
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-13 00:20 | Report Abuse

Looks like Ukraine days are numbered! Putin seems to see victory at hand at this moment!
So what is the lesson from Ukraine! New World Order is now shifting! If things go as plan and Ukraine invasion is successful, then Russia China will unite for Taiwan invasion! USA will lose just like Ukraine!


2022-06-12 23:55 | Report Abuse

Lucker! Yeah, nowadays even kids aspired to be lawmakers in malaysia! Only need to win one term, shake legs for 5 years and enjoy pension till death!

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 22:43 | Report Abuse

If Putin wins Ukraine, then i am very sure Putin will send his military assets to China!
It's not only taking back Taiwan but to defeat USA once and for all! Biden really overstep himself this time!


2022-06-12 22:40 | Report Abuse

If PM Sabri continues as PM post GE15, i think we will see the last of Umno! I tell you, Sabri is not PM material just like Biden is not PM material!
Let's see what Rafizi has in store! Since he unexpectedly able to get rid off Anwar's old guards!
If Rafizi can bring in progressive and proffesional malays into PKR, i think Umno will be easily defeated come GE16!


2022-06-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

Umno is pariah party! Party that continuously protect corrupt leaders!


2022-06-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

The verdict for Zahid Hamidi is clear as day! He is very corrupted! Strangely, he is also president of a 'sacred' party Umno!
Yeah, Zahid Hamidi loves to brag that Umno is a very holy party! But how can Umno be righteous party if he is corrupted!
And why are Umno leaders so quiet! Why can't they take action against Zahid Hamidi!

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 14:51 | Report Abuse

Please don't insult rakyat intelligence! Umno leaders should kick Zahid Hamidi as soon as possible!


2022-06-12 14:50 | Report Abuse

Reading few credible alternative media, it seems Ukraine will not be able to defend itself for long!


2022-06-12 14:48 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri better buck up! Many are not happy with his administration! His foreign trips has been unproductive and embarrasing! Not only that, PM Sabri also manage to offend Indonesia with bahasa as language of Asean when Indonesia language is far more spoken and taught in Australia universities!
One thing, this unhappiness also remind rakyat how PM Sabri SOPs where cruel! If opposition able to play the cruel SOP card, sorry to say, BN Umno will suffer in terms of votes!


2022-06-11 21:02 | Report Abuse

The laughs generated by Zahid Hamidi latest desperation to call for GE15 already broke records! I mean, if you are caught with your pants down, may as well invite Assmin and Anwar to poke your rear end!


2022-06-11 21:01 | Report Abuse

If Zahid actually manage to make himself PM post GE15, i say, i go and jump from single storey building! We will be laughing stock of whole galaxy!


2022-06-11 21:00 | Report Abuse

Zahid Hamidi has the thickest skin in human history! He is still standing tall pretending to be righteous when whole Malaysia already heard evidence that he is indeed abuse his power for bribes!


2022-06-11 20:57 | Report Abuse

SsLee! I don't get it! So if MCA stand up against Umno president, then it's wrong! But if MCA goes along with Umno president, then MCA is a lapdog!
Haix! Forget it! MCA is total goner!


2022-06-11 19:40 | Report Abuse

Basically, the root solution is there! The Sauds are waiting for Biden and Democrats to bow-down! Question is, will Biden do it!


2022-06-11 19:39 | Report Abuse

Coming back to OPEC! All Biden has to do is to kissup to the Sauds, go back to original gentlemen agreement and pump oil like no tomorrow! OPEC has more than enough supply to satisfy global needs!
In fact if OPEC start to ramp up, oil price will easily fall to USD40 within a month period!


2022-06-11 19:37 | Report Abuse

By end of 2 years, we have situation where there's just too much oil and dwindling demands!


2022-06-11 19:37 | Report Abuse

In 2 years time, if BYD and other China manufacturers can ramp up production, they can supply enough for their domestic and foreign markets!


2022-06-11 19:35 | Report Abuse

Even BYD is shock with the demand for their EVs! 2022 production already sold out! 2023 probably the same! No need to talk about Tesla! Cybertruck has waiting list until 2027!


2022-06-11 19:34 | Report Abuse

It's a simple supply and demand! Demand for oil is high at the moment! But 2 years from now, probably not so high! Why! Because majority of new car buyers will go for EVs!


2022-06-11 19:33 | Report Abuse

Contrast to Trump! He knows how to keep oil cheap! It was during Trump administration, the world was flooded with oil! So flooded until oil price turn negatie! Can you believe that! Negative!


2022-06-11 19:32 | Report Abuse

Problem with Biden is that, during his first days in office, he made enemies with OPEC members!
Even threaten to dethrone the Sauds of Saudi! Tell me, how can the Sauds wanna talk to Biden after humiliating them!


2022-06-11 16:22 | Report Abuse

Finally EPF kicks in and becomes big buyer in bursa! Let's see what will happen!


2022-06-11 16:22 | Report Abuse



2022-06-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jun 11, 2022 1:55 PM | Report Abuse

Know how many MCA politicians are so shameless to readily kiss the hand/butt of Malu Apa Bossku.

Answer : Exactly! This is what 99% local chinese sentiment towards MCA!


2022-06-11 15:22 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, especially Germany! Germany used to have more than 20 nuke power plants! Instead they close it down for gas power plants, gas supplied from Russia!
Donald Trump warned merkhel that Germany is surrending to Putin but she didn't listen!


2022-06-11 15:19 | Report Abuse

So i forsee price of oil dipping or perhaps crashing in 2 years time! If OPEC does not act now and release more oil into market, i think OPEC can kiss their dominance after 2 years!
EVs are much more convenient compare to ICE! Many new EVs actually able to supply electricity back to you home in case of blackout! EVs are now becoming backup generator! You can even use your EV to power your tools! The latest Ford F15 lighting EV is so good, it's already sold out for this year! F15 is now the standard of pickup truck in USA! I think majority of contruction workers in US wil be driving this F15 since this truck is basically everything they need! Generator, heavy loader, haul camper and so forth!


2022-06-11 15:13 | Report Abuse

So you won't be able to get for this year if you book now! Basically, you will only get it next year! That's how hot EVs are today!


2022-06-11 15:13 | Report Abuse

As for Malaysia, all allocated EVs of all brands already sold out for this year!


2022-06-11 15:12 | Report Abuse

I knew BYD would be big but to see BYD actually surpassing Tesla now, to me is way ahead of time! Mind you, BYD has just recently discontinue selling non EVs! BYD is now only focus on selling EVs!


2022-06-11 15:11 | Report Abuse

Even more shocking, it's BYD not Tesla selling more EVs globally!


2022-06-11 15:11 | Report Abuse

20% is very significant! So i think 2035 target for all new cars sales to be EVs is actually very achievable!


2022-06-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

So Hong Seng announce they will be making battery componet for EVs! Need to do some homework on Hong Seng!
Anyway, i am quite shock to know that sales of EV is actually quite huge! 20% of new cars! That's like wow!


2022-06-11 15:05 | Report Abuse

The hybrid malays already outnumbered genuine malays! If you want to know who are the genuine malays, not that hard to find! You see them doing those mat rempit thingy and seems their fascination of this two wheelers start from very young! Remember those kids riding 'lajang' bicycles wee hours of the day! Yeah, those are the true malays! But eventually they will be endangered species as the hybrid takes over!


2022-06-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! Bangladesh is progressing fast! Maybe 10 years from now you will be buying more cloth from Bangladesh than anyway else! Yeah, you may also see few bangla millionaire joining Umno and eventually turn Umno to 'Demi bangla, agama dan negara'!


2022-06-11 13:51 | Report Abuse

SsLee! I am just sharing what the sentiment is out there! I am just the messenger! But yeah, sentiment towards PH has really turn negative! And yeah, those 22 months unfortunately define PH!


2022-06-11 13:47 | Report Abuse

But easier said than done! Because who knows if ukrainians may ran out of weapons! Looks like US and EU already losing interest! If US and EU do not supply weapons, then Putin wins!


2022-06-11 13:46 | Report Abuse

As for Ukraine invasion, the Russia side can only last for up to next year! As long as ukrainians able to defend and make periodic offensive attacks, then time is their greatest strength!


2022-06-11 13:43 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, once the fire is started, it will spread and burn the whole forest! War unfortunately is very human!
Today, we see japanese as the most humble, timid and kind spoken race! But the minute they go to war, they are the most vicious machine every unleash! Remember, how the japanese soldiers killed everyone in Nanjing, China! And it was just for fun! Hence the deep resentment between China and Japan!


2022-06-11 13:28 | Report Abuse

Like Chairman Deng says 'Bide your time, hide your strength'! We are seeing this in majority malays! They are getting more business minded! And eventually they will take over many businesses! I mean, this 'halalness' culture is one of the reason for growing malay influent! Do you know there are many 'tudungs' millioanaires! That's just for 'tudungs'! They even play cyberbullies to attack malay ladies that don't wear tudung especially malay celebrities! Imagine how nasty this 'tudungs' malay businessmen are!


2022-06-11 13:23 | Report Abuse

Oh, did i forgot, how local chinese have very little respect towards majority malays! Like refusing to speak in bahasa instead want malays to learn chinese and english! That malays are inferior race compare to chinese! Yeah, we think such disrespect do not reach the ears of malays but the truth is, they have been tolerating this for the longest time!


2022-06-11 13:20 | Report Abuse

So basically, the outcome is very clear! Local chinese will lose their once cherish existence in Malaysia society! Back in 80s and 90s, local chinese were genuinely respected by majority malays! Malays were looking up to local chinese when it comes to high morals and good core values such as hardworking, enterprising and productive! Today, things are different! All majority malays hear from vocal local chinese are how they are treated like 2nd class citizens, how their UEC not recognise, and many other complaints! In short, never ending whining!


2022-06-11 13:17 | Report Abuse

To remain relevant, local chinese need MCA back! But 90% of local chinese out there will tell you the same! MCA is just a lapdog! Dap will forever be their No.1 choice for some very blurry reason! It's like kelantanese god worship devotion towards Pas and its' fake holymen! Nothing can change this pattern!


2022-06-11 13:15 | Report Abuse

Post GE15, we should expect the same! Malay politicians will fight each other for wealth and power!
Malays have tasted what luxury can do to them! It's no longer confine to local chinese!
But this round, it's different! Malays no longer feel the need to feel apologetic towards local chinese! They don't feel the need to compromise anymore! Or tolerance those who demand equal rights!
I am sharing this so that those who are still in great delusion will wake up!
If you think local chinese are 2nd class and you want UEC to be recognised, i say that ship already sailed the day Harapan let us down!