
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-29 12:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by clp72 > Jun 29, 2022 10:34 AM | Report Abuse

you forgot there is another party in this whole equation, Bossku.. it's a 3-way race

Answer : Zahid is using both Bossku and Tok Mat! Both are dumbass mule for Zahid!


2022-06-28 20:57 | Report Abuse

In short, Zahid Hamidi and Ismail Sabri are liability to Umno going forward!


2022-06-28 20:56 | Report Abuse

Only Umno is making too much political news lately! And rakyat are not happy!
Come GE15, voters will not vote for BN Umno lead by either Zahid Hamidi or Ismail Sabri! The writing is on the wall!
PM Sabri handling of many issues have been imcompetent to say the least! It's an F! As for Zahid, his nonsense whining is hurting Umno by the minute!
We all know Zahid call for GE15 is to save himself! And also to make himself PM! Come on, dont take me Najib and Tok Mat are too naive to see this!
As for Ismail Sabri, his option is actually next to zero! Once he dissolve parliment, he has no say in Umno!
By July, we should get verdict for Zahid corruption charges! Once found guilty, Zahid has to resign as president of Umno immediately! Of which the next in line, Tok Mat will be acting president!
But i am sure PM Sabri, been as power crazy as Zahid, will try to install himself as acting president! Which is actually illegal to do so! There's nothing in Umno constitution that says PM should be Umno acting president!
Mohiden can trap him if he succeed! Because Hamzah is controlling ROS! Hamzah can declare Umno illegal if PM Sabri act as president of Umno!
Actually, even now, Umno is already considered illegal party as Umno fail to conduct Umno election!


2022-06-28 19:44 | Report Abuse

For me, i just stay cash! For now! Time to head to Genting with wifey for some domestic vacation! Yeah, been postponing the trip for so long! Was gong few weeks ago only to be told that our reservation was not confirm! Please, Genting! Can you guys don't overbook your hotels! I know your occupancy has been like 100% lately but don't simply cancel our booking and give lame excuse!


2022-06-28 19:42 | Report Abuse

We could see some mild bullish from markets! But i don't know! Who knows few days later some countries and China tighten Covid measures again! You know this new subviariant thingy!


2022-06-28 19:40 | Report Abuse

My suggestion, follow your own golden rules!


2022-06-28 19:40 | Report Abuse

So guys, please ignore my advise on stocks! I could be wrong! Been wrong for sometime! Can't even use the usually oversold or overbought TA too! Variables have been so gloom! And suddenly good one positive coming out from China!


2022-06-28 19:38 | Report Abuse

So miraculously Beijing and Shanghai register zero infections for few days! Hhhmmm!
I hope CCP too quietly retire their dumbass zero Covid policy!
And yet again, my timing is bad! Sold all my stocks only to find markets turn green again! Just my luck! Maybe signal that i should retire from stocks for good! Timing has been very bad lately!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

Only Zahid wants GE15 to save himself! What a thick skin liar!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 14:50 | Report Abuse

Almost every EV offerred are sold out! Go figure!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

BS! Spend 1 trillon in US but build nothing! Now want to 'help' other countries to build their imaginary roads!


2022-06-28 13:22 | Report Abuse

The best candidate to be PM is Tok Mat! As he won't buy support from Umno warlords!


2022-06-28 13:21 | Report Abuse

Even if BN Umno wins, they will form a very unstable government! Why, because Umno is very divided! PM Sabri will buy support from Umno warlords! With bad economy, he will drag Malaysia into the pit!


2022-06-28 13:16 | Report Abuse

It's not that Tok Mat wants to protect the court cluster, rather he is trying to protect himself been purge by PM Sabri!


2022-06-28 13:16 | Report Abuse

Tok Mat knew if he gives way to PM Sabri, chances are he will eventually purge from Umno!


2022-06-28 13:15 | Report Abuse

Actually, Tok Mat already got support from most Umno leaders to purge Zahid Hamidi as president before PM Sabri shows up!
The thing is, as the most effective strategist and done the hard work of rejuvanating Umno, Tok Mat of course has the ambition to be PM!
But the problem is, PM Sabri too has grown very greedy and wants to Umno president bypass Tok Mat!
PM Sabri consider Tok Mat to be inferior hence trying to implicate Tok Mat with old allegations! Which already been cleared by Harapan administration!


2022-06-28 04:42 | Report Abuse

This clash between Zahid and Ismail Sabri will not end well! In fact we only hear Umno making too much political noise ignoring the pleads of this nation! We are in the midst of a very serious economic situation and both Zahid and Ismail Sabri are not qualified to deal with it!


2022-06-28 04:40 | Report Abuse

As for Zahid, he is just too corrupted and has zero conscience and moral compass!


2022-06-28 04:40 | Report Abuse

Both Zahid and Ismail Sabri are parasites! They don't deserve to be leaders of this nation!
More so PM Sabri who has strings of failures! His many pet projects all end up in smokes! Zero business sense!


2022-06-28 04:39 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for PM Sabri, his circle of influence in Umno is too tiny! Umno warlords know that PM Sabri does not have what it takes to win general erection!
Zahid too depends on Tok Mat and yet took credit of all the hard work Tok Mat has done so far!


2022-06-28 04:37 | Report Abuse

Umno is in the midst of a very serious power tussle between Zahid Hamidi and Ismail Sabri!
Both are actually liability to Umno! Beside taking down the court cluster, PM Sabri also from the very beginning took steps to eliminate Tok Mat from top post of Umno!
It's very clear to see, despite given clear by Harapan administration of the corruption allegation against Tok Mat, PM Sabri force MACC to do re investigate into very old case!
Look, Tok Mat of course did some dirty laundering when he was CM of N. Sembilan! But heck, it's only like few millions only! Which is tiny compare to the rest of Umno warlords! And probably it was only one time deal!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 02:03 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i mention, the leftist also working on going raceless! Yeah, if you are born indian american, you can change you race too! Then again, in Malaysia, we already pioneered this, so US apparently behind the curve!
In Malaysia, anyone can be malay! Even if you are pure chinese like Redzuan Tee, you can change your race! Damn! I thing americans are damn jealous of this achievement!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 02:01 | Report Abuse

US nowadays, total cuckoo! Karmal Harris is your most liberal dumbass! She said that government has no right to put gender on you! Meaning, if you are born male, government should not identify you as a male but 'they'!
So don't be surprise US will be the first nation to declare babies to be born genderless! And sadly, this idea of gender 'choice' will spread all over the world!
So dudes, be prepared to see the light when your grandchildren will be classified as 'they'!

News & Blogs

2022-06-28 01:41 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about that! In US, it's now a choice to change gender! Finally US men can get pregnant!


2022-06-28 01:39 | Report Abuse

Thorman! Yeah! Correct! Foreign investors are flooding Vietnam and Indonesia! Who wants to invest in pariah nation!

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 23:15 | Report Abuse

Actually women should be given the choice! Or else they will go for ilegal abortion which is far worst option!
Personally, i believe, every women should be given education in family planning to avoid abortion!


2022-06-27 21:44 | Report Abuse

Stay cash! I am also 100% now!


2022-06-27 21:44 | Report Abuse

No positive variables! Go figure!

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 21:42 | Report Abuse

What! Need cash! And reject aid! Something wrong somewhere! Oh, yeah right! Talibans!


2022-06-27 21:24 | Report Abuse

It's also possible that many Umno supporters will instead vote for Bersatu as a form of protest!


2022-06-27 21:24 | Report Abuse

Umno is not strong! It's very weak! The only reason for it's many by elections win is because of rakyat hatred and dissapointment with Harapan leaders!
However, lately, only Zahid Hamidi making so much political noise! Rakyat are watching! Majority malays are watching!
Nobody in their right mind will vote for Umno if Zahid Hamidi leads Umno! Because it's very certain, Zahid will make himself PM as he is president of Umno!
Zahid is using Umno to save himself! Nobody is dumbass not to see this!
If GE15 is been held today, i think Umno will not win as much as what they did in GE14!
We would see even Umno hardcore not coming out to vote! I am sure they don't want their children to blame them for voting huge liability like him! More so making him PM!
We already have too many dumbass becoming PM in short 4 years! Adding one more will turn Malaysia into laughing stock of Asia and the world!


2022-06-26 18:22 | Report Abuse

One of the most important variable is cheap oil price! If you have cheap oil, then the rest will follow! Unfortunately, due to Biden own fault, we are now living in artificial high oil price!
Fortunately this round, EVs are replacing ICE cars are much faster rate than anticipated! Shockingly fast actually! By next year probably half of new cars sold will be EVs!
So oil price should go down in coming months! It's up to Biden to make oil really dirt cheap! But then again, we are placing hope on the wrong leader here!


2022-06-26 18:19 | Report Abuse

SsLee! This round due to mismanagement of geopolitics and economy! Actually it's very preventable! But we have dumbass leaders nowadays! Which makes me wonder if democracy still have place in future generations!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 18:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah! US and EU responsible for this! Now cry victim! Trump has warned you guys but you didn't listen!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 17:55 | Report Abuse

Yeah, good for India and China! Buy cheap from Russia, refurbish them and sell back to UK, US, Japan and Canada!


2022-06-26 17:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah, US and EU in total disarray! Wrong leaders in place! Too busy wagging war! No focus on economy! Miss Trump and the peace!
Hard to be optimistic nowadays! Can't find any favorable variables!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i call my bidet spray as biden spray! I mean Biden is only good at cleaning your backhole!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 15:36 | Report Abuse

Balony! Only westerners still use toilet paper to wipe their backside! Let them suffer! Using biden spray is much better!


2022-06-26 15:34 | Report Abuse

That will be 2 years away!


2022-06-26 15:33 | Report Abuse

One should only invest back in stocks if price of oil is cheap! that's one of the strong variable that overcome other unstable variables!


2022-06-26 15:33 | Report Abuse

Even if i sell my remaining stocks at loss, overall, i am still making a tiny profit!
Looking at situation in Malaysia and globally, i am just fed up with unpredictable variables!


2022-06-26 15:31 | Report Abuse

Unless oil crash to usd35, i am just pessimistic about investment now! Why, because too much instability! Gloom, that's what decribe current situation!
PM Sabri administration is rudderless! Worst administration, well not as worst as Mahathir 22 months i suppose!
Vietnam and Indonesia are bypassing us at lighting speed! I am sure talents are heading to Vietnam and Indonesia and take the chance to make tons of money! Why waste in Bolehland!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 15:26 | Report Abuse

Take Perak for example, less racial havoc! Why, because Umno and Dap agree to set up state government!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 15:26 | Report Abuse

Author keep reminiscing about the past! Past is past! Today, we are so divided along racial line! Instead we need to accept that malaycentrics are running loose since non malays are not represented in corridor of all malay government!