
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-05 13:59 | Report Abuse

Only in peninsula, Umno still able to gather some support! But for how long! The old generation voters that kept Umno dominant are dying out! GE15 will be the last time this old generation will be able to help Umno! Beyond that, the new generation of malays will not vote for Umno!
Umno fail to attract the newer younger malays into Umno!
With Rafazi back into Pkr, this younger malays will opt for Pkr instead of Umno! Forget Syed Saddiq! He is a sardin can politician! Already forgotten post Johor by election! Syed Saddiq very selfish politics during Johor by election really turnoff his malay based!


2022-07-05 13:55 | Report Abuse

After 30 years in Sabah, Umno has done nothing for Sabah people! So Umno won't be miss at all! Another round of empty promises won't help either!


2022-07-05 13:55 | Report Abuse

So Sabah BN Convention was a total flop! My undercover friend said, it's more like farewell gathering for BN Umno in Sabah!
The fact that Sabah Umno is now all alone without any allies shows that Umno in Sabah should close shop post GE15!

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2022-07-04 17:38 | Report Abuse

Capital market is the cheapest place to get capital for PLCs! However market sentiment very bad!


2022-07-04 17:37 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Better stay 100% cash! However i think Asia should weather US and EU recession much better!
US and EU leaders created current economic exploding! Asia can avoid this self inflicted recession!
As for Malaysia, i think only certain industry will thrive! Steel exports should be one of them! As Vietnam and Indonesia go full monty with infra development!

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2022-07-04 14:54 | Report Abuse

Qqq3! You and Grandpa Koon love to bash malays in Malaysia and taking credit for China success!
It's okay to acknowledge China success but not to extend creating racial divide in Malaysia! It's a very dangerous thing to do!
Back in the 80s and 90s, we were very proud of been so called nation that maintain racial harmony! Until the chauvinists and 'tuan melayu' Umno and Pas fake holymen wheck havoc everything!

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2022-07-04 13:06 | Report Abuse

Yes, China progress has been impressive! But don't take credit for China success while hitting at malays are home as if you have contributed to homeland success just like that shake leg Qqq3! Don't rock the 'sampan' in Malaysia!


2022-07-04 04:33 | Report Abuse

Let's see how things are playing! The latest NATO rhetoric is a path for EU decline! The cold war playing out in EU will be back for the whitemen supremacy in Old World Order!


2022-07-04 04:31 | Report Abuse

If China play it safe, not messing with geopolitical tension, then China actually in perfect position to replace US as No.1 superpower without firing a single shot!


2022-07-04 04:29 | Report Abuse

We are witnessing a weird New World Order where US dollar decoupling for the last few months!


2022-07-04 04:28 | Report Abuse

Decades ago, when US goes into recession, the whole world will be affected too!
But this round, it may not be the same!
The US dollar decoupling is beginning to take root! China would insist their trading partners to use Yuan! China is buying russian oil paying in ruble! In return, China exports it's good to Russia! Bypassing US dollar trades!
As US and EU are in geopolitical mess, Asia are moving away from this western instability!


2022-07-04 04:23 | Report Abuse

Here's the thing! Sabah Umno has been government for 30 years in Sabah! According to my neighbour, Sabah was actually much better before BN Umno!
During those 30 years under BN Umno, Sabah people felt they were not treated with fairness!
So it's safe to say, Umno will not do well in coming GE15! Why vote for Umno when Umno was total failure for Sabah people! Why give another chance! It's already proven that BN Umno does nothing for Sabah people!
Hence why BN allies have left Umno for good!


2022-07-04 04:20 | Report Abuse

Had a chat with my neighbour who is working as intel in Sabah this evening!
You know he loved to share his latest data gathering with me!
So the court cluster held a BN Convention in Sabah this weekend! Unfortunately this so called 'BN' thingy was a total joke! Umno has no allies in Sabah now! It's formerly BN allies all have abandon Umno and unite under GRS banner!
So basically, Umno top brass in Sabah and those court cluster like Zahid, Najib and that local Umno head, Bung Moktar were only shiok with themselves!
Zahid bragged and took credit for Umno many victory in recent by elections! As usually Tok Mat remain the apologetic loser and let Zahid took all the credit after hard work from him and Najib!
Najib firely Bossku brand seems not doing well with Sabah people during his weekend visit!
And Sabah Umno leaders seems to be at BN Convention for the usually goodies! Already, Sabah Umno leaders are lobbying for new airport once BN Umno re capture Sabah!


2022-07-04 00:00 | Report Abuse

Global oil supply are sufficient! Just that US is not pumping as much oil like it used to!
China, India and some countries bypass trading in US dollar so the truth is, analysts are getting wrong figure!
I mean for China, they are laughing because they are getting cheap russian oil and even sell back to US and EU!

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2022-07-03 23:57 | Report Abuse

Please don't insult the 'ayam'! Pas fake holymen are really good for nothing! I really don't know why there's are still human voting for them!

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2022-07-03 23:56 | Report Abuse

Actually there are surplus of cooking oil in global market right now!

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2022-07-03 23:55 | Report Abuse

More rent seekers from Bersatu! Useless ministers and directors getting tax payers money for doing nothing!


2022-07-03 01:14 | Report Abuse

Jquestion! Yes but for passenger vehicles all will be replaced by EV! No doubt oil still plays major role but the oil price will never go up again!


2022-07-02 22:50 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Yes, even if Umno is dissolve, PM Sabri can remain PM! Dissolving Umno is the right thing to do!


2022-07-02 19:12 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! You are absolutely correct! ROS has the power to dissolve Umno now!

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2022-07-02 19:11 | Report Abuse

It's not so secret too that Hisham is going for presidency if Umno force to do it's election this year! But i think Hamzah knows, dissolving Umno is much better option! So you see, Umno demise will contribute to some stability!

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2022-07-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

Then again, it's not so secret Mohiden too want to see Umno been dissolve! I mean, come on! For ROS to dissolve Umno now is legal! Padan muka is the right word for Umno delaying it's election! I mean, i think rakyat too will feel relief if Umno is total goner for good!

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2022-07-02 17:34 | Report Abuse

Because post GE15, Umno will still be damn divided that they have zero time to manage Malaysia! And perhaps we may even see this new government collapse!

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2022-07-02 17:33 | Report Abuse

And now Umno has 3 or 4 or 5 lions on the top of the mountain! Better dissolve Umno! Then this factions can set up their own party!

News & Blogs

2022-07-02 17:32 | Report Abuse

If Najib and Tok Mat had the courage to purge Zahid 2 years ago, perhaps, Tok Mat already be in strong position to take down Ismail Sabri! And if Tok Mat becomes PM, then of course he will repay Najib by swipping Najib's convinction on the carpet!
But no! Tok Mat and Najib backed off after getting majority support from Umno leaders!

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2022-07-02 17:31 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi alone created so much political divide and brought down PH administration and PN administration! And now Zahid is the main culprit in bringing down Umno itself! Take out Zahid and perhaps Umno can see some peace! Maybe!

News & Blogs

2022-07-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

And of course the counter plot where Mohiden unite Pas and Umno to propose Ismail Sabri as his replacement! That's how we got Ismail Sabri as our most lamest PM in history! PM Sabri has zero idea how to manage this country! Instead he goes around with his out of touch 'Bahasa' agenda that becomes laughing stock among Asia!

News & Blogs

2022-07-02 17:28 | Report Abuse

Lest we forgot, let me set the record straight! It was Zahid that promised Anwar as replacement for Mohiden 11 months ago! Anwar immediately made a press conference stating that he has the convincing majority!
When Zahid was pressured by other Umno leaders to backoff after getting SDs and presented to Agong, Zahid stood in front of Umno assembly with that big fat lie 'No Anwar, No Dap, No Bersatu'!
Najib was not even aware of Zahid plot! Najib and Tok Mat tried to get rid of Zahid 2 years back!
So now Anwar is blaming Najib for something he is not even part of the plot!


2022-07-02 15:25 | Report Abuse

I believe once we get 100k EV here, most of the buyers will be Grab drivers! Why, because it really most cost effective to do driving business!


2022-07-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

Ioniq 5 at 200k is really value for money! Best of the best EV that one can buy in Malaysia!


2022-07-02 15:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jul 2, 2022 11:15 AM | Report Abuse

Know what is the cheapest EV car cost compare to our Myvi and what is the fuel cost in Malaysia compare to western countries or singapore

Answer : Actually, if you go EV, and you main get your watt from your own home outlet, you talking about 60% cheaper in fuel comparison!
Unfortunately, we have to wait for EVs that are similar price to Myvi! The cheapest EV in Malaysia will be Ora said to be marketed here soon! 150k!
The best 200k EV is Ioniq 5 at 200k! But you can't buy it now! Sold out!


2022-07-02 15:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jul 2, 2022 11:16 AM | Report Abuse

Insas market cap is now lower than Insas's net cash.

Answer : I have said many times on Insas! It's value trap! Better go for Inari!


2022-07-02 15:18 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Love the article on EV advantage! The push for EV is getting easier as buyers realise how cost effective EVs are! ICE cars are damn complicated! You talking about taking care of radiator, suspension, engine, aircond, electrical system just to name a few! That's why 6 years from now, nobody dare to buy ICE cars as it's actually extreme expensive to maintain!


2022-07-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

Almost daily Zahid Hamidi demand for immediate GE15! But he constantly giving excuses to hold Umno election!
Umno should have held it's election back in 2021! Dap, Amanah, Pkr and the rest of other small parties too already held theirs!
In fact, Umno total cannot make any decision as it's under caretaker! Meaning Zahid cannot postpone Umno election even if they want to! Please be fair! How come only Umno given special treatment!
Just dissolve Umno already!


2022-07-01 19:23 | Report Abuse

Vtrade! Maybe Dnex but need to wait until Foxconn build their factory here!


2022-07-01 18:57 | Report Abuse

I am not into market, 100% cash! Malaysia is a bit hopelss, you know, of everything!
Even if we go through GE15, there will be no political stability! Umno will split and break apart eventually! So best for ROS to dissolve Umno and save rakyat from the infightings in Umno!


2022-07-01 18:55 | Report Abuse

So yeah, oil price has peak! New supply are coming online! Hence oil theme that we witness may be the very last!
Maybe EV theme will be hot but Malaysia, there's very limited choice! The one that i am monitoring takes long time to move! You know, the Foxconn thingy if you catch the hint! But this stock is way way years from now!


2022-07-01 18:53 | Report Abuse

Oil price may already peak! China is getting their supply direct from Russia so the demand equation may not be correct!
Of course, China been smart, will not use dollar in their oil trade with Russia! I mean, China can sell their product to Russia and Russia export their oil to China! So basically, this private loop bypass US dollar!
Anyway, electrification is suprisingly robust! New EVs are been introduce to market at shockingly fast speed!
Like, almost every month, we can find new EV brand in the market! It may not be surprising to see by next year, half of new cars are EVs!

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2022-07-01 18:47 | Report Abuse

Anwar is such a liar! Just like Zahid!

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2022-07-01 18:45 | Report Abuse

Up to kelantanese to change new government! But for the rest of Malaysia, please don't vote for this fake islamic party!

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2022-07-01 18:30 | Report Abuse

Pas fake holymen used cancel culture long before US! They cancel old malay culture and replace with their own fake up culture!


2022-07-01 17:34 | Report Abuse

There should not be bias on ROS side! So far all parties have conducted their party election except Umno!
If Umno refuse to conduct their election in immediate term, then ROS should exercise fair rule of and dissolve Umno for good!


2022-07-01 17:33 | Report Abuse



2022-07-01 12:38 | Report Abuse

Recession or not, the thing is, EV demands are super high!