
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-04-16 23:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by king36 > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

With extremely ancient and senile Biden at the helm, the world will sink deeper into red especially Europe, NATerrorist Organization, ..... and others will be dragged down too.
The only hope for the world is an early demise of USA, but how?

Answer : Definately something brewing going on that we ordinary folks don't know about! Even alternative sources as lost at this moment! US dollar is dying due to less reliance on oil in a decade or so! You know US dollar is tied to oil!
Seems the whites are so enjoying with prospect of WW3! Just look at the rush of new NATO members! As if getting ready for all out war with Russia!
And the centralized and regulated money are face with prospect of cryptocurrency! Heck, don't ask me as i am all blur about this new way of unregulated money which also part of the reason for all out war to happen!
There's just too many variables at the moment that may lead to dark age of humanity once again!
Anyway, for me, my only hope, i am not alive to witness or experience this WW3! They say before the tsunami, the sea for a brief moment remain the calmest! So yeah, for a brief while we did experience 4 years of world peace which nobody appreciate at all! Instead, humanity rejoice when a senile Biden got into office! And the EU leaders were so excited with return of status quo back then! Boy, just look at the mess they are experiencing! Ukraine is half destroyed! Middle East is on civil war again! The middle world is so unbalance! One wrong move, kaboom! Half of this world on war!


2022-04-16 21:56 | Report Abuse

Biden! He is just a puppet! The real government is CIA govern by US obligachs or the enlightens! US and EU can buy Russia oil and gas but the rest of the world are sanctioned! Just look at Imran Khan, got kicked out from Pakistan top post for not toeing in line! Next will be Jokowi!
I mean, if EU and US want to sanction Russia, they also must stop buying oil and gas from Russia right! But no! Both of this dumbass bought more! And they preach about the responsibility of sanctioning Russia!


2022-04-15 21:40 | Report Abuse

It only takes one wrong move and WW3 hit us on the face! That's how uncertain things are at the moment!
Putin is losing Ukraine civil war! And he is threatening everybody!
This Ukraine thingy could have avoided! But EU leaders were promising Ukraine a NATO and EU membership for years! Suddenly EU leaders turn on their back and say, oh, i think Ukraine not fit to be our member!
Instead EU and US leaders send their military assets to Ukraine! Putting more oil into the fire!
And for a moment we forget about climate change! Greta has taken a backseat!
Haix! The level of dumbassness with the whites nowadays is simply beyond compare!
For us here in Asia, it's best to have open and neutral relations with US, EU and especially China!
Please don't drag us into WW3! We all know EU and US are dying to see a big war in Asia due to tiny island called Taiwan!
Asia leaders should be very wary! Let the whites fight until they perish!


2022-04-15 12:19 | Report Abuse

Yeah, once upon a time, Astro was monopolizing the satellite tv! Nowadays, that business model is dead!
Astro is moving towards streaming! Fine! That's a good business move! But how come only Astro again, allow to monopolize this business! Even TM can't do the same! Basically, the same Mahathirsm all over again!
Thankfully, you can get streaming service direct from Nextflix, Amazon etc without going through Astro!
TM should be the one that dominate streaming industry given they also provide fix line for internet! But no!
However, there are plenty of illegal streaming providers around but are now taken down by Astro! How come! How come Nextflix not doing so but Astro is!
Government of the day must open streaming services to other players too! Allow those illegal ones to legalize their service!

News & Blogs

2022-04-14 23:07 | Report Abuse

This Hisham has been plundering hundreds of million from military spendings and almost all his mega military projects had seen finished products!


2022-04-14 23:05 | Report Abuse

Power corrupt absolutely! Do you know where this proverb came from! Yeah, from the Roman Church! Back in dark age of christianity, priests were so powerful, and so corrupted that first night of marriage will be consummated by them! Priests can eliminate they critics by accusing them of witchcraft! And you know how so called 'witches' are treated! The Roman Church torture methods were so evil, even the devil will feel ashame!
That's what power can do to humans! Power activate the darkside of humanity!
And folks, that will be the eventually outcome of 'tuan melayu'! Well, maybe a century from now!


2022-04-14 23:00 | Report Abuse

So how to produce fabricate malays! Mahathir's IC Project was one of the most successful social engineering! It has made Sabah into majority muslim state! In peninsula, malays would marry non malays but their children will be registered as malay! And of course giving citizenship to migrants, oh yeah, we do have IC Project here in peninsula but at smaller scale!


2022-04-14 22:57 | Report Abuse

Malay politicians do not want smart malays! They want a fix vote bank! And national schools nowadays is all about brainwashing those kids into walking Umno voters!
So that, they can give like RM50 in exchange for a vote! You can't do this with local chinese! The thing is, local chinese will give RM50 donation to DAP candidates to win election!


2022-04-14 22:54 | Report Abuse

So why turn Malaysia into 100% fabricated malays! Because one can rule forever! Just like Putin wanted to rule Russia for the next 100 years! Just like how Chairman Xi wanted to be the premier until his grandchildren drop dead!
It's so much easier to control a homogeneous population compare to multiracial ones!
And for Malaysia with multiracial composition, it's just a huge pain in the rear for malay politicians! I mean, how can you control the minds of non malays who are not in the national schools! National schools nowadays are not design to produce productive member of society, instead they used by Umno leaders to produce dumbass! That's why we this year we have 6 Harvard undergraduates who are all chinese!


2022-04-14 22:48 | Report Abuse

We may see how malay politicians are so divided and only interested in game of throne! And yeah, they don't give a damn about the man in the street nowadays!
And PM Sabri is infatuated with his son in law! The latest scandal one involved producing SIRIM certificated face mask which is also strangely produce by his son in law! Given so many blunders made by PM Sabri of late, like SOSMA, Dubai humiliation, and Bahasa rejected by Indonesia, one can say PM Sabri is a laughing stock of Malaysia and Asean and the world!
But we all know that PM Sabri is a hardcore 'tuan melayu' advocate! Produce of Mahathir's New Umno! But tell me, which malay leaders who are not 'tuan melayu' advocate! The only moderate ones left are Najib and Tok Mat! But looking at it, they are going to be jailed! Tok Mat corruption allegation may end up into court charge and eventually land him in jail! But the thing is, Najib and Tok Mat plundering is peanut compare to Mahathir and his minions! Tok Mat corruption allegation only like 10 million which he wisely invested in UK property! It's like a grain compare to many Umno warlords!
Here's the thing, Najib and Tok Mat will be exterminated from Umno because they are moderate malay politicians! Not because they are corrupted!
Because New Umno is all about 'tuan melayu'! The ultimate goal of 'tuan melayu' is making Malaysia a 100% fabricated majority malays!
When i say fabricated, it means, we will see more and more 'malays' population reaching 100% in few generations!
So basically, Malaysia is like homogeneous malay population, like homogeneous chinese population of China or indians for India!
Do you know how the word 'Malaysia' derived from! It means malay island! Or island belonging to malays!
This is what all malay politicians aim for!
It's very unfortunate that the only very few moderate ones are mocked by non malays! Take Najib for example, he is actually very open towards non malays aspiration! He approved building of chinese schools in Johor despite strong objected from the royals! But do we care! Ask for Anwar Ibrahim, he is just as 'tuan melayu' advocate as the rest! The only difference is, Anwar was outcast by most malay politicians!
In short, what i am trying to say is that, Malaysia is changing and most non malays are not aware of this!
Nurul said that Harapan will not going to win GE for the next 2 terms! She may be right! But if Harapan recaptured Putrajaya in GE17, we may already lost Malaysia that we knew back in the 90s!
In fact Malaysia 2022 is vastly different from Malaysia of 1990s! Totally different!


2022-04-14 13:16 | Report Abuse

Yeah, looks like political intervention!


2022-04-14 12:33 | Report Abuse

This is truly a tragic verdict in the longest time! Yeah, sure, you can fine her but to put her behind bars for 6 years! I mean, you think she purposely want to kill those 6 kids!


2022-04-14 12:31 | Report Abuse

So now Harapan leaders are crying and shouting because Sam Ke Ting was found guilty in High Court!
She was found not guilty for causing death of 6 kids who were clearly not suppose to ride bicycle in the dead of midnight during her first 2 lower court verdict!
I mean, majority malaysians felt that she was not guilty! It's true! The parents should be blamed! Sam Ke Ting like most of us who drive on highway not expecting kids riding on highway!
But i guess the High Court verdict is simply very biased! But i blame Harapan leaders because she had won during her first 2 trials! But Harapan leaders especially AG keep bringing up this case! So tell me, why the heck did Harapan keep bringing her case to court!


2022-04-13 21:14 | Report Abuse

For senior citizens, better take domestic holiday! Why, because if you happen to get Covid overseas, imagine the medical bill! So no overseas vacation until Covid becomes really endemic globally!


2022-04-13 21:12 | Report Abuse

Don't bother to book hotel in Genting Highlands, i tried to get room next week but fully booked! So me and wifey postpone our trip to next month!


2022-04-13 14:40 | Report Abuse

Like i said, hard to see Genting or Genm moving up until the next quarter is out! If the next quarter is good, then only they will move!


2022-04-13 14:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah, MPI remain a good bet!


2022-04-13 13:41 | Report Abuse

It's one of those days when something has just started big! I remember back in 2015, smartphones were considered very new! I was still using dumbphone back then! Yet strangely i had tablet for daily driver back then!
Today, you can even buy a RM300 smartphone! Which is quite good for that price! Better than those in 2015!
We are in the midst of a huge EV revolution now! Tesla has millions of pre order! BYD has half a million of pre order in Australia! VW already sold out their production for this year! However, the rest of the legacy autos are moving very slow!
China barely can keep up with domestic demand! So are the rest of the world for that matter! In Malaysia, our Proton and Perodua are still sleeping and i am afraid they won't be able to capitalize on EV boom!
Malaysia should attract BYD to open a manufacturing plant here! Because i believe, BYD will be the biggest EV maker compare to Tesla!
Tesla is like Apple and BYD is your android equalivent!
Having said this, oil price will not go up forever! I dont know what is the peak price of oil but i think it's already hitting the bar! Maybe go to usd200 if there's a shortage globally but 2 years from now, there will be glut of oil as more and more rig are opened!
But 2 years from now, EV will be new normal! So i am afraid we may see oil hitting very low price by then!


2022-04-10 20:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by OnTime > Apr 10, 2022 5:52 PM | Report Abuse

u don't wait for good earnings and then only start piling into a stock. it will be too late by then.

Answer : I am looking at big investors perception! So yeah, they do have to see how the next quarter will be!


2022-04-10 20:15 | Report Abuse

I like to note here that since the border already open up, singaporeans would spend like no tomorrow in Genting Highlands! So let's see how much would that help Genting revenue in coming quarter! And quarters! Chinese China not spendy like singaporeans i guess! So chinese China is not a biggy!

News & Blogs

2022-04-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

CATL and BYD have the best battery around! Tesla still the leader but not for long! South Korea and Japan simply behind! So China should be world leader in EV for sure! My bet on BYD! As for Tesla, eventually they will stop selling EV as their robotaxi will be more than enough to generate higher revenue!


2022-04-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

Guys, don't expect Genting or Genm to go up in medium term! Big investors will look for few good quarters before moving in! So probably only by 3rd or 4th quarter if all show good result will we see some action! Yeah, i know! This bluest chip is not it used to be!

News & Blogs

2022-04-10 16:09 | Report Abuse

Chinese China will have no natural immunity if China insist on zero Covid! It's just not possible given the whole world in infected! Maybe that Tiong fellow from Miri can experience Shanghai lockdown as Malaysia lockdown ambassador!

News & Blogs

2022-04-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

China should know that Omicron is spreading super fast! So it's better to accept it as mild variant! Our body will create natural immunity to it! As long as one is vaccinated, it won't mutate further! Eventually Covid will be history!

News & Blogs

2022-04-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Here comes another 'hopeless' recommendation! You know i know what the next article will be!


2022-04-09 14:41 | Report Abuse

ALR will become another scandal for sure! PM Sabri should not try to be another Mahathir or Mohiden!
Let EPF and PNB takeover this concessions in the name of 'Keluarga Malayisa'!


2022-04-09 14:40 | Report Abuse

So yeah, ALR will takeover 4 highways in KL! And yeah, PM Sabri also claim that there won't be any tol hike and all existing workers will be retained!
Question is, how will the profits made channeled to! ALR is private entity! Like DNB, which is Mohiden cash cow, rakyat already questioning if ALR will also become another vehicle to buy Umno warlords support!
I mean, if you want to be No.1 in Umno, you need plenty of molla! That's a fact!
So is PM Sabri using ALR to buy influence! If not, why not just let PNB or EPF takeover this 4 concessions so that savers will benefit! Especially EPF which already suffered badly due to over 100 billion taken out by savers! EPF need as much cash cow as possible to strenghten itself!


2022-04-09 14:34 | Report Abuse



2022-04-09 02:59 | Report Abuse

For ordinary folks, they don't care! For medical use, may serve some purpose!


2022-04-09 01:31 | Report Abuse

Mini! Yeah, but the proof of the pudding is in the tasting! So let see how the next quarter coming out next month! Only then sapu kaw kaw! Anyway, Genting is like 70% of my portfolio! So basically i am overinvested! Just looking for perfect time to dispose! Retiring for good from bursa!


2022-04-09 01:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah, but let lawmakers expose those who are milking it! Just like DNB!


2022-04-08 21:12 | Report Abuse

It's been very rough few years for Genting and Genm, especially with Director Lim fondness of bailing out his personal projects! But i think we won't see that anymore as he is reducing his stake personally!


2022-04-08 21:10 | Report Abuse

I am more interested to see if Genting can score better quarter next month! Only then we will see it's price moving up!

News & Blogs

2022-04-08 21:09 | Report Abuse

I didn't realise Germany is more senile compare to Biden administration! They dismantled all their nucklear power plants for coal and gas power plants! And now they are totally dependent on Russia for energy!
And what is more laughable, Germany is talking about climate crisis when right in front of them, they are making climate worse by using coal and gas for energy!


2022-04-08 21:06 | Report Abuse

Please! Stop been Zahid Hamidi! You know, the dude who is so dumbass, he opens his mouth before his brain kicks in!
I mean, this SIRIM face mask is just normal thingy! I mean, if you are looking for genuine face mask that can protect you from virus, then of course you will buy those with SIRIM stamp! It's that simple!
But of course, we hearing some politicians rolling on the street over this! It's so unnecessary and dumbass!
Yeah, face mask with SIRIM! It's good! And we just accept it as such! Don't go rolling on the street, crying over something that is good!


2022-04-07 22:55 | Report Abuse

Just to clarify, i just want to share why bursa was moody today! First of course is China! Still under lockdown! Especially Shanghai!
And also domestic politics! You know, the anti hopping law which was rejected by PM Sabri cabinet!
I mean, it's not looking good for PM Sabri of lately! First is the motion on SOSMA and now this anti hopping law!
Anyway, it's not over and MOU will be cancelled! You see, PM Sabri need to table amendment to our constitution first before moving on anti hopping law!
Anti hopping law contradict our constitution! So basically we can see how imcompetent PM Sabri is! I mean, even layman like you and me know that anti hopping law can't be tabled! What happen to his long que of advisers! Are they just sitting shaking legs!


2022-04-07 22:51 | Report Abuse

Actually it's good for Director Lim to opt out so he can't simply used Genting for his own personal bailout machine!


2022-04-07 00:20 | Report Abuse

I am with Najib! Rafizi is short sighted! Sapura does has oil field worth like trillon to mine! Just get rid of that Shahril, Mahathir's proxy for a change! Petronas can step in and make some money!
I am sad with Rafizi! He seems too focus on Najib losing sight on savaging something worthwhile!

News & Blogs

2022-04-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

Just to clear things up, i don't recomend FGV as i stop recomending any stocks! I bought FGV a while back, i am just selling at strength! I am retiring from stocks soon!

News & Blogs

2022-04-07 00:14 | Report Abuse

Just wait for 'Teck Guan is hopeless' soon! Anyway, i was abit taken aback why Grandpa Koon would promote Teck Guan in the first place!
For me, i look for who has the biggest palm bank! That's why i put some in FGV!

News & Blogs

2022-04-06 18:41 | Report Abuse

Please stop this shiok self promotion! Rakyat are not as dumbass like in the 90s!


2022-04-06 18:40 | Report Abuse

The thing is, we all know how corrupted Umno is! Problem is, Harapan is so unstable, even if we give them 2nd chance, there's possibility that they will crumble yet again!
So it's up to Harapan to clean up their act!


2022-04-06 18:38 | Report Abuse

Less we forget, we did gave Harapan a chance! And it's solid majority! But they end up shooting themselves without any intervention from Umno!
Until today, rakyat can only remember the painful 22 months and RM30 'generous' rakyat allocation!