
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-05-28 16:30 | Report Abuse

Yeah, but offshore rigs will be back in business as well! After 2 year, we see glut of crude oil! The same cycle over and over again!


2022-05-28 16:27 | Report Abuse

When i look at Genm latest result, i was kinda suprise! Why, because despite reporting fantastic revenue, you get red instead!
Then it only occurs to me that we have cukai makmur this year! So yeah! Don't be suprise PLCs not reporting profit! Instead they dump their profit into clearing their debts! Which is what happen to Genm i think!
But overall, i am very satisfy with Genm result! It's good! Good that they use their profit into clearing up more important issues!
As for Genting, i realise 2 of their divisions not really in good condition! Even palm division has been underperforming! So hence, the not so encouraging result!


2022-05-28 15:23 | Report Abuse

Losing is not an option for Putin!


2022-05-28 15:22 | Report Abuse

I made a big mistake! Like Donald Trump, for 2 years, i believe mainstream media that Trump is a dumbass! Untill i did my homework and found, Trump was actually passionate about his country and has tons of good ideas to keep peace in trouble world!
And for a while, i believe this propaganda that Ukraine is winning! But reading more alternative sources, it's not really the case! Ukraine is not losing but not winning either!
The thing is for Putin, he has to win or die! It's not an option for him to admit defeat!
We are seeing a change in war strategy in Ukraine! Capturing and encircling Ukraine slowly but using very aggressive method! It's very vicious! Meaning even innocent bystanders will be slaughtered! It's genocide to be put in a way!


2022-05-26 19:18 | Report Abuse

Fatass profit! What more do you want!


2022-05-26 18:50 | Report Abuse

As long as zero Covid is imposed, then forget it! Talents will go elsewhere!


2022-05-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

During first 2 years of Trump administration, i used to think of him as a dumbass! But after doing some homework, it appeared, Donald won the election but surrounded by enemies! Republican lawmakers were totally against him! Democrats were united to bring him down with fake allegations! Remember, Trump survived 2 fake impeachments! That's super hard situation for him! And yet, on global scale, he delivered on his promises of peace and prosperity! When Trump left office, he filled up treasury with one trillion! Which Biden used within days in office!
They say, it doesn't matter if you dog is black or white! As long as it can deliver and catch some rats! As for Biden, he is a useless cat, colourful but useless!


2022-05-26 16:27 | Report Abuse

Going back to Donald Trump, he is back on popular train! November will see Republicans totally swip almost all seats in senate! Biden will be in big trouble by then!


2022-05-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

US empire is on a downward slope! We have seen many empire rise and fall! And US with unplayable debts will resort to WW3 in order to maintain it's status quo!
Taiwan used to be powerhouse of innovations! But today, only it's semiconductor remain super competitive! Once China able to manufacturer it's own chips, it's the end of Taiwan!


2022-05-26 16:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe Biden already forgotten when he said US will use military action if Taiwan is invaded!
Look, Taiwan and China can work it out on their own! As long as Taiwan accept they are part of China and work towards Singapore Malaysia type of relation, then there will be peaceful reconciliation! Taiwanese should not live in great delusion that US will help them! Just look at Ukraine!
Do taiwanese want to see this tiny island totally alienated just because of fake independence!
China chairman come and go! Today we have authotarian Chairman Xi, then next, more moderate cooperative Premier Li! So hide your strength and bide your time!


2022-05-26 16:20 | Report Abuse

We are in the mist of world worst geopolitics in recent history! And all it takes is one senile dumbass fellow called Biden to turn everything upside down!


2022-05-26 15:01 | Report Abuse

Premier Li already issue official statement on China economy! He seems to take calculated risk! You know, politburo meet this September!


2022-05-26 14:59 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Everytime Michael start ranting, it really makes me laugh! I tell you what, next time, tapao hainan chicken rice from outside! Just order drink and eat your tapao in Penang airport! They cannot chase you away and make them angry with themselves! Win win!


2022-05-26 04:24 | Report Abuse

As long as zero Covid policy remains, i am very sure talents will take a flight!
After 2 years of Covid, do you honestly believe those who are talented want to waste another few years of useless lockdowns!


2022-05-25 23:01 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Assmin cartel proven to be strong in PKR! I think Anwar should pack his bag!


2022-05-25 21:06 | Report Abuse

The future will see dictatorship under Russia and China! The democrazy as we know it will be history!
I mean, hundred years from now i think democrazy won't even be method in history books! You know, wipe out any philosophy of election and sort! Or freedom of expression like that!
So yeah, enjoy our last days of personal rights! Maybe Russia China will be the voice of humanity going forward!


2022-05-25 21:03 | Report Abuse

A more lethal weapons will be deployed in Ukraine! Deadlier bombs that can impact a small city in seconds! Means, innocent lives will be killed or injured!
Basically, EU will be focus on war in coming months if Russia captures Ukraine! EU as we know it now, will be history! There will be no time to focus on other issues except preparing whole EU for war with Russia!


2022-05-25 20:59 | Report Abuse

By now we all know what George Soros had warn us! That we are at the beginning of WW3! And if WW3 do happens, and it involves war in Asia, i think it's the end of 8 billions human on earth as well!
The enlightens must have safe bunkers somewhere where they can stay and party until things settle down!
So basically half of human population will be wipe off during WW3! It's going to be alot of suffering and misery for sure! And i am confident 99% of us do not believe WW3 would happen!
Haix! From my geopolitical homework, i think we all be caught off guard! Just like what mainstream media are telling us about situation in Ukraine!
Because, from alternative sources, it seems Ukraine will lose this war for sure! And yes, Putin is indeed very sick, suffering from cancer! But i guess the vengeance is more important at this point for Putin! The humilation of suffering defeats against a comedian is too much to bare for him!
We may see very aggressive attack coming from Russia in days ahead! Scorch the earth tactic will be the order of the day! And i tell you, it's like warring in hell for Ukrainians from now on!
If Russia indeed succesful defeat Ukraine within a month time, i say, good riddance to humanity! It's a strong indication that WW3 will erupt!


2022-05-25 15:43 | Report Abuse

I am guessing the reason why PM Sabri is so pushy of making bahasa as language of Asean is because, use of bahasa will decline! Instead indon language will take root in Malaysia!


2022-05-25 15:42 | Report Abuse

So PM Sabri is so proud to report that he managed to talk to Biden in Bahasa! The thing is, he didn't bring any investors back!
Here's the thing! Bahasa is official language of Malaysia with population of 31 millions!
But have you guys notice that we are expose to indon language as well! Even majority malays didn't realise that they are watching indon series and movies and Indonesia songs too are very popular here!
The rise of Indonesia will see more and more indons investing in Malaysia as well!
Eventually, malays and indons will see more direct interaction in coming years! As the borders becomes more open, we may see indon language unconsciously dilution bahasa as well!
Language is not static! New slank will be introduced! And indon slank will become more prominant in bahasa!
So guys, speak more bahasa! Because in the future, Indonesia is a goldmine of business opportunities! And it's better to have fluency in bahasa as you will gain indon language easily!

News & Blogs

2022-05-25 15:16 | Report Abuse

India is an island! Pointless to talk about India!

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2022-05-25 15:04 | Report Abuse

No brainer! China wallop most of the fish nowadays!

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2022-05-25 14:48 | Report Abuse

Here's the thing! Owning gun is 2nd amendment in US! Removing that right will have fierce opposition because this right has been around for hundreds of years! So what if 2nd amendment totally removed! Then civil war is not take place!
You see, eventually civil war will breakout in US! You will see those in the right fighting against those on the left!
So yeah! Every now and then mass shooting will take place! But nobody will be able to remove the 2nd amendment!


2022-05-25 13:33 | Report Abuse

After series of light at the end of the tunnel for Ukraine, at last, the last few days saw Russia shifting gear and now making inroad into Donbas!
This may change current status quo! Meaning Ukraine gains may evaporate!


2022-05-25 13:26 | Report Abuse

Anthony Loke condemn banning export of local chicken! Instead of making political milage, he just shot himself on the foot!
You see, the hyperinflation and scarcity that we are experience now, will only get worse! Due to war in Ukraine, Russia sanctions, upcoming drought, increase interest rate and so forth, we will only see cost of things to go up and scarcity of food, this is global phenomena!
India has ban export of wheat! Why, because, India government alrady anticipate prolong drought due to El Nino!
If you are bread lovers, then of course, you will feel the impact in coming weeks! For rice eaters, we yet to feel this impact!
But i tell you, do you know that we import 50% of our rice! Yeah, imagine if Thailand and Vietnam ban export of rice in coming months! And there's possibility they will if impact of El Nino takes full force!
So you have scarcity of chicken, egg, cooking oil, rice and so forth! Price of goods shooting up!
And of course, you have Harapan leaders pretending to be smart and issue statements to fire up rakyat! But this round, it's not going to benefit Harapan at all! Harapan had their chance as government and they did very lousy job at it!
And of course on government side, they will issue statement that Malaysia should be self sufficient and role out programs to increase food bank! I mean, this is of course an after thought just to please themselves! The result will be the same! Nothing will be done, just like what happen in the last 60 years!

News & Blogs

2022-05-25 00:34 | Report Abuse

Goh! Grandpa Koon deserve the credit! Stealing is greatest form of flattery1


2022-05-25 00:32 | Report Abuse

If Chairman Xi is replace with Premier Li this September meeting, then Chairman Xi can only blame himself! CCP will distant this failure as Chairman Xi sole unilateral decision!


2022-05-25 00:31 | Report Abuse

There are so many version of why Chairman Xi insist on lockdowns! Of course by now, the rest of the world has opted to live with Covid after vaccination exercise! And antiviral is now available to treat those who are infected!
Basically, Covid is here to stay!
I won't touch on why China still using lockdown as method of curbing Covid! Rather, the reality is that, it's not working! And it's has adverse impact on local and international economy if extend beyond one month!
One month is the maximum for lockdown! Going beyond that is futile! If you cannot control the spread within a month, then why bother! The other better option is mass vaccination! Of which Shanghai and Beijing and other China cities should already achieve full vaccination status long time ago!
There's a whisper that China vaccines are useless! Which why Chairman Xi gone for lockdowns! Somewhat there's a truth in this version!
The other many version is that, Chairman Xi is reinforcing obedience and loyalty towards CCP! Those who can't stand the lockdowns will be prosecuted!
But what is more worrying is that, this lockdowns also effect China progress going forward!
Many talented chinese China may flee from China because of the uncertainty! I mean, would you waste your talent on lockdowns! Or move to open society where you talent will be rewarded!
If this lockdowns continue, then China may lose alot of talents! And economically, China is not looking good right now!
This is a self inflicted disaster for China and perhaps CCP existence itself!

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2022-05-24 22:49 | Report Abuse

PM Lee is just been diplomatic! In essence, he is not taking sides!

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2022-05-24 17:48 | Report Abuse

All we can hope for is peaceful reconciliation between Taiwan and China!

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2022-05-24 17:47 | Report Abuse

Taiwan has only 23 millions population! Shanghai has 30 millions! Are you telling me Shanghai should seek independence as well!
Here's the thing! Taiwan was never an independent nation! US is just using Taiwan as an excuse to create war in Asia!

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2022-05-24 17:42 | Report Abuse

Local chinese must stop having this delusion that China is our motherland! Or having fake delusion of loyalty towards China! We are not chinese China! Instead, if we want to be true malaysians, then we have to embrace Malaysia as our motherland! And to do that, we need to accept mixed blood as continuation of our dying race in Malaysia!

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2022-05-24 17:39 | Report Abuse

The only think i can advise is, stop idolizing China! Learn to love Malaysia as your homeland! Embrace bahasa language! Encourage your children to marry non chinese especially with bumis in Sabah and Sarawak like what my son did! Having diluted blood helps to reduce tension between races in Malaysia! Don't hold on to those chauvinism of gone old days! The Lims have done too much damage playing melody-dramatic of been victim in Malaysia! My new granddaughter who is mix chinese iban was registered as iban in Sarawak! I encourage my son to send her to chinese school during her early years and join secondary national school and further studies in Singapore for undergraduate studies! Yeah, as a family, we also must have 100 years planning like CCP!

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2022-05-24 17:34 | Report Abuse

Cupcake! The redline is clear! The day Taiwan make it public they want independence from China, then kaboom!

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2022-05-24 17:25 | Report Abuse

Well, those above 60 years should take 2nd booster if government offer them! Just take it! Doesn't cost your a cent!

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2022-05-24 16:17 | Report Abuse

Just few years ago, few white wannabe hongkies tried to establish independence for Hong Kong! Where are they now! Yeah, seeking UK citizenship! Good luck! They won't get it! Moral of the story, please don't be dumbass! We respect China right to Taiwan and Hong Kong! End of story!

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2022-05-24 15:48 | Report Abuse

For overseas chinese, once China makes military move against Taiwan, i think its safe to say, local chinese will not look at China the same way again! Many will lose their admiration towards China! The great delusion will be broken!

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2022-05-24 15:46 | Report Abuse

If Malaysia invade Singapore, of course US and Israel will attack Malaysia! But for US to attack China because China rightfully gain back Taiwan, it's morally wrong!

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2022-05-24 15:45 | Report Abuse

Taiwan is not Singapore or Ukraine! Taiwan never seek independence from China!