
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-02 16:01 | Report Abuse

Bought more Hengyuan at 6.25! Should revisit high again!


2022-06-02 00:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by DestinyL > Jun 1, 2022 6:55 PM | Report Abuse

@Tobby, good to take profit
Just don't look back at the price lo, especially if it goes up more
Lost opportunity cost lol

Answer : Yeah! I will regret if Genting shot up much higher! But i intent to buy Hengyuan tomorrow anyway!

News & Blogs

2022-06-02 00:04 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Grandpa Koon the ever king of uturn! One minute tell us why Hengyuan is a bad stock, another minute predict new high for Hengyuan! Next minute, he will say Hengyuan is hopeless!


2022-06-01 18:40 | Report Abuse

Volvo sold out their first EV batch! No need petrol! Zero complaint about fuel price!

News & Blogs

2022-06-01 18:19 | Report Abuse

I read that Petronas not interested to bail out Sapura! Instead they will focus on buying the assets on sell! So go figure!


2022-06-01 18:18 | Report Abuse

Now that i have 70% cash position, i think it's time to buy more more more Hengyuan and Petrnm!


2022-06-01 18:17 | Report Abuse

Made few hundred thousands! So, pretty relief!


2022-06-01 18:16 | Report Abuse

Destinyl! Really! Then i think i made the right decision to sell!

News & Blogs

2022-06-01 18:06 | Report Abuse

And not looking forward for another 5 years if PM Sabri remain PM! He is just as dumbass as Biden! He is not economitric and more towards useless agenda like malay supremacy!

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2022-06-01 18:05 | Report Abuse

Nothing to be happy about! Post GE15, Umno remain unstable as long as Najib and Zahid is not put in jail!


2022-06-01 18:03 | Report Abuse

Genting Bhd got off to a firm start on the local bourse in June after it announced the completion of clinical trials of an Alzheimer’s drug by its 20.3%-owned company, TauRx Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Answer : No wonder go up so fast today! Damn! Sold too early!

News & Blogs

2022-06-01 12:32 | Report Abuse

BN Umno is actually very weak! But Harapan unfortunately is non starter nowadays!


2022-06-01 12:30 | Report Abuse

Better sell! No hope already!


2022-06-01 02:28 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan and Petronm drop over weak data coming out from China! Chill, if Shanghai and Beijing fully open up, things will get better!


2022-06-01 02:27 | Report Abuse

The short! Putin war is nothing more than war over control of oil! The hundreds of thousand innoocent people killed or about to be killed are nothing more that figures to Putin!
So, are you still in great delusion over so called righteous Putin fighting over western influence! I say, good riddance to you! You are as evil as Putin!


2022-06-01 02:25 | Report Abuse

The 'why' is very important here! Putin is afraid that Ukraine will someday be the main supplier of gas to Europe! The invasion of Crimeria is due to the huge gas reserve in Crimea! Putin succeded!
But Putin now focus on capturing whole Ukraine so that only Russia, and Russia alone will supply gas, oil and coal to EU!
The thing is, Putin may miss something to! He didn't expect EU to one day sanction Russia oil and gas which already happening!
And so Russia now has to sell it's oil to China and India! China of course smilling ear to ear! China can buy cheap crude oil from Russia even during this super high oil price! And China will get even much cheaper crude oil once the histeria over crude oil is over!
It's already expected that current bull run of crude oil will end within 2 years! Especially once those offshore rigs are fully operational!
Unlike previous years, there are tons of offshore rigs that lie dormant which only need to restart during high crude oil price! And i am sure, by now plenty of offshore rigs are busy refurbishing their gears and resupply within months!


2022-06-01 02:19 | Report Abuse

Those who support Putin are either benefit from his total dominance of oil supplier or just dumbass who shout 'URA' with great delusion of anti western sentiment!
Here's the thing! Do you know that 80% of Russia crude oil pass through Ukraine!
Do you know that Ukraine has gas reserve that can paralyze Russia gas supply to EU!
Do you know that if Ukraine able to supply gas, oil and coal to Europe, it means the death of Russia!
Yeah, an independent Ukraine will be just as rich and wealth as Saudi!
And that is the main reason for Putin invasion in the first place!
It's nothing to do with denazification of Ukraine! Or Ukraine joining NATO or EU! It's just the fact that Ukraine can cut out Russia in supplying gas to EU! That's the only thing! And mind you, Russia has to pass through Ukraine through pipeline to supply to EU!


2022-05-31 17:19 | Report Abuse

Some people really have this fix rail mindset! It's either black or white! Dudes, chill! Let to be flexible! The world in full of colours! If you continue living in black and white views, then nobody can help you!


2022-05-31 14:55 | Report Abuse

While Premier Li is shouting and screaming of how disastrous China economy is, Chairman Xi remain hard headed with his grand delusion!
I say, Chairman Xi is now in club of dumbass! Same level with Biden, Putin and the rest of EU leaders!
Haix! I really don't know what has become of our world leaders nowadays! Facing with so many crisis, they are partying while their citizens are suffering!
I hope CCP politburo would kick Chairman Xi out as soon as possible!

News & Blogs

2022-05-30 14:54 | Report Abuse

Zelensky is total joke! I am sad ukrainians gave their total support for such dumbass!


2022-05-30 14:53 | Report Abuse

Corruption has become so normal that it's becomes an entitlement! It's not corruption, it's donation, they say!
As long as Umno warlords remain corrupted, i think the last 5 years will see the end of them!
So suprisingly, Rafizi inches closer to be vice president of PKR! It's very open secret! That Rafizi intent to be PM in waiting for GE16!
Let's see what Rafizi has in store for PKR in the next 5 years! If he gets it right, then PKR will emerge dominant party in GE16!
'Demi agama, bangsa dan negara' is getting boring! Majority malays are getting fed up with it! Umno warlords only interested in enriching themselves! But what choice do they have! Harapan has been lousy!
GE15 may see Harapan finally break apart! PKR may go alone! Harapan on the other side with see a very divided alliance!
The only sad part is, post GE15, local chinese remain with DAP! Yeah, in the opposition side once again! But this time, local chinese existence will be lost in greater Malaysia!
After 15 years in opposition, Malaysia will continue to become 'Malay' 'Sia' or malay peninsula! Meaning majority malays are comfortable to rule Malaysia on their own! Without local chinese participation!

News & Blogs

2022-05-30 14:46 | Report Abuse

Don't listen to Mahathir! Watch what he do! This dude is double tongue! Talk about righteous yet do the opposite!


2022-05-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

Post GE15, I think Anwar should gracefully make an exit!


2022-05-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

Suprise! It seems money yet to corrupt PKR! Rafizi is leading unofficially!
Assmin and Zuraida camp were of course in shock at the moment! It suppose to see Assmin camp winning via Saifuddin proxy! But things didn't go as plan!
Either way, Anwar days is over! Rafizi if elected new vice president will eventully takeover from Anwar! It's very open secret!
GE15 will see dwindling support for PKR! But Rafizi game plan is set for GE16!


2022-05-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

Which lead us to another advantage! Asia will experience a bull markets!


2022-05-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

As zero Covid now seen as a huge mistep of Chairman Xi, it would see Premier Li chance of becoming the next chairman at better perceptive! However, it's too early to say as we really don't have any clue what CCP tink tank has in mind!
But Premier Li is seen as someone who is firm yet moderate in dealing with geopolitical issues! Meaning, he would put more restrain in world dominance but will put more effort in restructuring China! The phrase 'Hide your strength, bide your time' will certainly make a return!
Having two very authoritarian figure in world stage is bad! As there's a chance for Putin winning over Ukraine, geopolitical tension only will rise! Extending Chairman Xi for another term will look bad on CCP as it will be seen as war monger and little effort in it's economy prowess!
So if indeed Premier Li is given a new term as chairman, then at least the chances of WW3 will be avoided!
I mean, if Ukraine falls, it will only weaken US and EU! China will have sweet time buying over US without any weapon to be fired! Isn't that a way better option! And at the same time, winning over Asia leaders if a peaceful reconciliation with Taiwan is on the table!
So basically Premier Li has huge advantage if he is in charge!


2022-05-29 14:09 | Report Abuse

Having said that, zero Covid will be pinned on Chairman Xi! That's why we see Premier Li stepping out from the shadow as politburo meet this September!

News & Blogs

2022-05-29 14:07 | Report Abuse

The plan is to get Zahid a guilty verdict and thus disqualifying him as president of Umno! And then September plan will be activated!


2022-05-29 14:06 | Report Abuse

If Ukraine lose, the EU and US will lose their dominant role in world affairs!


2022-05-29 01:00 | Report Abuse

So today russin soldiers successfully taken over Lyman! And central hub of trains!
What this means is that going forward, ukrainians not going to be able to fight easy! Once east and south are blocked, russian soldiers will take their sweet time to move forward! But given Putin grave situation, maybe before end of this year!
I dare not say much! US and EU mainstream media are playing the victory trumpet! But on the ground, it's totally different story now!

News & Blogs

2022-05-29 00:24 | Report Abuse

We should see fury of political alignments in coming days! GE15 only few months away!

News & Blogs

2022-05-29 00:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Legend > May 28, 2022 10:07 PM | Report Abuse

1 September - Pembubaran Parlimen
8 October - PRU15

Answer : Boy! Nowadays insiders whispers are leaking everywhere! Yeah, true! I got this from wassap this morning!


2022-05-29 00:10 | Report Abuse

If China continues with zero Covid, then you see mass migration of talents going out of China! Economy also will tank!


2022-05-29 00:09 | Report Abuse

Some analysts say that the another reason why CCP is doubling down on zero Covid is because, they are living in this great delusion, China still on top of the rest of the world when it deals with Covid!
Some say, CCP is living in past glory!
You see for 2 years, US was butt of the joke when it dealt with Covid! That was in the past! Today US totally open up! And Covid is now just like flu in US! Same with Malaysia and Singapore!
But CCP overjoyed with past glory, thought zero Covid is still very much relevant! Which is what Tiong from Miri would be very familiar! I mean, Tiong was adamant Malaysia should remain in total lockdown until today!
Dudes, time to smell the turd! The rest of the world has moved on!


2022-05-28 17:22 | Report Abuse

Stepping out of Chairman Xi shadow, it seems Premier Li is taking a calculative move!
His warning on China economy is perfect timing to shape himself as new chairman! However, super secretive CCP is something outsiders hardly get anything out from!
Basically this September, the politburo will decide wheather to extend Chairman Xi for another 5 years term or handover to Premier Li!
Geopolitically, Premier Li will serve better! He is not authoritarian as Chairman Xi! His approach is very similar to Chairman Deng, the father of modern China! Whereas, Chairman Xi is no different from Chairman Mao approach!
I think it's safe to say, if Chairman Xi gets his extension, then chinese China better enjoy vacationing inside China! The curtain will certain roll down and the days where 100 million chinese China can enjoy their overseas vacation is over!
However, having said that, even if Premier Li takes over, things remain status quo! Taiwan will remain rebellious province and military invasion remain in course! This is something Premier Li cannot decide unilaterally! But i think Taiwanese themselves will once again go to vote and another pro Beijing camp takes over! Then we will see another swing of bromance between Taiwan and China! The cycle continues! Like Trump said, US should not intervene! Just like it drift in the limbo!


2022-05-28 16:46 | Report Abuse

Malaysia and Singapore took the brave route and so far things are going okay!
Today, many still wear face mask despite relaxation! Those above 60 better continue wearing face mask as our immune system is slower in protecting our body from virus! Or else, we will suffer risk of flu or fever if we don't wear mask outdoor!
As for China, they continue with zero Covid policy! Personally, i think it's a dumbass policy!
Premier Li has sound the alarm! China economy is tanking instead! In fact, there are more death cause by lockdowns than Covid itself! It's time to face reality!


2022-05-28 16:34 | Report Abuse

Goh! Thanks for correcting me!


2022-05-28 16:34 | Report Abuse

Ontime! Yeah, it's better to admit mistake that to uphold delusional belief!


2022-05-28 16:31 | Report Abuse

Beside Genm has tons of OPEX this year! Especially on expansion of Empire resort!


2022-05-28 16:30 | Report Abuse

It's not fake report! Just payoff debts more! Or would you rather waste it paying cukai makmur!