Umno warlords like babies!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 20:30 | Report Abuse

Najib is right! PM Sabri is always short sighted! That's why i am worry if he manage to remain PM post GE15! We cannot afford to have PM that does not have any idea how to manage the economy! Stagnation is something Malaysia must avoid! We can avoid recession but if we face stagnation, it's far worst!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 20:25 | Report Abuse

Rafizi should be given MB post for any state that PKR can win! Not only Selangor! Only then we can judge Rafizi real competency!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 20:24 | Report Abuse

While i believe Rafizi has bright days ahead, i am also worry for him! He is a bit psycho! Always overkill on Najib card! And i also notice Rafizi has no idea how to manage this nation! Voters won't go for another round of fake promises or fake formula!


2022-07-18 19:38 | Report Abuse

Cukai Makmur indeed is a huge spoiler for bursa! After 2 quarters, we can see in the impact it has on sentiment and generate result!
So i this round i am not that excited! Probably another set of below average QRs!
There's nothing much to play in bursa! No theme! No bullishness to capitalize!
Best to stay 100% cash and not deal with the disappointment i guess!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 19:32 | Report Abuse

Qqq! China doesn't need a bootlicker from Malaysia! I am sure you won't last few days under Shanghai lockdown! You are admiring China far away but i am sure you will burnout if you really live in China!
China is a very competitive place! You can be replaced easily! 1 million are waiting to replace your boot-licking post!
Just like Grandpa Koon, always taking credit for China success but contribute nothing in reality!


2022-07-18 16:31 | Report Abuse

China didn't waste money going to war! Well except for one in Vietnam back in the 80s!
As for Taiwan, China will not strike as long as Taiwan doesn't declare independence!
But we must prepare for the day where democracy no longer a thing! US and EU will grow very weak! They won't be able to counter China!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

Crybabies! We suffer high temperature 365 days a year!


2022-07-18 16:14 | Report Abuse

Anyway, still in Genting now! Staying in one homestay nearby! Wifey and me enjoy the weather here especially at night!


2022-07-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

Koosan! Genting Highlands is politically connected! If sell to foreigner, next day close shop!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Doesn't matter! China doesn't have youtube!


2022-07-18 15:17 | Report Abuse

I am kinda worry for Rafizi! He seems to hurt by Najib! I mean why! Najib is on the way to jail! PM Sabri did what Harapan leaders fail!
They say don't keep talking bad about Najib! Because rakyat are really fed up everything Najib card is brought out!
Najib is Najib! He does have some circle of fanatics! But i think rakyat are more mature than that! When guilty verdict was brought out against Najib, nobody gone out to protest about it! Means, rakyat believe Najib is guilty as charge!
The real problem with Harapan is lost of credibility! Harapan need to show to rakyat they are now mature responsible corrupt free lawmakers if they are given another chance at Putrajaya!
This is what rakyat want to see! In fact Harapan should showcase their shadow cabinet to give confidence to rakyat that Harapan is now prepared if they actually capture Putrajaya!
Voters are not dumbass! We know even PKR is now full of infightings! In fact Rafizi is causing the biggest split at the moment!


2022-07-18 15:11 | Report Abuse

Sure! There's a party willing to buy Genting Singapore at premium! So what! It's not like it's not making money! It's a cash cow!
So please! Ignore the M&A bs!