
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-13 14:58 | Report Abuse

The thing is, Tommy Thomas openned the Pandora box and allow illegimate to become legitimate!


2022-07-13 14:57 | Report Abuse

May as well descendants of Sultan Brooke claim compensation from Malaysia over Sarawak!


2022-07-13 14:56 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Problem is Harapan AG, Tommy Thomas actually agreeing with ruling of Luxembourg that Sultan of Sulu 'heirs' has the right for compensation! That's how the problem started!


2022-07-13 14:39 | Report Abuse

I mean, you are totally agreeing to Tommy Thomas here!


2022-07-13 14:38 | Report Abuse

SsLee! That's what Tommy Thomas had convene to Luxembourg! Basically handing over to Sultan Sulu claim!
Now, Sultan Sulu invasion of Sabah back in 2013 is a breach of contract! Unfortunately, even current administration fail to defend Malaysia!
The Sultan of Sulu so called 'heirs' is non existance! There are no proof of descendant! Tell me, does Phillipine recognised, officially Sultan of Sulu! No! Then why still recongnised 114 year old agreement made with British! You cannot claim something yet does not recognised the claimants!


2022-07-13 14:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by ValuePrice > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse what you are saying essentially there is a secondary market where China can buy cheap russian oil and bypass the need to buy expensive oil at international market

Answer : Not only bypass! India and China don't even bother to use US dollar for russian oil! They can demand low price! I mean, who else will buy russian oil now!


2022-07-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

Oh, may as well proceed to claim peninsula by descendants of Sultan Melaka too!


2022-07-13 14:04 | Report Abuse

But then again, during Harapan 22 months, Tommy Thomas, who has this weird inclination towards wrong ideology actually facilitated Sultan Sulu 'heirs' to claim Sabah! Tommy Thomas together with Shafie Apdal of Warisan, were responsible in assisting this treachery!
Malaysia should first take legal action against Tommy Thomas and Shafie Apdal for their huge blunder!
This should not have happen at all! This is question of sovereignty! Sabah is part of Malaysia!
As for Sultan Sulu claim, they should deal with the British not Malaysia! Sabah is recognise by UN as part of Malaysia!
If Court of Justice recognised Sultan Sulu claim, then may as well recognised Sultan Brooke descendants claim on Sarawak!


2022-07-13 14:00 | Report Abuse

It's very shocking how Court of Justice in Luxemberg actually sided with fake Sultan Sulu 'heirs' and seized our national Petronas assets so easily!
Based on law, Sultan Sulu claim on Sabah was automatically void the moment their attack Malaysia back in 2013! The forever lease of Sabah to British was based on fact that they will not attack as long as they get their annual payment which Malaysia honoured until Sultan Sulu descendant broke the deal with Sabah invasion of 2013!
Basically, Court of Justice sided with the wrong side! And they didn't follow rule of law in seizing Petronas assets!


2022-07-13 00:14 | Report Abuse

So oil price should drop to usd60 in coming days once those dumbass oil traders realise what's really happening!


2022-07-13 00:14 | Report Abuse

There's no high demand low supply! What a balony! The thing is, the demand supply equation has been compromise! Why, because India and China are getting much much much supply from Russia bypassing the US dollar!
Mind you, India and China been the biggest consumer after US, basically getting russian oil at great discount as well! And the rest of the world are paying a dumbass premium!
So tell me, why should the rest of the world pay such ridiculous price when deepsea oil rigs are now supplying enough! China can't even be bothered to import oil from Saudia anymore since Russia is giving their oil, actually begging China to take from their hands! Same with India!
As you all know, Russia can't sell their oil to anyone except India and China!


2022-07-12 23:06 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri made too many mistakes! It's really hard to keep him as PM! Best to accept that this post should be handled by someone with corporate experience like Tok Mat! PM Sabri biggest mistake was aliening Tok Mat from his camp instead really on those useless yesmen like Annuar Musa and Tajuddin! If PM Sabri had Tok Mat at his side from the very beginning, he could have pull it off! Too late now!


2022-07-12 23:00 | Report Abuse

Having seen the traffic jam inside Genting casino yesterday night, it seems business is really thriving indeed!
And now that Macau casinos are forced to close down because of few Covd cases, i mean, where else will the high rollers head too! Exactly!
Anyway, i find so many singaporeans gambling in Genting! I mean, with current RM, why bother gambling in Singapore with that strict rules for singaporeans when they can freely gamble here! I am sure, those from other countries will cancel their trip to Macau instead head to Genting! No brainer really, no restriction, no fear of lockdown! Business as usually! Heaven!

News & Blogs

2022-07-12 21:02 | Report Abuse

And been China, i am very sure, China will hike prices of goods going to US! Basically, no difference at all! In the end, US lose! Good move Biden!

News & Blogs

2022-07-12 21:01 | Report Abuse

Let me break the news first! Biden will remove China tariff! All of them! Yeah, there goes 1 trillion annual tax from China!
Why Biden doing it now, because he thinks it will help Democrats in November election!


2022-07-12 20:59 | Report Abuse

It's basically an act of treason!


2022-07-12 20:58 | Report Abuse

So yeah, giving in now for DPM when there's only less that a year before GE15 is a bad, bad, bad decision!
Especially if indeed PM Sabri consent that DPM post be given to Bersatu! It solidify his image that he is nothing more than a puppet PM for Bersatu! And Umno leaders will not accept a lameduck leader from Umno to be their president!
As such, the moment PM Sabri appoints a DPM from Bersatu, it's the day he better pack his bag for good from Umno!


2022-07-12 17:46 | Report Abuse

Basically, all eyes are in peninsula! It's up to us here to change the political fortune! Gone are the days pointing fingers at Sabah Sarawak! With GRS and GPS, they can swing either way! They are kingmakers!
So yeah, don't blame Sabah Sarawak anymore! Outcome of GE15 lies with peninsula folks! We are the true deciders now!


2022-07-12 17:44 | Report Abuse

Somewhat i am predicting that we may see another round of Umno, Bersatu dan Pas alliance post GE15!
For Sabah Sarawak, the outcome is very certain! Sarawak most probably will be won by GPS! And for Sabah, GRS may also dominates! As for Sabah, BN Umno is dead! After 30 years of doing nothing, Sabah people may not even vote for BN Umno in Sabah!
So it's up to peninsula voters to turn the table!
The good news is, Rafizi is back! Rafizi may be able to turn the declining popularity of PKR! Let's wait and see!
However, the big tent of Harapan may hurt their chances further! I believe Rafizi will push PKR to go alone in GE15! Given Dap and Amanah insistence on going forward with the failed big tent concept!
The majority malays voters will be divided among Umno, Bersatu and Pas! And somewhat we may see the same 3 malay parties forming new government out of necessity rather that genuine unity!
And we also see this government crumbling right before our eyes! Only to see GE16 to be held much earlier!
So yeah, the political tide has certainly becoming rough for Malaysia! If PM Sabri had held GE15 few months earlier, Umno could have won many seats! But today, Umno can be seen so divided, even hardcore supporters may not come out to vote!

News & Blogs

2022-07-12 17:02 | Report Abuse

So after Taiwan, Phillipines! Yeah, can't even defend Ukraine!


2022-07-12 15:15 | Report Abuse

So yeah, please, especially our 'cap ayam' politicians! English must be used for this 2 purpose! For trading with developed countries and also to acquire knowledge especially in science, math and technology! Period!
Not about demanding English as part of national language! But as a veru useful language for trade and knowledge!
Set our priority right!


2022-07-12 15:13 | Report Abuse

English is used for trading with western countries! Or those once colonized by the British!
And the other prime reason for using English is to acquire knowledge! Especially in science, math and technology!
So we must set our priority why we must use English! What's the point of bragging the ability to speak English if you circle of friends only use it for bragging right!


2022-07-12 15:10 | Report Abuse

This KL bubble delusion where speaking English is part of the in thing is fine! As long as it stays in KL!
Problem is, some dumbass start to ridicule those who speaks bahasa and can't speak English!
Look! It's not about how well you speak English! In fact most if not 90% malaysians speaks manglish to be exact! Our spoken English is terrible! It does not sound like Brittish, actually those in UK speak the worst spoken English of all, once you go outside of London! And our English certain far from those spoken by Australians! I mean, how many can speak like americans! Our English or manglish is spoken by only few millions, shiok with ourselves thinking how fantastic our English is! It's not! Just to remind ourselves!


2022-07-12 15:06 | Report Abuse

Here's a thing about speaking English in Malaysia! It's the T20 thingy you know! They say if you speak English, then you must be well educated! Or comes from rich family! Or very cultured people! Or, some say, you must be singaporean! Which was a big whack on my pride when a malay lady told me why i can't speak bahasa, so she just assume i am singaporean!


2022-07-12 14:42 | Report Abuse

We don't know yet if Shanghai will go into lockdown again! But if it does, then sayonara to China!


2022-07-12 14:41 | Report Abuse

I am here in Genting! Today seems less crowded! Yesterday was full house! So if you want to come here, better do it during weekdays! Don't come during weekends or public holidays!
Anyway, Chairman Xi at it again! Continue to defend his zero Covid policy! Throw herd immunity as nonsense!
So yeah, in Malaysia, we do see spike in cases! What to do! We need to live with it! We already taken our vaccines! What else can we do! We also have anti viral for those with severe symptoms!
Eventually, we should hit peak infections before it decline, as usually! As our body grow stronger, we become immune to Covid!
But for Chairman Xi, he does not believe this science logic! Or maybe China vaccines are useless in the first place!
Anyway, China economy will collapse if Chairman Xi is adamant to defend his very unpractical zero Covid policy!


2022-07-11 20:21 | Report Abuse

Michale Kwok! For decades, the Lims brainwashed local chinese to hate Mahathir! And guess who becaome Harapan first PM! Yeah, Mahathir!
It's the dumbest thing Dap did! I mean what's the difference between PM Mahathir BN Umno vs PM Mahathir Pakatan Harapan! Yeah, no difference! Same expiry milk in new PH bottle!


2022-07-11 20:18 | Report Abuse

They say fxxl me once, shame on you! Shame me again, shame on me! Or is it, fxxl me again, fxxl me twice! Whatever!
Here's the thing! Rakyat are not dumbass! We know the rise in essentials are due to something beyond our control!
The thing is, rakyat have grown wiser! Rakyat want to hear Harapan leaders to tell us publicly, how to bring down cost of essentials! The thing is, Harapan leaders have no idea either! So all this BN, PN, PH or BS politicians have no idea what to do!
So why waste rakyat emotional energy by going down the street when Harapan leaders themselves can't do much! What! So Amanah can used rakyat angry against them! So rakyat will vote for Amanah! Grow up!
Harapan leaders had their chance and blew it big time!


2022-07-11 01:48 | Report Abuse

They say after a severe storm, you always get the bluest sky you ever seen!
Same with markets this week!
Apparently for some reason, commodities are going down! Yeah, prices of wheat, cooking oil and stuff like that are going down!
Seems Ukraine invasion has been forgotton! Even Putin threats seems really just that, empty threats!
Then wholla! China and US are buddies again! Wholla! Saudi and US are buddies again!
We should see some positives variables popping out this week! And some calm returning! But like they say, no matter how calm the wind is, best to make sure that umbrella is just a feet away!
Good luck traders! Should be your week!

News & Blogs

2022-07-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

After making enemy with the Saud, Biden makes a uturn! After calling Asia leaders to make enemy with China, Biden now quietly strengthening ties with China! Go figure!


2022-07-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Me and wifey drove from Johor at 4am! Checked in and went out for a while! Too crowded! So may as well take a rest first! I mean, it's been 6 hours drive for her!


2022-07-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

I am in Genting Highlands now! Too crowded! Resting in room with my wifey before continuing our early dinner! And then head to casino just to look around! I tell you, don't come here! Just too many people!


2022-07-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jul 10, 2022 2:53 PM | Report Abuse

A bloated inefficent civil service.

Answer : Honestly we have the biggest civil servants in the world! Yet can't even manage anything! I gave up going to JPJ to renew my driving license or road tax! I just go to Pos Malaysia outlet and get it done in matter of minutes! I mean, would you spend half your day in JPJ when you can get the same thing done in Pos Malaysia outlet barely half an hour!

News & Blogs

2022-07-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i mean Pas fake holymen are certified 'cap ayam' ministers! They are in charge of Haj nowadays! Yeah, so many got cheated! Shows Pas fake holymen level in managing Islam!


2022-07-10 15:47 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Totally agree with you! Unfortunately Harapan leaders are the same! They were given the chance and they dare not do anything to change our very broken system!

News & Blogs

2022-07-10 13:44 | Report Abuse

Yeah sure! Biden met with Asia leaders to form anti china group! Then US and China quietly deepens their relation! Who's the dumbass!


2022-07-10 13:43 | Report Abuse

So please don't waste rakyat time by going down the street this 16th July! Just tell us how you guys deal with it first! I mean, can Harapan for once be bold and admit cartels are source of Malaysia problem! And Harapan can gurantee to get rid of this 3 generation rent seekers!


2022-07-10 13:41 | Report Abuse

Have you notice Harapan leaders themselves do not dare to publicly give their ideas how to counter high cost of essentials! They can't because they don't have any!


2022-07-10 13:40 | Report Abuse

In short, we don't have lawmakers who are truly here to help rakyat to bring down cost of food! All are clueless! Or rather enjoying bribe from cartels!
Take cooking oil for example, it's no brainer almost all the subsidized portion are used by food industry! And some are smuggled out to Thailand!
So what's the point of subsidizing cooking oil if 90% ends up in food industry! Imagine the untaxed profit margin enjoy by them!


2022-07-10 13:37 | Report Abuse

So 'cap ayam' has been thrown around lately! Obviously Pas fake holymen are certified 'cap ayam' lawmakers! I mean, we have to feel sympathy to voters who actually voted for Pas lawmakers! I guess Pas fake holymen are very good when it comes to grooming dumbass!
However, it's an insult to chicken out there! I mean, chicken are the cheapest source of protein! Eggs are vital source of protein for B40! Basically, if price of chicken and egg are affordable to B40, they will go hungry!


2022-07-10 13:34 | Report Abuse

So yeah, rakyat has no time to go down the street only to be used by Harapan leaders!
Harapan leaders themselves are clueless when it comes to helping rakyat to bring down cost of essentials! There's no post mortem or studies on how to do so! Instead, Harapan leaders just want to bait rakyat to get so angry with themselves in hope GE15, rakyat will vote for Harapan!
This is the same tactic deployed during GE14! Can Harapan leaders grow up and actually be ready and competent if they are given another chance!