
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2016-06-16 14:34 | Report Abuse

Let readers decide, let admin do their work. Hehe


2016-06-16 14:32 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.08, flattish. Stocks weak because market sentiment negative. Still think the market weakness is temporary only but does not hurt to be careful a bit. Big picture for gloves still negative - Top Gloves results yesterday is an indication of the many headwinds near term. Still like AA, EG, Padini and Armada. As usual, be careful online, would you trust someone who is afraid other people know what they wrote previously? Happy Investing!


2016-06-16 14:03 | Report Abuse

Better stop or you need to change ID again.


2016-06-16 14:01 | Report Abuse

No need to argue. Let readers decide. Let admin do their work.


2016-06-16 13:43 | Report Abuse

Yes but the Edge did not claim to be 100% correct, did not say sure make money. Kai89 did and his accomplices like ETmoney supported his claims repeatedly. Also the Edge will not harass you if you do not have the same view as them. Kai89 and his group harassed many people, until using crude words etc. Investo is doing the forum a big favour by standing up to these fraudsters.


2016-06-16 12:11 | Report Abuse

Let readers decide. Hehe.


2016-06-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

merck scared readers check my historical post and realize how he has been lying. Readers should also check out merck's historical post to see if Investo posted any unfair old posts about him. Please check, nothing to hide. Hehe


2016-06-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

True but invest in call warrants only if you are very bullish about the mother share. If not, be careful as call warrants can make and lose money very quickly.


2016-06-16 11:58 | Report Abuse

Readers should check out the actual post by looking at my historical comments and see if what merck posted on me is true. Readers not stupid. Hehe


2016-06-16 11:15 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.09, just a little stronger this morning. Market sentiment still concern over Brexit issue later this month.


2016-06-16 09:07 | Report Abuse

Big picture unchanged. The Fed kept rates unchanged as expected. Continue to believe market weakness temporary only. On gloves, big picture remains weak. Supermax may do a technical rebound after falling so much since bad results but gains may be limited. I prefer stocks which will benefit from lower commodity prices or a more competitive ringgit eg AA, EG, F&N. Some oil stocks look interesting now too eg Armada. As usual be careful on this forum, before believing anyone it might be wise to have a look at their track record, do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-06-15 18:13 | Report Abuse

Investo, very long la, let me summarize: merck in April at about RM2.80 supported Kai89's call to buy, at end May at about RM2.60 just before poor results, he recommended investors to hold because must look at future and now at about RM2.20 he calls buy again.


2016-06-15 14:17 | Report Abuse

Supermax up 3%, suspect it is a technical rebound only. Big picture for gloves still weak so upside is limited. Traders on Supermax should be cautious not to chase the price too high or might get trapped. As usual, do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-06-15 10:42 | Report Abuse

Still waiting for lower price to reenter but so far correction very shallow only.


2016-06-15 10:13 | Report Abuse

ringgit weaker a bit this morning at 4.108. This is due to flight to safety and may not improve sentiment on exporters.


2016-06-15 08:56 | Report Abuse

Markets look risky short term but big picture remains unchanged so I suspect the market weakness is temporary only. Nevertheless, always good to be careful and it won't hurt to raise some cash. Would still give Supermax and gloves a miss for now due to short term headwinds. I would continue to collect stocks which would benefit from lower commodity prices and a more competitive ringgit. As usual, do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-06-14 18:32 | Report Abuse

Big picture on gloves negative, said this everyday for months - readers can easily check historical comments for confirmation. Despite falling so much, Supermax still fell a further 4% today! Those who did not understand big picture got trapped and loss money. Also, some could have been lured to buy by those making exaggerated buy calls. Always exercise good judgement, often what is written reflects the type of person who wrote it. Also don't follow anyone's calls blindly. Have a happy evening!


2016-06-14 16:16 | Report Abuse

Valuation ok, FA mixed but big picture negative.


2016-06-14 15:50 | Report Abuse

ringgit weaken further to 4.099 but this is due to temporary flight to safety, unlikely to improve sentiment on gloves.


2016-06-14 11:13 | Report Abuse

Total picture = big picture + FA + TA + lots of luck


2016-06-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

The FA is mixed while the big picture is negative.


2016-06-14 10:34 | Report Abuse

ckkhen, glad to hear you avoided bigger losses. Padini good for long term. If you can take more risk, go for Armada, EG and even AA. I have no crystal ball, can be wrong but big picture suggests they are good stocks to buy now if can hold.


2016-06-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

The continued falls in bond yields are noteworthy. Impact on Brexit expected to be temporary only. Raising some cash is always a good idea when markets are uncertain but I believe there isn't a need to sell out or drastically change our stock portfolio or strategy. The big picture has not changed. On gloves, i would still give them a miss for now as there are still short term headwinds. Continue to like AA, EG, Padini, Armada,. F&N. As usual, do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-06-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

Keep eye on big picture as markets could be choppy short term. Many stocks down today. Big picture of glove still weak.


2016-06-13 18:45 | Report Abuse

Investo, I think Kai89 and group have been thinking very hard how to chase you away from the forum but so far they only managed to insult themselves with the crude words and lies, some had to hide in new ID and some also had their accounts suspended. You doing a good; job! Hopefully less people will be trapped by them.


2016-06-13 16:58 | Report Abuse

Readers can check track record on Supermax, gloves, AA, Padini, EG, Armada and even ringgit. Nothing to hide.


2016-06-13 16:57 | Report Abuse

Everyday I update my view, your got problem reading?


2016-06-13 16:51 | Report Abuse

Because all Kai89 group, admin also knows and that is why suspended la.


2016-06-13 16:48 | Report Abuse

Admin also agree you all abuse the forum and that is why you guys get suspended.


2016-06-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

Readers should check the actual post and see if the comments are true or fake. Then readers wiil know who is lying. Readers not stupid.


2016-06-13 16:45 | Report Abuse

You said QR don't look good but your agreed with Kai89 good time to buy April. That means you got the call wrong.


2016-06-13 16:25 | Report Abuse

ringgit steady at 4.088, reflecting short term market risks.


2016-06-13 16:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by merck: Apr 5, 2016 09:44 AM | Report Abuse

Nov, Dec, Jan a bit slow down due to year end long holiday. Feb or March onward will pick up. They want to stock more glove before raw material price increase and strengthening of RM. Manufacturer can alwalys pass this increase to glove user. But I believe glove user start to accumulated stock by putting in more purchase now. So, I agree with Kai89, end April is good time


2016-06-13 16:01 | Report Abuse

Same complaint, get a life, hehe


2016-06-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

Market down 16 points. Market risks short term.


2016-06-13 09:41 | Report Abuse

Investo, yah Kai89 and his fake IDs seem to be missing. They tried to chase you away but you turned the table around and managed to chase the fraudsters away instead. Hehe. Like they say, good will always win bad in the end. Good job! If true, then readers on this forum will now get a more balanced view on Supermax.


2016-06-13 09:00 | Report Abuse

Ringgit weakness over the weekend was more about flight to safety and therefore it may not improve sentiment on exporters as expected. There is short term market risk ahead of the FOMC meeting this week and Brexit later in the month. Big picture on gloves remain unexciting. I would give them a miss and instead look at stocks which will benefit from lower commodity prices or a more competitive ringgit. As usual do your own research and do not follow anyone's calls blindly. Happy Investing!


2016-06-10 17:35 | Report Abuse

Actually long term valuation ok but I suspect no hurries to buy as still got headwinds in near term. No need to take the risk here. Much better risk-reward in other stocks.


2016-06-10 17:31 | Report Abuse

Armada unchanged despite weaker oil prices. Good sign of continued interests in stock.


2016-06-10 14:31 | Report Abuse

Ringgit weakens to 4.07. Ringgit staying choppy, expected to stay within a narrow band around 4.0 - 4.1 near term.


2016-06-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

Oil relatively stable, holding up well above $50. Interest on Armada may continue.


2016-06-10 09:58 | Report Abuse

Yah disappointing a bit.


2016-06-10 09:26 | Report Abuse

I heard Armada no longer syariah compliant, is that a worry?


2016-06-10 08:46 | Report Abuse

Big picture has been negative on gloves for months and i have tried my best to warn readers daily on this forum. Therefore it is a pity to hear readers still being caught and losing money on gloves. That shows how important it is to make sure readers get a balanced view on this forum instead of allowing fraudsters to control the calls here.

On big picture, Draghi's comments overnight following World Bank's downgrade of global growth for 2016 and 2017 were noteworthy. On gloves, they have fallen a lot YTD and long term valuation is OK. But I suspect it is still not time to buy yet, gloves face substantial big picture headwinds in the near term. For now prefer stocks which will benefit from more competitive ringgit eg EG. For the longer term I would start to look at some battered oil & gas stocks eg Armada. Happy Investing!


2016-06-10 08:29 | Report Abuse

Hehe. I also want to know. So far the profit taking has been very shallow.


2016-06-10 08:28 | Report Abuse

You are really bullish about EG. Although I can keep for longer term, would be good to see some short term action too. hehe


2016-06-10 08:27 | Report Abuse

Oil prices retraced slightly last night. Maybe there will be some profit taking on oil & gas stocks this morning? Its Friday as well.


2016-06-09 17:32 | Report Abuse

No action today, fortunately I bought for longer term.


2016-06-09 15:03 | Report Abuse

Pity some people did not pay enough attention to the big picture which suggested a sell for months.


2016-06-09 14:45 | Report Abuse

First correction for a long time, still very shallow so far.