
anbz | Joined since 2012-12-23

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2013-05-08 00:38 | Report Abuse

didn't i told that i see the pattern is like gbgaqrs at at last it will bounce back after hitting 86 cents...well it has bounce after only hit 88...quite near isn't it? or is it because of the post GE? hahaha


2013-05-08 00:16 | Report Abuse

ho ho newest latest TP by rhb research...RM 2.09 (increased from 1.80)


2013-05-08 00:12 | Report Abuse

india sudah kasi tolong sama time to pay back...kasi itu projek sama itu sendai , ama ...rajinikandh suda mari juga punya


2013-05-06 23:38 | Report Abuse

most spac company in usa, korea and taiwan didn't get good buy...and most that get what they want...make losses or very very tiny profit....jaga ..even hibiskut


2013-05-06 23:29 | Report Abuse

well jacko if bangla can make bursa rise by 100 points..., please come and mrs bangla.. please double your arrival so that bursa hit 2000 points....hehe very good bangla


2013-05-06 23:23 | Report Abuse

PEOPLE FORGET THAT THERE WILL NO BE NO Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, and the Burj Al Arab (HIGHEST BUILDING IN THE WORLD) IF NOT DUE TO STEEL STRUCTURAL BY eeeeeeveeeeeerSENDAI .......... :)


2013-05-06 19:04 | Report Abuse

crawler don't urge too many people...just smart investor :)


2013-04-28 18:38 | Report Abuse

BUT the announcement of intention of kasi shows the number of his shares before it was dumped...may be backdated announcement? so the price could go down? bullshit lah SC sama bursa...even the number of shares held are not accurate and report after months...bull shit


2013-04-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

hari2 jatuh boleh mati... :(


2013-04-26 17:27 | Report Abuse

aih ranger u pun datang... soalan dalil belum jawab hahaha... rugi bro pasal no. 1 taqdir Allah no.2 aku bodoh hal trading, aku kalau dah jual sesuatu dia naik, kalau beli dia turun hahaha, tapi kalau pasal dalil...u will not want to be my rival..hahaha


2013-04-26 17:25 | Report Abuse

or he actually sold that 18m (before we're talking was wrong calculation by me...should be 9.5m + 8.5m = 18m, not 17m)to proxies...and it may be transferred back to him...if this is true... he actually wants to pressure down the shares...and actually wants to buy more2222 ... rugi aku ni macam kalau mkland shoot up


2013-04-26 17:20 | Report Abuse

or actually after he sold 18 m shares... the shares decrease fr 298m to 280m... that's more logic... so that 298m doesn't include the dumping transaction of 18m... so the higher probability is he want to sell, may be 0.335 just like before. Good or bad news is no problem for him, he just wants to sell at a price he feels OK...then he can bought back
but when the shares when down to 30.0 , then 26.5 he never buy!!! probability is higher he wants to sell than to increase his shares


2013-04-26 17:16 | Report Abuse

280 becomes 298... meaning... he's the one who manipulated the shares??? he bought more than sold??? if he wants to buy more ...aku rugi pasal sudah jual, but if he wants to sell more...aku untung pasal sudah jual...or may be he has just bought at 0.305 to 0.315 and wants to make profit or build pressure so he can buy more? may be the can go up to 33.5 but kasih will be waiting to dump, unless he wants to increase his shareholding... aku suda rugi pasal sudah out... :(

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 17:07 | Report Abuse

Nabi saw ada sabdakah ??? dlm hadits shahih/hasan????(: AWALUDIN MAKRIFATULLAH ... kalau Nabi saw tak pernah sabda begini, bagaimana ini boleh jadi peganganmu mr ranger...hahaha... kau suka ikut org, belajar fiqh tak pakai dalil, belajar agama tak 'cek' dalil, belajar tafsir pun tak pakai/cek macam ni mengaku ahli sunnah???
Shahabat Nabi saw yg mulia ada cakap camtu ke dlm atsar2 shahih/hasan...bgmn kau boleh menerima apa yg kau tak pastikan(dan jika kau cuba mempastikannya maka kau tidak akan dpt krn pertama kau lemah/tak mampu, dan kedua bukti tersebut tidak wujud/lemah @ palsu)
dan bgmn kau tinggalkan apa yg jelas boleh dipastikan samada benar atau tidak(yg ada dlm kitab2 hadits) Taubatlah krn cara kau ambil ilmu sama spt kebanyakan org2 akhir zaman ini...termasuklah sekolah pondok, belajar kitab2 baru..baru 150 tahun bro..yg duduk negeri arab adalah 10 tahun ke 15 tahun ke, sampai ke tanahair ajar org/karang buku padahal baru 15 tahun duduk mekah/madinah sedang org dulu yg memang org arab dr kecil sampai mati (atau selain itu spt bukhari yg non -arab tapi sentiasa bersama2 org2 arab) buku2 yg mereka riwayatkan dari perbuatan/perkataaan/taqrir Rasulullah saw , kau tinggalkan? tak sentuh? Kau biar benar...hahahaha

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2013-04-26 16:49 | Report Abuse

talking to u iafx is much2 easier...someone wanted to talk about religion, and when he met his match(actually no match at all), he is not capable of answering any...pelik tapi benar...Ripley's believe or not , hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:44 | Report Abuse

ilmu sunnah yg aku sebut, dia(ranger) nilaikan sebagai ilmu 'syariat', sedangkan ilmu yg dia anggap diriku tiada ialah ma'rifat/haqiqat....hahaha sejak bila nabi saw membahagi-bahagikan ilmu agama sebagaimana perbuatan bodoh org2 sufi? kau pergi cek lah ( ke tak mampu?) perbuatan2 kau/amal kau/ ilmu kau lebih hampir dgn sunnah ke syiah? kalau kau diizinkan Allah swt dan diberi kemampuan meneliti kitab2 sunnah dan juga kitab2 syiah... kau akan temui bahawa kau sebenarnya lebih hampir kpd syiah berbanding sunnah...jangan taklid bila belajar, minta bukti dr quran dan sunnah, jika ada bukti dr kitab sunnah, pastikan pula ia shahih, dan supaya tidak salahfaham pula pabila ia jelas shahih atau hasan, maka carilah hadits2 shahih/hasan yg menjadi syahid/penyokong terhadap apa yg kau fikir kau faham...
Jgn suka2 panggil org lain jahil, boleh jadi benar dari 100 org yg kau temui , 99 dr nya adalah lebih jahil darimu...tapi bgmn kau akan bertindak pabila bertemu dgn yg 1 itu? terus berdebat tanpa dalilkah setelah yg 1 itu memberi dalil yg jelas kpd mu, serta menyoalmu dgn jujur sehingga jika terbukti dalilmu... maka mungkin kaulah yg benar, maka yg 1 itu akan tunduk kpd mu, bukan krn debat tapi menerima apa yg jelas2 wujud dlm quran dan shahih/hasan dr hadits Nabi saw

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:32 | Report Abuse

tariqat ada beribu2 tariqat dgn kaedah dan dzikirnya berbeda2, banyak yg dicipta oleh pengasasnya padahal "sebenar bicara adalah kitabullah dan sebaik2 petunjuk adalah petunjuk Muhammad saw (hadits shahihh),
Ajaran tariqat2 bercampur antara yg benar dan bathil... kalau aku sebut nama2 tariqat..ahmadiyah, ibrahimiyah, sufyaniah,....sampai besok pun tak habis...kah2, mengaku sunnah tapi tak memiliki satupun kitab sunnah, jauh sekali membacanya...hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:21 | Report Abuse

kalau tujuan kau untuk menyampaikan agama, maka baik bagimu ranger, tapi kalau nak berdebat/ berdalil... kau sudah kalah teruk hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:17 | Report Abuse

mufti negeri 9 tu sufi... akidah aku tak sama dgn dia, aku sunnah...sunnah itu buktinya ada dlm shahih bukhari/muslim/sunan abidawud/at tirmidzi/ibnu majah/an-nasa-i/musnad ahmad/mustadrak al-hakim, dan beribu lagi kitab hadits...semua yg aku sebut dr hal dalil aku mampu mencarinya kembali dr kitab2 tersebut dan mencaritahu sama ia shahih/maudhu'/dha'if/dhaiffun jiddan/hasan...
Nabi saw bersabda: Taraktukum baidha-a lailuhaa ka-nnahariha...Aku tinggalkanmu dlm keadaan terang benderang (tak patut sesat) malamnya bagaikan siangnya.
sedang sumbermu ialah perkataanmu : "Itu baru basic. Kau nak aku bukak citer lg? Tak payah..buang masa aku."
betul kita sama2 buang masa kat sini, wp aku nilai akidah kita berbeda, aku wajib layan org yg mengaku Islam sebagai Islam, maka Assalamu 'Alaikum

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:08 | Report Abuse

dari zaman parameswara peluk islam sekitar 1400 masihi...kita org melayu tak pernah ada seorangpun pakar hadits!!!(hafal 20,000 hadits dgn sanadnya sekali)
dr zaman perempuan melayu islam yg muda hanya mula pakai tudung start tahun 80'an...betapa peliknya (mereka tak pakai tudung bukan krn ingkar...tapi tak tahu ia wajib...betapa lemahnya penyampaian agama di negara kita!!!)
kitab2 kuning dipanggil kitab lama pasal berabuk dan buruk!!! Padahal itu kitab2 baru wujud dlm 100-150 tahun lepas!!!
kitab2 terbaik dr org terdahulu...tiada pada simpanan org melayu (kitab2 hadits yg beribu2) krn org melayu tak tau bhs arab/penterjemahan begitu lemah hinggalah akhir2 ini org2 indon menterjemahkannya-
ilmu2 yg disangka islam rupa2nya hanya sangkaan...buktinya dalilnya bukanshj tak wujud dlm quran/hadits/@hadits palsu/lemah malah bertentangan!!!
tariqat? ma'rifat? bathin? aku tak kenal ini wujud dlm sunnah...haha ranger2 suka maki org rupa2nya...hehehe

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:58 | Report Abuse

masing2 mengaku sunnah tapi sumber agamanya tidak sama...hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:55 | Report Abuse

ilmu tariqat? sufi...baru wujud dlm kurun 3 hijriyah... aku ngaku sunnah...apa2 yg tiada kaitan dgn sunnah bukan urusanku, --- bagiku Nik Aziz adalah seorg khawarij
ilmu makrifat? hakikat? betul2 lah kau ni sufi sesat
Aku pengikut pakatan? bila pulak aku cakap? nampak sangat kau tak faham langsung tulisanku.
Dalil bagi perkataanmu yg menunjukkan kejahilanmu memang tak wujud...tak wujud dlm quran maupun kitab2 hadits dr hadits shahih...tapi memang wujud dlm kitab2 karangan org sufi/syiah
akidah kau dgn aku memang tak sama dr perkenalan yg singkat ini

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:49 | Report Abuse

ranger kenapa kau bodoh? kan aku kata aku agree (sokong kau wahai ranger) tentang perkataanmu tentang nik la kau ni

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:47 | Report Abuse

dpd kau serang org2 yg tak faham agama baik kau bukak shahih bukhari/ muslimkah/kitab musthalahul hadits kah/Quran/tafsir ibnu katsir kah,...kau takkan dapat berdakwah/mengubah pendapat org lain dgn menyerang...yg kau dpt hanyalah menyerang/berdebat...dan itu bukanlah sesuatu yg baik utk dirimu wahai saudaraku mahupun saudara seislammu yg menjadi seterumu

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:43 | Report Abuse

ha ranger... kritikan kau terhadap sifat 20... i agree sebab sifat 20 tak pakai dalil sepenuhnya...
apa yg kunilai tak benar darimu maka aku minta dalil
apa yg kunilai benar darimu (bahawa dalilnya wujud) maka aku sentiasa membenarkanmu

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:38 | Report Abuse

perkataanmu tentang nik aziz tu aku sokong... tapi claim kau aku/mereka ke sesiapa jahil itu perlu dalil quran/sunnah sebagaimana perkataanmu tentang 'ilmu bathin...kalau tidak berasal dr Quran/kitab sunnah macamana kau boleh claim kau yg ahli sunnah (camne org yg baca kitab sunnah dinilai pula sbg tak sunnah???).
perkataan mu:
"Dah korang jahil, taknak ngaku. Aku apa pasal? apa ku dulik? Nasib korang ler. Mati nti, tau ler... "

.... ini perkataan ahli sunnah ke? kau pun sama macam org Pas...Nabi saw bersabda "umatku akan terbahagi kpd 73 golongan.... (dari 72 golongan) Allah merasakan keganasan suatu golongan terhadap golongan yg lain...

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:28 | Report Abuse

tapi ranger, bila pula nabi saw ajar ilmu batin...cakap kalau takda dalil...kau ni 2x5...entah2 lagi teruk, ini zaman byk org cerita pasal agama, rupa2nya kosong ilmunya (menurut nabi saw tentang akhir zaman dr hadits shahih...nabi saw yg sabda , bukan aku cakap) ilmu batin? hahaha ahli sunnah tak pernah cerita ilmu batin bro...kau byk terpengaruh dgn persekitaranmu


2013-04-26 15:17 | Report Abuse

oooo kasi is coming:

Description Pursuant to Paragraph 14.08 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, M K Land Holdings Berhad ("M K Land") wishes to announce that they have received notification from Kasi A/L K L Palaniappan, the Director of M K Land, that he intends to trade in securities of the Company during closed period pending announcement of the Compnay's financial results for the third quarter ended 30 March 2013.

The number of securities held by Kasi A/L K L Palaniappan as at 26 April 2013 is tabulated in the table below.

Name of Director Securities Direct Interest %
Kasi A/L K L Palaniappan Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 each 298,134,415 24.75

This announcement is dated 26 April 2013.


2013-04-26 15:03 | Report Abuse

and they'll use the news for just this...hehehe


2013-04-26 15:00 | Report Abuse

if the news is good no prob...but these suckers are doing it again for half cent... unless u bought now at 0.32 all...hehehe


2013-04-26 14:59 | Report Abuse

now what did i told u just now... see it is happening now!


2013-04-26 14:57 | Report Abuse

i believe everthing u said bro just that there're few manipulators here that reap for just half cent and like to pressure people to sell for them to buy...and they've done this before, oh well... just watch (i agree with u bro iafx...just that bloody suckers also playing with us)


2013-04-26 14:50 | Report Abuse

haha went fr 905 to 930 !!! then go back to 910...very tricky...just like if it is going for rebounce then down down...the pattern still not changing at ALLLLLL !!!


2013-04-26 14:44 | Report Abuse

remember when they bought at 33.5 and put their q to sell at 34 ??
and they(big guys) bought at 32.5 before and after they've just bought and sold some at 33.0...they put more order to sell at 33.0, then the shares go down and down?...This share has very high potential... but the kacau daun must be rid first...if not ...glupp


2013-04-26 14:40 | Report Abuse

may be u're right... but if the price doesn't break at certain level, it will go down more as before...and the news can either go 2 ways...make it go up up and away or up up stuck then bedebup as has happened 3-4 weeks ago...and don't forget there are few big guys here that always take profit for just half cent , and pressuring others to sell...if these guys still exists ...surely what happened before will repeat


2013-04-26 14:31 | Report Abuse

i've sold all mine at 9 cents...big lost for me... this counter will be so actively traded and then the next day it will be so sleepy until the 5th day (force selling day) and become so active near 4 o'clock then very active after that till 5...cilakak...then pattern is continuing week by week...jaga...they will ask u to buy at 9.5 cents then when so much volume had come in to buy at 9.5 cents then come again the sellers at 9.5 !!!
and see that at 4.59 pm ...they will reduce millions of q at sellers at 9.5 and also 10.0 just to make impression that sellers are not so much...bloody hell counter penipu aktif gila satu hari then so lembap for 4 days...lanco


2013-04-26 14:13 | Report Abuse

u know crawler... sendai can be more excellent by not just doing the 'steel structural' but also get deeply involved in the construction also...if this realized...profit can be doubled/tripled anytime ...and the inclusion of property as one of its porfolio may well have something to do with properties in arab countries...and this should relates well with its construction biz


2013-04-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

crawler u're absolutely right...except privatization... no need for privatization ...
no doubt sendai is world tower builder ...the Arabs will be racing between themselves...(this is what the Muslims prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has stated in an authentic narration(we do have science of narration to determine the degree of authenticity)...actually most muslims nowdays and also their so-called scholars now are so ignorance about this...)
what did the Mesengger pbuh said: One of the big sign of "The End of The World" is when the arabs/nomad people...previously always hungry, walked with barefeet, don't have enough cloth...will compete agressively with each other building lofty building/high rise
and at that time no one really understand what does the prophet pbuh is saying!!!!
proof no. 1 ... the tallest building in the world is in arab country
proof no.2 .... the tallest building in the europe is in london where the ownership is owned 93% by a Qatar (arab) firm...
and who build towers in Arab country (steel structural)...?
sendai lah ...99% sure all high rise project will be won by sendai
the competition between (stupid) arabs nowdays for high rise building is now only at the beginning...hehehe


2013-04-26 12:40 | Report Abuse

but the cancellation of project in India is quite dissapointing...higher capital needed to execute the project...MKLand doesn't have enough capital to execute , :(


2013-04-26 12:37 | Report Abuse

excellent news... but selling pressure is still exist...remember LBS sales of land in china...the price fell everyday after that news...jaga...and don't forget that the day when there was latest news regarding mkland in newspaper...datuk kasi dumped 18m shares, he might do this again when volume is high...hehehe...datuk kasi...kasih dumped 80m more shares!!! hehehe


2013-04-25 17:22 | Report Abuse

ok first time closed at 30.5 waiting to move to 0.30 ...kalau ini kaunter takda chance mau naik...., 20 cent or will it be 16 cents...will be nice? boleh cover gua punya rugi... Actually this counter can break 0.34 before , if not for that anak lelaki kalaniappan dumping his stock for only that day...not a patient oldman ...and when he realizes his mistake and ignorance...i hope he will dump all his share. Encik Kasi ...cepat kasih betul2...hehehe


2013-04-25 17:12 | Report Abuse

well ccdev...u're right... i'm waiting for-as u said- : socalled "readied answers"...yes i do not deny this ... but the answers are accurate...don't u think so...just read my last post as a reply to OTB...hehehe ....and i'm not more experience than everybody else... i just want to prove that Mr OTB is not that confident ...about the deal, .....WHAT HE REALLY CONFIDENT IS ABOUT THE VALUATION OF KHSB LANDS ...this is not subjective as u said ...the qustions are objective-typed ... my writing in english is not that great or good... but it seems that u ccdev are very poor to understand it...english dapat berapa spm/stpm? hancur kah? hehehe


2013-04-25 17:02 | Report Abuse

now mr otb...i've check your links...for l&g ....2 billions (just projected) and for 8 years!!!....glupp and your last statement is the answer that i'm waiting... so what is your last statement to me: ok let me paste it for u...
OTB: "In stock market, there is no sure deal"
now it's true that u're confident that the "valuation" is as it is (and for this we do NOT need u to emphasize...because people in here...many of us can check and verify)
so your confidence of THE DEAL (again we're not talking about 'valuation') this : "In stock market, there is no sure deal"


2013-04-24 18:56 | Report Abuse

so now u believe not only in 'the valuation'(no need to emphasize this)... but also in 'the deal' ...but u just stated 'believe' in the deal... not confidence to a certain degree like u said for "the valuation" do u refuse to tell us the degree of confidence for 'the deal' now by just saying 'believe'... i know u knew all the meanings of my questions...but seems your answers are always not parallel to questions ... so that u will not escape anymore..., the question is now about """the degree of confidence""" for the DEAL /and don't talk about valuation anymore, we already understand that


2013-04-24 18:44 | Report Abuse

and mr otb your posting:
L&G, I was told the profit from Foresta is very good, 2 billion sales for this project. I was upset because of management credibility. I like L&G is because of potential profit from Foresta.

I do not have any further information, sorry ! cannot help you.
are u kidding? 2 billions???!!! sales? or is projected revenue?common for the last 3 quarters L&G CUMMULATIVE revenue was only 133m..
...and u was 'told'??? u punya cerita selalu tak sumber
Makin lama/banyak i tanya u... makin ternampak kesilapan u


2013-04-24 18:33 | Report Abuse

ccdev... aku cakap lain...kau cakap lain... u tak paham ke the confidence of
1. the valuation
2. the deal
they're not the same ...u bacalah betul2 otb postings ...he is confident about the 'valuation'...not the 'deal'... aku dah solve ini prob pun ada org tak faham


2013-04-24 18:27 | Report Abuse

wah ini khalil sudah beli...gua suda cabut ...rugi ...tapi banyak bullet ni miskin pun mau beli? lu belilah sanichi ke ...patimas ke ....hahaha kalau rugi habislah pasal lu miskin... gua tak kaya tapi banyak juga capital...haha


2013-04-24 17:45 | Report Abuse

no one need to say he believe 200% in the valuation and he had check few times...there's no need to say this, because the others just need to check to verify the info...we're talking about 'other thing' which is 'the believe of the deal' fr all your postings before...with 'confidence' just about "valuation"????!!!! not about THE DEAL ???? wah now u're becoming a lawyer .... so could i conclude that ""your confidence about THE DEAL"" is less than 100%? i think i got it now and solve it...if anyone understand the two TERMS/istilah


2013-04-24 17:36 | Report Abuse

so the 'aforesaid info'= 200% confidence is actually about valuation (that's what i understand fr your 'aforesaid')... so it's not about 'your confidence' of ""the deal"" ...u're creepy mr OTB , sorry


2013-04-24 17:27 | Report Abuse

rebounce macam ajak2 ayam je