
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-01 12:38 | Report Abuse

In short, early birds get the fat worms! Those who wait too long will be left behind in this super high growth industry!


2022-07-01 12:37 | Report Abuse

Since current recession is due to high oil price, EVs will be much more attractiove alternative for car buyers hence the current super high demands! Then again EVs have been proven to be much superior to ICE cars hence more reason to switch!


2022-07-01 12:36 | Report Abuse

German legacy manufacturers like Mercedes and VW are producing top contender EVs! VW already sold out their production for this year! As for Mercedes, they now have killer EV after many years of mediocre ones!


2022-07-01 12:35 | Report Abuse

Indonesia already has tons of producers lining up to set up their plants! Thailand too shifting to EVs effortlessly!


2022-07-01 12:34 | Report Abuse

China of course is leading this phase! However, Vietnam made a surprise by producing it's own EV brand which is more surprisingly great!


2022-07-01 12:33 | Report Abuse

While US and EU are worrying over recession which is actually a self inflicted in nature, nobody is paying attention to the super high growth of EVs production!

News & Blogs

2022-07-01 12:31 | Report Abuse

We are now in rapid phase of electrification! EVs production are in high growth phase!

News & Blogs

2022-07-01 12:31 | Report Abuse

Actually only US and EU will experience recession! Vietnam and Indonesia are now in bullish mode as development surpass the rest of the world!
Nowadays, recession can be isolated! But too much politicking from US and EU affected the rest of the world!


2022-07-01 12:28 | Report Abuse

Actually AYS is really good! Annjoon too very good! Hiaptek next quarter should give similar good result as Q3 already anticipated! Sadly steel theme not moving despite robust demand from Vietnam and Indonesia!


2022-07-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

If Umno election is held today before GE15, at least, rakyat can see, what Umno is! The mystery of split within Umno will be revealed now rather than later!


2022-07-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

Local chinese, indians and bumis will not vote for BN! Why, because they know how split and divided Umno leaders are! Umno itself will not be able to win much seat! By elections are different! General election is totally different animal!
The younger malay voters will not vote for Umno! Their impression is that, Umno is grandaddy party, out of touch and too corrupted to be reform!


2022-07-01 11:50 | Report Abuse

If Umno hold it's election after GE15, i think it's safe to say, Umno would be so split, many will jump to other parties and form new government!
Situation will not be difference from today! To say we will get stable government after GE15 is great delusion!
Political stability is a thing of the past in Malaysia! We will never again experience political stability just like how we will never again experience multiracial harmony!
Malaysia is a fail state! A pariah state! A fact yet to be fully understood by many!
Okay, going back to Umno election, it's better to see Umno breaking apart now rather than wait after GE15, only to see the split wide open for another one term!
There's zero gurantee Umno leaders will unite for the sake of this country! Rather it's better to get Umno election going and see it break apart now!


2022-06-30 23:16 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, Rafizi is back to his old 'formula'! Anwar Ibrahim too antiquated! LGE and Mat Sabu are totally jokers!
Harapan simply can't get their act together!


2022-06-30 23:14 | Report Abuse

If Harapan present their set of professional lawmakers and the things that they will do, with more realistic promises, surely Harapan could be given 2nd chance!


2022-06-30 23:13 | Report Abuse

The only reason why BN Umno yet to be defeated is because Harapan leaders are too dumbass and divided!
Obviously Dap, Amanah and Pkr can't even seat together sort out their differences and come out with convincing shadow cabinet!


2022-06-30 23:12 | Report Abuse

Tajudin brag that he has 50 years political history with Umno! Yeah, sure! When is he going to retire from politics! Too old and stuck with old ideas!


2022-06-30 23:11 | Report Abuse

Umno has too many dinasours! And malay voters are now totally different generation! Umno is lead by granddaddys of politics! How can the grandchildren support them when their fathers too are not part of Umno!


2022-06-30 23:09 | Report Abuse

The 'tuan melayu' agenda has ran it's course! How can Umno claim to be sacred party of malays if their leaders are pure evil!
Even the Catholic Church, the oldest sacred Christianity institution is now weak and lost it's global influence! More so for Umno with 70 years history!


2022-06-30 23:07 | Report Abuse

My prediction is, we will see the end of Umno post GE15! Umno has deep problem that will not be solved even with Umno election itself!
Zahid Hamidi dan Najib Razak is a huge liability! Ismail Sabri too is a huge liability!
Tok Mat and Khairy are the only few that can rejuvate Umno! But without power, they are helpless!
Umno is trap in deep rooted corruption culture! Umno warlords are thirst for power, wealth and above all, driven by selfish desire!


2022-06-30 20:12 | Report Abuse

Lockdown no longer possible! Basically, all of us already infected! Yeah, those vaccine are Covid too! So no point to do lockdown!
Basically, just ask those infected to quarantine themselves! Give them anti viral! That's it!


2022-06-30 20:10 | Report Abuse

Things are much different now compare to last 2 years! We don't have vaccine back then! We also don't have anti viral!
Now we have both!
New approach must be implemented to curb Covid! Trace the infected not M16 the whole population like last time!


2022-06-30 20:08 | Report Abuse

Qqq3! Yeah, and you are too busy taking credit for china success! You did nothing! Just brag about it everyday!

News & Blogs

2022-06-30 20:07 | Report Abuse

Both Mahathir and Sultan of Johor are in the wrong! Sultan threated to pull out of Malaysia because of his personal mega projects stalled! As for Mahathir, he basically destroy future of Malaysia with his wrong decisions!

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2022-06-30 16:35 | Report Abuse

Russia totally depend on oil! In 5 years time, nobody wants to use fossil fuel for their cars!


2022-06-30 16:33 | Report Abuse

Qqq3! You have been taking credit for China success! But what have you contribute directly to China! Zero! Only stay in Malaysia and talkcock about it!


2022-06-30 15:38 | Report Abuse

Speakup! Those in upper management enjoying all the perks you mention! As for those in low ranks, giving lunch meal is actually bare minimum!

News & Blogs

2022-06-30 15:17 | Report Abuse

Chill, in 5 years time OPEC and Russia won't matter! Oil won't matter anymore!


2022-06-30 15:16 | Report Abuse

We don know the reason for Malaysia slow implementation is because of political reason! Too many cronies to take care!
But for how long! Even Indonesia and Thailand are moving much faster that us right now!
Thailand already start to export their EVs to Malaysia! And eventually, Thailand or Indonesia will be BYD biggest plant!
And as usually, Malaysia remain in dark age! But this round this are different!
Oil export will dwindle in coming years! Oil will not be major driven! US dollar will crash as more and more nations electrify their vehicles!
China will be the first nation to be 100% fossil fuel free cars in coming years! And i am sure, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia will be next!
Malaysia, haix, no need to say much! Useless government!


2022-06-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

Looking at Norway, where their cars are now almost all EVs, government don't even bother about fuel subsidy! Mind you, Norway major export is oil! And yet, they don't burden themselves with subsiding fuel at all!


2022-06-30 15:10 | Report Abuse

It's really foolish that government subsidies half of our fuel! Fuel subsidies is the biggest portion of allocation!


2022-06-30 15:04 | Report Abuse

We are adapting to this virus as time goes on! And eventually our body will develop natural immunity!


2022-06-30 15:03 | Report Abuse

Good news first! Now we have anti viral! And most of newer variants are very mild!
So there's no need for tight measures except to implement some measure on high infection spots!
It's better to treat those infected rather than to do another round of mass vacciantion!
However, if there's a need for it, then, we are rakyat should follow! Given our highest 95% vaccination rate, we have nothing much to worry! Rakyat will follow any instruction from the government to prevent another lockdown! But i think there's no prospect of another lockdown given how mild Omicron has been!


2022-06-30 14:59 | Report Abuse

This morning went to buy weekly groceries! Boy, the prices are getting out of control! Barely a week, price of pork already gone up again! Pork has become rich man meat i suppose!
I hope some enterprising local chinese would start selling wild boar meat like those in Sarawak! I mean, here in peninsula, we have tons of wild boar you know! And it's free! Malays don't eat them! At least we can do some social service by eating them!


2022-06-30 14:57 | Report Abuse

Make sure of course to provide them will decent meal! Not something that you yourself can't even take! If it's good for you, then it's good for your workers!
If very concerning especially today where price of everything has gone up alot!


2022-06-30 14:56 | Report Abuse

You may think this is like doing charity but i tell you, it makes alot of difference especially for workers who are earning peanuts! 1.5k minimum salary barely covers todays high living cost!
By providing lunch, at least they dont' waste time going around buying lunch which is getting expensive by the day!
They can take some rest and be more productive! And for employers who can't afford to increase their salary further, this is one of the best method to retain your workers!


2022-06-29 19:00 | Report Abuse

Chill dude! The days will come when ICE cars will be seen as outdated mode of mobility!


2022-06-29 12:59 | Report Abuse

SsLee! German are dumbass! They have 17 nuke power plants! Instead they shut it down for fossil fuel power plant and yet so righteous about climate change!


2022-06-29 12:57 | Report Abuse

What i am saying is that, oil industry is going to join the sunset industry! Probably 3 years from now!
This current high oil price will be foot note in human history! Yeah, imagine our grandchildren laughing at current generation for using ICE


2022-06-29 12:55 | Report Abuse

Imagine even current EVs are already superior to ICE cars! CATL just announce battery pack that can give 1000km range! which will be new normal decade from now!
I mean, why drive ICE cars when you can get far superior EV cars!
Decade from now, you and i will find it disgusting to own an ICE car! Yeah, too much maintaince, smelly fume, and smelly petrol! Nobody wants them decade from now! It's like a joke if you still hold on to them!


2022-06-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

And now for Exxon CEO actually predicting demise of ICE cars is something else!
I mean, pro EVs would be the first to issue this grim scenario for ICE cars! But no! This came from Exxon CEO! From oil giant!


2022-06-29 12:51 | Report Abuse

Currently high oil price is actually a mirage! There's no shortage of oil! Just producers were caught off guard during Covid! And then the world reopens early this year and kaboom, demand suddenly surge!
But current oil high wont' last long! Max 2 years! And already tapering now as more and more deep sea rigs are supplying oil!
The thing is, oil industry is also facing dwindling demand in coming years!
This year alone, 20% of new cars are EVs! Even the most optimistic forecast were easily defeated! Many thought EVs uptake will take years and yet the EVs sold today is far more than predicted!
Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia already far ahead of us! Malaysia is actually way way way behind in EV revolution, that's why we don't realise what's going on!


2022-06-29 12:45 | Report Abuse

Haix! Grandpa Koon bad karma rubbing into my game lately! I sold at all the lowest and now Hengyuan rebound again!