
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-29 12:45 | Report Abuse

It's not easy to adapt to New World Order! We are so used to the Old World Order! Took us decades to get used to it! And now it already shifted yet again!
Do you know there will be only China International Space Station up there in 5 years time! And China requires everybody to use mandarin regardless what nation you come from!

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2022-07-29 03:30 | Report Abuse

Fully support this endgame! Hope to see new generation free from smoking! Smoking is something society can do without!


2022-07-29 03:27 | Report Abuse

Take Cambodia for example! Buildings and streets are now dotted with mandarin! Other Asia countries know that if they let their guards down, then the same will happen in their countries!
Hence many will act like Vietnam! Chinazination is something most Asia countries are on their guards now!


2022-07-29 03:25 | Report Abuse

In this New World Order, mistrust will be order of the day! Most countries will be on defense side!
So each countries will heighten their cultural identity to prevent Chinazination!


2022-07-29 03:23 | Report Abuse

This New World Order that we going to face is by far, the hardest to adapt to!
The days where one travel to US, EU, Australia or UK for degree will be a waste of time and money!
Better get your proffesional degree from Singapore or China! Because the shift for west to east will be swift!
The collapse of US and EU hegemony is fast coming!


2022-07-29 03:20 | Report Abuse

What i am saying is, the future is not good! Democratic system is dead! China rise will create a deep animosity! In turn, chinese outside of China will be treated with deep mistrust!
And if you refuse to assimilate in Malaysia, then it's going to be hard! Because those one million chinese China are assimilating with majority malays, pretending to be more local chinese than you and me!
In the olden days, US used to send americans into Malaysia, working as teachers or NGOs, but most of them are on undercover mission! Some even get married with locals and blend in!
The same with this one million chinese China! Maybe they already became new malays as far as we concern! Since that's the fastest way to get citizenship here!


2022-07-29 03:15 | Report Abuse

However, most Asian countries are turning inward! Malaysia is fast becoming malaycentric! Even majority malays nowadays consider local chinese as outsiders! Things will get worse stil!
Malaysia will become predominately malaycentric especially peninsula! Meaning, those who are not malays or muslims will find things getting more and more restraint! Just look around! Even without influence of Pas fake holymen, malays are becoming more islamic more than ever! I believe this is a defence mechanism of the majority race!
Just like Thailand and Indonesia, those who refuse to assimilate will be sided!
In short, Malaysia will be more monorace that ever!
So you may say, let's more to Sabah Sarawak then!
Sabah is very high risk of instability! If you haven't heard, the Sulus are busy recruiting new members! Cells movement are pretty hot nowadays! My undercover neighbour said that he has never seen such heighten movement before! It's coded yellow, meaning the risk is moving towards a dangerous level over there!
As for Sarawak, look, the status quo is very much the old guards of GPS! If you are not related to old guard politicians over there, then you future will be very bleak! Most if not all businesses in Sarawak are related to them! For chinese in peninsula to come in and think they can open shop will be in for a shock! It's very close loop system! You won't make it!


2022-07-29 03:05 | Report Abuse

You see, China is very certain to be No.1 superpower within the next few years! EU and US will lose their global influence as their currency is total goner!
What, you think dollar is worth a dollar! It's total trash! Even euro is equalivent to a dollar nowadays which means, euro is turd as well!
As for China, they will enforce yuan as global currency whether you like it or not!


2022-07-29 03:03 | Report Abuse

Every single chinese China already registered their bio prints! If CCP want them back, CCP can easily provide their bio prints and wolla, our malaysian enforcement side can get them through CCTVs!
But then again, our public CCTVs are total joke so that's another topic for another day!


2022-07-29 03:01 | Report Abuse

The parliment revealed that there are more than one million Chinese China still in Malaysia!
Actually i am not that surprise at all! Even if this one million try to hide from CCP, they can't! The thing is, CCP didn't even bother to rise alarm! Why! Yeah, maybe because they remain here for a purpose with full blessing of CCP!


2022-07-28 23:43 | Report Abuse

Chances for Zahid or Najib to make a comeback is quite bleak at the moment given Umno chances of winning seats are not good at all!


2022-07-28 23:42 | Report Abuse

As for Zahid or Najib! They are liability to Umno going forward! As long as the court cluster remains, the support for Umno will disappear! Umno is already on it's last leg! Furthermore, the potential future leaders in Umno continue to be push into backburner! Umno old vote bank are dwindling! The younger malays no longer have emotional attachment towards Umno!


2022-07-28 23:40 | Report Abuse

As for DAP, i think the Lims will be the hindrance towards becoming part of the new administration!


2022-07-28 23:39 | Report Abuse

The on going court trial of Zahid and Najib indeed a big worry if let's say BN Umno wins with super majority this coming GE15, and Agong appoints Zahid as the new PM!
However, looking at latest survey, it seems BN is total goner and Umno is just a solo party with no strong alliance like it used to!
Sabah Sarawak will become kingmaker for GE15! Sabah Sarawak are not BN component party like they used to! They are independent local parties!
As for peninsula, it seems Umno is quite weak! The recent by elections is not an indicator that BN Umno will make a coming in peninsula! On the contra, it's just a revenge vote by rakyat to give some lesson to Harapan leaders!
On parlimentary side, things will be totally different! With Rafizi as the new wingman, PKR may see some rejuvenation just like what Umno experience before!
Umno is predicted to win not more that 60 parlimentary seats! That's the best case scenario! However, without BN, Umno cannot form government!
So we may see Umno and PKR been force to form alliance! Perhaps Umno, PKR, GRS and GPS will be enough to form a new goverment!
Will it be unstable! Of course! But what can we do! This is the new normal in Malaysia politics!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 23:30 | Report Abuse

The recent public discussion on the “Seizure Notice” issued in Luxembourg against assets belonging to Petronas to satisfy the US$14.92 billion award by the Spanish Arbitrator Gonzalo Stampa has been marred by a fog of disinformation and lies. The Malaysian public is entitled to truthful disclosure of matters concerning the dispute between the Sulu Claimants and the Government of Malaysia, which led to this massive but completely illegitimate award.


2022-07-28 23:29 | Report Abuse

Indeed a historic day in our parliamentary session! An impossible super majority given for a bill that is considered a pipe dream just 11 months ago!
Kadoos! This is what rakyat want to see!

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2022-07-28 22:20 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! As long as Malaysia is willing to pay for those 5k peanuts annually, then EU or US has no rights to intervene at all! But let the white people inlawful actions come to futility!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

As stated clearly, it cannot be challenge by arbitration! Let Sultan Sulu 'heirs' sue till bankrupt! Malaysia willing to pay the outstandings! So there's no dispute at all! It's up to the illegimate offsprings to take it or sue in futiity!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 14:18 | Report Abuse

Alam! Yeah, we are been fooled by this big corporations for far too long! We don't need foreign labors! If wages are fair, i think we have more than enough local workers!
Back in the 80s, we don't even think of bringing in cheap foreign workers for our factories! Most are malaysians back then! We have so many 'pekerja kilang' back in the 80s! Then of course, you have big corporations getting more greedy and undercut those in the bottom! I mean, this big bosses have zero shame driving a few million luxury car, escape paying taxes and yet complain that local workers are too expensive!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 12:23 | Report Abuse

Pie in the sky project! Will never materialized!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Indeed! Both as very corrupted! Deserve to be put in jail together!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 11:51 | Report Abuse

Arv18! Yeah! It's very clear explanaition! I retract my blame on Tommy Thomas! It seems he has done his job! It's clearly Luxembourg fault!


2022-07-28 11:50 | Report Abuse

I am sure Nancy Pelosi will tak about 'independent' Taiwan if she gets to Taiwan!
Nancy Pelosi is the redline! So it's better for China to preempt her visit by launching full scale attack on Taiwan!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 01:00 | Report Abuse

US can't manufacturer chips! Only South Korea and Taiwan!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

LGE just want to be populist! However his days already numbered! Better retire LGE!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 21:52 | Report Abuse

Plenty of malaysians doing 3D jobs in Australia! They are highly paid! Problem with Malaysia is that, our side continues to rely on very very cheap labour from Indonesia and Bangladesh! Which also very bad for our society as there are plenty of socio problems!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 21:11 | Report Abuse

Tell me LGE, is Singapore desperate for half a million banglas like Malaysia! LGE still trap in old world! Indonesia no longer want to export their cheap labour! Indonesia will need every single cheap labour to expedite their industrlization at home!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 21:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah, basically LGE wants half a milion banglas to come in! Dude, that's what Zahid is good for!


2022-07-27 21:09 | Report Abuse

You can easily replaced so many of them with younger and lower pay and more qualified manpower who know how to use the latest tech! And with latest tech, things can be speed up easily!
But how can you do that when you have antiquated civil servants who can't even open their computer!


2022-07-27 21:07 | Report Abuse

Look, in the age of IT, this 1.5 millions civil services serve little purpose other than burdening rakyat in general! And now they are demanded higher pay for what!


2022-07-27 21:06 | Report Abuse

So Zahrul confirms it! So basically, your tax money have been used to payoff those bloated civil services and 100 or so gaji buta ministers, advisers and so forth! Add another new DPM, and that would easily add 1%!
And now administration of the day has to cut essentials like road repair and so forth so that more useless posts can be filled!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 20:44 | Report Abuse

Alvin! Correction! The concubine offsprings are not legitimate 'heirs' of Sultan Sulu! Remember, Sultanate Sulu gave away his rights! It's not a lease but cede of rights to claim Sabah forever!
So pay those concubine offsprings and move on!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

So France, Luxembourg made huge error of judgement!


2022-07-27 13:09 | Report Abuse

In short, the enlightens only helping to shot themselves! They are self inflicting their own demise!


2022-07-27 13:08 | Report Abuse

EU will going into recession very soon! Why because they totally rely on Russia oil and gas!
While China, they have zero problem with oil and gas! China is even getting deep discount from Russia nowadays! Even Saudi is buying Russia oil and export them back to EU!
I mean, EU are now the dumbass of Saudi! Talk about inbreed Sauds taking advantage of EU!


2022-07-27 13:05 | Report Abuse

Whatever the enlightens had in store for humanity, in the end, they are helping to fasten demise of EU and US!
Sorry to say, the next century indeed belongs to the tiny eyes China! Or did we forget China was once hundred of years more advanced that europeans! And US was not even existed back then!
In China, you can still find advanced civilization buried 3k years ago! Can you find such artifacts in EU! Heck, even few hundred years ago, europeans would throw their turds on the streets while China already have proper place to dump their turds!

News & Blogs

2022-07-27 13:01 | Report Abuse

I used to believe in mainstream media and how China will go bankrupt due to imminent property crash! But then, i started to realise, China doesn't need to disclose it's financial to the rest of the world! USA doesn't! So why China!
And USA has been printing money faster than any photocopy machine ever existed and yet we still dumbass to used dollar!
On the other hand, China has not used a single cent for the last few decades in waging wars! Zero! Well, maybe some in India borders but that end very fast since chinese army ran back to motherland after seeing little blood! I mean, look, even Chairman Xi is so phobia over Covid! Nowadays, Chairman Xi doesn't travel other of his forbidden city you know!
Anyway, back to original topic! China won't go bankrupt! Property market won't crash! Why! Because what happens in China stays in China! CCP doesn't give a damn about what west are thinking or predictiong! I mean, EU and US are in verge of bankruptcy anyway!


2022-07-27 12:56 | Report Abuse

I believe humanity are moving towards ignorance just like those in baby boomers era!


2022-07-27 12:55 | Report Abuse

Elon has changed over the years! Getting himself in trouble way too many times!
His tunnel transportation is not viable! His pet project in Nevada already suffer traffic jam! His many car release remain in limbo! In fact all his products only accessible for the rich!
And yeah, his population crisis is a fairy tale! The fact is, all over the world, including US, those with degree suffer cycle of frustration and dissapointment! Hence, more and more opt to work after high school! Meaning future generation will become dumbass! After 2 generation of high education, we are progression towards less intelligence humans!


2022-07-27 04:01 | Report Abuse

So yeah, China is now their main target!


2022-07-27 04:01 | Report Abuse

So what's in store for humanity! I say pretty much gloom of course! The enlightens think that the world is overpopulated! Elon Musk thinks otherwise! Which is why you see so many attacks against Elon of late!
But yeah, overpopulation is indeed enlightens main concern! But with ever weakening position of EU and US, which means, weakening position of the enlightens, they have now shifted to depopulation in Asia especially China!


2022-07-27 03:58 | Report Abuse

Reading the deep web, not the dark web, which i just discovered during my stay in Genting homestay, it seems the enlightens are now shifting their agenda!


2022-07-27 03:57 | Report Abuse

Look's like what the englightens had stored for humanity didn't go as plan!
First was Covid! I guess they didn't anticipate that Covid would turn mild so fast!
And then Ukraine thingy which turn EU and US upside down! Even their puppet Biden who only job is to read scripts now face epic mid November fallout!