
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-10 13:31 | Report Abuse

So Amanah leaders are screaming and shouting for rakyat to go down the street this 16th July to protest over high cost of essentials nowadays!
Basically, Amanah resort to their old tactics of gaining voters before GE15!
Dudes, Harapan was given a mandate before! Did they resolve high cost of essentials! No! Removing GST didn't brought down prices! But i must give credit to Harapan for bringing back fuel subsidy which finally stabilize cost of everything!
But did Harapan remove the existence of cartels in our food chain supply! No! Did Harapan remove corrupted government enforcement officers who assist smuggling of subsidized items! No! Did corruption actually decrease during Harapan administration! Hihihaha! I mean, we were brought back to Mahathirsm where cronies were thriving!

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2022-07-09 17:37 | Report Abuse

Nobody thought of firearm use as assassination in Japan! Why, because firearms are very rare! The suspect used homemade firearm! I don't really blame Abe security guards! They just didn't expect it at all! This is Japan we talking about! The most peaceful nation in the world!


2022-07-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

When it comes to EV, China is the one to watch as China as tons of EV manufacturers compare to US, EU or Korea combine! Yeah, thanks right! US has handful of manufacturers! Same with EU and South Korea! But China, boy, that's totally different league now!
So it comes as a mild surprise that last month, 30% of new cars sold in China are EVs! 30%! That's a huge record there folks! We are in 2022! Not 2032!
Meaning in 10 years, don't be surprise there won't be any ICE cars sold in China! Not because chinese China care about the environment of climate crisis! Rather EVs are far easy to maintain and alot cheaper as well!
So for China, the days of ICE cars are truly numbered! I believe, even in 3 years, we should see 90% or even 100% new cars sold in China are EVs!


2022-07-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

Question is why now! Why only now Mohiden demand DPM post from PM Sabri! Haix! Malaysia politics is all about power!
Mohiden is planning a comeback as PM! To do that, he wants to secure No.2 post first!
So and when PM Sabri lose his majority support, then Mohiden will activate his plan!
I don't know if Mohiden will be succesful! As whispers in corridor of power nowadays are very blur!

News & Blogs

2022-07-09 15:51 | Report Abuse

I heard that dinosaur bones are very good for broth!


2022-07-09 15:50 | Report Abuse

We should not let our oil subsidies to be enjoyed by Thais! But this is happening! In fact it has gotten way worst under PM Sabri administration! The worst of all administrations!


2022-07-09 15:48 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah! Exactly! Those enforcement officers are damn rich too! I wonder what MACC is doing! It's no brainer corruption is thriving at the border!


2022-07-09 15:44 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately our PM Sabri is not pro foreign investors! He is more of kampong looking leader! I am sure he will set up another 'tuan melayu' busines centric spending only to see it fail time and time again! This fellow simply don't get it!
If you want to produce successful malay businessmen, then you have to groom those who are truly talented! And used this successful businessmen to mentor more malays!
The local chinese have perfected the art of enterprise! Why not learn from local chinese! But no!


2022-07-09 15:40 | Report Abuse

Anyway, back to original topic! Asia has no problem to weather current recession! The recession in US and EU are self inflicted!
All that Asia need to do is to ramp up infra spending! Same with Malaysia! And most important of all, to attract foreign investors to set up their based here!


2022-07-09 15:38 | Report Abuse

HSR will make it easily for mass population of Asia to move around that will certainly transform Malaysia into highly competitive nation! At last, our lawmakers are too short sighted! Only good at making rakyat angry at themselves and nothing else! Same with BN Umno! It's all about making bilions all for themselves! Every mega projects are meant to fill pockets of those in corridor of power!


2022-07-09 15:36 | Report Abuse

The greatest mistake made by Harapan leaders is to cancel HSR! Thailand already poise to complete small section of it's HSR! Eventually Thailand will link it's HSR all the way to China!


2022-07-09 15:33 | Report Abuse

EU are hopeless sphere when it comes to further infra development! They just in love with their ancient cities! I mean, why do you spend your money vacationing in France only to go and see the so called Eiffel Tower that was build century ago!
US is no different! Compare to China, US is way behind in public transportation! How can US be superpower when there's no HSR at all!
Do you know Asia has more than enough population to easily defeat US and EU economic dominance!
The problem with Asia is that, they are not united enough nor have the will power to build a New World Order! I mean, would you want to see Russia as part of the New World Order! Come on, Russia is trap in time warp! The only great thing about Russia is it's very comprehensive railroad build during Soviet era!


2022-07-08 21:48 | Report Abuse

Maybe PM Sabri should stand for Thai presidency!


2022-07-08 21:48 | Report Abuse

This shows that our 'Keluarga Malaysia' is more like 'Keluarga Thailand'! I mean, PM Sabri is subsidizing our thais more than malaysians!


2022-07-08 21:47 | Report Abuse

To be honest, majority of us can't even buy 1kg subsized oil like we used to! It's becoming so rare that finding one is like winning a lottery!
I joke to my wifey that striking 4D is easier that to find packet of 1kg subsized oil nowadays!
The bizzaro thing is, you can easily find them at our friendly neighbour, Thailand! Yeah, plenty!
It's like finding 1kg subsized oil is like finding bottled water over there!
How come!


2022-07-08 21:44 | Report Abuse

Never before this thing is so damn serious! Me and wifey rarely buy those 1kg subsized oil! Luckily, she enjoy steaming fish and only use very little oil for stir frying!
But for decades, when we go to supermarket, we always notice those mountains of 1kg subsized oil!
And then half a year ago, i begin to notice that there's very few and most of the time, we can't even find them anymore!

News & Blogs

2022-07-08 21:41 | Report Abuse

There's nothing to be proud of! High subsidies will dry this nation coffer! This is what happen to Venezuela!

News & Blogs

2022-07-08 21:40 | Report Abuse

One of Japan best PM in history! What a shocker!


2022-07-08 19:03 | Report Abuse

I believe Tok Mat interview with Asia Times is just leaving a footnote in political history! That he did tried to revive Umno but at last, he will be purged! So better tell it all and leave 'I told you so' interview that remain quiet in the corner!


2022-07-08 19:00 | Report Abuse

Chance for Malaysia to see competent leaders going forward is a slim prospect!


2022-07-08 19:00 | Report Abuse

Instead Umno will be divided and lead by the imcompetent bunch of PM Sabri camp or the corrupted ones like Zahid Najib! Either way, Umno is tossed!


2022-07-08 18:59 | Report Abuse

It seems Tok Mat days in Umno too are numbered judging from the major factions fighting for positions! Especially now that he made it public, Najib and Zahid no longer his allies!


2022-07-08 18:58 | Report Abuse

There's even list of PM Sabri yesmen to fill Umno top spots! Tok Mat was not included! Khairy was reduce to stooge in that list! And Tajuddin and Annuar Musa elevated into prime position! I mean, would you trust bunch of nincompoops with current complex problem that we are facing! Malaysia will be like US government lead by Democrats but far worst!
Umno need new blood! Umno need competent leaders! The only few that fit that bill is Khairy and Tok Mat! The rest are pure BS!


2022-07-08 18:55 | Report Abuse

Problem with Umno is it's lack of competent leaders! Most are very mediocre! Take PM Sabri for example, after leading few ministries, he has history of poor judgement and alot of fail ventures! Basically confirm that he should not be No.1 for Malaysia! Unfortunately he is at the moment!


2022-07-08 18:53 | Report Abuse

In essence, Tok Mat is shouting and screaming to Asia Times reporter that he is the one that help Umno regain some footing! Like Donald Trump, everybody else do not appreciate his political strategy! Everybody else so arrogant thinking they are better!
Unfortunately for Tok Mat, he alone does not have the tribe of warlords to secure him the top spot!
Zahid refuse to retire despite his very damaging corruption charges to Umno! Zahid is the main liability for Umno at the moment! It's just as severe as 1MDB!
And of course Zahid has the ambition to be PM if BN Umno wins GE15! PM Sabri has zero say once he dissolve the government!
The only way to resolve this infighting is through Umno election! But don't expect favorable outcome! Even if Umno holds it's election, it will only break Umno apart! Regardless if they hold it before or after GE15!


2022-07-08 18:47 | Report Abuse

So suddenly we heard of Tok Mat 'leak' audio with Asia Times reporter! Which is actually on purpose! Tok Mat is not that naive! He knows the reporter will 'leak' his interview with him! And it seems Asia Times reporter didn't even bother to ask Tok Mat hard questions, Tok Mat just gave everything and more!
Of course for political analysts out there, we would ask ourselves! Why did Tok Mat made such a huge risk! Tok Mat revelation actually put him in cross with the court cluster which he sided for sometime! And also putting him or rather not in alliance with PM Sabri!
It's obvious! Tok Mat will not survive with the court cluster! Tok Mat also not welcome by PM Sabri camp!
It seems after rejuvenation Umno, everybody else are taking credit for Tok Mat hard work!
Zahid Hamidi took advantage of Tok Mat! PM Sabri camp insult Tok Mat left and right! Najib however, stood on his own ground as he did help Umno in his iconic 'Bosku' brand!


2022-07-08 18:42 | Report Abuse

It's really open secret that Umno rejuvenation should be credited to Tok Mat! After been forced to lead Umno after Zahid garden leave, Tok Mat shown majority malays that he is the worthy leader to guide Umno into declining phase!
Yes, Umno is in declining phase! More like the very end of it's existence! One more term of mediocrity and business as usually corrupt malay leaders, Umno days actually really numbered! We may never see the end of Umno before GE16! That is very certain! The infightings are getting worst! You have 2 major camp fighting among each other, not to mention few factions that may strike if they gain momentum!

News & Blogs

2022-07-08 12:26 | Report Abuse

Grandpa Koon has lost his golden touch! Best to retire! Seems 10 out of 10 stock pick turn turd lately!

News & Blogs

2022-07-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

What to do! We just have to live with Covid! Probably in few weeks time, we will see peak in infections, then after that decline! Happens when there's sub variant!

News & Blogs

2022-07-08 12:00 | Report Abuse

Malaysia interest rate is still very low! Still have plenty of room for hike! So there's no worry like US!


2022-07-08 11:59 | Report Abuse

We should see some calm in markets as inflation pressure ease in coming months due to oil price stabilizing towards lower cap!


2022-07-07 16:10 | Report Abuse

If you want to push price by cryptos, you do it quietly! If you announce it, then be sure, it's going to crash!


2022-07-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for us dollar oil buyers, China and India are laughing with their cheap oil supply from Russia!
The US dollar oil days are gone! US can't bully India or China! This nation instead up their stake!
As for oil, there's actually amply supply! More than enough! So we should see oil continue to drop! Maybe we will see usd70 per barrel soon!

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:51 | Report Abuse

I think Tok Mat knew Asia Times will release his audio! He is making denial out of gesture! Probably this is his strategy!

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:48 | Report Abuse

Useless currency! You can't buy anything or take loan! crypto is just a scam!

News & Blogs

2022-07-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

Chairman Xi is killing China with his zero Covid policy! And also his war monger agenda! If Chairman Xi successfully purge Premier Li, then that will be the end of China!

News & Blogs

2022-07-06 11:03 | Report Abuse

Total dumbass! The world is laughing at China!


2022-07-06 11:02 | Report Abuse

Barely few weeks after nightmarish lockdown, i think Beijing and Shanghai once again go under lockdown!
I dont' know, buat given Chairman Xi who is war monger and anti Covid world leader, safe to say, he will continue to wreck havoc China economy!


2022-07-05 14:03 | Report Abuse

It really doesn't matter who lead Umno, the truth is, Umno has reach it's end! It's usefulness has ran it course! Best to be dissolve to make way for new politics!


2022-07-05 14:02 | Report Abuse

Umno current leaders also too out of touch with reality! You have PM Sabri and his minion totally unable to handle anything!
Take the cost of food for example! For half a year now, malaysians can't even get their hands on those 1kg subsidize cooking oil! And yet if you go to Thailand, such subsidized 1kg cooking oil are sold openly and readily available! With 100 ministers and advisers, how come PM Sabri administration can't even handle such important item for malaysians! Total failure!