
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-05-16 04:05 | Report Abuse

Look, basically all this cypcto currencies are just pure speculation! When bourses are hot, this fake currencies too enjoy the rally!
But once reality sets in, especially when markets start to crash, then tell me, what has cypctos have over hard money!
I mean, i rather hold gold over hard money from now on! Unfortunately, i never was interested to learn about gold until today!
Cypctos basically this imaginary money that we thought will be future currency without central banks authority!
Just wait for recession, those cypctos will be worthless!


2022-05-16 04:00 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-05-15 19:57 | Report Abuse

Why only Sabah! Why not issue foreign card to all illegals in Malaysia!


2022-05-15 19:56 | Report Abuse

We will only experience peace if one get rid of it's darkside! Unfortunately, this also means, we get rid of humans!


2022-05-15 17:26 | Report Abuse

It's just matter of time before Ukraine takes back Mauripol!


2022-05-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

Sending figther jets also another ineffective weapon! Ukrainians are well equipped with those modern anti jet lauchers!


2022-05-15 17:23 | Report Abuse

After more than 80 days, i think Russia should just admit, they have lost! The longer they fight, the weaker Russia will be! It seems sending tanks was the worst decision in modern warfare! Russian tanks were death trap as Ukrainians are equiped with very effective antitank!

News & Blogs

2022-05-15 17:22 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! LGE did debate with Wee! And from then on, LGE was certified Nobita! Can't even debate with Wee! Came for debate totally unprepared!

News & Blogs

2022-05-15 17:01 | Report Abuse

Era of dumbness! I really don't know why US and EU so busy trying to create WW3! Yet at the same time so dependent on Russia for oil!
I mean, why not totally cut off from Russia first before poking Russia!


2022-05-15 02:16 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Try eating small rice bowl everytime you eat! You see drastic difference in your weight and health!

News & Blogs

2022-05-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

Please stop protecting undocumented workers! Send them back immediately if caught! What government can do is to charge employers who employ undocumented workers in court! If government allow undocumented workers legal right for unpaid wages, then you have influx of undocumented to come in!

News & Blogs

2022-05-14 12:55 | Report Abuse

Anwar sole idea is to go for vengeance politics! No different from what we experience during the 22 months! If this is what Anwar only idea, i say he can forget about capturing Putrajaya! Fortunately Rafizi will replace him very soon!


2022-05-14 12:43 | Report Abuse

Markets are returning to normalcy after heavy knee jerk due to interest rate hike!
You know the drill! After a while everybody forget about interest hike! Well, 3 months later we should get that reminder again!
For bursa, heavy roll out of QRs begin! I think we should see many favorable results!

News & Blogs

2022-05-14 12:41 | Report Abuse

In some way, this debate should become a norm! We can judge who has the ideas to develop Malaysia and who just want to be PM! I mean, if Anwar is so good, he could have been PM decades ago! But instead he enjoys been in prison! Perhaps Anwar should rejoin Najib in prison so that PKR can regain it's popularity!

News & Blogs

2022-05-14 12:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > May 14, 2022 10:12 AM | Report Abuse

Anwar had only 1 idea: forensic audit
which he kept on repeating over and over and over again.

Answer : Anwar came unprepared! Too obvious! He didn't do any homework! Najib was prepared!
However, there's something we learn from the debate! Najib talk about bigger cake, but what's the point of having bigger cake if rakyat won't enjoy it at all! Instead only Umno warlords will become wealthier, if not almost all Umno warlords today are billionaire already!
As for Sapura, it's up to Petronas to make the first move! Savage Sapura and then sell them later for profit! And at the same time, save thousands of workers! Maybe government can step in by doing forensic auditing! Combine both idea from Najib Anwar!


2022-05-14 12:34 | Report Abuse

Toxic eating will have heavy toll on our body! Future generation especially Gen Z will face health crisis!


2022-05-14 12:33 | Report Abuse

We suppose to eat small bowl of rice and healthy portion of vege and meat! And of course a generous serving of broth! that's how we suppose to eat!


2022-05-14 12:31 | Report Abuse

Obesity is a serious problem in Malaysia! Especially among majority malays! Only local chinese still in healthy category! Chinese food even chinese fast food are very healthy!
For thousands of years, chinese have been taught of proper portion! Rice came in small bowl! Which is the right portion! You are not suppose to eat more than a bowl of rice! Our stomach is actually small! But because of american culture, we became big eaters! Nowadays, many eat a huge plate of rice! While is very wrong! Nowadays, we eat processed meat instead of long stew meat! The old age broth is replaced with those instant cubes!


2022-05-14 12:27 | Report Abuse

I think US greatest export of toxic culture is their fast food! The only thing that i eat from KFC or McDonald is their fried chicken! That's it!
It's kinda my only oily food that i put in my mouth! Why fried chicken! Because it's not process meat!
We malaysians are really ignorant about health! Or how our body function! Sure, once in the while, especially when you are too lazy to cook, you can always head to US fast food to get you meal! But those menue their are offering are full of chemicals and toxic to our body! Eat at McDonald daily, and chances are you will end up fat!
And unfortunately, nowadays, we see way too many fat malaysians especially the aging gen Z! Yeah, hard to believe that the Gen Z are now aging fast! Another 10 years, they will be useless member of society as most of them will not be employable! A sad reality of todays world! And yeah, our children will continue to eat fattening food because their are not taught of how to eat healthy!


2022-05-14 01:56 | Report Abuse

Sky! All the signs are too obvious! It's just matter of time! Definitely before 2024! And we will see repeat of 1929, something we dare not think of! This coming recession will be similar to great depression really! The root cause is the worthless dollar!


2022-05-14 01:53 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Kinda shocking to know Russia is not that great after all! Can't even beat Ukraine! And almost everyday threaten the world with nukes!
Basically Putin is done! Can those russian obligachs do something before the rest of the world know how humiliating this defeat has been!


2022-05-13 21:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > May 13, 2022 5:42 PM | Report Abuse

Raise your hand if u think Biden and his men can solve America's problems

Answer : Yeah, so what happen to anti Donald Trump! So quiet recently!


2022-05-13 21:29 | Report Abuse

Don't keep US dollar guys! Once hit that sweet spot of 1929, it's totally worthless! Thank Biden for his blunders!
Within a year in his administration, printed trillions of paper money and spend on nothing!
Don't know when this 1929 will happen but once it does, we all will be back to stone age!
I am considering keeping gold instead! Do you guys know where to buy those genuine gold coins!


2022-05-12 23:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahbah > May 12, 2022 10:36 PM | Report Abuse

How can I protect my Ringgit from droping like no tomorrow in my hand, please ?

Answer : I keep most of my cash in Sing dollar!


2022-05-12 18:05 | Report Abuse

They say US is the problem not the solution! Which is exactly what will come out of Biden Asean meet!
I won't be surprise Biden will scream and shout about how China will invade Taiwan soon! Which will happen before 2024!
It's better for Asean leaders to get as much business from US than to be involve with Asean NATO! We have seen how Ukraine turn into wasteland!
If China attacks Taiwan, let it be! Taiwan is not a sovereign state! Why should Asean nations be involved! Let US alone fight with China! It's none of our business!
As for South China Sea, i believe it's the objective of China to control the dwindling fish stocks! Decades ago, China had to get their seafood from Asean countries which increase the price alot! Today, China get their stocks directly! I mean, China has to feed 1.5 billion population you know!
As for militarization of South China Sea, China must respect our sea borders!


2022-05-12 14:58 | Report Abuse

Bare in mind! Cash is king in recession! Because you don't go the banks for loans! It's going to be pretty expensive with high interest rate!


2022-05-12 14:57 | Report Abuse

As malaysians already emptied their EPF and EPF is now in weak position, don't expect us to go through coming recession in style like Singapore! We won't! Things going to be super rough ahead!
For me, i am preparing bullets for coming property crash!


2022-05-12 14:56 | Report Abuse

Chill! So Bank Negara make a surprising move! Many caught with their pants down! BN has no choice! Maintain interest rate and see ringgit drop like no tomorrow!
So now, everybody force to increase interest rate as the dumbass US is fighting so called inflation! Like i said, you tackle the prime cause not trying to put some salt on the wound!
This interest rate hike will be new normal in ever weirdo fiscal short sightedness! All depends on the administrator of the day!


2022-05-11 23:17 | Report Abuse

One word to describe China lockdowns, 'dumbass'!
Well, apparently me and wifey got Omicron! But it was so mild that both of us didn't even knew about it! It only came to light after she went for medical checkup few days ago! So we both self quarantine ourselves! But we hardly feel anything! Maybe because we both got the final booster! Or maybe our natural immunity has reach optimal level!
Coming back to China! It's laughable for China going into lockdowns 2 years about Covid emerged! Today we have vaccine and antiviral to fight Covid! We have so many options on the table that lockdown is the last resort if new deadly variant appears!
However, in fact it's better to allow Omicron to dominant to get rid of other variants as soon as possible! And also we will develop natural immunity towards Omicron and other variants!
What CCP is doing is weird and silly! Chinese China will not develop such natural immunity! So okay, you have zero Covid in China! But the moment infected outsiders come to China, you may see mass serious medical complication due to lack of natural immunity of it's citizens! And chinese China will never again able to travel outside of China! Or maybe this is actually what CCP is doing! Closely the iron curtain once again!


2022-05-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

However, China factor will certainly put damper on markets! Until China ease it's lockdown, then don't expect bullish momentum!


2022-05-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

Yeah, bloody whacking weeks after interest rate hike! But as usually, everybody forgets about it!
And so we should shift back into normal pattern!

News & Blogs

2022-05-10 18:03 | Report Abuse

I don't know why our government don't make it mandatory for foreign workers to contribute to EPF! It benefit us tremendously! This will stop outflow of foreign workers salary back to their countries! And EPF can invest further! And also stop foreign workers from constantly changing their identity! Yes, foreign workers can easily change their identity if you don't know about this!


2022-05-10 17:58 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the interest rate jitters is over! Forgotten as usually! Until the next hike of course!
But i have to warn you guys! We don't know how much longer US markets can remain stable! Once hit certain interest rate hike, the good days will be over!
How do we know! Well, i just down one clue! Watch out for coming US quarters! Run if you see them turning super red as businesses can no longer sustain high interest rate!


2022-05-10 17:56 | Report Abuse



2022-05-10 14:33 | Report Abuse

Yeah, even fake ballot boxes won't save Democrats this round! After lousy imcompetent 2 years of Biden administration, there's nothing that Democrats can promise or offer to win voters!
Democrats are facing their Harapan moment! Moment where voters are rejecting their left and right!
On Republican side, Donald Trump is lining up his men! No more rebelious Republicans who are going against Trump like last time! This round, Republicans are trumpians!
Basically, we will see the most trumpian administration in 2024! Perhaps for a brief moment, we will once against enjoy economic prosperity and world peace!


2022-05-10 14:12 | Report Abuse

Shopee Lazada are not communists who have the right to dictate what delivery service provider should buyers take!
Or is it, Shopee Lazada prefer certain provider since they are getting fat commission!


2022-05-10 14:10 | Report Abuse

How come our ministers who are responsible for consumers doing nothing but shake legs!
After so many years, after so much complaints, nothing has been done to help online consumers!
I mean, why has not government of the day push online shopping provider like Shopee and Lazada to make it mandatory for buyers to choose their own delivery service provider!
Some buyers prefer Poslaju! Some JT! Some Ghl! But if you shop online, you are going to see this dumbass standard delivery option! What standard! It's like Shopee Lazada are dictators who do not allow buyers the right to pick their own delivery provider!
And judging from so many undelivered parcels, i think Shopee Lazada are doing disservice to online shopping!


2022-05-09 19:21 | Report Abuse

Many pundits say that Anwar shot himself with M16 on his own foot because of his constant screaming over 'convincing majority'! Anwar desperation over becoming PM has wane rakyat interest on him!
Picking Najib to fight with is another big blunder on Anwar side! Bosku is very popular! He is pro rakyat!
Why didn't Anwar pick Mahathir to fight with! Or Mohiden or PM Sabri!
Trying to whack nobody like Najib only hurt Anwar further! In fact Anwar is no longer in rakyat radar!

News & Blogs

2022-05-09 18:14 | Report Abuse

Most of EU and US MNCs are shifting to Indonesia and Vietnam! But i think Indonesia is thriving at the moment! Anyway, there's acute shortage of steel which benefit Malaysia steel producers tremendously! We should see that been reflected in coming quarters! I mean, where can you get steel now! Only Malaysia!

News & Blogs

2022-05-09 18:11 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! We are already on the way to bangsa Malaysia! But not like you imaging it to be! It's more like bangsa melayu baru! The hybrid or fake malays will dominate! Gone are the days where local chinese can whine been 2nd class!