
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-05-19 00:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Plenty of beauties especially in onlyfans! I often watch Dredd becoming judge to tons of beauties! I guess it's okay since all of them are making tons of money!


2022-05-18 22:35 | Report Abuse

I mean, do you have Mr World or Mr Universe where good looking men are parade bare naked! Okay, they do, but bodybuilder is totally different! It's a competitive sport! And it's requires very hard work to build ones body!
Been born beautiful or handsome should not be made into a pageant! It's really insulting!


2022-05-18 22:33 | Report Abuse

Beauty pageants, the modern parade of women flesh is already on declining or out of fashion! It's not a trend anymore! In fact, it's totally american invention that gain so much popularity back in the 80s and the 90s!
Beauty pageant only reinforce the ideal beauty that is unachievable to most women! In fact, beauty pageant discriminate ugly and fat women, making them feel outcast in society!
Thankfully, nowadays, nobody bothers to watch Miss World or Miss Universe anymore! I say please! Ban all form of beauty pageant! Some said that it help to build confidence but tell me, how many beauty pageant winners out there actually became confident! Beauty is temporary! It does not last!
In fact i dare say, most man only look at beauty below the age of 27! Once 27, men even women only look for beauties in their early 20s! So it's not confident building at all!
This modern tradition should be eliminated once and for all!


2022-05-18 22:03 | Report Abuse

Oh, Petronas too will die you know! You think Malaysia can rely on oil for long! Give and take probably another 10 years! After that, kaput!


2022-05-18 22:02 | Report Abuse

One by one malay institutions are failing! Sapura is malay institution just like Serba! Both are die standing at the moment! PosMalaysia another one on thin ice! Looking like going to die drowing!
I wonder which malay institution will be the last one standing! I mean, Fgv only relevant now because of high palm price!
Eventually, there won't be any malay instutiton left, except civil service which is going to be mega burden for our children! I mean, how are you going to pay pension to those useless civil servants who gave us lousy service in the first place!


2022-05-18 21:59 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, racial relation has already broken to new low in Malaysia! Won't be surprise to see another Sri Lanka in the making!
The process may be similar! Just wondering if majority malays would rise up and beat the heck out of Umno warlords once Malaysia declared bankrupt if they can't pay China debt trap! I mean, do you know Malaysia is 2nd biggest debtor of China! Pretty should things will unravel! I doubt the 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' will sound credible!


2022-05-18 21:51 | Report Abuse

Keeping race out of the equation, one may ask, is Sapura worth savaging! Objectively yes! Petronas can savage Sapura, save thousand of jobs and could sell Sapura at a profit!
It's all up to Petronas! They decide! Politicians are dumbass!


2022-05-18 21:50 | Report Abuse

And majority malays would rather stand tall in thick madeup of high morality when malay politicians are the most corrupted race in the world!


2022-05-18 21:49 | Report Abuse

Yeah! As usually, chinaman tycoons give 'donation' so Umno warlords can scream and shout 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara'! Funny isn't it! Getting bribe from non malays yet profess with deep fake conviction that they are fighting for malays, Islam and Malaysia!


2022-05-18 19:56 | Report Abuse

Oh, please enjoy your roti canai too! Because wheat flour is going out! Supply of wheat flour will be limited in coming months!


2022-05-18 19:55 | Report Abuse

The free for all imports will buy some time for current government! Sure, imports maybe cheaper than local foods but for how long! Eventually even our neighbouring countries will have to ban exports of their rice, chicken, beef and so on!
Well, anyway, if you are not picky, we will going to get affordable beef from India since hindusts do not eat their beef! I mean, those holy cows are abundant over there! Free range cows!
Unfortunately, all i can say is, the days of affordable food is numbered! Things will rear it's ugly head in months even weeks to come!
I am sharing you guys what to expect ahead of the curve! I am not trying to scare you guys for nothing! I mean, why should i! What's the point of been crywolf boy!
Rather i believe, my sharing or warning is driven by good intention to ensure you guys are prepared! I hope so!


2022-05-18 19:49 | Report Abuse

Fortunately PM Sabri announce abolishment of food AP imports! I guess the rumour closing down of chicken farms may materialized!
As you all know, chicken is the cheapest source of protein around! It's the source of protein from the poorest malaysians all the way to top T10! Actually more like T5 in current situation!
Inflation is firing up all over the world! But fortunately in Malaysia, PM Sabri didn't increase the price of RON75! Which keep inflation under warp! If RON95 was to be market driven like what Najib has foolishly done, then that would end his PMship very fast! Rakyat will be screaming and shouting just like during Najib last days in Putrajaya! This is one of Najib greatest mistake! He should have fix RON95!
But at last, nobody can fix the price of imported animal feed and fertilizers! The price of such material have rocketed in recent days! It's just matter of time before farmers will not be able to afford such ridiculous high price just like chicken farming! I mean, you are talking about chicken farms managed by cartels here! They already given up due to the very high price of feeds!


2022-05-18 19:36 | Report Abuse

Oh, by the way, UKSB bribe is just one of many Zahid dirty money! That's why he sent up this fake Akal Budi so he can launder them! I mean, it's no brainer this is the fake noble way to impress the naive malays at the same time clean up his dirty money!


2022-05-18 19:34 | Report Abuse

4 years! Yeah, Zahid was getting quarter to half million sing dollar every month for 4 years! The longest bribery in recorded history!
You know, ordinary malaysians who are caught stealing few cans of cat food because of hunger straight away send to jail!
In Malaysia, we have a party president still standing tall shouting 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' as if we are dumbass!
Umno is corrupted party! Umno no longer about protecting malays! I mean, nowadays, the genuine malays already outnumbered by 'melayu celup'! Anyone can be 'melayu celup'! Heck, all i have to do is wear that hear gear, wear long white baju kurung, convert to Islam, memorize few verses and i am certified malay! Ebit Lew should know coz he is getting funded by Mohiden to do all the fake charity works!
I mean, seeing how corrupted Umno leaders are nowadays, please, don't pretend you guys are fighting for greater cause! You all are fighting for bigger slice of the pie!

News & Blogs

2022-05-18 14:30 | Report Abuse

Raider! Maybe it's time for you to face the mirror! I mean, tell me, what stock have your recommended actually make money! All i know is that you always screaming and shouting promoting them at the peak!

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2022-05-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Raider! Better buy Hengyuan! I know you got trap big time when Hengyuan was at it's peak! Yeah, you are still holding hengyuan at highest so better average down now!
About stocks, we all know you always buy at peak! So you ranting about stocks is as good as rubbish!

News & Blogs

2022-05-18 12:32 | Report Abuse

You know, for 10 years, Najib never touch Petronas money! Barely days into administation, Harapan took 100 billion and totally waste Petronas cashpile!
Or, did i mention how Mahathir also used PNB to bailout Sapura! And it was epic disaster!
Sapura has strategic assets which Petronas can take advantage off! And can sell at profit if the savaging is successful!


2022-05-18 12:29 | Report Abuse

Tajuddin is a total joke! Shows how imcompetent PM Sabri is! If you have team of jokers behind you, then PM Sabri must be piece of joker!

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2022-05-18 01:28 | Report Abuse

Decades ago, we were so impress with american culture where their schools would place more on emotional support rather than grades! And now look at the result! China is leading innovations because their education system place more focus on science! While US children are now grow up to be so self centred and entitled! So yeah, US education system totally mess up big time!

News & Blogs

2022-05-18 01:25 | Report Abuse

We should avoid western working culture! First was the 5 days working days! Which we followed thinking it would be good! Then the equal gender enpowerment where women are given priority over men!
Because of this, we are now facing WOKE movement as well!
Japan has zero WOKE culture! Japan was smart enough to know that men leads! Men are head of the family! Hence japanese children remain unspoiled with idea that women too can replaced men!
I am not trying to sound sexist but every action that we take leads to another! And now this special leave for women under period! Haix! Eventually white people will stop working!


2022-05-18 01:20 | Report Abuse

Indonesia is not really good place in invest in! In fact Indonesia is far more corrupted! But Indonesia is lucky to have Jokowi who seems to have a vision! And he has a team of very competent people behind him!
If Jokowi succeed in brinng Spacex and Tesla in, then the rest of big players will come too! It's China all over again!
But for Malaysia, i think it's safe to say, we are doomed! We don't have competent leaders, but we do have self centred ones who only interest is to fill up their pocket and rule over malaysians with zero guilty conscience!


2022-05-18 01:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i put this topic under geopolitics because i want to stress that Malaysia is no longer in investors radar! In fact the direct foreign investment this year has been shockingly low! I don't know what Assmin is so proud about given nobody dare to come and invest here anymore!
Some major investors have already left Malaysia and set up their shop in Indonesia in recent years!
One is because of political instability! But another one is because our administrator of the day is simply too dumbass! Take Mohiden and Sabri! Both are more interested in setting up their own cash cow! Mohiden tried to use DNB and Sabri using ALR! Both are the same! Having cash cow and rule like dictators! And investors hate dictators!

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2022-05-18 01:11 | Report Abuse

Ramly burger is truly great success story! But i don't eat burger or hotdog! Too much processed meat! Not good for our heart!


2022-05-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > May 17, 2022 11:05 PM | Report Abuse

Maybe for the assets.

Answer : And for strategic purpose of course!

News & Blogs

2022-05-17 23:13 | Report Abuse

What cleaned! Harapan added another 200 billion in only 22 months to our national debt!


2022-05-17 23:02 | Report Abuse

They say the tree won't shake if there's no wind! There's rumour that Petronas is seriously consider ing to bailout Sapura!

News & Blogs

2022-05-17 23:01 | Report Abuse

Dumbass economist! Harapan took 100 billion out of Petronas and wasted it for nothing! For Petronas to bailout Sapura is the most strategic thing! It's a total win for Petronas to recoup the 100 billion wasted by Harapan!


2022-05-17 01:17 | Report Abuse

I am not trying to scare you guys! I am sharing what i know so far!


2022-05-17 01:17 | Report Abuse

My advise, i have none! Because this coming hyperinflation and economic pandemic will be hard on all of us globally!


2022-05-17 01:16 | Report Abuse

So malaysians will get fatter and fatter as many will opt for junk food with toxic content to survive! Because that's the only cheap source of food! Yeah, mamaks, famous for recycling their food will be among those who will survive coming hyperinflation!


2022-05-17 01:14 | Report Abuse

Yeah, inflation already dawn upon us now! You can't even find eggs easily as many poultry farms are in red! Fortunately chicken meat is still affordable as it's still the cheapest protein and the growers usually breed them in short time compare to egg producing chicken! But give and take, by next year, many will flop as well!
However, other type of meat will be expensive in coming months! So enjoy your pork! or beef! I am worried that many chinese kopitiam will have to close shop in coming months as cost of this meat will be out of reach! Same with malay shops and hawkers as well! Only those with high traffic consumers will survive!


2022-05-17 01:09 | Report Abuse

You know, the 1% are the drivers of humanity! They decide the path of humanity!
Covid was a success but also a failure for the enlightens! I think they did't expect vaccine and antiviral to be developed so fast! Yeah, Donald Trump really spoil their agenda!
We are witnessing their ongoing agenda unfortunately! The civil war in Ukraine is of their making! Biden and the rest of EU leaders are puppets in the grand scheme of things!
The next step is of course the economic pandemic! It's 1929 to be exact! The only question is, when! I have read many alternative sources but so far nobody can really guess except that all will be unleased before 2024! I have also in very recent days planning to move my hard money into gold! I have yet to decide when! But i may do so before the year ends!
You see, all those crytos and hard money will be worthless in great economic crash of 1929! Forget bitcoin, it's going to be next to zero! Only those who put their hard money into gold will survive!


2022-05-16 20:30 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Tesla is enjoying overwelming demand! Why buy Tesla when you can buy Byd! Or Hyundai! The new Hyundai EV is actually really good! I am tempted to buy one!


2022-05-16 19:24 | Report Abuse

Malaysia corrupt reputation is very well known! It is what it is! Yet we just love to put this thick makeup of high moral! I mean, please, who are we kidding! We are deeply corrupt society! Well, maybe just our leaders be it politicians, civil oficials, royals and so forth!
And yet we pretend to be blinded! Instead our majority malays are more concern about been more islamic just to impress themselves!

News & Blogs

2022-05-16 15:04 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's really open secret! Recession will hit us! Globally!


2022-05-16 15:03 | Report Abuse

If things goes well for Indonesia, we will see China and US tech leaders setting up their shop over there!
Meaning Indonesia will experience super rapid growth just like China! So 20 years from now, Indonesia will be just as develop like China if Jokowi able to execute CCP regime development agenda!
Well, actually i am not that confident as Indonesia has bad education system and lack the skilled manpower to bring Indonesia to greater height! Heck, i could be wrong!
But what Jokowi has done may put Malaysia further into back burner of things! Let's be frank, our leaders are old and antiquated! They lack vision for Malaysia! I am talking about both Harapan and BN side here! Our poltiicians are more interested to become top dogs and keep the weath and power all to themselves! Corruption has reach deep into our daily lives that it's impossible to change our culture, or rather our corrupted culture!
You name it! Our judiciary is totally rotten to the core! Double standard verdicts almost all the time! Politicians and tycoons are above the law while ordinary malaysians given injustice verdict all the time!
I mean, do you think Elon Musk will consider investing here! I doubt it! Especially dealing with Umno warlords which demand 30% of everything! A shake leg partnership! A seat in the board! Do nothing malay directors whose only job is to get datokship and get rakyat to bow down to them!

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2022-05-16 14:53 | Report Abuse

Malaysia has been sanction by US and EU for the longest time! Just look at our palm export! All so called force labor to sanction our exports!
So, Malaysia is right to import Russia oil as Malaysia only recognise UN sanction not US or EU!


2022-05-16 14:51 | Report Abuse

Even the comedian Ukraine president is so confident to warp up this civil war before the year ends!
Again, this is super humiliating for Putin! To be defeated by a comedian is no joke!
Putin has killed so many of Russians obligachs who were against him even few months back! In fact this year alone. Putin ordered killings of 22 russian billionaires!
But time has ran out! Russia obligachs know that this is perfect timing to eliminate Putin and get their man in!
Basically, Putin time on earth is coming to an end!


2022-05-16 14:48 | Report Abuse

Ukraine invasion has been a humilating defeat! That realisation yet to sink in!
Ukraine war is nothing more than US EU proxy against Putin! This invasion was sole responsibility of Putin! A victory could have seal Putin's legacy and remain emperor of Russia forever!
However, things have turn into shocking outcome! Ukrainians prove to be tough cookies! They are united and willing to die for Ukraine! That's the different between Syria invasion or Crimea invasion which Putin enjoyed tremendous success!
Basically, Russia military options are very limited! Tanks end up in smokes! Naval ships are easy target! Missiles have dried up! Foot soldiers are now encircled and eventually eliminated in Ukraine! Russia old war tactics are no match to ukrainians ingenuity in modern warfare! Even the so called chenchen war fighters known for their brutality were slaughtered like dogs! It's a humilating defeat thanks to western unlimited supply of latest tech weapons!


2022-05-16 14:41 | Report Abuse



2022-05-16 13:33 | Report Abuse

That's why we will see another round of 1929 in US! And yeah, that will set global recession like we never seen in the longest time!


2022-05-16 13:32 | Report Abuse

Putin can only makes empty threats now! Totally defeated by ukrainians! But the real loser is US! Spend another trillion in EU just to see it's economy crushed!

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2022-05-16 13:18 | Report Abuse

US and EU hardly focus on their economy! All focus on creating geopolitics tension! Already forgot about their climate crisis! And now dragging whole Asean neighbours into geopolitical tension with China!

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2022-05-16 13:16 | Report Abuse

I am talking about EU! Take Germany for example! Used to rely 90% of their energy from nuke plants! Until that dumbass iron lady replaced them all with coal and gas plants using Russia oil! How dumbass is that!
As for US! They are now spending their budget to supply Ukraine with weapons and financial assistance! In the end, US economy will tank, only making military obligachs happy!