
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-26 15:20 | Report Abuse

I mean, look at Jokowi! Went to see Elon Musk wearing cheap locak sneakers! And the usually cheap white shirt! And brought back billions worth of investment from Tesla and Spacex!


2022-06-26 15:19 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i mention his love for expensive shirt! I mean, how dumbass can you be! Rakyat are suffering high cost of food and he is walking model for expensive shirt! You think rakyat want to vote for him!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 15:02 | Report Abuse

Then only slowdown is is the smartphone segment as there are too many producers for ever maturing segment!

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2022-06-26 15:00 | Report Abuse

BS! Chips will only grow as they are needed in EV industry! EV industry is just starting! Barely touch the surface!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 14:45 | Report Abuse

Just look at Trump! US was overflowing with oil till traders had to pay others to buy from them! Yeah! For the first time in history, oil price turn negative! Can you believe that! Not in a million years!
And yet, the EV industry was thriving under Trump! Heck, Trump even pushed Elon Musk to build Gigafactory in Texas! Which turn out to be a great move!

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2022-06-26 14:43 | Report Abuse

Problem is US! Biden made enemy with all the oil produces countries! So how will this oil producers cooperate with him!

News & Blogs

2022-06-26 14:42 | Report Abuse

Actually Ukraine invasion can be ended by flooding oil into the market hence killing Russia! You see high oil price means, Russia is making tons of money! Russia dependence on oil is like 95%! Cheap oil really hurt Russia!


2022-06-26 14:33 | Report Abuse

The only saving grace PM Sabri can do now is to cooperate with Tok Mat! Assure Tok Mat he will be the next PM! And put the court cluster in jail as soon as possible!
Perhaps PM Sabri will be the shortest PM in history! But at least he retire with grace!
Once parliment is dissolved, he chances to continue as PM is next to zero!


2022-06-26 14:31 | Report Abuse

Worst still, he has very useless over bloated useles ministers, advisors and too many warlords holding positon in GLCs shaking legs doing nothing!
How can you remove subisidies first and yet dare not remove all this useless parasites! Rakyat are watching!


2022-06-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

Then next mistake was trying to be PM post GE15! Look, you are not PM material! Malaysia is now in a very complex situation! We are facing something only those who are competent enough to lead this nation!
The latest uturn on chicken subsidy shows PM Sabri got bad intel from his advisors!And as PM of the day, he should have the insights to know how to proceed!
Instead he went on this bahasa tour which really turnoff investors and embarrass our nation!
This shows PM Sabri is surrounded by imcompetent advisors!


2022-06-26 14:27 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer that if one wants to weaken the court cluster, he needs to take Tok Mat out of that equation! Tok Mat is the reason why court cluster remain dominant! Because Tok Mat is Umno best strategist!
If PM Sabri knew this from the very start, he would have expel the court cluster and took credit for Umno rejuvenation!
Instead he rely on those useless yesmen like Tajudin and Annuar Musa! They dont' have influence at all! They are there to capitalize on PM Sabri position! Once Sabri no longer the PM, they will go to the next host!

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2022-06-26 14:21 | Report Abuse

You should watch Bald and Bakrupt youtube videos! Then you see how Ukraine before invasion! I mean, the level of corruption was uncontrollable and civil wars erupting every now and then! Sad for Ukraine really! My impression of ukrainians are that, they are very decent people! Just the people at the top are more interested in power! Zelensky and Putin are the same! Both guilty of grand agenda! In the end, people suffer!

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2022-06-26 14:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jun 26, 2022 12:43 PM | Report Abuse

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.

Answer : What shame! Grandpa Koon has 3 ton concrete face!

News & Blogs

2022-06-25 23:19 | Report Abuse

You know, Elon Musk kid recently change his name to her! Yeah, brainwashed by LBGT, the leftists of USA!
What is happening in US culture is beyond perverted! I doubt the rest of the world still have admiration for USA now! I mean, tell me, what has US done good lately! Nothing!
Then again, what has China side done of late! While innovations have thrive, i mean, gosh, can Chairman Xi stop been war monger! Non stp making threats against Taiwan! As if going to war anytime soon!
Chairman Xi is acting exactly like those incompetent US and EU leaders! Lately, the world has been in state of gloom! seems nothing to be happy about!

News & Blogs

2022-06-25 23:15 | Report Abuse

What Harapan did during those 22 months really insulted malaysians intelligence to the core!

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2022-06-25 23:14 | Report Abuse

They say if you point your finger at others and hurl insult at them, make sure your other 4 fingers are planting inside your backside! Because, it may be that you are the real dumbass not them!

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2022-06-25 22:02 | Report Abuse

And for goodness sake! Bersatu only has 11 MPs at that time! And then Mahathir bought those frogs from Umno and Harapan leaders cheered him! I mean, isn't that the same thing Mahathir did during his BN Umno administration!

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2022-06-25 22:01 | Report Abuse

Lest we forget, Harapan did win comfortably in 2018! And what did Harapan leaders did! Yeah, made Mahathir great again! I mean, it wasn't even part of their manisfesto! We thought Anwar would be PM at that time! But to actually let Mahathir be PM! Isn't that really dumbass! So tell me, what's the difference between Mahathir as BN Umno PM and Mahathir as Harapan PM!

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2022-06-25 21:25 | Report Abuse

AYS is hopeless! Yeah, just my prediction!

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2022-06-25 18:25 | Report Abuse

Not really! It's peninsula that kept BN Umno in power! If i am not mistake, Sabah did vote for opposition back in 90s! However since BN Umno was super strong with 2/3 majority, he created IC Project Mahathir that flood Sabah with new voters!
BN Umno has indeed neglected this 2 states! Then again, Kelantan, Kedah and Pahang too are neglected!
Actually expect Selangor, Penang and Johor, most of the states are neglected!

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2022-06-25 15:39 | Report Abuse

Forget it! Markets unstable! Politics not stable! Nothing to look forward to! Better invest in Vietnam or Indonesia!


2022-06-25 15:04 | Report Abuse

Good idea! Hope Sabri set up his own party for his family members!


2022-06-25 14:29 | Report Abuse

In short, BN Umno is on it's last leg!


2022-06-25 14:29 | Report Abuse

As for many successes in state by elections that saw Umno winning triumphantly, it does not reflect the outcome of GE15!
The court cluster may dominate Umno once again, but this round, the perception that Umno is very corrupted and beyond saving seems to be on rakyat radar!
I foresee PKR may make a headwind if Rafizi stick to common sense campaign! Please Rafizi, no more fake promises! Instead promise a corrupt and transparent governance!
So it's all depend on Harapan leaders to change their tactic to suit current scenario! But then again, i guess Harapan leaders learn nothing at all during their 22 months!


2022-06-25 14:25 | Report Abuse

After 20 years Umno Sabah, intel from Sabah suggest that its' existence in Sabah will forever dissapear come GE15!
Umno Sabah will go solo while most of it's component allies will go against them! Basically, there's no BN Umno in Sabah!
Word is, after 20 years in Sabah, Umno didn't do anything at all! Same old fake promises recycle every election!
So it does not make any difference if Sabah vote for state parties! Hence the existence of GRS, which is actually mastermind by Mohiden! Strange right!

News & Blogs

2022-06-25 14:22 | Report Abuse

Don't be so confident! Sabah Sarawak are going solo! In fact, Umno Sabah expected to close shop post GE15! Umno brand is now too corrupted! GE15 may be the last show for BN Umno, after that, probably BN Umno will be history!


2022-06-25 14:19 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Exactly! Umno is now known as 'parti rasuah'! All those 'demi bangsa, agama dan negara' sounds so phony nowadays! I am sure they will scream and shout that majority malays are under threat all over again but i doubt majority malays will buy it considering almost all of Umno leaders are corrupted to the core! Rakyat will vote with their stomach this round! They know elite politicians are getting millions left and right while rakyat are suffering!


2022-06-25 13:10 | Report Abuse

Only vote of no confidence can bring down PM Sabri! But Umno can expel PM Sabri for insubordinate! Which leave PM Sabri partyless!


2022-06-25 02:36 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri made Tok Mat his enemy! And Tok Mat has no choice but to save the court cluster!
It was Tok Mat who suggested Najib as poster boy during tonight's meeting! Zahid tried to nominate himself!


2022-06-25 02:34 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri should blame himself! If only he taken Tok Mat on his side instead of sending MACC to reinvest age his corruption allegation which even Harapan administration gave a clear!


2022-06-25 02:31 | Report Abuse

Yeah! I got latest intel from insider! Please, don't shot the messenger guys! I am just sharing here! Get angry with yourselves but please dont insult me by calling me names!
Here is goes! Basically those top 5 Umno meeting discuss on GE15! As usually! PM Sabri didn't come! So basically it's decided! Umno will not support PM Sabri anymore! Same trick! You know that fellow Zahid Hamidi has pull this rug many many times! Last time Mohiden slipped and landed on his backside! This time its Sabri turn!
Surprise! Anonymous decision by all! Bosku will be the poster boy! You know, who wants to see that ugly ponogoro fellow face! Even malay kids get sick of him! Najib has this cute face you know! Those pink lips really something! Energize by new wifey, Najib is really man this round!
Tok Mat will be the strategist! As usually! Mazlan will be the comedian!
In short, PM Sabri days as PM has ended!


2022-06-25 00:48 | Report Abuse

But worry not! This is good thing! Plenty of infra development in both Vietnam and Indonesia!
Sadly Malaysia will be left behind! This round, Malaysia will never able to catch up! As long as the tiny elite polticians continue to play race superiority, i don't think investors are bothered to negotiate with Malaysia!


2022-06-25 00:46 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for China, because of instability, especially with war monger Chairman Xi, chances of investors continuing there are dim! And zero Covid policy still remains!
Something Vietnam and Indonesia are free from!
I mean, why get into so much trouble when you get cheaper workforce like Vietnam and Indonesia and zero disruption in chain of supply!
China may already pass the peak phase! Then again China domestic innovations may continue to produce goods that are superior to Vietnam and Indonesia!
Vietnam and Indonesia will still have to go through plenty of learning curve!


2022-06-25 00:43 | Report Abuse

While the rest of the world are in turmoil, Vietnam and Indonesia are having the best of their lives!
This 2 countries are just too busy getting investors! Malaysia, bypass by investors!
Vietnam and Indonesia are now prized nations to set up factories! Stable politically and warmly welcome investors! Under Jokowi and his professional team, investors are very happy to get VIP treatment! Heck, even Tesla and Spacex will set up shop there very soon! Heck, even China EV manufacturers are going big in Indonesia!


2022-06-25 00:34 | Report Abuse

July will be crucial month! As Zahid may get his verdict! Anything can happen!


2022-06-25 00:34 | Report Abuse

Umno is exploding! If not explode, then the most corrupted takes deeper root! Zahid Hamidi is super hungry! I mean, it's no brainer what is his gameplan! Too easy to figure! Let's hope rakyat are not dumbass enough to give mandate to BN Umno if Zahid leads! Or else we all are tossed!


2022-06-25 00:16 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Let's see what Zahid going to do! All the maneuvers are pretty amateur! Putting Tok Mat as the dumbass poster boy! Then kaboom, Zahid declare himself as PM if BN Umno wins! Let's hope not! He is Biden and Putin combine! Pity Tok Mat, he is also quite naive!


2022-06-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

Politically, we are in deep turd!


2022-06-24 21:25 | Report Abuse

According to insiders, Zahid is trying to bring down PM Sabri by expelling him from Umno! If indeed PM Sabri is expelled from Umno, means, he is partyless!
And probably the other Umno MPs will pull their support from current government!
But that won't mean we will face GE15! What if Mohiden actually can get majority support from MPs to form new government!
Or what if Anwar actually, this round pull of majority support from MPs!
Sorry! At this stage i am just as fed up as the rest of you! Our politics is in total mess! It seems stable government is a thing of the past!
Even if we face GE15, and i am sure Zahid Hamidi will lead BN Umno, chances are, majority malays may turn to Mohiden and Bersatu! Reason, Zahid is a fake malay! Umno no longer serve the 'demi bangsa, agama dan negara' mantra!


2022-06-24 16:32 | Report Abuse

I was considering averaging down but a bit hesistate lately!

News & Blogs

2022-06-24 16:31 | Report Abuse

If Zahid lead BN Umno, i think BN Umno will be history! Rakyat won't want to see him as PM!


2022-06-24 16:30 | Report Abuse

PuntatBersiul! This round Barang Naik won't get as much vote! Thanks to dumbass PM Sabri for removing subsidies of chicken, egg and cooking oil! It's a deal breaker for BN Umno supporters!


2022-06-24 15:52 | Report Abuse

At some supermarket, the price of 1kg chicken just as expensive as pork! Imagine post July! Scary!

News & Blogs

2022-06-24 15:51 | Report Abuse

So the righteous Junior Lim is just as dirty as Najib! Sad for local chinese for having blind faith in him!


2022-06-24 15:48 | Report Abuse

Just look at price of pork! Zero subsidy! The hike is incredible! Like RM15 difference perkg! That's ridiculous! Luckily in our household, only me and wifey! And also our kampong dog, Cherry!