
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-05-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

Cupcakes! Then the rest of China provinces will seek independence as well!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 15:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > May 24, 2022 3:09 PM | Report Abuse

Taiwan will be reunited with China before 2049.....1.4 billion people expect that to happen. The West must not do any thing to prevent that from happening. or, its world war 3. it will be a much better world if the west prepares for that eventuality.

Answer : Asia should accept the fact that Taiwan is part of China! Let's hope for peaceful reconciliation!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 15:05 | Report Abuse

Taiwan is just another Ukraine!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 15:05 | Report Abuse

Look, US is between making war with Rusia and making war with China! US is desperate to create WW3 and drag all of us in Asia into this nonsense US agenda! You think all this 'special' ASEAN summit, visit to South Korea and Japan and making threat using military action against China is all for nothing! No! It's all created to bring war in Asia!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 15:03 | Report Abuse

US don't even recognise Taiwan as sovereign nation! All BS about protecting Taiwan when US could have submitted Taiwan as independent state 50 years ago!


2022-05-24 15:00 | Report Abuse

I wonder if Indonesia is taking precaution on this coming great drought! We would revisit those hazy days in coming months as Kalimantan forest wil be on fire!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 14:59 | Report Abuse

It's not labor shortage! Rather coming drought that will produce much lower yield!


2022-05-24 01:38 | Report Abuse

India ban export of wheat because they already knew El Nino is coming! India seems to be well aware! The thing is, why is our government very silent over this coming great drought!
Oh yeah, i forgot, bush fire will be new normal! Oh, yeah, forest fire from Kalimantan as well!


2022-05-24 01:35 | Report Abuse

It's been long long time since we experience drought! Last one was back in 2015!
But mother nature has her own plan! Local experts have sound the alarm! El Nino is coming!
I am sure, Harapan leaders will scream and shout when things get bad! That's the only thing they good at! But i wonder if PM Sabri and his cabinet are aware!
So guys, get your water tank upgraded! Farmers will suffer! Palm growers will also suffer due to El Nino! Price of palm oil of course shot up further because of limited supply! As for health, denggi will knock on your doors!

News & Blogs

2022-05-24 01:12 | Report Abuse

The 1st New World Order was the dutch hegemony! The 2nd New World Order was the Great Britain empire! The of course we are living in 3rd New World Order of the Great USA! But like it or not, US empire is coming to an end! And US can blame itself for it! It's self inflicting disaster of their own making!
I mean, who was the dumbass who admitted China into WTO! Which saw China rising so rapidly that in less that 30 years, China turn into superpower! US shift it's jobs to China! Shift it's innovations to China! Thinking China will turn into another democrazy nation like US!
Now we are entering into 4th New World Order! And with vision of well planned 100 years ahead, how can you stop CCP from dominating the world! Unless of course something happen within CCP itself, that's totally different story!
All telltale sign are clear as the sun! US overspended on global interfering! US debts are in 30 trillions! They can't pay and they won't pay! The only thing they can do is escape the responsiblity by creating WW3!
No doubt WW3 will happen! And this round, it's over Taiwan! I mean, come on! You really think US cares about Taiwan! US is more than happy see totally destruction of Taiwan as long as US emerge victorious in WW3 with China!

News & Blogs

2022-05-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

Tokok Kedah MB! Check the price of fertilizers nowadays! Dumbass!

News & Blogs

2022-05-23 16:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah, may spell the end of Chairman Xi! Premier Li may be the new chairman soon! Cross fingers!


2022-05-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

So it's best to have option on the table! Looking at things, i am not very confident going forward! Global economy seems halting!


2022-05-23 16:37 | Report Abuse

So yeah, been busy relocation my capital into gold! Bought some 1g gold! Not much! Only 3k! Just testing! And then bring them to goldsmith to check if indeed it's 100% gold before buying quarter million! And store them in those secure security box! What to do! Who know in near future dollar suddenly becomes worthless!


2022-05-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

I mean, how obvious can it be! Just look at the price of essentials! Cooking oil! OMG! Eggs are getting expensive!
That's my folks are telltale signs that things are not working and economy too will flatters!
Americans are suffering the most! Price of fuel are just too high! That means cost of fuel for farming too have skyrocket in US! And the rest of the world! Perhaps we are the only few nations that yet to feel the impact of hyperinflation because price of RON95 and diesel are capped at the moment! You don't want to be in Indonesia for sure! No wonder of late you see more and more indons coming here to work! Perhaps get their new indentity card as well! I mean, it's open secret you know who dishing our new voters nowadays!


2022-05-23 16:02 | Report Abuse

We already experiencing hyperinflation and scarcity! What holding us is the RON95! If government force to float if like what Najib has done, removing subsidies, then we would once against screaming and shouting! And that also means, then end of PM Sabri administration! And end of Umno too!
Anyway, with 1.4 trillion national debt and increasing by 100 billion every year, i think sooner rather than later, we will join Sri Lanka!
Sorry guys, no positive news of late! Seems even the brightest sky fail to shine on gloom days ahead!


2022-05-23 15:58 | Report Abuse

Here's the thing! Government set the ceiling price for chicken! Last year, poultry can still survive with low profit! But thanks to Biden administration for starting war in Ukraine, the cost of feed which made up of corn and soya bean now already increased to 30% to 100%!
So tell me, if you chicken farmer, would you continue! Or just close shop to cut loss! Yeah, it's obvious really!
Unless government increase the ceiling price of chicken, say sayonara to your cheapest protein!
Then you say, so what! Can import frozen chicken! Yeah, frozen chicken are cheaper than local poultry! But for how long!
So guys, enjoy your chicken! And eggs! Soon, we too join the rest of the world eating toxic source of protein! You know, those processed meat stuff with unknown chemicals!

News & Blogs

2022-05-22 22:07 | Report Abuse

With PM Sabri, i think we can go bankrupt faster! He only speaks bahasa to all world leaders! Biden seems to love talking to him though! It takes one senile to know another senile i guess!


2022-05-22 21:41 | Report Abuse

Trust me, nobody will take loans from tradisional banks in near future! Digital banks offer much lower rate! How to compete!


2022-05-22 21:40 | Report Abuse

Even the Rothschild family knows their days are numbered with advent of digital banks! No centralized bank anymore!


2022-05-22 21:39 | Report Abuse

Illuminati is old school! Nowadays, another group has taken over!


2022-05-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

US is in self inflicted disaster mode! China suffers from dumbass unnecessary lockdowns! Perhaps, this event may not be in Chairman Xi favor! But then again, what do i know! There are many version of why CCP insist on going for this unnessacary lockdowns! One of them is to weaken US economy as US still very much rely on China imports! The lockdowns have badly affected chain supply in US itself!


2022-05-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

If Chairman Li indeed takes over, then perhaps we can take some temporary relief! But it's unavoidable for US and China to enter a prolong conflict! Which eventually let to WW3! The only difference between Chairman Xi and Premier Li is that, Xi is more incline towards conflict while Premier Li would be 'Hide your strength, bide your time' kind of guy!
But the course of China is very certain! The New World Order is certain in China favor! The collapse of US as world powerhouse is coming to an end! Regardless who leads China, China emerge victor!


2022-05-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

No need to talk about Putin! His days are numbered! His war is not going well in Ukraine! I mean, Russia is military power house, so they say, but can't even make easy win against Ukraine! It's like fighting a tiny boy only to get bloody nose and bruises all over! It's humiliating to say mildly!
With fast declining healthy due to cancer, i think it's safe to say, russians obligachs already decided! Why suffer with Putin when they can get back to plundering Russia with their own anointed puppet!
So it seems Russia no longer contender in New World Order! Many political analysts say that Russia would rather side with US and EU than to sleep same bed with China CCP!
Regardless, Chairman Xi 2nd term is coming to and end! His fate will be determine this September! Will he get his 3rd term! I don't know! Very little intel coming out from China! You know, the super secretive China obligach which is also world most organised with 100 year plans!
Of course the next in line will be Premier Li Keqiang who is very much incline with Chairman Deng philosophy!
To be honest, Chairman Xi is so liken to Chairman Mao! Very authoritarian! While Premier Li is more pro business and capitalistic in approach!
Having said that, please, don't expect China to turn into moderate nation with no global ambition! Remember, CCP is an organisation that has 100 years planning to dominate the world! CCP not only need to survive but to thrive in a world full of crisis! Crisis that going to alter fate of humanity! We talking about climate crisis, food shortages, ocean pollution and limited depleted supply of fish! World hunger will be new normal as hyperinflation and scarcity take root in near future! We are entering a new normal like we never experience before! And it's scary!


2022-05-21 01:40 | Report Abuse

Well, Biden administration is too busy wagging WW3! So nobody bothers about the economy! Plus China is still in Covid pandemic mode!
China indeed has huge impact on US economy apparently! Even our LRT is not function lately as most of the spare parts can only be found in Shanghai!
As long as China is in lockdown mode, i think US bourses too will be in for rough correction as well!
Then again, maybe hasten the 1929 too!


2022-05-20 20:27 | Report Abuse

Here's the bomb! The world cannot support 8 billion humans! Probably half are totally useless and contribute to destruction of earth hence destroying the limited food chain supply that we have!
The enlightens have decision to make it their agenda to reduce human population! Through any means!


2022-05-20 20:25 | Report Abuse

So expect the very worst! The hints are so obvious! US is just too unstable! China may invade Taiwan soon! Geopolitics thrown into death cycle!
For us ordinary folks, this means, price of food may be unafforble! Can you imagine the day when going to supermarket will be such nightmare because price of essentials are just out of reach! Yeah! So enjoy you 12 course dinner! The day will come when eating roti canai is such a luxury!


2022-05-20 20:21 | Report Abuse

I am doing some homework on gold! And i think i will start buying this 1 gram gold for a start! Maybe spend 250k first! But i have to buy tiny sum first to see if it's genuine! You know, send to goldsmith to verify that this 1 gram gold is 100% genuine!
Why gold! Because gold value remain stable! Currencies are not! I mean, you may be holding 100k US dollar today but if US economy crash, it may worth only like 10k! Who knows!


2022-05-20 20:18 | Report Abuse

Some say that CCP purposely use lockdowns for preparation of this! I think CCP is well aware what is in store!
China is drawing it's curtain down! I think it's safe to say, the days chinese China travel to other countries is over! China is also selling off it's US treasury bills! Decoupling from US! The lockdowns is said to repel US factories! I mean, China can produce anything especially once their successfully invade Taiwan! So why need US!
Have you notice the decoupling of other nation as well! India is banning wheat export!
The US economic crash is nearing! And with that, global economy will be thrown into death cycle!


2022-05-20 20:12 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk just declare war with the enlightens! And he lost huge paper wealth already! I mean, supporting Republicans is a huge no no for enlightens!
Anyway, i doubt Elon Musk can stop the train of destruction unleash by the enlightens!
There will be WW3! There will be hyperinflation! And there will be 1929!
Great Depression was an event so destructive, US was totaly destroyed through economic means! But back then, it was triggered by unplanned events! This round it's different! It's totally planned!
First came Covid! But Donald Trump totally mess things up! But it was a success too as it reach every single corner of the earth! Body counts however, were very minimal!
Hence the next agenda will bring everybody to their knees! We barely exit from Covid, and hyperinflation will be the next pandemic!


2022-05-20 18:19 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! So majority say keep it private! End of conversation! I with you guys!


2022-05-20 14:33 | Report Abuse

Please! Don't pretend to be a saint! Having more than one wifey is actually very normal until christianity introduced monogamy! Chinese tycoons used to have dozens of wifey back in the colonial times! Today, most chinese tycoons would keep mistresses as their unofficial wives!
For me, i opt to have only one wifey! I mean, if you are happy, why mess it up! If your marriage is bad like Najib, then he should have divorce that monster Rosie! Rosie was Najib downfall! Maybe this new wifey will be his uprising! Well, in jail of course!


2022-05-20 14:29 | Report Abuse

It's been a while his rumoured 2nd marriage been circulated! However, few photographs have been make viral in recent days!
Rumour has it that Najib 2nd marriage was made 2 years ago! But has been denied for years now!
As public figure, Najib must do the right thing! Be done with this rumour once and for all!
Just admit it! I think nobody will whack him except maybe the opposition parties! Let it be!
Rosie has been treating Najib badly! We all know this! So his recent 2nd marriage was actually welcome by many! Said to be widow with 3 children! So it's not marriage of lust but i believe, love! So no wonder Najib has been seen like real man in recent years! Maybe his new wifey has been very good to him!


2022-05-19 16:16 | Report Abuse

Haven't seen this hard erection from Genting for the longest time! Hope it would last long!


2022-05-19 16:00 | Report Abuse

Usually if the price surge before QR, then the result should be good! Let's see if this hold water!

News & Blogs

2022-05-19 13:18 | Report Abuse

The hopeless moment of Grandpa Koon! Seems he has been out of luck since parting ways with OTB!


2022-05-19 13:09 | Report Abuse

Result must be good! Wait for it next week!


2022-05-19 00:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by freeman > May 18, 2022 10:58 PM | Report Abuse

Investing platform has become a malay bashing by ungrateful immigrant descendants.. what a racist

Answer : Dude! Dont' fall for politicians propaganda! Dap playing victim, Umno playing race card! Both are guilty of racism! End of the day, the genune malays are outnumbered by new malays! Even Ebit Liew from pure chinese became pure malay just by converting his religion and dress up! Don't be fooled! Because politicans are pure scums! We should be aware of their dirty games!


2022-05-19 00:11 | Report Abuse

Probably in few years time, most of us will switch to digital banks for loans! Housing and car loans! Traditional banks will be struggling! Why, because digital banks have piles of cash! Digital banks will be borned out of online shopping like Amazon, Alibaba and so on! In malaysia, maybe Shopee or Lazada! Airasia could be one too! Or Grab as well! Why, because they are mollas!
Why traditional banks rely on savings from you and me! Yeah, maybe today, you put your money in banks! But in the future, don't be surprise even your salary will go into digital banks!
As for cryptos, i mean, who use cryptos! Do you take loans from bitcoin! Bitcoin is like hot air! Good for keeping you warm! In short, pure hype!


2022-05-19 00:07 | Report Abuse

Crytos are totally useless! Digital banks are the real deal! Of course digital banks will takeover traditional banks! Tell me, what are crytos taking over! Nothing, just some hot air!
Cryptos are only valuable during height of US bourses! Once the hype is over, it's totally zero! As recession is nearing us, tell me, how much do your cryptos worth then! Zero!


2022-05-19 00:03 | Report Abuse

While the beauty pageant constestants are total dumbass! Spend a small fortune trying to win judges heart! And for what! First prize only get peanuts!