
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-06 20:34 | Report Abuse

Joke of the day is that if you want to know who is corrupted, they have 'datuks' title on front of their names! 'Datuk Seris' are the most corrupted of course! 'Tuns' have graduated into 'cannot touch' level! The highest form of most corrupted!

News & Blogs

2022-06-06 20:21 | Report Abuse

Nazir doesn't have to pretend he is the good guy! He is among the corrupted!

News & Blogs

2022-06-06 20:20 | Report Abuse

Nazir has been living in fairytale land since he was born! Now retired from corporate ladder, he just want to seek attention with his hot air rheotrics!
This dude does not want to get his hands dirty! Go straight to royal friends to get his agenda going!
Corruption is Malaysia is very deep rooted! Underworld bosses walk around with 'Datuk Seris'! The moment MACC investigate, the royals bank on the door! So how to get rid of corruption and abuse of power!
From head to tail all corrupted!

News & Blogs

2022-06-06 14:02 | Report Abuse

It's better for Harapan to abandon the big tent! Clearly big tent idea was to attract Mahathir and the rest of the traitors back into Harapan!
One can see Mahathir yet again making a huge mess all over again! The moment Harapan gives some hope to Mahathir, he is back with the usually senile statements! Let the old dinasour rest!

News & Blogs

2022-06-05 19:21 | Report Abuse

We may see complete wipeout of Umno in Sabah! Like GPS in Sarawak, GRS will play kingmaker role in Sabah! So both Sabah Sarawak will play decider!

News & Blogs

2022-06-05 19:19 | Report Abuse

According to my undercover friend in Sabah, Umno will lose out if GE15 is held! Simply because, Umno has no alliance! All Sabah parties have regroup under GRS which is head by Mohiden! Mohiden is quite smart bugger!

News & Blogs

2022-06-05 18:59 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! The wealthy chinese already set up home based in Australia, Canada, US or EU!
The ones screaming and shouting 2nd class citizens and UEC recognition are living the great delusion! Because nowadays, majority malays already lost their tolerance and consider local chinese as outsiders!
Welcome to scary malaycentric era! And with Indonesia becoming major economy a decade or so, Malaysia will see more and more indos here! Basically malay will accept themselves part of Indonesia!
Tell me, would local chinese still be relevant! After 15 years without local chinese participation in Putrajaya, we are risk becoming voiceless!

News & Blogs

2022-06-05 15:32 | Report Abuse

And there's alot a question of culture! Malays are used to praying 5 times a day! And they say, chinese are used to work 5 times a day! In short, olden chinese are hardcore workaholic! Many able to work 12 hours a day without breaking a sweat! Well, those were the olden days! And of course the other thing was MCA was a dominant force in Malaysia politics! Actually, decades ago, MCA was more powerful that Umno! So many of the mega projects were wallop by MCA while Umno was the dumbass in the house! MCA as race based party, wisely invest their gains into many chinese institutions! Today however, many of this institutions are on verge of dissapeearing! Today however, the Gen Z local chinese are not as hardworking and no longer have the luxury of getting fat projects from government!
The days of 'Kenapa cina kaya' are almost goner! The voice of local chinese also becoming mute in increasingly malaycentric society!
So it's good that some local chinese like SsLee and Phillip realise the importance of not been controversial admist scary changing Malaysia!
So brush out your bahasa! Indonesia will be huge in coming years! If Malaysia fails, you need bahasa to explore Indonesia market! Sorry! Indonesia won't tolerate whining of 2nd class citizens or UEC recognition! Either you speak their language or you won't get any business in Indonesia!

News & Blogs

2022-06-05 15:24 | Report Abuse

Phillip! Kaddos for writing in Bahasa! I have new found respect for you! Anyway, i don't understand a thing since my bahasa is very poor! I had to translate using google!
Anyway, i do agree that been 'poor' is a mental issue! I see alot of malays that own huge track of lands but remain poor! Why! Because they don't know what to do with their lands! Some resort to sell their lands for quick buck! And like they say, give a monkey bunch of banana, they will eat it in a day! And eventually, the money they got form selling their lands, evaporate completely!
Then you have alot of chinese who can't own land due to their non malay status! They say, if you give a chinese a pot of soil, they will end up playing a hectare of vege on it!


2022-06-05 02:45 | Report Abuse

Problem with initial introuction of GST was that, goods where double even tripled tax along the chain! Which Najib administration fail to address!
Another was that some food items where also tax like canned food!
However, food essentials where not tax like rice, chicken, cooking oil and so forth!
The strange thing was, even though there was no GST on this items, many victimized their customers by hiking their food! Or maybe because of the floated RON95 which constantly change every week hence the uncontrollable price hike of essentials! I really don't know!
The thing is, if GST is reintroduction, government must make sure all food items except sugared drinks and junk food are free from GST! Canned food are poor's man food, why put GST on it!


2022-06-05 01:59 | Report Abuse

On the other hand, Genm is different! Once New York approve full casino linsence, then basically Genting Resort can start as soon as possible! So Genm surge will be much stronger!


2022-06-05 01:57 | Report Abuse

Until Taurx market it's Alzheimer medicine, there's really nothing to shout about! So Genting price will go back to bottom again! My take, i only buyback once Genting settle to oversold!

News & Blogs

2022-06-03 22:37 | Report Abuse

In a way, Elon Musk has succeeded in destroying Twitter!


2022-06-03 22:37 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Chill, wait for the next quarter! Some be fatty profit!


2022-06-03 22:36 | Report Abuse

Brian! You are right! But i did bought some Petron long time ago! Now, just keep going up and up and up! I really don't know the entry point anymore!


2022-06-03 22:34 | Report Abuse

Come on, we are not that dumbass! I mean, Zahid Najib will desperately ride on 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' just to save themselves!


2022-06-03 22:33 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri played it dumb! But then again, he is certified low IQ so can't dispute him!
Anway, PM Sabri said he will hold GE15 as soon as possible! He is just echoing Najib Zahid sentiment without following it through! You know, release should hot air without actually excreting any turd from rear end!
Parliment is rumored to be dissolved in September before tabling of Budget!
And by that time, Najib Zahid should be heading to jail! Perfect timing! But then again, PM Sabri can plan but the almighty rule of law will execute it! So nobody knows what will happen in the next few month!


2022-06-03 22:28 | Report Abuse

I guess some are dissapointed with the latest 15 cents profit! For me, buy on weakness!


2022-06-03 22:25 | Report Abuse

As long as the government is clean and transparent, no problem!

News & Blogs

2022-06-03 20:48 | Report Abuse

They say dumbass enjoy doing the same mistake expecting different result! Which totally describe Harapan leaders! The big tent was all about uniting Mahathir, Syed Saddiq and the rest of the traitors back into Harapan fold! I say good riddance to Harapan! Only Harapan yet to learn anything! As for BN Umno, they totally desserted Mahathir! Yet Mahathir is very active in persuading PM Sabri to take Pejuang into BN alliance!


2022-06-03 17:44 | Report Abuse

Remember the proven rule! Sell on news!


2022-06-03 17:07 | Report Abuse

Bought another round of 6.25 today! Didn't expect to get it but i qued yesterday!


2022-06-03 17:05 | Report Abuse

In the last GE, Harapan used GST card to max! And it worked! But this round, it won't! Why, because RON95 is fix! So inflation will be under control! So rakyat won't be trouble with weekly changes in price of goods!
Harapan won't be able to capitlize Bosku card as well! Especially if PM Sabri able to send Najib to jail!
In fact if PM Sabri manage to send both Najib and Zahid to jail, he can reposition himself in better light! And if he lower his ego and make Tok Mat as his next DPM, at least Umno chances among majority malays will be acceptable! So if PM Sabri remains PM and Tok Mat as his DPM, at least it totaly defuse division among Umno members! Then again, like i said before, i pray that we won't see PM Sabri continue as PM! I mean, this dude is really not fit to be PM! Haix, what can i do! I am just ordinary rakyat! In politics, we are beggars and beggars can't be choosy!


2022-06-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

One of the reason why bursa hit highest during Najib administration was his brave implementation of GST! Well, Najib also remove tons of subsidies including petrol and diesel which perhaps the main reason for his downfall!
I think it's not GST that kill Najib rather floating RON95 that made rakyat so mad about him! 1MDB ignite the rage and hate towards corruption!
Here's the thing! If you want GST, you must also get rid of corruption! Rakyat as a whole will pay for GST! And rakyat expect a clean and transparent government as a trade off!
You cannot make a cake and eat it too! Meaning, you cannot expect to reimplement GST and think rakyat will be okay with the normal corrupt practices!
PM Sabri was dumbass enough to maintain current RON95 price! Or else, if not, our inflation would have been so high, he won't dare to face the wrath of rakyat! But it comes at a price! Malaysia is paying 70 billion annually for this subsidy! It's just too damn high!
However, by re introduction GST, at least this subsidy will be cut by half!
Beside, GST is the most efficient taxation! Up to 100 billion tax remain uncollected thanks to ineffectiveness of SST!
Now, rakyat has wisen up! In fact the acceptance of GST is better compare to previously! They understand what GST is capable of!
As long as government fix RON95, rakyat will grumble less! This was Najib biggest mistake! At least PM Sabri the ever low IQ lawmaker knew!


2022-06-03 00:34 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Hisham should retire! He is corrupted to the core! Lousiest lawmaker!


2022-06-03 00:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by izoklse > Jun 3, 2022 12:19 AM | Report Abuse

Post GE 15 : PM Ismail DPM Hishammudin / KJ FINANCE Tok Mat + Zafrul

Answer : I don't know where you heard this but insiders are negotiating the same!


2022-06-03 00:32 | Report Abuse

That my fellow malaysians, will be Malaysia future!


2022-06-03 00:32 | Report Abuse

Eventually, Malaysia will be playground for rich indonesian, banglas, viets because we are the cheapest place to take some holiday! You know, they will be raving how cheap Malaysia is while our ringgit has depreciated to rubbish level!


2022-06-03 00:30 | Report Abuse

Tell me, do you see EV producers coming to Malaysia! Indonesia already producing few China EVs! And pretty soon, we will get our EVs from Indonesia! Don't laugh but soon, we will be driving Vietnam EVs as well! Yeah, Vietnam and Indonesia is surging so far ahead of us now!


2022-06-03 00:29 | Report Abuse

And decade from now, malaysians will be at the bottom rank of Asia! Worst off that Indonesia! Worst off that Vietnam! Remember the time when Indonesia and Vietnam were so poor, Malaysia was like magnet for them!
Take a good look dudes, Indonesia already banning indonesians coming to Malaysia to working in plantations! Few years from now, you won't get indonesians to work here no matter how high you pay them! Why, because, what they getting in Indonesia will be better compare to Malaysia!
Even Bangladesh will bypass us as alot of MNCs are now investing in Bangladesh! Many renown brands are going into Bangladesh! Your expensive Levis are now been manufactured in Bangladesh! Those branded goods you so in love with! Bangladesh!
Tell me, what are high end goods been produce in Malaysia by then! Nothing!


2022-06-03 00:25 | Report Abuse

Malaysians are taking things for granted of the current situation! Or rather, Umno corrupt lawmakers having a party admist falling nation! But don't blame rakyat! We did tried! And the alternative was awful! Harapan let us down badly!
In short, the same bunch of imcompetent and corrupted lawmakers will be sitting on top of us post GE15! Let that reality sinks while our nation go down the drain!


2022-06-03 00:22 | Report Abuse

The good times is over but most of us yet woken up! The great delusion still covers most of malaysians today!
Remember Rome! Yeah, once was the most powerful empire in Europe! Gone! Remember the great Dutch empire! Kaput! Remember Brittish Empire! Only remembered in history books!
Remember Malaysia! The fake 2020 Vision! Yeah, we are already in 2022 now!


2022-06-03 00:20 | Report Abuse

GE15 is perhaps the last window for Malaysia! Or else there will be no recover for Malaysia at all!
We are highly indebted and China will take over our nation without any weapon been fired! Just like Sri Lanka!


2022-06-03 00:19 | Report Abuse

Actually, too many of our lawmakers are antiquated! They are trapped in timewarp! No longer serve any purpose as their usefulness already expired after Sheraton Move!
Forgot to mention like Zuraida, Assmin, Mat Sabu, Tajuddin, Annuar Musa just to name a few! And to many of the current shake leg ministers who are enjoying their free lunch, not contributing anything during the last few years!
By now we should know which lawmakers are actually doing something and those who should not be given 2nd chance!
The grandmaster Mahathir is still active though! He is planning a comeback! It's open secret he is bringing Pujawang into BN fold! Haix, the old fox is really pain in the rear!


2022-06-03 00:16 | Report Abuse

Senior Lim has gracefully retire from politics! Well, once in a while he does open his big mouth! Hopefully he retire for good for sake of Malaysia!
And with that, others should too! Like Mohiden, Anwar, Zahid, even Junior Lim! Heck, PM Sabri should also do the same!


2022-06-02 21:23 | Report Abuse

It's fair to say steele price has bottom out! So it's only going up from now on!
Well, except if China or Chairman Xi adamant with his dumbass zero Covid policy! Look, Covid today is the mild version Omicron! Most who got Omicron don't even realise it at all!
It's much milder that flu or fever! So why the heck stop people from developing natural immunity!
I hope Chairman Xi wakes up from his slumber! Or he won't get his another term!
Premier Li was actually the real driver of China economic rise! If not for Premier Li, i think China would have closed it's curtain long time ago! So i hope politburo will make the right decision come September or November! I mean, China needs friends too! Been dictator like Putin or Xi has no place in current geopolitics! Premier Li would be much better choice! But then again, who am i to say!
Anyway, the price of steele yet to move because of fear! Fear that major cities in China will go into another useless lockdown again!
Give few weeks, maybe price of steel again turn north!


2022-06-02 19:29 | Report Abuse

Zahid buys his influence with ordinary malays by building mosques! But would you pray inside a mosque build using corruption and dirty money!


2022-06-02 19:28 | Report Abuse

Umno is extremely corrupted now! Instead of channeling funds to rakyat, Umno channelling their funds to win support of warlords! Corruption is bad! Bad because, it inflate cost of projects! Strengthen middlemen who will only increase cost of everything!


2022-06-02 19:26 | Report Abuse

Umno is actually very weak! The only reason why we see Umno winning in Melaka and Johor by election is because, majority malays totaly rejected Harapan due to their very lousy 22 months!
So basically rakyat voted because they have very little choice!
If indeed Pkr is reforming lead by Rafizi, then we may see some shift! Anwar is a dinosaur no doubt! He should be making an exit as all his yesmen has been voted out from Pkr!
However, for Umno, if it continues to be lead by Najib and Zahid, then i bet the next GE16, rakyat will reject them left and right!


2022-06-02 19:23 | Report Abuse

Come on, who wants to see Zahid as our next PM! Or Najib making a comeback! Wait, maybe Najib is still relevant to majority malays but Zahid!
Anyway, we seen how Rafizi made a comeback! And it seems Rafizi camps almost won all positions except Assmin camp too holding on Selangor!
Dap also saw Senior Lim gracefully making an exit! Kadoos Senior Lim! And Dap too has seen some changes! Which is good! But then again Anthony Loke is in the Lims camp but at least we know Dap is making progress!
However, Umno today is the same Umno controls by Najib and Zahid! The same court cluster dominating Umno!


2022-06-02 19:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by emsvsi > Jun 2, 2022 4:24 PM | Report Abuse


Answer : Hihihaha! Chill dude! I will be back here!


2022-06-02 16:18 | Report Abuse

If willing to take the risk, then steel stocks should be good as demand of steel will rocket once China fully opens up! But then again depends on China if they quietly remove the Zero Covid policy!


2022-06-02 16:17 | Report Abuse

Income! Hengyuan and Petronm seems to be a good bet for short term! I intent to come back to Genting when it hit low again!


2022-06-02 16:01 | Report Abuse

Glad i sold yesterday! Seems out of steam!